

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: Happy happy news.........Our daughter and SIL are expecting their first baby!!! Just had to share the joy. :smile: :smile: :smile: Can't wipe the smile off my face.

    Hopefully my good news can also lift the spirits of my friends on MFP who are going through difficult times. As friends we are here for each other.

    Welcome to all newbies. I just finished reading all the December posts, but I missed a lot of October and November. Nonetheless, know that you have found the best group of ladies. You are surrounded by your very own support group.

    Chicklet, my thoughts are with you in particular. I have to tell you that I find you an amazing and brave woman. I am glad you can write about your situation and you do that so eloquently. You lost 11 pounds? My goodness woman, I stand astonished given all the stresses in your life.

    All of you lovely ladies inspire me. Thanks for your continued contribution to this forum.

    I will post again later. BFN
    :heart: :heart: :heart: Rebel:heart::heart: :heart:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    I think it's high time I joined this group for a couple of reasons. One, I've been 50 for a little more than a month now. Two, the group I've been most involved with has been a lot less active lately. I look forward to getting to know you all better! :flowerforyou:
  • Lizzybluts
    Lizzybluts Posts: 18 Member
    Amanda, it is so sad to hear the thoughts that still run lose in your mind, even after all the success you have had. But, I get it. I remember a time when I was in a size 2 and attended a weight loss seminar because I thought I was still obese (I had lost 100# after the birth of my third child). My mind did not match the reflection in the mirror.

    That chatter in our heads can be such a driving force. Remember though, we are not helpless. The next time you hear those terrible words in your head, acknowledge them (don't bury them to rise up later) and then pivot and by pivot I mean think about something that makes you feel good, for example how did it make you feel when you were getting the ooo's and aaaa's over how you looked in the dresses you were modeling? How did it make you feel pulling that size of dress off the rack, knowing you can fit into it?

    My point, the more you catch the chatter and are aware of it, and by not giving it to it but instead changing your thought to something that makes you feel good, the less power it has and the less it will trigger a negative feeling.

    You have accomplished an amazing goal! Let that be the motivation to keep going.

    Good Luck! :smile:

  • Minicat
    Ok, I am trying to figure out this MFP program. So far, I think it's what I need to help get me back on track....
    I am cruising to 50 (May) and battling weight loss . I am 5'6" female 155 lbs. My goal weight is 135. I have a personal trainer I work with twice a week for strength training - going on year 2 as of November, I jog average 2 miles three times a week, I kayak 17 miles runs periodically, I changed my diet to vegetarian (1,400 cal./day) and yet I have not lost a pound nor have I dropped a pant size. Anyone out there facing similar challenges?
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    welcome Jill and Lizzy

    jill there are a few of us from PNW on this forum. Barb from Vancouver WA and Kathy (pjsmom) from around olympia and Barbie from Port angeles, and Reb Renny and Ainsliegeln from Victoria and of course you know me. this is an awesome supportive group. things have quieted down a bit with the holidays, we used to be really gabby.

    I am being so bad this weekend. I just don't really seem to care and I am enjoying myself. I have maintained this 148ish range since August. sure I could lose more but I look good and feel good so if I don't I am not going to beat myself up. I hope you all had a great weekend.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    Thanks for the warm welcome, Robin. It's nice to see a familiar, friendly face in here AND to find out there are more PNWers in here. Hey, nothing wrong with being "bad" if you're enjoying yourself doing it! I did a fair share of that myself over Thanksgiving, and I think it was actually healthy for me to realize I CAN take a day or three off from my normal routine and it's not going to ruin everything I've accomplished.

    I'm definitely having a great weekend. I'm still on Cloud 9 after seeing "Hair" at The Paramount yesterday. What a fun thing to do!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    Today has been a quieter day then I expected. My plan was to attend an extra yoga class today but I missed it. Thought the class was at 2 PM but it was at really at 1:15 PM. I think I made the mistake accidentally but must admit I wasn't extremely disappointed when I realized I'd missed the class start. So I have spent the day with a movie playing while I wandered between rooms with an eye on the movie doing housework and finishing up some laundry.

