How weird are you? Pet peeves/phobias/oddities you do?



  • ahawk56702
    ahawk56702 Posts: 136 Member
    Peeve: Corporate power in government
    Phobia: Currently that rods touch in Fukushima and spread radiation across the northern hemisphere, that we poison our food supply so badly we all start dying at 40, that the environment gets destroyed by our destructive tendencies beyond recovery, that we drain so much water from the earth that only the rich can purchase it, that I will wake up a cow in a factory, drones being used at home, and mayonaise (stuff smells so bad)
    Oddities: I'll do it for the purposes of necessity but I can't stand sitting in chairs or wearing shoes. Both are so uncomfortable and limiting.
  • reimaka17
    reimaka17 Posts: 48 Member
    Mine are mostly around food....don't eat meat off the bone, nothing out of the water, I am done if I see a vein, won't pick meat off a carcass at a barbecue.

    ^^This exactly. I only buy boneless meat. When I'm given meat with bones in them I'll only nibble on the outer layer--I won't go near the bone. I see a vein or a blood vessel I'm put off. I can't even look at carcasses without feeling sick, and I sure as heck won't scrape meat of of them.

    The water bit, too. I can eat canned tuna and imitation crab meat but that's it. I don't touch fish because I have a hard time forgetting that they were alive. That sounds stupid, I know, but it is what it is.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Pet peeves: Mouth breathers

    Phobias: Heights

    Oddities: I usually have to leave one bite of everything I eat. I just decide at that moment I am done.
  • PatheticNoetic
    PatheticNoetic Posts: 905 Member
    pet peeve: people who eat with their mouth open
    phobia: bears and spiders
    oddities: I go through phases of hating my penmanship and will change it to something different.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I like my car stereo volume on an even number, feels wrong otherwise

    yep! tv and car radio. I do 5's though, has to end in 5 or 0.
  • aa1440
    aa1440 Posts: 956 Member
    I hate people who drive in the fast lane and will not move over when people are stuck behind them. Get over.

    I am afraid of dying and getting old. (I'm a police officer.)

    I wash and clean my hands all day long. (After I shake hands with people, touch a door knob, etc.)
  • lmdavis804
    Pet peeves: Chomping/Noisy eating, sniffing, biting nails/picking nails

    Phobias: Touching paper when hands have just been washed

    Oddities: Turning off switches when nothing is plugged in - it annoys me!, having to put the nib back in of pens if they're left out

    My son has the same issue with paper!! I always thought he was kidding me, but apparently he is not the only one, good to know!
  • reimaka17
    reimaka17 Posts: 48 Member
    Peeve: Corporate power in government

    This is so beyond a peeve for me. Issues like the plutocratic reality of society, government corruption, the disadvantages and consequences of free-market capitalism-especially on a global scale through transnational corporations, large corporations in general and everything they influence (i.e., the media, large foundations, think tanks, publications, economic policies, etc), agribusinesses and corporate farming, etc, etc. It's maddening.
    Phobia: Currently that rods touch in Fukushima and spread radiation across the northern hemisphere, that we poison our food supply so badly we all start dying at 40, that the environment gets destroyed by our destructive tendencies beyond recovery, that we drain so much water from the earth that only the rich can purchase it, that I will wake up a cow in a factory, drones being used at home, and mayonaise (stuff smells so bad)

    I agree with everything save the mayonnaise. I've calmed down a lot, but this used to make really anxious to think about--people becoming sick because of all the chemicals and toxins they've pumped into everything, an outbreak of a bacteria we'd be unable to fight because they've pumped our food with so much antibiotics that we've become immune and the bacteria resistant, an apocalypse caused by the utter destruction we're causing to the earth, etc, unnaturally advanced technology, WW3, war in general, and zombies.
    Oddities: I'll do it for the purposes of necessity but I can't stand sitting in chairs or wearing shoes. Both are so uncomfortable and limiting.

    I don't understand the chair bit. Is it because they're so uncomfortable? Do sofas/couches count? Do you just stand all day unless you absolutely have to?
  • reimaka17
    reimaka17 Posts: 48 Member
    Oddities: Covering up all cameras on devices when not in use.

