Let's Talk About Eggs, Baby



  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Eggs are, ounce for ounce, one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet. You can thank the 80s for the "eggs ohnoes" bull****.

    Also, there have been numerous studies done debunking the whole don't eat eggs if you're watching your cholesterol myth...dietary cholesterol has no substantial bearing on blood serum levels in the vast majority of people...in rare cases yes...but the vast majority of people aren't going to see any change in the blood serum levels from dietary cholesterol intake.

    Yeah, I came across something a few months ago saying that dietary cholesterol only affects your cholesterol levels by about 5% or so. The rest is lifestyle and genetics.
  • rara29510
    rara29510 Posts: 11 Member
    I eat hard-boiled eggs almost daily - along with two slices of turkey bacon - Yummo! Not preventing me from losing weight and has not affected my cholesterol as of yet.. :)))
  • ab_1203
    ab_1203 Posts: 88 Member
    Ive been eating 5 whole eggs a day and under 20g saturated fat a day for months. I love the balance of fat and protein in them.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Eat the eggs. All of them.
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    You guys are awesome. Thanks for all your knowledgeable replies. (and the salt n pepa songs that are now stuck in my head) I will continue to enjoy my eggs.
  • royaldrea
    royaldrea Posts: 259 Member
    Salt 'n Pepa agree.
    Eggs are delicious and good!

    Well if Salt n Pepa approve...

    Spinderella fry it up one time

    Ahhh fry it. F..f... Fry it REAL GOOD

    Whatta egg whatta egg whatta egg whatta mighty good egg (he's a mighty mighty good egg)

    lolol I hate y'all, y'all are ridiculous.

    Thanks for asking OP, I recently started eating 2 hardboiled eggs on my workout mornings and thought that it should be ok, but was a bit worried nonetheless.

    To anyone who feels like answering, what (in addition to genetics) does lead to high cholesterol, if not dietary choices? Being overweight?
  • amosmoses88
    amosmoses88 Posts: 163 Member
    I eat eggs every day. Some say they get tired of it, but I honestly LOVE eggs now. I normally just eat 9TB(equal to 3 eggs) of egg whites, but when I run out (like now) I eat whole eggs. I PREFER egg whites over whole eggs ANY DAY. Plus they are better for you. But eggs in general are great for you. Lots of great protein in them!
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I believe the cholesterol thing with eggs has been debunked...eggs have the good kind or something like that. However, they still have a bit of a bad rep because of that deal. A lot of people still think they aren't a great think to eat because of it.

    They are very good for you, from what I've read. If you are trying to cut calories, it's best for your nutition to still eat some yolk as that is where the majority of the nutition lies. So if you make scrammbled eggs, make them with some egg whites and some whole eggs for lower calories but nutional value. Personally I think it's the yolk that keeps you full longer too, though I've never done any research to check this out :-)

    I agree with this - the yolks contain fat which helps keep me satiated for longer!
  • ZOOpergal
    ZOOpergal Posts: 176 Member
    I think the "back away slowly" response is because eggs are notorious for giving people gas... no?:tongue:
  • An unpopular opinion around here (sorry!), but the reputable Physicians Health Study (also referred to as the Harvard Egg Study) found that morbidity and mortality due to heart failure were increased in individuals who consumed more than 6 eggs per week. I try to stick to 6-7 a week for this reason. But that's just my two cents!

    In moderation, eggs are super good for you though.

    Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18195171?dopt=Citation

  • To anyone who feels like answering, what (in addition to genetics) does lead to high cholesterol, if not dietary choices? Being overweight?

    Being overweight, genetic predisposition (familial hypercholesterolemia), and saturated fat intake (though that's dietary).
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    An unpopular opinion around here (sorry!), but the reputable Physicians Health Study (also referred to as the Harvard Egg Study) found that morbidity and mortality due to heart failure were increased in individuals who consumed more than 6 eggs per week. I try to stick to 6-7 a week for this reason. But that's just my two cents!

    In moderation, eggs are super good for you though.

    Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18195171?dopt=Citation

    Cohort study. Needs to be randomized controlled to prove causation.
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Love eggs. Having 1 egg and 2 turkey sausages for dinner with one slice toast. Nobody can stop me!
  • bleep
    bleep Posts: 68 Member
    I notice many of you eat hard boiled eggs. I would like to have one or two now and again but I have no patience for them lol. I suppose maybe you cook them in bulk ahead of time?
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I notice many of you eat hard boiled eggs. I would like to have one or two now and again but I have no patience for them lol. I suppose maybe you cook them in bulk ahead of time?
    lots of 'em. Use a muffin pan and bake them.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I have a two-egg cheese omelette every morning for breakfast. I also put sour cream in it, and I cook it in bacon grease. I'm not dead yet.
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    I believe the cholesterol thing with eggs has been debunked...eggs have the good kind or something like that. However, they still have a bit of a bad rep because of that deal. A lot of people still think they aren't a great think to eat because of it.

    They are very good for you, from what I've read. If you are trying to cut calories, it's best for your nutition to still eat some yolk as that is where the majority of the nutition lies. So if you make scrammbled eggs, make them with some egg whites and some whole eggs for lower calories but nutional value. Personally I think it's the yolk that keeps you full longer too, though I've never done any research to check this out :-)

    Yup yup yup! I have an egg a day :) helps keep feeling good. I don't have it for breakfast I have it for lunch with my salad. But I really enjoy it!
  • bleep
    bleep Posts: 68 Member
    I notice many of you eat hard boiled eggs. I would like to have one or two now and again but I have no patience for them lol. I suppose maybe you cook them in bulk ahead of time?
    lots of 'em. Use a muffin pan and bake them.
    Whoa, bake them? This sounds interesting.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I think one of the Egg Council guys has been getting to you! :laugh:
