Paleo Lifestyle Change?



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Since you have an actual condition maybe ask a professional for advice, like a certified nutritionist.

    nutritionist maybe, but MD's have truly no concept of how to treat GERD/LPR - I've seen dozens of ENTs including the best in the business and they're all clueless. They just throw you on a permanent regimen of PPIs that don't help, and in fact exacerbate the problem.

    what? you usually have something of value to add to threads but I'm curious as to this response. are you insinuating I don't now what I'm talking about in regard to a condition I've dealt with chronically for the last 2 1/2 years?
    Come on reddy, you have to admit, that was pretty funny.
    I'm just curious what your subtext was. What about my post do you find unbelievable?
    You've been at it all day, take a break.

    come on neander…just admit it, we all have nothing to contribute to these threads and should just agree with everything that Reddy says as he is so knowledgeable about every topic...
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    Anyway, not sure what that thread derailment was about OP - sorry about that - but in case you're interested, check out the book "Why Stomach Acid is Good For You" by Dr. Stephen Wright

    Literally changed my life and I'm now symptom free of GERD/LPR.

  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Since you have an actual condition maybe ask a professional for advice, like a certified nutritionist.

    nutritionist maybe, but MD's have truly no concept of how to treat GERD/LPR - I've seen dozens of ENTs including the best in the business and they're all clueless. They just throw you on a permanent regimen of PPIs that don't help, and in fact exacerbate the problem.

    what? you usually have something of value to add to threads but I'm curious as to this response. are you insinuating I don't now what I'm talking about in regard to a condition I've dealt with chronically for the last 2 1/2 years?
    Come on reddy, you have to admit, that was pretty funny.
    I'm just curious what your subtext was. What about my post do you find unbelievable?
    You've been at it all day, take a break.

    come on neander…just admit it, we all have nothing to contribute to these threads and should just agree with everything that Reddy says as he is so knowledgeable about every topic...

    ^^^^^agreed - I would add lindseys name in with reddys as well.
  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    While it might sound extreme, when I first cut out grains it really wasn't the huge lifestyle change I thought it would be. Just eat more vegetables.

    Give it a shot, see how you feel after a few weeks of 'paleo'. Reintroduce some foods to see how your body tolerates them, and build out your own diet from there.
  • Whambam087
    Since you have an actual condition maybe ask a professional for advice, like a certified nutritionist.

    nutritionist maybe, but MD's have truly no concept of how to treat GERD/LPR - I've seen dozens of ENTs including the best in the business and they're all clueless. They just throw you on a permanent regimen of PPIs that don't help, and in fact exacerbate the problem.

    what? you usually have something of value to add to threads but I'm curious as to this response. are you insinuating I don't now what I'm talking about in regard to a condition I've dealt with chronically for the last 2 1/2 years?
    Come on reddy, you have to admit, that was pretty funny.
    I'm just curious what your subtext was. What about my post do you find unbelievable?
    You've been at it all day, take a break.

    come on neander…just admit it, we all have nothing to contribute to these threads and should just agree with everything that Reddy says as he is so knowledgeable about every topic...
    She asked if anyone had actual experience with following the paleo diet. As far as I know you don't so you don't really know what your talking about. Your rebuttal against the diet is that it sounds stupid not that you tried it and it made you feel no different. That's not really helpful.
  • bookitty_ca13
    bookitty_ca13 Posts: 13 Member
    I've read and used the Wheat Belly book and found it amazing! ..The changes were instant. No more headaches, PMS, eczema, bloating. I slept better and I wasn't always thinking about food all the time and the cravings were gone instantly.
    I now do eat a bit of wheat but I sure do notice a difference when I consume too much. Best of luck!
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Hi everyone. I am seriously considering transitioning into a paleo lifestyle. I don't know that I can cut out grains completely, I love my brown rice & occasionally whole wheat pasta & cereal, but I can definitely cut back. Everything that I have been reading about it seems to be great. I have GERD & I've read a lot of reviews that adopting the paleo lifestyle not only cleared it up, but also cleared up a whole slew of other health issues that they had as well. Has anyone adopted the Paleo lifestyle here & can you please tell me what your experience has been by doing so? I'd appreciate your feedback.

