Did you lose weight after having the Mirena taken out?



  • omargit
    omargit Posts: 8 Member
    so....finally I got an appointment time for consultant consultation only on the 11th of March.
  • princessnuriko
    princessnuriko Posts: 50 Member
    I got it put in years ago this weekend. (2012) I was about 158 on that day. One week later I ballooned up to 169 pounds and I couldn't get the weight off no matter how much I worked out or healthy I eat. I felt bloated and crampy all the time. Finally around July 2012, I had enough! I got it taken out. I'm glad I did. The GYNO had problems finding the string, but eventually did and pulled it out. One month later and having one good period, I lost most of the weight and went down to 161 pounds. After trying Ocella, I put weight back on...back to 169. Stopped taking BCPs for a year and started taking Ortho-tricyclen Lo this past summer. I'm finally down to 149 with about 15 more pounds to go. BLUF, Mirena just didn't agree with my body and I'm soooo glad I had it removed. It's not for everybody.
  • I gained 25 lbs with the mirena...all in the first 9 months! After doing some research, i decided to take it out myself. Lost 3lbs by the second day. My average weight is 150lbs. Hopefully I will be back there by summer.
  • srsly_sarah
    srsly_sarah Posts: 42 Member
    Just an update, to give hope to any women who are struggling with weight and are having their mirena out: I had mine removed 6 weeks ago and I've lost 9 pounds. I wasn't able to lose any weight while I had it in. It didn't fall off magically--I've been working very hard, but that same hard work got me no where while the mirea was in!
  • Happy for those who the has had no issues with the Mirena, you're so lucky.

    I loved that the Mirena stopped my monthly cycles. However I looked and the timescales of when I had the Mirena (I've had it twice before and after my pregnancy), and I notice the times I've had it, the weight just crept up on me.

    The saddest and most frustrating thing is that I am more HEAVIER then I was as soon as I gave birth!!!! To be exact I got to be 20lbs heavier than I was a month after giving birth. How does that happen???!!!!!!! Before I got the Mirena and after I gave birth I had lost around 18 lbs of my baby weight... I got the Mirena almost a year after giving birth and that is the exact time I noticed the rapid weight gain.

    I had enough last year Dec when my scale told me I was 198lbs!!!! I was 175 lbs the week I gave birth to my child!!! Jan 2014 I joined a gym 5 days a week... Doing a lot of cardiovascular classes ect, eating right ect... Still barely losing the pounds.

    Got the Mirena removed yesterday, hope I can go back to my usual UK size 10 (Us size 6) easily now !
  • I have been dealing with a really similar issue as all of you. I had my Mirena put in in April of 2011 at my 6 wk appointment after my son was born. I lost weight fine while I was still nursing my son. I weaned my son in Oct 2012 and since then I have NOT been able to lose weight. I slowly get frustrted and gain weight and then when I attempt to try to lose the weight again NOTHING happens despite maintaining 1200 Calories a day and exercising. I know my body and I know this is not normal for me. Ive also continued to lactate to a point where I woke up with a wet spot of breastmilk on my sheets the other day- a year and a half after I stopped nursing my son. Ive had all kinds of blood tests done to figure out what the issue is. Ive been doing a ton of research and realized that its very possible that my Mirena is the issue!

    I have an appointment to have it removed on Monday and I cannot wait.
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I found this topic on January 20th and I couldn't believe what I was reading! I want to thank everyone for sharing your problems with your Mirena. I had mine put at the same time that I had an Endometrial ablasion so I thought that some of the problems I was having were from the ablasion! I had it inserted in September 2012, and because of the surgery I wasn't able to work out for 6-8 weeks. Right after Christmas I began gaining weight, while I was doing Jillian's Body Revolution program. So I finished that and started Insanity, I was eating 1200 calories or less and was continuing to gain weight. I had absolutely no energy, brain fog, my breasts ached constantly, I was bloated, my skin was breaking out, and my hair was falling out by the handful. I was also having severe mood swings and some pretty disturbing thoughts, I couldn't sleep through the night. I went to my family doctor, who told me that I was just at that certain age where weight gain was to be expected. I asked him if it could be the Mirena (he didn't put it in, a gynecologist did) he said no...I believed him. I did Insanity, P90x, ran every other day all summer and still could not lose one pound!

    After reading this post and then doing some further research online, I pulled my Mirena out on January 21st. It really isn't too hard, I googled how do you remove your own Mirena and followed the advice of a girl who made a really good post. In the last month I have lost about 6 lbs, and more inches. I feel so much better than I did for the last year and a half, I have some (not all) of my energy back, brain fog is clearing, my skin is clearing up, and my hair is feeling thicker and better. My belly bloat is gone and my breasts don't hurt constantly! I am also sleeping through the night again.

