21 Day Challenge



  • DFasso23
    DFasso23 Posts: 26 Member
    does everyone track their drinks too? I usually drink 1 or 2 cups coffee in the AM and the rest of the day is water. And how does one go about logging the calories for a Juice?

    I log my drinks. One cup of coffee in the morning, water, and protein drink.
  • jaecobb86
    jaecobb86 Posts: 25 Member
    I am in. Here it goes:

    1. Be physically active at least 4 days a week for 30 minutes
    2. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily
    3. Log work outs and food intake daily
    4. Ready my devotional and meditate on it daily
    5. Plan all my meals and snacks so I don't dip into the candy jar at work
    6. Encourage at least one person daily
    7. Lose 5 pounds at the end of 21 days

    Sounds so simple, but it is very easy to self sabatoge. I am ready for a change! Thank you for posting this and extending the challenge to us all!!!!
  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
    Thank you Nathan for this! My name is Toni. Anyone can feel free to add me. We all could use a little extra support! Good luck everyone!

    Okay, I am in!

    1. work out 6 days a week
    2. Log all food, drink and exercise
    3. Pray/meditate everyday and read Bible
    4. Eat a fruit and/or veggie with every meal and snack
    5. Do something kind everyday for another person
    6. Plan my meals and snacks
    7. Lose 8-10 pounds in 21 days
    8. I liked this one~ don't stop on day 22!
  • I'm in...:happy:

    1. Workout one hour a day/six days a week
    2. Log all food intake
    3. Drink 8-10 cups of water
    4. Plan my meals the night before
    5. Eat breakfast every day
    6. Pay and read the Bible for 1/2 hour every night
    7. Be kind to everyone even if they make me crazy
  • I will begin today!
    1) Workout 5x/week- 3 cardio workouts and 2 strength workouts
    2) Log in Food and exercise every day
    3) Plan meals and snacks to avoid munchie attacks
    4) Recognize boredom eating and choose to go for a walk or workout instead of eating
    5) Lose 6#
    6) Drink a glass of H2O before each meal
    7) Report in to 21 Day Challenge message board at least 3x/week to maintain accountability

    Winter is long and cold and I lose my motivation to workout when I can't get outside for a run. This is a good time to get moving and skip the excuses! In 21 days we will at least be thinking about spring and I will be in better shape to get out there. I want to run a 5K in May!
  • Dory_42
    Dory_42 Posts: 3,578 Member
    Day 2/21 Success

    1) Complete all 10 workouts per week - 4 done so far, on track
    2) Reach water target daily (2 litres) - Yeah. Its easy on fencing days
    3) Stay within calorie budget daily - Within acceptable limit
    4) Spend 30 minutes each day in prayer or reading the Bible - listened to sermon x2
    5) Log workouts and ALL nutrition each day - yip, this is easy when you get things right
    6) Check in on this thread daily - here it is
    7) Avoid negativity - did better today. Endorphins help

    welcome newbies!
  • J3nnyBeanz
    J3nnyBeanz Posts: 134 Member
    SO dayone is gone and went good, I found out 2 things about my goals.. 1) I need to have two snacks so that is changing to be only two. and I walk a lot more than 7000 steps a day so I changing that to a goal of 15,000 steps a day, which unless I am doing a walking workout I will not be counting in my daily calorie burn. I will note it in the work out comments tho.

    Hope everyone is doing good with their goals!!
  • Heidijens123
    Heidijens123 Posts: 289 Member
    Thanks for doing this! Here are mine.
    1) log all food and exercise everyday
    2) exercise at least 5 times a week (preferably 6 times)
    3) learn and be able to perform both clogging routines w/o following somebody else.
    4) PATIENCE! Be more patient with my kids.
    5) Lose 10 lbs in 21 days.
    6) Be in top 2 of weight loss challenge I am in.
    7) continue on day 22 and beyond
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm Amy, feel free to add me. I have a few things I'd like to accomplish as well!

