1000-1200 calories per day and lost no weight ??????



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Could just be that time of the month , I tend to go up a good couple kgs around that time, lol I know it sounds crazy but no point weighing around that week
    if the OP is having a period, there are larger problems.

  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    When I was first here I felt like I was failing because I couldn't hit the MFP goal everyday. I could go 2 or 3 days then I'd be all cranky and at odds and blow it.

    Just as I was about to quit I realized that even on the days that I "blew it" I was still doing better than before I was on MFP.

    I was happier much once I gave myself a range:

    ROCK BOTTOM: 1200 cal
    TARGET: MFP Calories for lose 1 lb a week (when that hit 1200 I changed to lose 1/2 lb per week)
    TOP OF RANGE: Maintain Calories for my GOAL Weight.
    (SAFETY VALVE: Maintain Calories for CURRENT Weight - remember to keep updating this number as you lose)

    All of your foods fall into 1 or more of 3 macro nutrient categories
    FATS • CARBS • PROTEINS ... I personally think it's unwise to severely restrict any one of these categories.
    Instead of eliminating or limiting quantity focus on the quality...

    HAPPY FATS (Plant and fish based)
    ---Good for brain, function, nerve function, fighting depression, fight diabetes

    COMPLEX CARBS (un or minimally processed)
    ---Good way to get your fiber

    ---Builds muscle
  • sassabella
    I advise you eat a bit more than 1200 calories. That is way too restrictive and you are in no way going to fuel your body enough/lose weight healthily that way.

    Eat more (look at recommended calorie intake for your height and weight) and also make sure that you're putting in nutrient rich foods etc.
  • hammadsami6
    You must eat between 1900-2100 calories per day then definitely gets lose weight
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    You're eating more than you think.

  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    Normally they say to eat 500 calories less than your recommended daily amount your going to need to UP your exercise especially if your quite sedentary during the rest of the day. Remember working out for 60 mins a day is ONLY 4% of your ENTIRE day you really should be getting in min of 3 cardio sessions a week where you are panting and your heart rate is so elevated you cannot hold a conversation you need to also add 3 days a week of weights there is no point is just doing cardio you'll loose muscle weight as well you need to lift weights to overload on your bones to help prevent many diseases and see those yummy muscle gains i am sure you want.

    I have done a cert 3 in fitness and have experience his subject and 1k -1200k calories is waaay to little your going to make yourself sick and then when your finally fed up you'll binge (ive been there) 1800 calories for men of average height is about the norm you should NEVER and i mean NEVER go under 1200 calories you will cause yourself some serious damage if this is done long term.

    If you are serious about loosing weight you really need to work out 6 days a week. If your energy levels are low from long term weigh gain you could start by excersing every other day alternating one day cardio one day weights this will mean you are working out 4 days a week for a min of 30 mins a session and once you have lost some weight feel more energetic normally takes 2-3 weeks and then make those 4 days count by working out a full hour do this for another 2-3 weeks and then work out for 6 days straight 1 hour each time or 3 days on and one day off then repeat.

    You need both a healthy and stable diet and exercise to loose weight and keep it off long term. No offence but walking is NOT enough my rest day is your entire weeks worth of cardio its not enough to loose the weight you want.

    To loose consistently every week your weekly deficit total needs to be 3,500 calories+ anything less than that and you will only see changes of a few hundred grams at a time this means it will take you double the time to loose the weight. So you might as well just put in the effort now and in 12 weeks time your body will be thanking you and you'll be on your way to being fit for life!
  • mattfca
    You can't wreck your metabolism by jumping from 1500-1800 calories, or 1000-2500 for that matter.
    If a doctor says that, you have a condition causing it or they are plain wrong.

    OP is either wrong with calorie intake, needs to wait it out, or is gaining muscle while losing fat.

    Starvation doesn't work the way people in here are saying.

    One thing I will add, anyone trying a this low of calorie diet should be taking a lot of multivitamins / supplements to get the nutrients you need (at least somewhat).
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    Eat more to lose more....lmao.
    It is valid…if someone has eaten so little on a VLCD they have suffered metabolic damage and the only to fix that is to start slowly eating more and more calories until you get to a point where your metabolism pickups you and your start losing again ...

    Yep, me! Chronic serious medical issue = scary low calories for almost a year = in hospital at a dangerously low weight = now I can't eat normal amounts of food without gaining rapidly.

    If you aren't losing after another few months, maybe have your doctor send you for an RMR test if things aren't adding up. That said, you STILL have not said whether or not you are weighing your food, and if not, that is the place to start. If the numbers you are plugging in are garbage, your results will probably be garbage too.
  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
    In for @trogalicious post on pg. 1 :drinker:
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Too few calories can cause your body to go into starvation mode. Your body says OH CRAP! and hangs on to whatever it can, since it thinks you are starving.

    No... :huh:

    OP, you are eating more than you think.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    For the last 3 weeks I have been consuming 1000-1200 calories per day eating fresh fish salad and veg grilled chicken boiled eggs and water and earl grey tea

    I am doing per week about 2 hours cardio which is walking

    Have weighed myself and I have not lost 1 lb ???????

