Roll call all Brits!



  • tay0709
    tay0709 Posts: 36 Member
    Hello, I'm from West Yorkshire...originally Leeds and now near Bradford. I love having Brits who have open diaries as MFP friends for inspiration :) Anyone can add me, the more the merrier :) x
  • labtech666
    labtech666 Posts: 66 Member
    I'm Rachel, 38, originally from Croydon but now living in East Sussex.

    Feel free to add me as a friend! :smile:
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Man City fan here, but American.
  • Chrisiswinning
    Chrisiswinning Posts: 37 Member
    Hey all,

    Chris from Somerset here.

    Loads to lose but, hey, it's on its way (almost 2 stone gone, so far). My diary is public, but if you friend me up and ask, I'll share my recipes with you too. Plus I log every day and I post regularly. I also exercise every day (just about). So, if you want help or inspiration - in return for giving me some - feel free to add me.

  • jennibear22
    jennibear22 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I am Jen from near Glasgow.

    I am a secondary school teacher, a mum to an energetic 5 year and have two dogs.

    I have lost 2 stone since last year, but stalled and took a break from it all for a few months before coming back to MFP in January. I would like to lose at least another 20lbs.

    I am currently doing "lower carb" - tried no carb and felt icky and unhealthy so this suits be better. Anyone can add me :)
  • dehumanised1
    dehumanised1 Posts: 21 Member
    Getting back on the wagon after an extended Christmas break - looking for inspiration and encouragement! Feel free to add if you're looking for the same. =)
  • Abi198111
    Abi198111 Posts: 76 Member
    Hi... I'm Abi from Milton Keynes. I put on 3 stone after quitting smoking in 2012. I've lost a stone already using mfp, clean eating and exercising. Currently doing Insanity and (kind of) enjoying it! Add me :smile:
  • hayzychick
    hayzychick Posts: 14 Member

    I'm Hayley, i'm 22years old, and have lost 2stome 8 lbs so far in under a year and i'm from the uk, i'm obsessed with MFP now and only have 10lbs left to go on my journey now, I run 3 times a week and have an hour badminton session as well as gym sessions too .

    feel free to add me :)

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  • littledumplings
    littledumplings Posts: 223 Member
    Karen, Whitley Bay, north East. Lost 50lbs on here a few years ago eating 1200 cals a day, but I put it all back on again so starting from scratch again :( more 1200 cals though! Trying to eat as much as I can and still lose steadily, along with lifting weights 3 x week. Add me!
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    29. Yorkshire. Change my goal every day or two, but here every day, diary open, and I talk a lot.

    Edit: Please send a message with requests. Doesn't have to be long.
  • rubyted
    rubyted Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I'm Ali and I'm from Cambridgeshire.

    I have 2 boys and am pregnant with number 3 so I'm not actively trying to lose weight at the moment, but am logging for when I will want to lose the baby weight after he's born. (Form the habit before I have to start restricting.)
  • kwiatrtdy
    kwiatrtdy Posts: 383 Member
    Hi, I'm Kitty from the West Midlands. 22 and aiming to lose 4 stone. 3 years at university took their toll so now I'm trying to get back to my healthy former self. :)
  • Elby13
    Elby13 Posts: 20 Member
  • John31TL
    John31TL Posts: 140 Member
    Hi Im from North Yorkshire, feel free to add me if you're a chatter, got a few Brit friends but they don't speak lol
  • greensleeves3
    greensleeves3 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm 59 and a retired teacher from Faversham Kent. I have lost weight before with WW but found the Pro points difficult to follow when they changed. I am 5ft and would love to get to just below 8 stones. MFP is great! And so easy to log and feel in control. I began to feel weight creeping on and heading to 9 stones - at 5ft nothing and small frame, that makes a big difference! I make a point of only weighing once a week and reading the forums has made me realise that slow and steady is the key.
  • martynangus3113

    I'm Martyn, I'm 28 and from Castleford, West Yorkshire. My aim is to looses the little pouch that I got over the Christmas period (3 years ago) and just get fit really. I'm doing the T25 workout and so far I love it lol. I work from home and look after my 3 kids so I have so little time to myself but I do try to go Squash on a weekend (2nd time going lol)

    Feel free to add me I WILL be on everyday form now on :D
  • katalinax87
    katalinax87 Posts: 146 Member
    Katy, 27 from South Wales. I have a 21 month old daughter and aiming to lose about 2 stone initially and take it from there. However the big aim is to complete my first sprint triathlon in July
  • AimeeStokes1
    Hi, I'm 19 from Newcastle and trying to lose that weight I put on turning 18 and spending my year in Wetherspoons! I have just started MFP recently and need some friends to keep me determined! I want to lose 30lbs by the end of may and it's feeling impossible!
    Feel free to add me
  • jst1986
    jst1986 Posts: 204 Member
    Hi all, I'm James, 27 from Leeds. I lost over 5 stone in seven months last year before my daughter was born in July, unfortunately I've mega slipped back and put 2½ stone back on. Now I'm trying to get back into things but struggling just a bit!
  • Mauthos
    Mauthos Posts: 128 Member

    Seperated father to a little girl from Bristol. Joined this for inspiration after losing 18kg and stalling. Now I've lost a further 4kg, got addicted to the gym and to body combat as well as still attending martial arts classes and teaching Kenpo.

    Good luck to all.