Am I the only person who dislikes Zumba???



  • Flanlgirl
    Hi...I'm new to this site but I am really happy to see there are others out there that hate ZUMBA! I am on WW and I'm down 11 lbs since Jan. I go to the gym and LONG for an old school hi impact aerobics class from the 80's that really kept me moving! But noooooo.......there are none. So I tried Zumba...HATE IT! Too fast, the moves are not full range of motion, you can;t unconsciously keep to an 8-count because the stupid dance steps change at random, way too many moves that put torque on the knees and I HATE the music! Give me some good old R&R mixed with the 80's dance music. Sooooo....I climb up on that eliptical and pound away to ACDC and Talking Heads and more....Oy Vey, I do so wish someone would put together an old school aerobics class!! Thanks for letting me rant...I actually feel like I might have lost a pound! :)
  • MotorCityFemmeFatale
    I dislike all cardio equally :bigsmile:
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member
    I am one of those people that feel awkward dancing if not drunk so yes, I feel like a fool.
  • greenbean7419
    All the these dance like aerobics classes at the gyms are discriminating against us coordinately challenged folks!!
  • SammyKatt
    SammyKatt Posts: 364 Member
    This is interesting as I am about to give it a go, with 2 friends, but was talking to another friend I do circuits with this evening and she hated Zumba. She said she barely broke a sweat and it seemed like a waste of 45 mins. The aerobics and circuits classes we do are pretty hardcore, so I worry I will find Zumba a bit of a flop in comparison.

    Thats how I feel too. Its a waste of time and I just find it so boring! I love dancing but Zumba is just stupid.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I finally tried it for the first time yesterday and thought it was a total waste of time. I was doing as much if not more than most of the other people in the class, including the teacher, and didn't even break a sweat. I burned 222 cals in an hour. I would have been better off all round doing housework.
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    It isn't my thing either. I felt like a a freaking idiot. I love do any of the Wii or Xbox dancing games but I don't know Zumba just was...
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I dont really like dancing for a workout. May be fun to some, but not for me really. I like workouts that are rough and tough :laugh:
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I dont really like dancing for a workout. May be fun to some, but not for me really. I like workouts that are rough and tough :laugh:

    Exactly! I like to feel like I have actually done something when I exercise. It's probably great for OAPs who can't do anything else, but it's not for me.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I do like it- it is light relief from all the "serious" exercise that I do. There is no way that it would be my main form of exercise though, it is simply a fun way of burning a few calories. If I do a Zumba class it will always be with something else as well either before or after.

    I don't think people should knock it though, it has literally got thousands of people who otherwise would not have exercised at all into doing some form of cardio exercise..and with obesity etc on the increase that can only be a good thing.
  • jettejette
    No, you are not alone. If I wanted to "ditch the workout" and just shake my rump I would go to any one of the many night clubs here in Las Vegas....LOL...I feel ridiculous doing it in a gym especially with the mirror. One would be better off doing it in the dark after a glass of wine or two.:blushing: Maybe in front of their husby :laugh:

    No offense to anyone doing Zumba, moving your body is great. However, it lacks instruction of mindfully contracting certain muscles in the movements. It is possible to have fun and focus on muscle groups and posture. One would be better off doing a choreographed aerobic workout like Body Attack or Jazzercise (yes Jazzercise, it mixes strength training and core work now a days).

    I also feel like it might be counter productive to some women because it can play mind tricks. If someone spends 1 hour in the gym doing that, they may think they are burning a certain amount of calories (one would have a better idea if wearing a heart monitor and scientifically figuring out how much is burned by heart rate). If one's perception of burning a certain amount of calories in one hour is wrong, they might be fooled into thinking that they can consume that many calories or have that piece of cake.

    My opinion is not worth 2 cents, but know that you are not alone in your thinking :) I have tried it a handful of times thinking my opinion might change if the instructor was different, but it doesn't.
  • LeahZul
    Your not the only one! I've gone quite a few times because my friends think it's great, and it can be better if the instructor is good, but I just never have a good time. Yoga and running any day!
  • kittycatmeowmeow
    kittycatmeowmeow Posts: 90 Member
    I hate zumba and spinning! *shudder*

    I love most other les mills workouts, the 30 day shred and jogging... but no zumba and spinning. Every year I think.. they cant be that bad.. then try it and HATE it...
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    Hate is such a strong negative word to use. Let's just say it's a matter of preference.

    PS: I have not tried any Zumba. Seen people done in groups and decides it's not really my thing.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    ME TOO! I cringe whenever I hear the word ZUMBA!! !! the 80's outfits, the headbands…the screaming….I do like to salsa dance but not line dancing. Maybe that's why I don't like it?

    I am guessing you are in America because its nothing like that here in UK
  • tonipink64
    I think it depends on the instructor. Each class is different. Some make you feel comfortable and some dont, the same with every kinda class i suppose. I go to zumba every Thursday night and Saturday morning and i have to say i am absolutely LOVING it!! The more i go the more i enjoy it because you start to learn the dances and its easier to follow, therefore you are burning more calories.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    "Am I the only person who dislikes Zumba???"

    No you are one of millions.

    Zumba = 'organised' random mess-around which people seem to be able to charge money for....
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I actually really love Zumba. However, there's a few things to this. Firstly, I am NOT a dancer. I have no dancing inclination whatsoever. My coordination is sorely lacking. I couldn't dance my way out of a box. Secondly, I have done Zumba i several forms; video games, dvd, youtube, AquaZumba & regular Zumba classes. I do not like the video games or dvd's. I think they are terrible. Going to an actual class is much much better. The atmosphere and pace in a class are completely different from doing it at home. That being said, I totally agree it depends on the instructor as well. My gym has 6 different instructors, and 2 AquaZumba instructors. Out of all of them, there is only 1 I wouldn't go to for her class, and that's because her class is slower paced and I barely break a sweat. For the other 5 regular instructors, it's high paced and alot of fun. Each of them have different music, all ranging from Latin to Hip hop to Bollywood. I love it all. AquaZumba is the same, though I do get less of a burn and you feel silly dancing in your swimsuit, it's fun. Sure, you look like an idiot at times. Sometimes you just have to let go of your 'image' and pretend you're the only person in the world. Also, re:youtube (since I did mention it), I would not choose it as my "go to" for Zumba, BUT I've found alot of the songs and similar choreography on there that my gym instructors use, so if there's a snow day or I'm home with a sick kid, I will throw it on and pretend I'm in the class. It's not quite the same high energy workout, but at least I'm doing the songs and choreography I know.

    No, Zumba isn't for everyone. But some forms of Zumba, or the instructors, are better than others.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ME TOO! I cringe whenever I hear the word ZUMBA!! !! the 80's outfits, the headbands…the screaming….I do like to salsa dance but not line dancing. Maybe that's why I don't like it?

    I am guessing you are in America because its nothing like that here in UK

    Not sure why this thread keeps getting dredged back up. lol

    But I had to respond to this because I am in America and have taken a couple Zumba classes and also done the DVDs with some friends at home and it wasn't like that at all.

    I like dancing, so I enjoyed it. But it wasn't the best thing ever. I prefer ballet if I'm going to dance and Jazzercize as a "dance" workout.
  • Dlewis8288
    Dlewis8288 Posts: 42 Member
    Lol, I have it for my kinnect,, maybe I'm not doing it correctly but I hate it too!