    If you go primal instead of paleo and follow the 80/20 rule you can pretty much eat anything you want, including the foods your dreading you'll miss. Primal believes carbs are evil, so there's that to deal with, but you can enjoy grains, dairy, legumes, fruit, all the good stuff with the 80/20 rule. If it helps you lose weight and your gerd, then why not.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Hi everyone. I am seriously considering transitioning into a paleo lifestyle. I don't know that I can cut out grains completely, I love my brown rice & occasionally whole wheat pasta & cereal, but I can definitely cut back. Everything that I have been reading about it seems to be great. I have GERD & I've read a lot of reviews that adopting the paleo lifestyle not only cleared it up, but also cleared up a whole slew of other health issues that they had as well. Has anyone adopted the Paleo lifestyle here & can you please tell me what your experience has been by doing so? I'd appreciate your feedback.

    If you go primal instead of paleo and follow the 80/20 rule you can pretty much eat anything you want, including the foods your dreading you'll miss. Primal believes carbs are evil, so there's that to deal with, but you can enjoy grains, dairy, legumes, fruit, all the good stuff with the 80/20 rule. If it helps you lose weight and your gerd, then why not.

    The voice of educated reason.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Hi everyone. I am seriously considering transitioning into a paleo lifestyle. I don't know that I can cut out grains completely, I love my brown rice & occasionally whole wheat pasta & cereal, but I can definitely cut back. Everything that I have been reading about it seems to be great. I have GERD & I've read a lot of reviews that adopting the paleo lifestyle not only cleared it up, but also cleared up a whole slew of other health issues that they had as well. Has anyone adopted the Paleo lifestyle here & can you please tell me what your experience has been by doing so? I'd appreciate your feedback.

    If you go primal instead of paleo and follow the 80/20 rule you can pretty much eat anything you want, including the foods your dreading you'll miss. Primal believes carbs are evil, so there's that to deal with, but you can enjoy grains, dairy, legumes, fruit, all the good stuff with the 80/20 rule. If it helps you lose weight and your gerd, then why not.

    The voice of educated reason.
    Unless of course there isn't any Guinness allowed, then I'd just discount the diet to heathen status and move on.:smile:
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Hi everyone. I am seriously considering transitioning into a paleo lifestyle. I don't know that I can cut out grains completely, I love my brown rice & occasionally whole wheat pasta & cereal, but I can definitely cut back. Everything that I have been reading about it seems to be great. I have GERD & I've read a lot of reviews that adopting the paleo lifestyle not only cleared it up, but also cleared up a whole slew of other health issues that they had as well. Has anyone adopted the Paleo lifestyle here & can you please tell me what your experience has been by doing so? I'd appreciate your feedback.

    If you go primal instead of paleo and follow the 80/20 rule you can pretty much eat anything you want, including the foods your dreading you'll miss. Primal believes carbs are evil, so there's that to deal with, but you can enjoy grains, dairy, legumes, fruit, all the good stuff with the 80/20 rule. If it helps you lose weight and your gerd, then why not.

    The voice of educated reason.
    Unless of course there isn't any Guinness allowed, then I'd just discount the diet to heathen status and move on.:smile:

    Given your vast knowledge of the diet you must know that Guinnessis the foundation food source for the whole diet!!!????

    Plus I think your post previous is a little beneath you, it was clearly posted to flame and antagonise - come on Neanderthin your better than that????
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Hi everyone. I am seriously considering transitioning into a paleo lifestyle. I don't know that I can cut out grains completely, I love my brown rice & occasionally whole wheat pasta & cereal, but I can definitely cut back. Everything that I have been reading about it seems to be great. I have GERD & I've read a lot of reviews that adopting the paleo lifestyle not only cleared it up, but also cleared up a whole slew of other health issues that they had as well. Has anyone adopted the Paleo lifestyle here & can you please tell me what your experience has been by doing so? I'd appreciate your feedback.

    If you go primal instead of paleo and follow the 80/20 rule you can pretty much eat anything you want, including the foods your dreading you'll miss. Primal believes carbs are evil, so there's that to deal with, but you can enjoy grains, dairy, legumes, fruit, all the good stuff with the 80/20 rule. If it helps you lose weight and your gerd, then why not.

