How can I speed up my weight loss without exercise?



  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    The only way to speed it up is exercise or eat less. Since you are already miserable with restricting the amount you eat and struggling not to binge, if you lower your intake even more you are setting yourself up to fail.

    What you need, if you truly want long term success (meaning develop long lasting healthy eating habits that allow you to lose the weight AND - the truly hard part- KEEP IT OFF verses just getting the weight off), is PATIENCE. You didn't put it on in 6 months, it doesn't come off in six months.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Sorry - I'm not going to sugar coat this and I will agree with many of the posters above.... Suck it up buttercup!!!! If you really truly want to lose weight, then you need to get up off the couch and start moving more!! I promise the more you exercise the more your body will crave it. It does not have to be painful. Find something you enjoy - go for a walk, go dancing, swimming, yoga. Find a friend who can workout with you. But the truth is - if you want quicker and better results - you will need to find some sort of exercise!

    Eat less - move more = weight loss!!
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    You really should just deal with the fact that in life, we have to do things we don't like sometimes if we want to reap the benefits. You don't have to run a marathon or anything like that, but try just walking for half an hour 3-4 times per week. Easy peasy.
  • Treacheiro
    Treacheiro Posts: 6 Member
    I don't expect sympathy from anyone and I admitted to one of my flaws outright. I make no pretenses about myself, I know I'm not doing what is right by adding exercise and changing everything I eat. I am only asking for advice on small changes that may help me speed up the process. If I wanted to change everything I eat and exercise all the time I would but I've been down that road before.. I felt better in body but I was still miserable because everything tasted bland and I felt like eating those foods was only a chore. I don't want to go back down that road again.
  • wkbrdr991
    Look into Keto. Since 1/27 of this year I have lost 19 pounds, no exercise, still drinking, and a cheat day a week.
  • lesliescrazy
    Start with some easy exercises like just going for a walk around your block or download an app or two on your phone/ipad whatever you might have. I've used the Fit Star app and I really like it. It's super simple and quick (like 15 minutes)--If you can't (or won't) spend much time exercising. Something is better than nothing.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You lost 8 pounds in 4 weeks, is that accurate? Congratulations! That's right on track with where you should be, already.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I would suggest lowering carbs. If you are sedentary most of the day you won't need as many carbs as someone that exercises. Don't go crazy low, but if you lower carbs and eat more protein in it's place it might help.

    BUT, I would mostly suggest you get some exercise. You might get thin, but you are unlikely to have long term good heatlh without exercise. Surely there is some activity you like or can tolerate other than lying and sitting.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Crystal Meth. I think they sell it at wal-mart.

    I prefer crack, thank you.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    You want to lose 54 pounds. You said at your current pace that will take half a year. THAT IS AMAZING!

    Half a year to lose 54 pounds would be AWESOME! That is about 2 pounds a week, and healthy weightloss is between 1-2 pounds a week.

    Just continue to do what you are doing for now and be patient.

    Good luck.

    Also: FInd activities you find fun.
  • 00NL
    00NL Posts: 171 Member
    hi shinku
    it is all about creating a deficit.
    now you have to decide yourself how you are going to do it.
    there is no advice for speeding weight/fat loss.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    MFP forums is kind of a bad place to ask about shortcuts so you're not going to get the responses you're looking for. There is no substitute for hard work.

    With that being said, you can try a pre-workout supplement like C4 to help you get "energy" for working out. Keep pushing the intensity of your workout. Change your workouts every 4-6 weeks. Add weights. Keep your heart rate UP. Have you considered Stronglift program?

    Anyways, best of luck.
  • michael99940
    michael99940 Posts: 1 Member
    ECA stack
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    do you want to be back here NEXT February, asking the same question, but with even more to lose?