    If for 3 weeks you are doing that, and no weight loss......
    Then you are not tracking your food.
    You are not weighing/measuring your food
    You are eating more than you think.

    But I would also suggest to get calories up at some point.
    1000 - 1200 calories is very low, and not sustainable over the long term
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    You can't wreck your metabolism by jumping from 1500-1800 calories, or 1000-2500 for that matter.
    If a doctor says that, you have a condition causing it or they are plain wrong.

    OP is either wrong with calorie intake, needs to wait it out, or is gaining muscle while losing fat.

    Starvation doesn't work the way people in here are saying.

    One thing I will add, anyone trying a this low of calorie diet should be taking a lot of multivitamins / supplements to get the nutrients you need (at least somewhat).

    And where did you get your medical degree?
  • __Amazeballs__
    I've found my magic number to be between 1800-2100 calories per day. I'm now about 231 lbs and I am losing about 3-5 lbs per week. Minimal excercise. I might be an anomaly, but, some FOOD for thought. ;)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    For the last 3 weeks I have been consuming 1000-1200 calories per day eating fresh fish salad and veg grilled chicken boiled eggs and water and earl grey tea

    I am doing per week about 2 hours cardio which is walking

    Have weighed myself and I have not lost 1 lb ???????

    Don't listen to these "eat more to lose more" people. Jumping up to 1500 or 1800 calories will destroy your metabolism. Slowly creep up by 100 calories every two weeks and see if that makes a difference.


    OP has been at this for 3 weeks...., and is probably eating way more than 1000-1200 calories.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    You can't wreck your metabolism by jumping from 1500-1800 calories, or 1000-2500 for that matter.
    If a doctor says that, you have a condition causing it or they are plain wrong.

    OP is either wrong with calorie intake, needs to wait it out, or is gaining muscle while losing fat.

    Starvation doesn't work the way people in here are saying.

    One thing I will add, anyone trying a this low of calorie diet should be taking a lot of multivitamins / supplements to get the nutrients you need (at least somewhat).

    And where did you get your medical degree?

    FYI, most doctors have very little background in Nutrition.....and for the record I calorie cycle frequently and my metabolism isn't "wrecked" :ohwell:
  • jenniferchew2012
    jenniferchew2012 Posts: 31 Member
    There's a Twinkie and Vodka diet! Sign me up :love:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Apparently with my height and weight i burn naturally 2300 calories per day.

    If i set my goals on here using recommended settings from MFP it tells me to consume 2200 per day and with my exercise of a few hours cardio every week I will loose 1lb per week

    I want to loose more than this though 1 lb a week is not a lot

    I thought eating less calories a day(1200) than i burn which apparently is 2300 would automatically drop the lbs off but it has not

    My body is used to way more before 3 weeks ag I was easily consuming 3000-4000 per day so I dont understand

    Any advise ?

    Keep in mind that if you are using the MFP method, you eat the amount MFP gives you PLUS exercise calories. 1,000-1,200 is way too low for a man.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Apparently with my height and weight i burn naturally 2300 calories per day.

    If i set my goals on here using recommended settings from MFP it tells me to consume 2200 per day and with my exercise of a few hours cardio every week I will loose 1lb per week

    I want to loose more than this though 1 lb a week is not a lot

    I thought eating less calories a day(1200) than i burn which apparently is 2300 would automatically drop the lbs off but it has not

    My body is used to way more before 3 weeks ag I was easily consuming 3000-4000 per day so I dont understand

    Any advise ?

    The number of pounds you can expect to lose each week (in a healthy way) depends upon how much (TOTAL) weight you have to lose. Just because MFP allows you to put in a bogus goal......does not make it a healthy one. 1200 is as low as MFP will ever go (FOR A WOMAN).

    HEALTHY weight loss = lose mostly fat (as opposed to fat+muscle) ........... and lower your overall body fat %.

    Pounds per week
    75+ lbs to lose 2 lb range
    Between 40 - 75 lbs to lose 1.5 lb range
    Between 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lb range
    Between 15-25 lbs to lose 1 -.50 lb range
    Less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs range
  • jenniferchew2012
    jenniferchew2012 Posts: 31 Member
    Could just be that time of the month , I tend to go up a good couple kgs around that time, lol I know it sounds crazy but no point weighing around that week
    if the OP is having a period, there are larger problems.

  • PhoenyxHellfyre
    PhoenyxHellfyre Posts: 31 Member
    But how can eating more calories per day make me loose weight surly it works the other way around doesn't it ?

    I can see why you would draw that conclusion. It's the same concept I used when I was anorexic. However, you need to eat as close to the amount of calories MFP recommends based on your lifestyle and your goal. If you don't eat enough calories, your body goes into starvation mode, and will take everything you eat, no matter how small, and hold onto it for as long as possible, in order to keep you alive. So, if you need to eat 2500 calories in order to MAINTAIN your weight, and you want to lose 1 LB a week, you should consume as close to 2,100 or so calories. If you only eat 1000 - 1200, when you should be eating 2100, your body will freak out and become convinced that you are dying, and the only way to survive is to hold onto every pound inside your body, and treat every morsel introduced as something to never let go. It's very unhealthy, it can kill you, and that is not good.