    The voice of educated reason.
    Unless of course there isn't any Guinness allowed, then I'd just discount the diet to heathen status and move on.:smile:

    Given your vast knowledge of the diet you must know that Guinnessis the foundation food source for the whole diet!!!????
    Are there wrist bands available, I'll join.
  • Shawntaemoran
    Shawntaemoran Posts: 2 Member
    My firend and I switched to Paleo just this Monday 2/24/14 and even though its only been a couple of days I feel really good. It is very much a big change, but once your body gets used to it. After 2 weeks you'll notice your energy will increase, your brain clears and you feel sharper. Moods will improve as your hormones balance out. and you may even see a drop in weight.
    After week 4; Faster recovery times and better endurance. Chronic issues begin to improve or even disappear. Week 6; Internal inflamation decreases, weight loss more noticeable. Skin Tone and elasticity improves Teeth and Bone density being to improve. Joint function and lubrication improves.
    Week 8; muscle tone improves, and body reshapens. Organs have naturally detoxed and operate at a highern capacity causing the majority of chronic issues to disappear by now.
    I am looking forward to watching my body change and become stronger through Paleo lifestyle.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Well I've been doing a lot of research & it seems that many people have all said the same thing about the GERD issue. I'm not sure how it would help, I haven't looked into that. But I find that whenever I eat grains, I'm always bloated so I feel like I could benefit by cutting back but not eliminating them entirely, I am too scared to do that. Today for instance, I ate way less grains that I normally do & I had so much energy it was ridiculous. And during my research, this was another benefit of the paleo lifestyle. So I thought about transitioning into a 90/10 paleo lifestyle & just wanted some feedback from others from this site in addition to what I found through google.

    I would think you could accomplish the same thing by just reducing your carbs to 15% of your diet and continuing on your existing plan? From your profile picture, you appear to be having success doing what you are doing now..

    but if you want to try Paleo then by all means do so ….

    I think I will play around with the percentages until I find ones that work for me. I just wanted additional feedback from this fitness site regarding the paleo lifestyle.

    sadly the odds are you're going to get a bunch of angry responses yelling at you for even considering paleo instead of answering your questions - as you're already beginning to see.

    Why would you start this? She has not gotten one angry response for heaven's sake.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Well I've been doing a lot of research & it seems that many people have all said the same thing about the GERD issue. I'm not sure how it would help, I haven't looked into that. But I find that whenever I eat grains, I'm always bloated so I feel like I could benefit by cutting back but not eliminating them entirely, I am too scared to do that. Today for instance, I ate way less grains that I normally do & I had so much energy it was ridiculous. And during my research, this was another benefit of the paleo lifestyle. So I thought about transitioning into a 90/10 paleo lifestyle & just wanted some feedback from others from this site in addition to what I found through google.

    I would think you could accomplish the same thing by just reducing your carbs to 15% of your diet and continuing on your existing plan? From your profile picture, you appear to be having success doing what you are doing now..

    but if you want to try Paleo then by all means do so ….

    I think I will play around with the percentages until I find ones that work for me. I just wanted additional feedback from this fitness site regarding the paleo lifestyle.

    sadly the odds are you're going to get a bunch of angry responses yelling at you for even considering paleo instead of answering your questions - as you're already beginning to see.

    Why would you start this? She has not gotten one angry response for heaven's sake.

    On some of the posts I've sensed suppressed anger ???? but open sarcasm ????(I know pot and kettle)????
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Well I've been doing a lot of research & it seems that many people have all said the same thing about the GERD issue. I'm not sure how it would help, I haven't looked into that. But I find that whenever I eat grains, I'm always bloated so I feel like I could benefit by cutting back but not eliminating them entirely, I am too scared to do that. Today for instance, I ate way less grains that I normally do & I had so much energy it was ridiculous. And during my research, this was another benefit of the paleo lifestyle. So I thought about transitioning into a 90/10 paleo lifestyle & just wanted some feedback from others from this site in addition to what I found through google.

    I would think you could accomplish the same thing by just reducing your carbs to 15% of your diet and continuing on your existing plan? From your profile picture, you appear to be having success doing what you are doing now..

    but if you want to try Paleo then by all means do so ….

    I think I will play around with the percentages until I find ones that work for me. I just wanted additional feedback from this fitness site regarding the paleo lifestyle.

    sadly the odds are you're going to get a bunch of angry responses yelling at you for even considering paleo instead of answering your questions - as you're already beginning to see.

    Why would you start this? She has not gotten one angry response for heaven's sake.

    On some of the posts I've sensed suppressed anger ???? but open sarcasm ????(I know pot and black)????

    Ahhhh....youu 'sensed' it.

    May the Force be with you. :laugh:
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Well I've been doing a lot of research & it seems that many people have all said the same thing about the GERD issue. I'm not sure how it would help, I haven't looked into that. But I find that whenever I eat grains, I'm always bloated so I feel like I could benefit by cutting back but not eliminating them entirely, I am too scared to do that. Today for instance, I ate way less grains that I normally do & I had so much energy it was ridiculous. And during my research, this was another benefit of the paleo lifestyle. So I thought about transitioning into a 90/10 paleo lifestyle & just wanted some feedback from others from this site in addition to what I found through google.

