Cried for 30 minutes



  • Greytfish
    Went away on vacation and had a great time with some friends. Felt uneasy about pictures being tagged on facebook, but I'm pretty confident, despite my weight, because there's a lot more to me than how I look... so I was hopeful that all would be fine, felt like my friends would understand what I've been going through. Well, I come home and have a message from a friend of many years, who I haven't seen in a while, but who matters a lot to me. He said just this: "What happened to Corina? Did you eat her?!" And I cried for about 30 minutes. It hurt a lot.

    Hopefully, you don't consider that person a friend anymore.
  • Burstingintolife
    Burstingintolife Posts: 11 Member
    Wow. I've considered all of the advice and personal stories shared and even had a laugh with a couple of comments. I needed to vent the hurtful thing that was said. And yes, I do have friends that "talk trash" and it goes in one ear and out the other... I am usually one to not cry at all... but I considered this a different situation. :/ His words were a dismissal of my value and the ball is in his court now (I told him it hurt me) but I'm not going to wait around for a response. I suspect he doesn't care enough to be sympathetic. And the fit me is going to remember that. Whenever I am feeling down, I'll be sure to reference all of your thoughtful comments. Thank you so much! It has made my day.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    I'm really proud of you for dealing with the unease of being tagged, letting him know his comments hurt you, and continuing to do what you're doing (I would have eaten everything in the refrigerator and then probably eaten the refrigerator).

    You're right. The ball is in his court. I'm not sure how he could return it in a way that would justify his comment or reassure you, though. I mean, if I had someone like that in my life, I'd always be standing on one foot (mentally) waiting for them to say something horrible like that again.

    But he damn well better apologize anyway. Man, I hope he does apologize, so you can ignore it!
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    Hey, you faced the hurt and cried it out... now use it in the gym. That's what I do :) Turn it into motivation that will encourage you to keep going. He might be the one saying nice things to you later on and you can smile and say to yourself, "I win".

    Good advice.
  • blessedwith3boys
    blessedwith3boys Posts: 136 Member
    That must of been so hurtful! That person was certainly insensative to say the least.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i hope you told this guy what a jerk who was and then proceeded to make am hilarious comment about his waistline/hairline/cheating girlfriend whatever thing you were holding back from saying because you didnt want to be rude.

    if the friendship is over you might as well blow up ALL the pieces of it :laugh:

    but beyond that if you know you need to lose weight then start doing that
  • catita1025
    catita1025 Posts: 46 Member
    Years ago I had a friend who told me he "Had the tendency to treat strangers better than he treated his friends." I didn't understand that until he started canceling plans at the last minute and always said, "Thanks for being understanding." After this happened a few times I said, "Let's be clear about this. I'm NOT understanding. I'm ANGRY. If I'm your friend I expect to be treated better than this." Shocked him. I hoped it would be a wake-up call. I let him go because I felt I deserved better. If I'm not mistaken you can delete the FB comment - but of course that doesn't take away the fact that it was there from the start. Good for you for putting the ball in his court. There are too many people nowadays who think it's okay to say, "I'm sorry if I offended you." Seems to me if someone could take a pause before they speak, or before they hit <enter> that many times hurtful feelings and misunderstandings can be avoided!
    I appreciate the comments that have been made as far as motivation. Sometimes things like this can be the wake-up call that's needed to move you forward. I also had good chuckles at some of the stronger comments! Not my personal style but that's just me!
    Good luck with resolving an issue in this friendship. His response (and then yours) may indicate next steps for where this friendship will head!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I know you were hurt, and everyone here is piling on your friend. Now that you have a bit of perspective, though, was his comment to you, specifically, or by "you" might he have meant a group, if you were tagged in a group photo? I can imagine a few friends who might make a remark like that if there were 6 of us on a trip and the same person was missing from a couple of them.

    I'm probably wrong, but I try to see the best in people as much as possible. It's a shame that English lost the ability to distinguish between the singular and plural you. If you were German it would be easy to tell.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    What a rude comment.

    A poor reflection on him not on you.

    Please forgive him. We all need forgiveness (you do this for yourself not for him) and then you move on without him.
  • FitnSassy
    FitnSassy Posts: 263 Member
    You should have told him, "No, but my boyfriend did!" :blushing: And then put him on the "he's dead to me" list! #nevermore
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    Some people just like to be mean and think it is funny. My Dad was like that. He was like that about weight also if someone was not very attractive, he would comment isn't she pretty and laugh. I was never abused by anyone but my parents. They were horrible to me about my weight and if the truth was known probably caused a lot of it. My Dad would call and leave a message on the phone How many sandwiches have you ate today? My Mom would call and say do you have fluid? What does the doctor say about you?
    I was about 40 lbs overweight and very sensitive. It is just the way some people are, act like jerks. They really enjoy being mean! and oh how they laugh.

    well just get yourself together which is the best revenge. Cant change a mean person. Later throw it into their face and how they should be ashamed of themselves. Oh but they will have all kinds of excuses like my parents did, just trying to help you or don't be so sensitive, let it roll off like water off a ducks back. I tell you some people are just jerks. They have their own problems! its not you!
  • Grammie4VT
    Grammie4VT Posts: 35 Member
    No one needs to be hurt. Delete that so called friend! Good luck in your journey. We are here for you!
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    I know you were hurt, and everyone here is piling on your friend. Now that you have a bit of perspective, though, was his comment to you, specifically, or by "you" might he have meant a group, if you were tagged in a group photo? I can imagine a few friends who might make a remark like that if there were 6 of us on a trip and the same person was missing from a couple of them.

    I'm probably wrong, but I try to see the best in people as much as possible. It's a shame that English lost the ability to distinguish between the singular and plural you. If you were German it would be easy to tell.

    Down south we say y'all. As in 'Did y'all notice Mean Commenter apparently turned into an incredible *kitten* over the years?' ;)
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    was his comment to you, specifically, or by "you" might he have meant a group, if you were tagged in a group photo?
    Reading the OP, I believe he called her by name, so it wasn't a "y'all" sort of comment, it was a "you, specifically" sort of comment.
  • Tabbycat54
    Tabbycat54 Posts: 98 Member
    This is absolutely horrible. Sadly, I know people like this. An Ex-friend of mine from college was like this and believe me when I say she should've been the last person judging anyone for anything. To this day, her hurtful comments and overall demeanor haunt me, because I was one of her closest friends according to her. I'd say to kick this guy to the curb and keep on keeping on :)
  • dreamer48216
    well that would be the last contact with that so called friend. what an awful comment.

  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    What a jerk.
  • 67667
    67667 Posts: 14
    Went away on vacation and had a great time with some friends. Felt uneasy about pictures being tagged on facebook, but I'm pretty confident, despite my weight, because there's a lot more to me than how I look... so I was hopeful that all would be fine, felt like my friends would understand what I've been going through. Well, I come home and have a message from a friend of many years, who I haven't seen in a while, but who matters a lot to me. He said just this: "What happened to Corina? Did you eat her?!" And I cried for about 30 minutes. It hurt a lot.

    He sounds like a turd tbh. Chin up! :-) there r brighter days ahead.
  • JenniTheVeggie
    JenniTheVeggie Posts: 2,474 Member
    What an *kitten*....DELETE!
  • jamesalytle
    jamesalytle Posts: 112 Member
    get rid of that one and add a bunch of mfp cheerleaders as friends! We're here for you and are sympathetic. I'd also bank it and use it as fuel next time your exercising.