    Because, statistically, that is the most realistic outcome of trying to lose it too fast.
  • gieshagirl
    gieshagirl Posts: 102 Member
    hey i have the same struggle. i have a job that isnt very active and i love food. for me, i kept a log of when i ate, amount, mood and what i was doing right before eating. what i found is that i eat when stressed and tv isnt my friend. i also noted if i had a snack how long did it last me until craving again. what i found was crazy! i need 1/2 cup of milk(skim) 30 min before bed to not have to feel deprived. i ate off salad plates because my mind rebels at an empty plate (like im being deprived) and if i have to have something not on my diet...i wait 15 min...and get 1 big bite and throw the rest 1st my frugal mind had a problem with this until i realized that somewhere in my brain...i was already starting to time out the next 15 min...until the thing was heading for my hips not the trash. this helps me a lot. also, it takes 20 minutes from the time the food hits your stomach until the signal hits the brain that you have eaten anything....slow down eating...this may also help. i started walking at work durring lunch. i take a sandwich and water and doesnt seem like much but it makes a huge diffrence. i hope some of this you can use and keep trying!! your health is very much worth the effort!
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    Look into Keto. Since 1/27 of this year I have lost 19 pounds, no exercise, still drinking, and a cheat day a week.

    No. Please don't push pills, or fads.

    You are on the right track, eating less and doing so in moderation. This is the safest and most effective way to lose weight, no pills, fad diets, or shakes are going to speed up a thing without unpleasant side effects down the road. You have your 1st steps down, if you want to lose more, or a little faster, then add another step by adding some exercise. Small steps add up to big changes!
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    I don't expect sympathy from anyone and I admitted to one of my flaws outright. I make no pretenses about myself, I know I'm not doing what is right by adding exercise and changing everything I eat. I am only asking for advice on small changes that may help me speed up the process. If I wanted to change everything I eat and exercise all the time I would but I've been down that road before.. I felt better in body but I was still miserable because everything tasted bland and I felt like eating those foods was only a chore. I don't want to go back down that road again.

    You are not reading correctly, at all. Who said change everything you eat and exercise all day long. FFS - stop whining and making excuses for yourself. If you want to do this, then you will; if you don't want it bad enough yet (mentally), then you will keep wanting people who HAVE worked hard to coddle you and tell you it's ok to eat nothing and sit on your *kitten* all day. Good luck with that. Btw, my diary is wide open. Free free to take a gander at the homemade cookies and treats and fruits and veggies and protein I consume. I eat what I want, but less of it than I did before. You are too focused on the restriction part and that, to me, is much more painful than any exercise.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I lost a LOT w/ mono. just slept it right off.

    probably not the best long-term goal though.

    here's the thing: NONE OF US got to the sizes we did b/c we LIKE to work out.

    BUT there is a trick!!!! there are roughly 42 gabillion ways to work out. you are bound to genuinely LIKE one of them. Nature lover? grab some boots and a camera and a bottle of water, hike and take pics. want to mindlessly move while watching TV? I do! I got a stationary bike and put it in front of my TV. more social? take a class. no idea? look around while here, SOMETHING is going to look like it might just be FUN.

    there are so many ways to move. try out a bunch until you try one and think "I wanna do that AGAIN!!"
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I know it sounds bad of me

    but I really hate exercising.. I'll admit it, I'm lazy. I desperately want to lose weight

    Apparently not THAT desperately.

    I apologize for sounding harsh, but what you're hoping for is unrealistic. If you want to expedite weight loss, you need to work out. Cutting calories further will do nothing, it will only result in lean muscle loss, which will only make you look worse than when you started out.

    Don't make the mistake of thinking everyone who works out LOVES it. Most of the time it downright blows. But we we know it's the best and most efficient way of reaching our goals, so we do it, even when we feel lazy or unmotivated. The good news is, if you stick to is consistently enough, you'll start to hate it less and less, and maybe eventually grow to like it.
  • Calhoun007
    I know it can seem very overwhelming at first. I also hate exercising, but I FORCE myself to do it everyday. Walking is good if you don't think you could stand anything more intense. Even if its parking farther out from stores in parking lots, or just around your house. Do you like to dance? Just playing some music and dancing for fun can be a great form of cardio.