    Yesterday the MFP system told me I have signed in for 50 days in a row. For the first 40 days my weight seemed to barely move despite being within caloric parameters: I blamed this on my health problems, my age, and that I wasn't exercising or drinking enough water. So I upped the water in, started some small steps at exercise and then on December 1 I was surprised to find I was down 5 pounds. I have promised myself that I will keep watching the in, increase exercise gently and not weigh myself again until December 10. So missing the yoga class is a bit of a problem but I will try to find the "oomph" to pull out the Wii board and do some yoga with it before bed.

    Happy easy Sunday,
  • HerbieSue
    Gosh, Tiarapants, you have a lot on your plate right now. I looked at your photos an you look so great!! Wondering if the new twins, the upcoming wedding and the big gala have all gotten you stressed. You have made an awesome accomplishment in your weight loss efforts, embrace that! Wear your wonderful dress and own it! You should be so proud of yourself. I wouldn''t spend too much money on the dress, though, because I think with your determination it will be too big for you soon!!!
  • NancyJane116
    NancyJane116 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi ladies :) I just joined MFP yesterday. I have been reading your posts - what a wonderful, articulate and thoughtful group you are!
    I am hoping to accomplish a few things through this site - the largest being some genuine self-esteem, not the face that I present to the work world (or even sometimes my home world), but bona fide good feelings that I really own.

    I am looking forward to being held accountable..... love love the food diary. I have been staring at the numbers after my dinner tonight, and so far have resisted the coffee ice cream in my freezer. Now, I have to figure out this exersize thing :)

    thanks for reading my ramble - I look forward to meeting you,

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone old and new!

    Wow! December is starting off chatty. I can't believe how many post there are. This is my first chance to sit down all day. I've been cleaning and re-organizing stuff. We have no room for a Christmas Tree this year. Somehow, we will find room and I think this may be the year we have a small tree!

    I started to crochet again today. My hubby thought the blanket my Mom made was for his cousin's first grandchild instead of the new baby of an old friend. So, I'm making one for little DJ, his cousin's grandson. Four rows down, ? more to go.

    Have a great Sunday evening and let me be the first to wish you all a good Monday morning.

  • HerbieSue
    NancyJanell6: Welcome! I love the food diary too! It has been so helpful to me in losing by keeping track of everything, not just calories! I'm sure it will help you too!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    chicklet - you never cease to amaze me how much you do for others.

    Went to see TSO in concert last night. It was Jessica's bf's first time. His reaction? "OMG - they're awesome!" I really like how at the start of each and every concert, they give a check to a local charity for $1 of every ticket purchased. Also, the strings section is always a local group. At the end of each concert, they give a guitar signed by all the members to one child. And they always say "thanks" to all members of the armed service, past, present, and future. I think that's so good. After the conert we went out to dinner. I had this salmon (could only eat 1/2 of it) and mixed veges (I had to ask for no butter) and a salad -- just lettuce and tomato. I asked for vinegar and oil on the side, only put the vinegar on.

    We're going to have a cookie exchange so I've been baking, baking, baking all day. Vince says "boy, you sure are making a lot". FINALLY, the last batch is in the oven. Took me 5-1/2 hrs to do. I could tell towards the end I was getting tired because the cookies were getting larger and larger.

    If anyone looks at my menu today, don't yell at me, please. I know I didn't log anything for lunch or dinner. All day I've been "sampling" the cookies. Right now I feel so so "yuk"

    Oh, remember I asked if almond milk can be frozen and someone (I don't remember who) said that it could. Well, it can, but when you do, the consistency changes. I don't think I'll freeze it again. I got these smaller cartons of it so I'll use those.