    I would think you could accomplish the same thing by just reducing your carbs to 15% of your diet and continuing on your existing plan? From your profile picture, you appear to be having success doing what you are doing now..

    but if you want to try Paleo then by all means do so ….

    I think I will play around with the percentages until I find ones that work for me. I just wanted additional feedback from this fitness site regarding the paleo lifestyle.

    sadly the odds are you're going to get a bunch of angry responses yelling at you for even considering paleo instead of answering your questions - as you're already beginning to see.

    Why would you start this? She has not gotten one angry response for heaven's sake.
    Center of attention and the personality traits that go with that bag of goodies, imo of course.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Well I've been doing a lot of research & it seems that many people have all said the same thing about the GERD issue. I'm not sure how it would help, I haven't looked into that. But I find that whenever I eat grains, I'm always bloated so I feel like I could benefit by cutting back but not eliminating them entirely, I am too scared to do that. Today for instance, I ate way less grains that I normally do & I had so much energy it was ridiculous. And during my research, this was another benefit of the paleo lifestyle. So I thought about transitioning into a 90/10 paleo lifestyle & just wanted some feedback from others from this site in addition to what I found through google.

    I would think you could accomplish the same thing by just reducing your carbs to 15% of your diet and continuing on your existing plan? From your profile picture, you appear to be having success doing what you are doing now..

    but if you want to try Paleo then by all means do so ….

    I think I will play around with the percentages until I find ones that work for me. I just wanted additional feedback from this fitness site regarding the paleo lifestyle.

    sadly the odds are you're going to get a bunch of angry responses yelling at you for even considering paleo instead of answering your questions - as you're already beginning to see.

    Why would you start this? She has not gotten one angry response for heaven's sake.
    Center of attention and the personality traits that go with that bag of goodies, imo of course.

    We have so much in common - I knew there was a reason I liked you so much????✋
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,023 Member
    Well I've been doing a lot of research & it seems that many people have all said the same thing about the GERD issue. I'm not sure how it would help, I haven't looked into that. But I find that whenever I eat grains, I'm always bloated so I feel like I could benefit by cutting back but not eliminating them entirely, I am too scared to do that. Today for instance, I ate way less grains that I normally do & I had so much energy it was ridiculous. And during my research, this was another benefit of the paleo lifestyle. So I thought about transitioning into a 90/10 paleo lifestyle & just wanted some feedback from others from this site in addition to what I found through google.

    I would think you could accomplish the same thing by just reducing your carbs to 15% of your diet and continuing on your existing plan? From your profile picture, you appear to be having success doing what you are doing now..

    but if you want to try Paleo then by all means do so ….

    I think I will play around with the percentages until I find ones that work for me. I just wanted additional feedback from this fitness site regarding the paleo lifestyle.

    sadly the odds are you're going to get a bunch of angry responses yelling at you for even considering paleo instead of answering your questions - as you're already beginning to see.

    Why would you start this? She has not gotten one angry response for heaven's sake.
    Center of attention and the personality traits that go with that bag of goodies, imo of course.

    We have so much in common - I knew there was a reason I liked you so much????✋
    A personalities are like that, just some are more intense and of course many, misinformed:bigsmile: .
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Well I've been doing a lot of research & it seems that many people have all said the same thing about the GERD issue. I'm not sure how it would help, I haven't looked into that. But I find that whenever I eat grains, I'm always bloated so I feel like I could benefit by cutting back but not eliminating them entirely, I am too scared to do that. Today for instance, I ate way less grains that I normally do & I had so much energy it was ridiculous. And during my research, this was another benefit of the paleo lifestyle. So I thought about transitioning into a 90/10 paleo lifestyle & just wanted some feedback from others from this site in addition to what I found through google.

    I would think you could accomplish the same thing by just reducing your carbs to 15% of your diet and continuing on your existing plan? From your profile picture, you appear to be having success doing what you are doing now..

    but if you want to try Paleo then by all means do so ….

    I think I will play around with the percentages until I find ones that work for me. I just wanted additional feedback from this fitness site regarding the paleo lifestyle.

    sadly the odds are you're going to get a bunch of angry responses yelling at you for even considering paleo instead of answering your questions - as you're already beginning to see.

    Why would you start this? She has not gotten one angry response for heaven's sake.
    Center of attention and the personality traits that go with that bag of goodies, imo of course.

    We have so much in common - I knew there was a reason I liked you so much????✋
    A personalities are like that, just some are more intense and of course many, misinformed:bigsmile: .