    1) Exercise 6 days per week
    2) Morning work outs at least 2x/week (NOT a morning person!)
    3) Log my food and exercise on MFP every day
    4) Read 30 minutes per day
    5) Drink less alcohol!
    7) Fast food only 1x/week
    8) Limit sodium and carbs
    9) Eat clean most of the time
  • whollybologna
    whollybologna Posts: 87 Member
    I so want to do this!

    for the next 21 days I plan to
    1. write down what I eat
    2. get 6-8 glasses of H2O per day
    3. burn 100+ calories working the muscles in my legs
    4. lose 5 lbs

    not weight related
    spending time reading to my little girls from the word
    write at least 4 letters in the next month to my sisters
    finish 2 crochet projects already in progress.
  • Day 2/21 Success

    1) Complete all 10 workouts per week - 4 done so far, on track
    2) Reach water target daily (2 litres) - Yeah. Its easy on fencing days
    3) Stay within calorie budget daily - Within acceptable limit
    4) Spend 30 minutes each day in prayer or reading the Bible - listened to sermon x2
    5) Log workouts and ALL nutrition each day - yip, this is easy when you get things right
    6) Check in on this thread daily - here it is
    7) Avoid negativity - did better today. Endorphins help

    welcome newbies! You are off to a great start! Keep inspiring!
  • My day 2/21 was a success! Got all my goals in. I thought the workouts would be the toughest part, because The training program im doing is pretty intense. But i have been real motivated for that so far, the hardest thing has been to drink water instead of sweet tea or coke with my meals! Goes against every Southern bone in my body lol But I know it will get easier if I keep doing it. Proud of everyone who has started this, and Welcome to those fixing to start!
  • Great thought, thanks! I missed my walking today due to working late - but this stage I can make it up tomorrow and keep moving forward. Day 2 is over.
  • This is a GREAT idea!

    1) Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
    2) Exercise 5x a week (weights or cardio).
    3) Read a chapter of any of my textbooks for class.
    4) Reorganize a section of my apartment.
    5) Finish one book per week.
    6) Write a blog entry every night.
    7) Use skin products daily.
  • J3nnyBeanz
    J3nnyBeanz Posts: 134 Member
    Went over my 1200 calorie goal by 1 calorie. I don't like to use my work out time toward food. My steps today was 20286, which is 10.48 miles and 722 calories. Tomorrow I want to stay at the 20k or go beyond. I kept with all my goals today. How did everyone else do?
  • J3nnyBeanz
    J3nnyBeanz Posts: 134 Member
    This is a GREAT idea!

    1) Drink 8 glasses of water each day.
    2) Exercise 5x a week (weights or cardio).
    3) Read a chapter of any of my textbooks for class.
    4) Reorganize a section of my apartment.
    5) Finish one book per week.
    6) Write a blog entry every night.
    7) Use skin products daily.

    I love your profile pic. I have a similar picture as my screen saver ]
  • Went over my 1200 calorie goal by 1 calorie. I don't like to use my work out time toward food. My steps today was 20286, which is 10.48 miles and 722 calories. Tomorrow I want to stay at the 20k or go beyond. I kept with all my goals today. How did everyone else do?
    Wow over 10 miles! great work! The heck with that one calorie lol Doing great keep it up
  • BelleFierce
    BelleFierce Posts: 4 Member
    This is great---I am just starting to really use myfitnesspal, so here I am ready to commit to the next 21 days. I would love to fit in my goal dress (to wear to a Broadway show (a size 12 hanging on my living room wall) by May 9th, but really just starting to lose weight, and committing to self-improvement is a great place to start.

    1. 2 (30min) exercise sessions a day- one has to be with Richard Simmons on Youtube, because he makes me laugh and sweat!
    2. At least 10 bobbles of water a day (I love my bobble!)
    3. Go to bed by 11pm and get up at 7am, Mon-Fri
    4. Meditate for at least 30min Mon-Fri mornings.
    5. Face moments of depression/anxiety head on with compassion towards myself.
    6. Set up bi weekly sessions with therapist to work on depression/anxiety issues.
    7. Plan food a day ahead. Set a timer to remember to eat something healthy every 3-4 hours.
    8. Journal all my food & exercise & water each day.
    9. Weigh-ins on Fridays (with my friend!)
    10. Read for pleasure each day for a half hour.
  • amazinglyjae
    amazinglyjae Posts: 49 Member
    I'm in !

    1) Stop eating past 8 pm.
    2) Drink much more water, 8 cups a day.
    3) Work out for at least 45 mins everyday for three weeks (cardio)
    4) Log EVERYTHING that i consume on MFP
    5) Prepare all my meals and stop outside spending
    6) Tell myself everyday in the mirror, naked "You are so sexy!"
    7) Lose 10lbs by the end of 21 days
  • jdhubbard
    jdhubbard Posts: 26 Member
    Day 1/21 was a success
    - Food logged/under calorie goal, with the help of a few exercise calories. Sodium was high though, so I'll try to cut that back today
    - Drank 2L of water (finally measured my water bottle and found out it was 750ml, so I only have to drink 3!)
    - Completed week 2 of c25k program
    - Limited TV to 1 hour

    I counted out my 21 days and the challenge ends on my son's 2nd birthday. A great milestone to work towards!