'selfish' for losing weight



  • BeBoppinAlong
    BeBoppinAlong Posts: 3 Member
    The healthier you are, the happier you are...I think people who say those things are toxic. Exclude them from your life if you can't, ignore them and there comments. It really makes me feel that people who discourage are mostly jealous, and unhappy with their current lifestyle... Chin up and screw them!!!
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    You get one life and you have to share it with your mind and body. If you want to feel happy and look great into the bargain then the world's your oyster and to Hell with anybody who tries to tell you otherwise! It's irked me, this one. Grrrrrr!!!
  • MyPureSteez
    MyPureSteez Posts: 265 Member
    People who are not doing, are experts at finding faults in the people who are doing.
  • Momto4minions
    Momto4minions Posts: 173 Member
    I find this interesting, in that this year, i chose a mantra for 2014 instead of a resolution. My mantra, " It is okay to be selfish!"
    I am a mom of 4. I homeschool. I am a wonderful wife. I cook all of our food from scratch, due to celiac and food allergies. I do for everyone. I noticed, that I was never doing for me. So, yes, I am in fact choosing to be selfish. I have chosen to put my health ahead of others favorite foods. I have changed meals, changed the habits for the whole house. No one else in my home is even slightly over weight, but the kids have 50% of my dna and may have issues later in life. Who knows? I am making time to exercise. I am making my health a priority...but ya know what? They love me and want me here and healthy!

    It is okay to be selfish!
  • MadInGlasvegas
    MadInGlasvegas Posts: 5 Member
    Since when making sure you are fit and healthy is selfish? When did it become compulsory to forget about ones own well being - be it physiological "health reasons" or psychological : "I want to feel good about myself and boost my confidence by being able to wear all the clothes I really like. I want to look in the mirror and say to myself Yes I like what I see and what I see is damn smoking hot!" Taking care of yourself is a primary objective for anyone especially if you are a parent or have similar kind of responsibilities. If you don't take care of yourself no one else will. If you have responsibilities and neglect yourself you are ultimately neglecting the very people who need you. The way I see it is that I have an obligation to be strong, healthy and fit not only towards myself as an concious and continuous act of self care but also towards others who rely on me for support. BE SELFISH you need to. Simple as that. Never let anyone make you feel guilty for doing what is ultimately an act of care and love towards yourself and everyone else you care about.
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    Yes you are selfish and so what!

    For me I know I have to learn to love myself before I can love anyone else. I'm finally at a point where I like what I see. Whereas before I couldn't even look in the mirror. The reality is that you could have the best personality in the world but if you're not in good health or at least visibly attractive then you are going to turn off a lot of people.

    Losing weight has increased my confidence, my health and my overall quality of life. Although I haven't lost as much as some on here my appearance is different no better, much better. I still have a way to go but if you lose weight the right way the results will speak for themselves. Who cares what others may think - your goals are entirely your own!
  • It is not selfish to want to lose weight. I have been losing weight now for ME and the HELL with everyone else. I want to look better for my own personal reason. Other need to either support me or just SHUT UP!!!!
  • _MG_
    _MG_ Posts: 453 Member
    Be selfish. It's your body and your life. What anyone else thinks is irrelevant.

  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    hey, my sole motivation at first was so i could look awesome in a wedding dress! (and i did!) but overtime, i realized that was just a cool bonus. it became to get healthier and stronger! but yes, i do workout a lot to continue to look good :) you look good, you feel good. its just a fact. your reasons may change overtime or they may not.

    you want to lose weight to fit into that dress or bathing suit or jeans? DO IT!!! lose weight for you! haters gonna hate. :)
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Seriously. My aim is to look damn fantastic in this Batman bikini I bought last year. Is health also an aim? On some level it is for everyone. But I wanna look hot!

    Haha. You're awesome OP, and don't let anyone try to hinder your success with their negativity.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I've been told that my reasons for losing weight are vain and selfish.

    Even if they were - so what?
  • loriemn
    loriemn Posts: 292 Member
    my reason for losing weight has changed so many times since I began. People will talk, I even lost a friend due to her jealousy of me wanting to better myself. Whatever do what gotta do! Piss on all the negative people
    this is awesome!!!
  • rachrach7595
    rachrach7595 Posts: 151 Member
    I think your reasons are supposed to be your own.. completely selfish... or whats the point? Most of the exterior motives come and go but it should be ALL ABOUT YOU!
    I want to lose weight so I can stop shopping in fat girl stores and wear a pair of skinny jeans :happy:
  • If you have friends and family or any responsibilities that involve supporting other people, then I believe that "selfishly" doing anything that makes you happy, and fills you up, will only leave you with more to give to others.
  • I kinda, sorta, secretly want to lose weight so I don't have to worry on dates. That an I hate the site of myself lol.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    screw them!!! Others are jealous of my size also & they just need to suck it up because I got hot!!!:laugh:
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    It is called putting yourself first.

    Sometimes you have to put yourself first or you will always come last...
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,932 Member
    There's nothing wrong with wanting to look good in clothes, or naked for that matter. If we don't take care of ourselves then no one else will either. Here's to a little vanity . . . in moderation! lol :drinker:
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Hater gonna hate ....

    Find some new friends