
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: texasgal- I will look up that chart on the internet. Seems like helpful info. "Keeping things in perspective" like you said, sounds like my kind of quote. Thanks.
    :flowerforyou: Cynthia - mfp tdoes not like certain words. Quite funny the first time that happened to me. ****. See what I mean?
    :flowerforyou: nccarol - you are welcome. I got side tracked, but will message you back too. I love the support here too. So non-judgmental, yet practical.
    :flowerforyou: Meg - I wish you better and less stressful times. Taking a step back sometimes is the ticket. I've done it myself. We will be here for you when you return. :heart:
    :flowerforyou: Sandy - you are doing amazing. Love that feeling of power, when you realize how much better you are doing, and how far you have come. I admire your persistence.
    :flowerforyou: Barbie - I love your story about the smiling lady who came to your dance class for the first time. If she is there next time, tell her she put a smile on my face too!
    :flowerforyou: Katla - how is your DH?

    I am awake in the middle of the night! So must get some more sleep in. Sunday daughter and toddler is coming. Today I felt her little baby boy kicking! She is a beautiful pregnant mommy.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Awake since 3am..........long yoga session at 9 today (no tai chi, so double yoga). Worried about DD; when I talked to her Thurs. night, she could hardly speak thru tears and won't tell me what is wrong. Sounded a tiny bit better yesterday late afternoon but said she had gone to no classes or her library job Friday---not like her and NOT a good sign. Have a friend I've been unable to get in touch with all week; a breast cancer survivor who lost a brother not too long ago; concerned greatly there---I've known her 25+ yrs. and this is not like her. Still stressed over all those wasted hrs. yesterday.................just stressed, period. Wish I could just scream at the top of my lungs and get some release.

    On to read the paper and shower. Already looking forward to nap later...........
    Have read posts, very best to everyone........hope you all enjoy the day!

    ps......teral.......interesting chart!!!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Down a total of 9 kg today! Woohoo! :bigsmile:

    For the horse groomers: grooming a muddy horse is a piece of cake. But only if you let it dry first. :laugh:

    Hope everyone has a good day; strength to those who need it.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Margaret :smile: Having my water and coffee with you:drinker: :drinker: ! Glad you got to movie with son!

    Lucy :smile: Hope your elbow is feeling better:flowerforyou: !!! Positive affirmations are a wonderful way to start your day, and end the day! Hoping for the best with you and your daughter:flowerforyou: !

    Katla :smile: Hope hubby is feeling better today:flowerforyou: !

    Sylvia :smile: Congrats on putting that candy back on the shelf:bigsmile: !

    Heather :smile: I`m longing for the day I see the trees flowering and the flowers blooming:flowerforyou: ! I know you will have such fun with DGS baking and decorating the cupcakes:love: !

    Sandy :smile: I think you should have a gold medal…woo hoo:bigsmile: :flowerforyou: !!!

    Joyce :smile: I love the quotes!!! Thank you for sharing them:heart: !

    Jane Martin :smile: Hope your friend gets to come home:flowerforyou: !!!

    Michele :smile: We had a thunderstorm yesterday morning, and it was a bit muggy walking the track! Next week it`s supposed to go back to winter time:frown: , high`s in the 40`s. Enjoy FL and the sunshine:glasses: !!!

    Pennie in TX :smile: I say rock the orange tips:bigsmile: !!! If it`s not the trend, start one!!!!

    Meg :smile: Hope your weekend is wonderful and you can distress and relax:flowerforyou: !

    Yanniejannie :smile: WOW…really, 6 hours:noway: …you deserve a gold medal for waiting! I can`t believe that don`t take appts! Hope everything is okay with your daughter and your friend:flowerforyou: !! Hope you get your nap this afternoon:yawn: !

    Barbie :smile: I got a giggle out of Bernie being the “plateau King”:laugh: ! Sounds like your day was absolutely wonderful!

    Carol in NC :smile: Good sleep and a little fresh air can certainly make you feel better:glasses: ! Glad your daughter is healing, hope you can find out what’s going on with your son:flowerforyou: . Is he on the new meds?

    Sue in TX :smile: It`s wonderful to see you back!!! Sounds like a fun but long golf game. Have a great weekend!

    Teral :smile: Love the chart! I tend to want salty foods, interesting…

    Renny :smile: Hope you got back sleep:yawn: !

    It`s Saturday…YAY!!! I`m meeting a friend for coffee and then going shopping:bigsmile: ! I really need to be cleaning the house, but it`s not nearly as fun as shopping is:tongue: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in NC:glasses:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Yanniejannie: Thinking of you! :flowerforyou:

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn,all. Thanks for the bits of help & advice.H ave thought it thru,but can 't find much to change. Hopefully
    Weather will soon be a bit better for getting back to gym class. Love the water aerobics.

    All the snow melted from several days of sun/warmer temps. Spring is coming!!

    Had some side/back pain,kind of under ribs.Took a couple days to remember that pain,so think it's Pleurisy.Had it a couple times yrs ago.All I can do now is not lift anything much & be very careful sitting down or getting up. Why do these things always happen
    on the wk ends? Will call Dr Monday ....Prob need antibiotics.

    Diet wise,I'm just doing same ole things. Don't often use sugar,seldom have a sweet treat,but do if I want it. Trying not to quit any one food group.Thinking about what could be changed in my diet......found nothing. Calorie count is low,the only oil I use is in my own salad dressing.....1/2 tsp measured. Even take it when we eat out.Have 2 slices of bread a day,if needed for lunch sandwich.
    Good thing I love veggies.Dinner yesterday was a salmon patty with a spray of Pam,huge plate of cooked cabbage,3 yummy carrots
    & onions with a butter pat,S&P ,1/2C cottage cheese.

    Someone mentioned having my food dairy open.
    It's not...... because with food I can't find,will add quick calories.Also,my breakfast,lunch & snacks are most always the same thing.....so easier to just put calorie count there. So will just keep on keeping on.

    Good thoughts for those who need them & a great well done for those doing well. Pat in Ohio

    Ps,the beach is a picture from our grand daughter in Fl
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    Good morning again,
    I am joining Yanniejannie and Renny with my sleeping. I was awake from 4.30 until 7.0 then drifted off until 8.0 Feel fine now, but had to work hard on calming my overactive brain! Tried meditation, lovingkindness and visualization, which helped.

    Yanniejannie - I feel for you and your caring heart.:heart: Do try to give yourself as much love as you show to others.:heart: Can you use some yoga techniques to centre yourself? :flowerforyou:

    Carol - glad your state of mind is improving. My nephew had horrible stomach pains when he started at secondary school and improved with children's group therapy sessions, but it may not be the same thing at all. :flowerforyou:

    Meg- wishing you less stress.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love:

    Renny - have fun with your grandchild! What fun to feel the expected one!:love:

    Katla - I do my face exercises when I am on my gym machines, or sometimes while I am watching tv.

    I would like to encourage those who are living with aches and pains as a result of weight gain. I used to have bad pain at night and found getting up to the toilet a major undertaking. That has gone now. I also had swollen ankles which I was told would never go way as it was the result of adhesions from ligament damage. That has greatly improved with weight loss and arch exercises. I had a hugely swollen arm from lymphodema and given a poor prognosis. With treatment and weight loss that is greatly improved.
    So, there is hope.

    I have lost a couple of those entertaining lbs. Hooray! One more to go! Greatly relieved.
    The cauliflower fritatta was delicious and even better cold for lunch today. DH was ecstatic! I will make it again for a cold lunch for visitors. Only about 280 cals a portion.

    Lots of love. I can hear the birds twittering in the sunshine. I have realised I haven't been outside the house since Monday! ! ! ! ! ! ! Will stroll down to the post box now to post back my French film. I am not entirely comfortable outside, not in a phobia way, but it takes something to get me out there. I'm better in the city, but slightly uneasy in the countryside. All that sky! :laugh: :laugh: :tongue:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Saturday. Wonder where February went? We're going out to sons ranch today so we plan to hike up the "mountain". It's more like a big hill but does have some elevation. Love reading about everyone's life and activities. I was telling someone about a "friend" who did something and I realized I won't ever meet that friend because she is a MFP friend. However, I feel like I know more about her than I do most of my friends I see all the time.
    Slowly getting back in the habit of logging each meal. At first I did breakfast and lunch but am getting dinner logged now. Need to drink more water. Yesterday I got more water after 9 holes of golf and promptly left it in the pro shop so the last 9 holes I had no water. I was so thirsty when I got home!
    Have a great day and enjoy living each minute.
    Sue in TX
  • Roseygirl1
    Roseygirl1 Posts: 196 Member
    Back online after 2 days dealing the nasty GI bug going around. First my son, then me. Hopefully it stops before it gets my hubby and younger son!

    Heading off now to the farmer's market for a week's worth of veggies. Makes eating healthfully that much easier.

    Wishing all a very restful and restorative weekend.

  • Hi I'm new to this site but this is a group for me:). I had a bad dinner last night but I decide to own it post the food and not let it dictate my next meal. I'm guilty of beating myself up over choices that have been made and then holding on to them for more punishment. Well not today it's done and on to the next meal. I'm taking a yoga class today and kinda excited about it. I'm trying to love what I have now as I go through this process.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    morning ladies,almost afternoon, had breakfast, did a load of laundry and cleaned out 2 closets, its amazing all the cra- you accumulate over the years.. time to hoe out:ohwell:
    going over to my FIL, then to Sam's and for pizza.. then back home
    will check in later:drinker: :heart:
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    YannieJannie, we never quit worrying about our children. I hope everything gets better for whatever your daughter is dealing with. When we are so close to our children, their lives and ours are so intermingled. Prayers for you and her.

    To those of you who pray, please keep my Mom in your thoughts and prayers. She is 88 and lives by herself. Her dementia is getting a lot worse and there doesn't seem to be a solution for how we will deal with it when she can no longer safely live alone. She is adamant that she will not go to an assisted living facility and none of us are able to care for her.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,204 Member
    Good Morning lovely ladies,
    Deedee :drinker: joining you in a cup of coffee and lime water.

    Jane hope you are feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Heather like your ideas to calm yourself when you have trouble sleeping visualization, meditation, loving-kindness. I remind myself it is natural to wake up and take deep breaths to lull myself back to sleep.

    Paceoh beach picture a welcome sight. I too sometimes add quick calories to adjust a day or when I have trouble making a match. Are you getting good sleep? I know with pleurisy it can disrupt sleep because of the pain and coughing. I remember when I had it I took a very strong cough medicine; I know for myself that sleep can affect my weight gain and loss. Hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Rosey I have had the stomach bug twice this year. No fun. Drinking carbonated water and ginger helped me. Hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Lucy elbow OUCH!


    Yanniejannie hope DD is doing better that helps take the stress and worry away.:flowerforyou:

    Ronny and Barbie how sweet about the smiling student. Now I am smiling too.:happy:

    Teral love the chart. Lately since I am trying to reduce my processed sugar. Now I know why I eat nuts at least twice a day and a salad a day! LOL I definitely do have fewer sweet cravings.

    Carol glad you got a good night’s sleep. Understandable why you feel scattered after the week you had. Sounds like you are coming up with a plan. When I am anger I think what must be protected, what needs to be restored and make my plan accordingly. Hugs and flowers to you.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Katla hope DH diabetes is getting under control.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia hurrah for passing up the candy. Label reading often helps me make better choices too.

    Joyce like the quote "Success is the sum of the small efforts repeated day in and day out. "BABY STEPS!

    Still recovering from the snow shoveling. We had to clear our driveway twice after the snowplows went through. The hardest part is finding a place to put the snow. Driving is difficult too because the streets are all icy. A good day to stay home and rest.

    Take care of myself today, so I have a healthier tomorrow.
    Slept well.AHHHH!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee - I prefer shopping over cleaning, oh yeah, baby.
    To those of you who pray, please keep my Mom in your thoughts and prayers. She is 88 and lives by herself. Her dementia is getting a lot worse and there doesn't seem to be a solution for how we will deal with it when she can no longer safely live alone. She is adamant that she will not go to an assisted living facility and none of us are able to care for her.

    :flowerforyou: peachstategal- as you write that, I have to think of my mom. She would never have wanted to go into a care facility either, but when my dad needed it, she agreed. And they found a wonderful place. My dad died in 2007, and my mom's still there and without it her kids would be at their wits end as to what to do, because even with care facility, the kids are doing a lot. So, perhaps if you can help her understand that you will still take care of her? Not an easy dilemma.

    It is SNOWING here. Looks like xmas outside. Good thing I don't have to go anywhere today. So pretty though. Perhaps a 2nd cuppa java is in order. Wait, let me order one: "oh DH, how about another cuppa java?" Lol....see....easy.

    I know I repeat myself...but it was really special to feel that new little baby move in his mommy's tummy yesterday. I will be all set to help out DD in June when that baby boy arrives.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,604 Member
    New main photo of my gorgeous DGD Iin the outfit I bought her! Sorry it's sideways - I never seem to get it right!

    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Well not sure what happened as I lost the first part of my post. Somedays this just about puts me over the edge. It is a beauutiful day here and I am working until 3pm. Want to try and go to the movie Nebraska tonight. Last week it sold out everynight. It is at the theater downtown and they are only open Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings.
    Well not going back and try and figure out what I lost. So welcome to all the new ladies and prayers and hugs for those who need them.:cry:

    Sue--I agree I can do good alday until evening and then I want to snack and snack. I am trying to drink more water and sometimes it helps! Not always!

    Have watching the games and enjoy the skating and snowboards. They must have such strong legs. Also been watching the shoot out for the big race on Sunday. I have to come into work at 5, but since it starts at noon most if not all of the race should be done.

    Michelle- I agree with Sylvia as DH has had to take the battery out of our phones when they act up Seems to work.

    Welcome Elizabeth--sounds like you have the right mind set for this. Remember this is a lifestyle change and one day at a time.

    Lucy--Hugs and prayers for you and DD. I know watching our children hurt is not easy and I know I fight with not telling them just do as I say as I have been there and don't want you to suffer. But they have to do it on their own and all we can do is love them..

    Sandy--Good for you. You are doing sooo well. I know like yesterday DH and I were at a motorcycle show and I walked around with him for acouple hours. A year ago I would of found the first chair and sit and let him look alone. I also was surprised when I need to walk between these two chairs and I am thinking I would not fit and have to ask someone to move. Well I dicided to try and I had no trouble and didn't even come close to touching either side. I know that seems silly, but made me feel so good. How far we have come this last year.!!!!!!!!:drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Meg--Hope things settle down for you. Know that I miss you.:sad:

    Yanniejannie--hugs and prayrs. You have alot on your mind. Please take care of you!!:flowerforyou:

    peachstategal--hugs it is not easy having to take care of our parents as they age. I know I have been trying to do what I can to help my mom and dad since dad has been sick. Some of the choices that have to be made are not easy or popular. Be sure and take time for you in all of this. I said a prayer for both of you.
    Well going to sign off for the day. Remeber we are all in this together.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,990 Member
    Hello to all: I have been on the prednisone for three weeks now and have not done too bad on sleep and night sweats if I get in enough exercise during the day but the increase in appetite especially for carbs is beginning to get to me. I find myself eating things I am not sure I really want and eating them fast. I have to sit back a take a breath and try to slow down and right now that is not easy. I got to the wellness center this morning so that is done.

    Sylvia - congrats on putting the candy back on the shelf. Yeah for you!!!

    Sandy - So nice when you realize just how much more you can do and movement is so much easier.

    Glad for those of you who were able to view the horse video and enjoyed it.

    Wishing for all those who are stressed in whatever way some relaxing time this weekend even 10 minutes just to breathe.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Thanks for all your kind words. This is an incredible journey and I'm almost half way to goal. I lost another 4.2 lbs this morning.

    I'll be back later so I can read your posts.

    Enjoy your weekend :smile:

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hi All!
    Good news,friend came home today.Will be home for 8 days,then back for treatment.
    Woke up coughing,went to the dr,have an asthma flareup and brochitis.
    Hope everyone else is doing good.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita: Solar temperature lights are a blessing in my life.:love: Combined with calcium and vitamin D3, they have ended my lifelong struggle against depression. I started with solar temperature lights in my laundry room years ago, and we’ve gradually replaced bulbs that burn out with solar temperature bulbs all over our house. Good luck to you. I hope you’re feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Thanks for asking about DH. He’s doing very well these days. Tests showed no new MS lesions. Yay! Congratulations on your weight loss.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: You’ve inspired me to look at my yard. I have one primrose, and it has buds! My miniature rose bush has lots of new growth. Other than that, the plants are still looking dormant. Thanks for thinking of DH. He’s doing better these days and is craving sunshine.:flowerforyou:

    Sandy in ON: Congratulations on all your progress. Sometimes it sneaks up and surprises us that we are doing so much better than before.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker:

    Joyce: I loved the words of wisdom that you shared from a trainer’s page. Thanks!:flowerforyou:

    Michele temporarily in FL: It sounds like you’re enjoying your time in FL. Good for you.:flowerforyou:

    Ginyrl: I haven’t made cupcakes recently, but I’ve learned to make cupcakes instead of regular cakes because I can easily stay in control of my portions by eating one and keeping the rest in the freezer. I made kuchen as cupcakes in August and still have three cupcakes in the freezer. :bigsmile: If I’d made the kuchen in a pan, I would have eaten it until it was gone and I was stuffed.:noway:

    Meg: You are missed around here.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Hugs. I hope your stress slips away. Sending good thoughts for your daughter and your friend who recently lost a brother.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: I’m thinking about your dancer who is recovering from a stroke. She must be a strong and courageous person.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: Lucky you to be meeting a friend for coffee and shopping. Sounds fun.:flowerforyou:

    Peachstategal: I’m sorry you have a tough situation with your mom. I went through this with my mom years ago, and have sympathy for your situation. All you can do is take each day as it comes, and make the best decisions you can at the time. :flowerforyou:

    Jane: Take care of yourself. I hope you’re feeling better soon.:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday DS and DDIL came for a visit. We played dominoes well into the night, and I ended up the winner. Guess it was my lucky day. This morning we had breakfast together and helped them load up a canoe to take with them. They’ll sell it for whatever they can get and apply the proceeds to the purchase of a new canoe. We enjoyed our time with them, and they’ve already headed for home.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack