My husband says he isn't attracted to skinny women



  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    So...what do YOU want?

    Yeah, this.

    And I'm seriously starting to think traditional vows need to include "for skinny or for fat."
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Your husband is a "liar". All men are attracted to women...Period. Skinny, fat, one leg, three arms, eye in middle of head. boobs on her neck, bald headed, facial hair(maybe that is a little too far), but you get the point. While we may have our preference, we are attracted to anyone who has a natural frontal opening!!! That is all!

    Wellll..some men are attracted only to other men! They're not attracted to women at all. :laugh:
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
  • str8bowbabe
    str8bowbabe Posts: 712 Member
    I'm sure you've heard this before. You're a bigger girl an insecure about your weight. Your husband reassures you by saying, "Honey, I don't like the way thin girls look." A lot of people think that's just to make you feel better, but my husband has dated primarily larger women/girls with some meat on their bones, and he's an attractive guy, so it's not like he can't land a size 0 model.

    But what worries me is this: if I become skinny, and he's really not attracted to skinny women, what do I do? :(

    If he is your husband, then shouldn't you just be able to ask him?
  • Sherbog
    Sherbog Posts: 1,072 Member
    If I had to ask myself or my husband this question I would be questioning a lot more than my weight. Can't you just discuss this with him. His input might be more valuable than strangers on a message board. Truly just discuss it with him. What can it hurt.
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member
    Your husband is a "liar". All men are attracted to women...Period. Skinny, fat, one leg, three arms, eye in middle of head. boobs on her neck, bald headed, facial hair(maybe that is a little too far), but you get the point. While we may have our preference, we are attracted to anyone who has a natural frontal opening!!! That is all!

    I know a lot of guys who are not attracted to women. And I know guys who certainly have preferences beyond just what's between a girls' legs.

    Yea that quote completely disregards the LGBTQA community and their desires and attractions. Not to mention that is demeaning to women to assume men are only interested in "a natural frontal opening" (and "natural" being what? Guess there's some transphobia in this post as well).

    Hopefully men are more complex and have preferences beyond what's between a girl's legs. Jeez.
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    My partner said something similar. in fact when he sees bones he gags.

    Earlier though he did begrudgingly admit that my weightloss so far has accentuated my curves not diminished them, so hes pretty happy so far.

    If he loves you he will not care if you are skinny. Im hoping the same is true in my case!
  • beepaz
    beepaz Posts: 42 Member
    awesome. lol.
  • brewji
    brewji Posts: 752 Member
    I tell my girlfriend the same thing. She has curves, and I love them.

    I have also told her if she does lose / gain weight, that I love her for the way she feels in her skin. If losing/gaining weight makes her feel like the most amazing woman in the world, then all the power to her!

    She asked me about this particular topic, and told me she wasn't the most comfortable asking me about it. But the fact that she did showed me how strong she was. I suggest letting him know, because some of us guys can tell when there's gears turning in your brain.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    in fact when he sees bones he gags.

    That's not a nice comment at all.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    he doesn't care how skinny I am, as long as I'm happy with myself.

    I think sometimes the pressure people put on themselves to look a certain way and the anxiety that brings into a relationship hurts the relationship more than actually being a certain size.

    I say this quite honestly, and I suspect many men are the same, the size my wife is happiest at is the one I am happiest at because she is just...happy.

    Srsly guys. This ^

    I have to admit though -- I know that my rather huge bum was a major attracting factor to my husband when we met. Even though he was/is very fit, he LIKES big hips and so forth. Genuinely. I am much smaller now that I've lost almost 80 lb since our first date...and I worry from time to time that his attraction has diminished in some tiny way due to that. I still have all of the same curves, they are just smaller, and I know my husband finds me attractive - he shows me AND tells me daily. Nothing's changed in that area and if anything he's MORE into me. But I understand the worry. Change can be scary even when it's positive change!

    Communicate with your mate!

    Gonna go ahead and admit though - if I get down to my goal "range" of about 165-180 lb and then decided to go much lower, let's say 140 on my 5'8" frame turned out to be a lot different than my usual hourglass shape and my husband was having issues feeling attracted to me...but my health was equally good at 160-ish...I might consider keeping a little bit of weight on. Just being HONEST and not saying everyone should feel similarly. Likewise, I LOVE his body right now at 215-220 and I would be happy with him at any weight and would love him at any weight but if he went down to like 170 and looked gaunt and I wasn't as attracted that would be a downer. HONESTLY.
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Your husband is a "liar". All men are attracted to women...Period. Skinny, fat, one leg, three arms, eye in middle of head. boobs on her neck, bald headed, facial hair(maybe that is a little too far), but you get the point. While we may have our preference, we are attracted to anyone who has a natural frontal opening!!! That is all!

    Uh, no. I have standards. Pretty stringent ones. I need much more than a hole and a heartbeat. But, whatever floats your boat, chief.
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    Your husband is a "liar". All men are attracted to women...Period. Skinny, fat, one leg, three arms, eye in middle of head. boobs on her neck, bald headed, facial hair(maybe that is a little too far), but you get the point. While we may have our preference, we are attracted to anyone who has a natural frontal opening!!! That is all!

    there is literally NO ONE who you are not insulting w/ this.

    1- not all men are sexually attracted to women
    2- those who are, have standards and preferences within the sex - and some of those even have to do with her BRAIN
    3- not everyone man really CARES if the "frontal opening" is natural or not.
    4- you've just made sure that no one who reads this will EVER have sex with you.
    5- women are NOT just the "frontal opening"
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Your husband is a "liar". All men are attracted to women...Period. Skinny, fat, one leg, three arms, eye in middle of head. boobs on her neck, bald headed, facial hair(maybe that is a little too far), but you get the point. While we may have our preference, we are attracted to anyone who has a natural frontal opening!!! That is all!

    Uh, no. I have standards. Pretty stringent ones. I need much more than a hole and a heartbeat. But, whatever floats your boat, chief.

    I agree with this guy. Not all frontal openings are created equal. You might think you've got a 10/10 until drop trouser time comes and all of a sudden your like "whoa...what be up with that."

  • Clint9913
    But what worries me is this: if I become skinny, and he's really not attracted to skinny women, what do I do? :(
    It's it that point you'd have to reevaluate y'alls relationship. For if he is opposed to you becoming a better you, you have bigger problems that if you loose 20+ lbs.
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member
    All I know is this.

  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    in fact when he sees bones he gags.

    That's not a nice comment at all.

  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    Your husband is a "liar". All men are attracted to women...Period. Skinny, fat, one leg, three arms, eye in middle of head. boobs on her neck, bald headed, facial hair(maybe that is a little too far), but you get the point. While we may have our preference, we are attracted to anyone who has a natural frontal opening!!! That is all!
    actually im attracted to other men so not all men. Even straight or bi men have different taste then you. Sorry to burst your bubble hun
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    He may not like "skinny" but perhaps he like "fit" - 2 different things a fit woman has curves and muscle definition and looks healthy and confident. A skinny woman may be so thin her bones stick out and there is no definition to her body - not butt, no boobs, no legs.

    He may just be sending out the signal that he doesn't want you to go to the extreme of becoming unhealthy.

    Or he is insecure and doesn't want to you to look too good.

    I think if he truly loves you he will love you for you not the packaging.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    Guys, I never said he wouldn't LOVE me if I became thinner. I know he will. But some guys are just physically attracted to curvier, thicker women, and that's not a lie. I just don't want his sexual attraction for me to wane because I lose weight.