    Jessica left today, now I need to make her bed, vacuum the bedrooms and clean her room.

    Didn't do any exercise today. This a.m. decided to make Zac's (Jessica's bf) parents the pumpkin spice muffins. He said his dad really liked them. Ken is supposed to come over this week, so I'll give the rest to him and Lynette. I also cut a piece of the triple chocolate cheesecake for Lynette. Right now to be honest, I'm just too pooped to exercise. Tomorrow I'll take an extreme pump class.

    Welcome janemartin! You just joined by posting. Continue posting so we can get to know you better. Hi there lizzybluts!!! You, too, PJilly. Welcome Minicat. You do so much, sometimes it helps to give our bodies a rest. Then go back to your exercising

    For the last three days the Wii has been saying that I'm overweight. Not today, but it wouldn't surprise me if it does tomorrow. I'm thinking that a lot of it is due to the cookies that I've been baking. Will I ever be glad when the holidays are over!

    Congrats on the fantastic news Rebel. So...when's the due date?

    Think I'll just go lie down for a bit

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Good Sunday Evening to all. I see so many new posters...it's a great time to join...before all the holiday damage (:noway: ) is done rather than after!! Speaking of holiday damage...I did my share of it the week after Thanksgiving. The day is never really the problem...it's the days following with left over pie etc staring you in the face. Even having it at a niece's I had left over ham, sweet potatoes, pumpkin upside down cake and a small pumpkin pie that was given to us by our Edward Jones' office. So after misplacing my mojo, once again (with the help of all that ham and pumpkin), I'm working hard once more to get it back. I haven't changed my goal(s) from November because I'm still working on learning not to shoot myself in the foot!

    Christmas is coming way too fast. I really am not doing much decorating...a few outside stuff on the porch and a wreath on the door, one tree (in my office), a basket of pine cones in the dining room, and some placemats and santa napkin rings in the breakfast nook. We are leaving here Dec. 17-Jan 4 to spend Christmas and New Year's with family and friends in California so there is really no point in overdoing the decorating.

    Hope everyone is doing well. I've read the posts, although not all of them...I was missing at least a couple of weeks...so I'm not sure what's going on with you Chiclet, but I hope things improve soon! Take care all, and happy holidays!!
  • joylaut
    Two questions since I am just getting started:
    1. I am having trouble entering exercises. If I search database, there seems to be no button to click to add to my daily diary. If I click on add your own exercise, it doesn't give me calories burned. Can someone guide me with this?
    2. Where do I enter monthly goals like all of you have at the bottom of your posts?

    BTW my husbands work holiday party is this Friday. I bought a cute black dress, tried it on with and without a body shaper. Definitely need the body shaper and even then, considered re-ordering it in a larger size. So I really need to amp up exercise and come in under my calorie count every day this week. :grumble:

    Thanks, Joyce
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    Two questions since I am just getting started:
    1. I am having trouble entering exercises. If I search database, there seems to be no button to click to add to my daily diary. If I click on add your own exercise, it doesn't give me calories burned. Can someone guide me with this?
    2. Where do I enter monthly goals like all of you have at the bottom of your posts?

    Hi Joyce, there is so much to learn on this site :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    1. If you search for an exercise you need to click on the exercise to highlight it and a box pops up for you to enter the number of minutes you spent doing the exercise and it computes calories and there's a green box below to click to add the exercise.

    If you add your own exercise, you'll have to figure out how many calories you've burned.....some people use a heart rate monitor---I searched some other sites to find out how many calories are typically burned doing a certain exercise and entered that number (google the name of the exercise and "calorie count" and you'll find some sites to give you the information you need.....the once you've added it to your exercise diary it will be in the data base and you can access it again and it will compute the calories for how ever many minutes you do it.

    http://caloriecount.about.com/exercise this is a site with a big exercise data base if you can't find the exercise you want on MFP

    2. At the top of the Community page there is a choice calhttp://caloriecount.about.com/exerciseled "Signature" . That's where you can put in your goals, your name, or a favorite quote......there's a limit to how big your signature can be, but as you can see by our various signatures, you can put a lot in.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :flowerforyou: Amanda....you are amazing and successful.....when your head starts to tell you something negative, tell your head to "shut up" then sing a song, play some music or read our posts on MFP......you have many admirers here
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs
    Barbie (one of your biggest (most ardent) fans and admirers :bigsmile:
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    AMANDA, Congrats on being half your size from last year!! I bet the dresses looked great. Maybe a pic coming up? It is hard to get the brain in sync with the body after such a long time being overweight but it will come. Go to the Ball and enjoy.

    LIZZY, I too am new here, started MFP 11/16/10 and cple weeks ago found these lovely ladies. Hearing others' stories is motivating. I also found that it is more difficult to lose after 50, used to come off easier. Yrs of yo-yo dieting and age have finally crept up.

    REBEL, congrats on your news!

    KARLENE, WTG, just a little change for big results!

    NANCY, Hi. I am new here also (cple weeks)and find these ladies very motivating.

    MICHELE, By the sounds of your day you did get your work out. All the cooking/mixing / things in & out of oven etc plus all the cleaning after daughter left makes me tired to think of it. Saying that you are tired probably confirms that you got a 'work out'. I do not know how you can cook like that, I wouldn't just sample.... no will power yet.

    I do not have Christmas at my home either, but find decorating and seeing the tree/window lights picks up my spirits so I decorate. Hope the decorations will help get me out of this 'Funk".
    Going to spend Monday afternoon/evening with my grandson. He is 2 1/2 and the light of my life. Spending time with him refocuses me on this journey. I want to be able to keep up with him come spring and outdoor playtime.
    Well time for one computer game then lights out.
    Night all.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Hello "to all the lovely Ladies"

    It's good to read about all of your daily life schedules. It's very busy here. I still have the cough, can you believe:???:huh: :noway: I have had this for over 6wks. All the folks around who have had this particular virus, say that they still have a cough. One nurse practitioner says that it is a mild virus of whooping cough(is that how it is spelled). I haven't heard of that disease in years.

    I am still going. I had an after-church function with family and friends and guess what we did ??/SANG! I know it was at least 2 hours and maybe 3. I just entered 2. Keeps me honest. I would rather enter too little as too much.

    Chiclet: our hearts are with you. Any of us, who have living parents, could be in your situation. You are a good daughter.

    Welcome to all the newbies...I just keep getting scooted on down the line. I am beginning to feel like an oldie:bigsmile: Age having nothing to do with it.:noway:

    My eating tonight went about 150 calories over, I think. It's late and I'm not going to click back and see for sure.:tongue:

    Just wanted to let you know that I am lurking even when I am not posting. I love reading all the things in your lives and I hope and pray for your troubles and your struggles.

    It's a wonderful time to be alive, don't you think? :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Have a good day today...
  • joylaut
    Ignore this one. I'm posting to see if my goals and the ticker thing-y show up. And to see if my baby's photo showed up. Thought I would get on board with the rest of you animal lovers :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi everyone, wow there's quite a few newcomers joined since I last posted. Welcome to all of you.

    Just another quickie :ohwell: :ohwell: I'll try and read all the posts later, this is just to check in with my December goals.

    For December I'm going to ( I nearly said try then!!!) no I am going to start the gut n but exercises.

    Keep up the running, the weather has been against us this last week. We are not used to snow for more than a day at a time here in the UK and the snow has been with us more than a week now :noway: and no sign of it thawing :grumble:

    Drink lots of water.

    Eat more veggies and fruit

    and choose healthy choices when eating out. (I'll take a doggy bag and bring some of it home)

    Hope to get on the PC later on today to read and catch up with you all.

    Love and best wishes to you all.

    :heart: :heart: