"Oh, so you're starving yourself?"



  • BelsFitnessJourney

    Love it! :P
  • happysummerrunner
    happysummerrunner Posts: 66 Member
    I think when people react this way it could be more about them than about you. Maybe she's feeling guilty for her own eating choices which makes her defensive so she she criticizes your choices. Or maybe she was just mad you weren't eating the food she paid for. Or maybe she's actually worried you're developing an eating disorder because she doesn't understand eating disorders vs. healthy lifestyle changes.

    Anyway, trying to understand the other person's thought process sometimes helps calm me down.

    If she's actually concerned- showing her your food log and explaining how you're losing weight at a healthy rate, etc. could help.
    If she's just feeling guilty and acting defensively then that's her negative choice.:ohwell: Hope you can work things out.
  • Nerdycurls
    Nerdycurls Posts: 143 Member
    So my mother just informed me that they are having Chinese take out for dinner and since I just had Red Robin for lunch (and was hoping to have a semi healthy, filling, yet not completely bulky meal for dinner) I told her I was planning on having yogurt, granola and a ton of fruit for dinner. She replied, "Oh, so you're starving yourself?" I said, "No! I'm not starving myself! I ate a lot of food today and since I'm still full, I don't feel like eating a bulky dinner." She proceeded to run outside and yell to my neighbors (there were 5+ of them outside,) "She is starving herself tonight!"

    I'm not really embarrassed or anything like that because I know that I am not starving myself by choosing this meal. I have been craving yogurt, granola and fruit for a while now and I am not in the mood for a bulky meal so I am mainly eating just to eat haha.

    I am a bit mad about this, though. This isn't the first time she's criticized my eating choices. It seems if I am not eating the junk food she wants me to eat, I am not eating "correctly" to her.

    What can I say to her? I've tried, "I'm doing this for my health, please support me." and it obviously doesn't help.

    Anyone been through something like this before?

    People are uncomfortable with change. It scares the bejeebus out of them! I'd ignore her. What she did was nuts but others have been there before. At another site I read about how one woman's mom cussed her out endlessly when the poster asked her mom for the recipe of a food. She asked for the recipe so she'd know how many calories were in it along with the serving size, and her mom went off saying "what kind of #$%^ing diet is this #*&@ing !@#$*&&%" it was THAT bad.

    If you were starving yourself, would you even be eating? Nope. Instead you're eating protein-rich food and are going to do it in sight. It's not like you are being secretive. She's just uncomfortable, and I wouldn't give it more attention than warranted.
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    Move out?
  • meritage4
    meritage4 Posts: 1,441 Member
    Ask your mom why she wants you to stay fat?

    Meanwhile just keep doing what you are-It's working for you!
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    you're an adult and dont have to justify your food choices to anyone.

    why not just respond with an "OK" and go about your business? eventually people stop trying to get a rise out of you if you dont comply
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    So my mother just informed me that they are having Chinese take out for dinner and since I just had Red Robin for lunch (and was hoping to have a semi healthy, filling, yet not completely bulky meal for dinner) I told her I was planning on having yogurt, granola and a ton of fruit for dinner. She replied, "Oh, so you're starving yourself?" I said, "No! I'm not starving myself! I ate a lot of food today and since I'm still full, I don't feel like eating a bulky dinner." She proceeded to run outside and yell to my neighbors (there were 5+ of them outside,) "She is starving herself tonight!"

    I'm not really embarrassed or anything like that because I know that I am not starving myself by choosing this meal. I have been craving yogurt, granola and fruit for a while now and I am not in the mood for a bulky meal so I am mainly eating just to eat haha.

    I am a bit mad about this, though. This isn't the first time she's criticized my eating choices. It seems if I am not eating the junk food she wants me to eat, I am not eating "correctly" to her.

    What can I say to her? I've tried, "I'm doing this for my health, please support me." and it obviously doesn't help.

    Anyone been through something like this before?
    Since you're on MFP I assume you're an adult.

    As such you do not have to answer to anyone else. Stop explaining/debating/arguing with her. The end.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    So my mother just informed me that they are having Chinese take out for dinner and since I just had Red Robin for lunch (and was hoping to have a semi healthy, filling, yet not completely bulky meal for dinner) I told her I was planning on having yogurt, granola and a ton of fruit for dinner. She replied, "Oh, so you're starving yourself?" I said, "No! I'm not starving myself! I ate a lot of food today and since I'm still full, I don't feel like eating a bulky dinner." She proceeded to run outside and yell to my neighbors (there were 5+ of them outside,) "She is starving herself tonight!"

    I'm not really embarrassed or anything like that because I know that I am not starving myself by choosing this meal. I have been craving yogurt, granola and fruit for a while now and I am not in the mood for a bulky meal so I am mainly eating just to eat haha.

    I am a bit mad about this, though. This isn't the first time she's criticized my eating choices. It seems if I am not eating the junk food she wants me to eat, I am not eating "correctly" to her.

    What can I say to her? I've tried, "I'm doing this for my health, please support me." and it obviously doesn't help.

    Anyone been through something like this before?
    Since you're on MFP I assume you're an adult.

    As such you do not have to answer to anyone else. Stop explaining/debating/arguing with her. The end.

    Beat me to it. You could move out.
  • David_AUS
    David_AUS Posts: 298 Member
    Some battles are destined to fail you cannot win this with force or a degree of diplomacy. I get that you mother is worried about you, I don't think educating her is going to solve anything as she will say OMG is that all you had to eat - you are starving yourself!

    Keep doing what you know is right - compromise where you choose to For eg. For the Chinese meal you could have steamed vegetables and skip the fried noodles etc.... these will help with the family thing and is not heavy calories.

    One thing we have going on at home now is shared diary events (thanks Google!) with the family - now this does go both ways if you mum wants to plan a family "take-out or eat in" dinner that varies from the norm then she can put it in the shared diary a day or so ahead - so you can plan ahead for meals (at least a little). It also helps with the "I never know where you are anymore if you are safe"...etc.... You don't need to share all the details in return but you may need to be prepared to share some details "out a the XYZ club with friends".. maybe something that may help for your situation? That way she won't be offended if you are out "with friends" etc..... as you have already planned thee events ahead. For eg. We put in when we will be at the gym so the tribe at home can co-ordinate cooking dinner when we won't be home. Adding details like "We will work out our own dinner" or "put aside a couple of portions for us later".
  • dickrocketjones
    dickrocketjones Posts: 78 Member
    Drink a ****load of Jim Beam. Go out and drag her *kitten* around the front yard by her hair. Then call her a slut and punch her a few times. Then when the cops come say "that ***** started it". And then pass out. Just saying that's how we handle family bidness in Texas.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    WTF? Running out and telling the neighbors? That's just whacked.

    For real. You mom has issues. That's just nuts.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member
    I don't know you or your mom; but mine is similar to yours - she won't tell the neighbors but she loves the line I can't love unless you_______. And all the advice about talking to her is just useless. I did counseling and learned that she was emotionally abusing me. I did not live with her; so that helped; as I was able to put limits up - ie: " Mom, if you continue to say that I will need to hang up - or leave" and then do it. So fast forward 15 years and I am finally working on the weight I put on as all the sweets/baked goodies made me feel good and learning to be a great baker got me positive feed back from others.

    My recommendation is continue your life as best you can; limit information you give her; figure out a way to move out - rent a room?, and if you feel you need it do not be too embarrassed to seek professional help - and if you don't think you can afford it barter ( I traded counseling for making 3 dinners a week for my therapists family)
  • zagbee
    zagbee Posts: 40 Member
    Someone else sort of said the same thing up there, but I think this is more about her than you. You choosing a healthier option for your dinner probably made her feel guilty about her choices and I think she got defensive and lashed out. I am a little lost about her running out to yell at the neighbors, though. :noway:
  • deztopstylist
    deztopstylist Posts: 55 Member

    Omg I love this. Ignore your mom. They can make bad decisions but you have to do what you have to do sit her down and tell her that what she did was not right and that you respect her choices if she could respect yours.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Take your share and have it for lunch tomorrow.
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Personally I'd tell her I find her behavior today totally unacceptable and warn her that continuing to carry on inappropriately about your decisions will disappoint you and make you less likely to discuss them with her in the future.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    How old are you?
  • AmyML44
    AmyML44 Posts: 11
    Drink a ****load of Jim Beam. Go out and drag her *kitten* around the front yard by her hair. Then call her a slut and punch her a few times. Then when the cops come say "that ***** started it". And then pass out. Just saying that's how we handle family bidness in Texas.

    Hell yeah!
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Drink a ****load of Jim Beam. Go out and drag her *kitten* around the front yard by her hair. Then call her a slut and punch her a few times. Then when the cops come say "that ***** started it". And then pass out. Just saying that's how we handle family bidness in Texas.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • rgohm
    rgohm Posts: 294 Member
    Your mom is one of those manipulative types, huh? That's OK. Recognize it for what it is and IGNORE any attempts at manipulation. You are a grown adult now. Just laugh it off and do what you need to do. :drinker:

    I agree.