    I started seeing a naturopath to get my body detoxed and I feel like I am getting my life back.

    Good luck to the rest of you, I hope to hear some more updates and progress reports!
  • chastini
    chastini Posts: 1
    I got my Mirena pulled today but here is my story...
    I have always been tiny never weighted over 105 and when I found out I was pregnant I was only 107. I'm 5"1 and have always been very active and never even touched a gym. After having my daughter my Dr suggested the Mirena and I told her I did not want one with hormones and she said I would not be affected BC its so low. Well for 4 years I gave struggled to loose the last 10 pounds left of my baby weight...and I'm tiny I had a muffin top (didn't help I has a c section also). I worked out all the time and I watched what I ate and still nothing. I decided early this week to look into seeing the side effects of the Mirena BC someone I knew said she has similar ones. Well I was blew away....I had every one of them! Bloating, head ache, weight gain, ache, no sex drive, fatigue, cranky, bad mood swings and oily Hair and hair loss.

    I also had cyst and that's a reason I pushed to had it out today...I'm really hoping I will be able to tell a difference sooner then later. I have noticed my tummy isn't so bloaded. The actual removal process was a piece of cake...I didn't even know she was done. I go next week to have the paragaurd put in and I'm a little nervous about it. It didn't hurt to bad to get the mirena in it was just a little uncomfortable and I felt small cramps....I wish I would have figured this how sooner! I will never get the Mirena again!!
  • jmh79
    jmh79 Posts: 2 Member
    After doing some research on the internet and seeing women report similar side effects to mine (difficult or nonexistent weight loss even given total change in eating/exercise habits), I had my Mirena removed today. The side effect mentioned was only one of my reasons. The second is that I have been diagnosed with PCOS in the past, and literally the only way I had of monitoring my PCOS was to make sure my periods were normalized. While it's great that Mirena will eliminate your period (for some women) that actually made monitoring PCOS practically impossible for me. Having had PCOS also means my body is very sensitive to hormones - the first doc that diagnosed me put me on BC to control PCOS and it made it even worse. I realize now that getting a hormonal IUD (however mild those hormones are) was a mistake.

    I've never had particularly bad cramps or periods (though they did worsen a bit after I turned 30). Given that, I'm going to try the ParaGard after a few months of letting my hormones re-normalize without any BC. I don't have any kids, and don't particularly want any, so assuming that the ParaGard works, I should be set til I'm hopefully out of childbearing years - I'm currently 35 and the ParaGard is good for 10 years. While it does worsen periods for some women, since mine have traditionally mild, I think I can handle any increase in those symptoms.

    I appreciate everyone's insights on this thread - it helped me make the decision to get it removed and look for a non-hormone replacement.
  • I've just had my mirena removed (24hours ago) and really bloated (really not usual for me). Anyone got any advice on how long this will last I feel really yuk.

    Thanks Cat
  • omargit
    omargit Posts: 8 Member
    Just read back the past posts, somebody here had the same problem. I think, she drank lots of water, after went out for a long walk....
    look for this post.
  • omargit
    omargit Posts: 8 Member
    So.... Mirena was removed this Tuesday, by a consultant gyna in the hospital out patient ward.
    The GP could not find the strings 4 months ago. For the consultant, it takes less then 5 minutes to find them, and Mirena was out. By the next day, all the bloating, and every other symptoms left me.
    I feel freedom now, nothing inside me anymore.

    Off course, the consultant again, started to say to me, that I should not want to get Mirena out, because my side effects are not Mirena's fault. I told her, that, this is my body and I know what body I had before Mirena, and what body I got, after Mirena. And I went to the GP 1 and a half years ago with the same problems, and she just laughed on me.

    GP last november and now the consultant gave me prescriptions with Cerazette, progesteron only pill. I had many research on internet about Cerazette, and lots of women became pregnant with this pill so I told my husband, I won't use this pill, and I won't use Noriday, the other progesteron only pill. So he should think on contraception, if he doesn't want a 5th baby in the house. (we have four children and one grandaughter)

    I got the first period on Thursday, but it is very light.

    So, I am very happy now. I never use scales, because I do not want to be addicted in scales, I am using my favourite dresses, and trousers for measuring my weight. I gained around 5-7 kg with Mirena and by today, I got back my favourite trousers what I couldn't wear for years, because of Mirena.

    And the other thing...my hair...on Thursday I went to see my hairdresser, and she asked me, what I did with my hair, it is stopped falling out, and seems to be more healthy and stronger.
    What should I say now? ;-)

    If somebody coming to me praising Mirena, I will send that person far away....;-)
  • As my last post I had mine out on Thursday... Immediately I had a really odd squishy cushion of a belly I was so bloated, the next day I was cramping and felt quite fragile but was ravenous. Today the bloat has gone and physically I feel quite light inside but I'm still hoovering up huge portions and still feeling hungry an hour or do later.

    Yet to see a change in my libido or other horrible mirena side effects...
    Seems a bit odd it I'm really looking forward to my next (first post mirena) period. After 6 years of none I'm hoping/thinking it will be a sign that things are moving back to being normal.
  • roseomartin
    roseomartin Posts: 1 Member
    I saw this post and figured I would weigh-in (no pun intended.) I have had my mirena for nearly one year (1 yr on April 30). I bleed around 18-22 days of every month. Needless to say, I am very stubborn, so I wanted to give it a whole year to 'settle in,' but it still isn't settling. (I am one of those people that is used to having the 1% user side effects...) I can't stand bleeding anymore. I have bled for over 65% of the year so far- with only one month to go. I have also noticed that I am gaining weight specifically in my lower belly and developing a 'spare tire.' I have gotten chubby several times in my life, but I have never gained weight so unevenly. Also, I have noticed that not only have I put on a few pounds, but no matter what I do I cannot get below a certain weight. It is insane, I can eat well and work out for a month straight with no change. I fluctuate between 147 and 151. CANNOT get below 147... which is really weird. When I got mirena, I weighed 130. (I have gotten married since then, so I was willing to attribute it to post-wedding snacking...but this is getting ridiculous!) I am going to take it out. I am finally giving up on being stubborn. After seeing other people doing the same thing (exercising and eating well with no success) I am done. At this point, if I relax my muscles, I look pregnant, my belly is so perfectly round.. it HAS to be the hormones. I am also DONE bleeding for 2-3 weeks every month. Time to say goodbye to Mirena! Just another thing that was too good to be true. :( BC I didn't have to think about... yeah.
  • Ive had the Mirena for almost 2 and a half years, I am completely fed up with it and am getting it removed next month. Everyone reacts differently yes, but for me.. I have had terrible acne, lots of vaginal discharge, irregular menstrual cycles, my sex drive is completely gone, I have gained 35lbs and as hard as I try I cannot lose a single pound!! The only positive thing that came out of it was lightened menstrual cycles. I personally would not recommend this method to anyone.
  • MParab
    MParab Posts: 4
    Anybody have updates on weight loss after removal that they would like to share?
  • MParab
    MParab Posts: 4
    I am one of those in FAVOUR of the Mirena. I tried all sorts of contraceptive pills after having my third child, but they all gave me horrendous migraines (3 days lost almost every week in bed!) I kept resisting the idea of a Mirena coil, for various reasons, but since it had worked so well for many friends and my doctor felt it could help my migraines, I finally gave in about 2 years ago. I LOVE IT! I now get migraines about once every two months, and they only last a morning, or 1 day max. (As opposed to 3 a month, each lasting 3 days!) I still get a regular period but it is MUCH lighter (but just as long as before - would have been nice to get the "no periods"benefit, but I can live with it!) My mood is better and my sex drive is UP :-) Also, and most importantly for the purposes of this thread, I have LOST 15 kg in that time. Yes, I worked hard at it, with lots of exercise and eating better, but for me it was totally possible to LOSE weight on the Mirena coil. I now weigh less than I have done for 12 years. I don't regret for one moment the decision to have the Mirena coil fitted. I am now 43, and it will need to be replaced when I am 46, so that will probably be my last one - but right now I have no doubt that I will have that new one fitted.

    I do realise that not everyone is a lucky as I am and some have had really bad experiences (as you can read on this thread). However, I think it is like any medication - everyone reacts differently. If it has affected you badly, then yes get it taken out. BUT if you are reading this thread as you think about whether or not to have one fitted, don't just look at the negative reactions. MANY people are very happy with their Mirena coil, and having one fitted does NOT automatically mean you will gain weight.

    I LOVE your post! I have been reading through this thread after having some issues of my own, and there are so many people on here commenting that there is no way Mirena is causing weight gain and maybe people should stop stuffing their faces. I completely agree with you - everyone reacts differently and what's true for one is not necessarily true for another. And although my experience has been completely different from yours, I acknowledge that Mirena is not actually the devil. I did not react well to it. I do not tell people to run away from it because of that, because I know it's a life-saver and works great for the majority of people. That's why I agreed to get it to begin with.

    The reason I got it was for heavy periods and chronic low iron. I have been getting migraines my entire adult life (roughly 15 years) at varying frequencies and intensities. I also have acne, which I developed as an adult (never had it in my teen years), but it had been largely under control for several years. I had the Mirena inserted a little over three months ago. It was mid-December and I do realize that's the holiday season, and I do attribute maybe 5-7 pounds of my weight gain to that fact alone, but it didn't stop there. I usually eat pretty healthily but after the weight gain I had in December, which at the time I thought was all holidays but couldn't believe it was 12 whole pounds for that alone), I really started watching what I ate and working out hard. I tracked everything that touched my lips and did pretty intense workouts 3-4 times a week. Normally when I make even minute changes I lose weight easily. Instead of losing I kept gaining. The weight gain finally stalled at somewhere between 15 and 20 pounds, all gained before February. I talked to my doctor and she didn't think it was the Mirena and checked my thyroid. That came back normal. I was still not able to lose any weight and on top of that, my migraines were getting worse and my skin was breaking out far more than usual. The doctor checked into it again and finally agreed with me that it was the Mirena. The migraines got progressively worse and I made an appointment to have the IUD removed. The 6 days between calling the office and having the appointment, I had 8 migraines. I was at my wit's end and couldn't afford to take any more time off work, and this issue trumped the weight gain at that point! My ob didn't argue and went ahead and took it out on Friday. I feel better already and am looking forward to what will hopefully be weight loss success and fewer migraines!

    Anyway, I thought our stories were a nice contrast and that hopefully people would see that it is actually possible for Mirena to cause bad side effects, even if they didn't have any themselves. For the record, I had zero major life changes around the time I got Mirena - my youngest child is almost 5 years old, I have been in the same job for over a year, been married for 8 years, living in the same house for 3 years, etc. Literally nothing else in my life changed aside from having the Mirena fitted.

    So to anyone who doesn't have side effects - congratulations. You are in the majority, I hope you stay there. Please don't try to tell the rest of us that it's all in our heads and we need to eat less and work more. And to everyone who is having side effects - there's a fair chance you're not crazy and the Mirena could be causing your symptoms. Take an honest look at your lifestyle and if you feel for sure it's the cause, get it out. And for anyone who is reading this because they are considering getting the Mirena - don't let the negative reviews dissuade you! There is a huge possibility that it will be great for you. Good luck all!
  • Happyme2009
    Happyme2009 Posts: 233 Member
    Year and years ago I had a Mirena. It was a horrible experience, from weight gain to depression and all possible side effects. I remember crying ( for spending so much money on it ) and then begging to get it out of me while the doctor tried to convince me I should keep it.
    I got it removed and got a normal Nova-T copper iud instead ( a little cheaper than Mirena ), which which I had no problems whatsoever, reduced cramping, normal energy, normal weight, everything back to normal. Can't even feel it.
    Mirena was a evil and I hated it. I think they try to minimize the side effects when they sell it but it was really awful for me.
  • I am so happy I finally found this! I got the mirena taken out Monday after having it for almost a year and gained about 30lb, increased anxiety and depression . No matter what i did i could not lose the weight and just stopped gaining. I am very anxious to see this weight fall off and if anyone has any tip or advice i would love to hear it! I am getting married Nov 1 2014 and would love to get this weight off asap!
  • I just had my Mirena removed yesterday after having it for 9 months. I had a love/mostly hate relationship with my Mirena..... LOVE: Not having to think about birth control & no problems with sex drive. HATE: Pain (all kinds at different times.... horribly painful ovarian cysts that I never had before, back pain, feeling of having CONTRACTIONS; Urinary Tract Infections (never had one in my life before this); unpredictable, heavy, and LONG periods.... my last period lasted FIFTEEN DAYS; CANNOT lose weight... have been on a strict low carb diet with exercise included and cannot lose weight. Thyroid, etc. is fine. My mother who has thyroid issues has been following the same diet without exercise and has lost 13 lbs.

    I have 3 children (an 8 year old & 3 year old twins) and am not planning on any more, but am leaving birth control up to my husband. No more bc side effects for me! I just hope my body goes back to functioning properly. Mirena was my doctor's suggestion (I was fine with condoms.... before Mirena did not take bc in 9 years). Worst thing I ever did was follow my dr's advice!