    Anyone else do this? It'd be nice to know I'm not the only paranoid one out there.
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Peeve: texting driver who weaves and goes 43 in a 65 zone :grumble:
    Phobias: sharks, darkness, and cancer (again) :noway:
    Oddity: a pair of matching freckles on the backs of my calves, and another matched pair of freckles on my butt cheeks :blushing:
  • 1pandabear
    1pandabear Posts: 336 Member
    Oddities: Covering up all cameras on devices when not in use.

    Anyone else do this? It'd be nice to know I'm not the only paranoid one out there.

    Just the one on my computer
  • TattooedNici
    TattooedNici Posts: 2,141 Member
    Oddities: I can't sleep with any closet doors open or mirrors facing me. I also have this "fetish" about feet: the Morton's toe is so hideous to me, it completely turns me off from the person who has it.

    Phobias: this falls under the oddities too, but it's a phobia of mine: forensic computer animation. Something about how real life an animated person is scares me to the core.

    Pet peeve: when others interrupt. That makes me become unglued in no time. "I'm sorry, did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?"
  • miniging
    I have trypophobia. Things with many little holes in them gross me out. It's more of a biological revulsion than an actual fear.
  • Biodemon
    Biodemon Posts: 143 Member
    Pet Peeve: When people sit next to me on the bus. I like my space, on both sides or one side if its a two seater. As soon as someone wants to sit next to me, I get up and move to the next empty two seater.

    Phobia: I don't have any that I am aware of. I used to have a phobia with spiders and death but I learned to be the one in power. Mwahahaha!

    Oddities: I must sleep in complete darkness! I cannot have a single light on, not even the light of the cable box or fire alarm (I covered them with tape). Little lights annoy me sooooo much. e.e
  • Polygontus
    Polygontus Posts: 218 Member
    Pet Peeves:
    When the strings on a hoodie are uneven.
    When the fronts of water polo caps are flipped in.

    I'm uncomfortable around pocket knives

    I chew on things ((pencil, pen, finger, ID, etc.))
    I have a habit of touching my collar bone, rib cage, wrists and sometimes tapping my hips.
    I randomly stretch in the middle of class.
  • ashleyblossom1
    ashleyblossom1 Posts: 699 Member
    Peeves: Stupidity, people who purposely misspell words to sound cool, arrogance, loud/ghetto people.
    People who litter especially sine I live on a mountain in CA and you always see those people coming to see snow and
    leave trash everywhere they go. And finally people who don't control their children in public. I love kids but in public make
    then stop running around bumping into people and shut them up.

    Phobias: Bug but especially spiders. Public toilets. I can't believe some people actually sit on them. I hover over it. And people
    who don't cover there mouths when they cough or sneeze and infect everything. Still heights. I love moving heights like
    roller coasters but stand on the edge of something tall bothers me. I still cry when I get a shot. Sad, I know.

    Oddities: Pimples must be popped. I try not to but I can't help it. I even pop other people's pimples. (don't judge me)
  • techgal128
    techgal128 Posts: 719 Member
    Pet peeves: Loud and/or bossy people. People that treat animals poorly.

    Phobias: I'm not a fan of wide open spaces. Especially when there are a lot of people around. I have to periodically go into a small spot to calm myself down.

    Oddities: I do things in odd numbers (always) and I get super icked out by doorknobs that are old and smell like metal. I go around cleaning them and it drives my boyfriend nuts.
  • phred_52
    phred_52 Posts: 189 Member
    peeves----college educated and think they know it all, puhleeeze. Inconsiderate shopper's who think they're the only ones in store.

    phobias----unable to go to food court in mall, my anxiety skyrockets, even though on meds for it.

    oddities----everthing that comes out of clothes dryer "must" be ironed before being put away. hangers in closet must be evenly spaced and arranged by type, and color coded by type as well. check wall picture frames with level monthly to ensure level, and many other many anal habits. one last one, being it's the funniest to me, is I take longer to ensure bathroom counter/sink/chrome as well as shower than to actually use. :laugh:
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    pet peeve. people who blow there nose without a tissue by holding one nostril. Yuk.

    phobia none.

    oddities. peanut butter and banana toasted sandwich
  • kangakev
    kangakev Posts: 2,430 Member
    I do not like hot drinks...not coffee....not tea...not hot chocolate. no hot drinks ever in my life