what do you eat for breakfast?!

myrbg Posts: 93
hello everyone!
i wonder if there are any of you out there are like: i am EXTREMELY nauseous in the morning (no!! i'm NOT pregnant!). i start work at 7:30 in the morning which means I have to be up at 6 am...and let's just say that my tummy is not happy to be up that early! i understand that i should be eating within the hour that i get up and that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but i can't stomach much which leaves me with my problem: all the healthier breakfast options i try to eat usually make me even MORE nauseous. e.g. i'd love to have egg white omelet, but if i really want to have an egg, it has to be fried in pam spray (which ends up not being the greatest choice). once i see that i can stomach what i've chosen to eat, i'll eat that for the next couple of weeks and then get to a point where if i eat another egg i'm gonna DEFINITELY PUKE!

so, i'm asking for appetizing HEALTHY breakfast choices that work for you so that i can try to incorporate them into my morning routine! :) i hope this thread can help other find new choices too!



  • rescuepete
    rescuepete Posts: 58 Member
    Bowl of cereal, milk, OJ, V8, banana, then coffee later. Don't know if that helps.
  • garedds
    garedds Posts: 251
    what about a smoothie to drink on your way in. Some vanilla yoghurt, milk, and frozen berries all blended together and off you go. If you wanted to add some protien powder you could, I don't.
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    I don't eat as soon as I get up usually about 2 hours after I wake. Try taking instant oatmeal with you to work and having it as a kinda snack. I have oatmean and peanut buttter toast one morning and then I have 1 egg with peppers onions and a little cheese with toast the next. But I work evening so I'm not in a hurry toget out the door. Good luck I love my breakfast gets me going for the day.
  • JennaM222
    JennaM222 Posts: 1,996 Member
    bowl of special K!
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I carry my breakfast to work and eat as soon as I get in.... I have been on a yogurt and granola kick for the past 2 weeks, before that it was a bagel with FF cream cheese... I'm like you, I have it until I can't stand it any longer then I am searching for something else... not sure what will come next... :wink:
  • MariaHrndz
    If you like chocolate milk, try Orgain. It is an all-natural organic ready-to-drink meal replacement "shake". Vanilla is good, too (I use it as creamer for my coffee and then drink the rest for my breakfast), but the chocolate is easily my favorite. It's also a good snack for when you can't eat something healthy in time, but you don't want to skip and go into starvation mode (when your body then decides to hold onto EVERYTHING you eat, making weight loss impossible). My suggestion, though, is to try each and then buy a case of whichever (or both) flavor you enjoy. It's hard to find sometimes, so I buy whatever I can get my hands on. Amazon usually has the best price for it, but they're out right now. Vitamin Shoppe has it ready to ship right now. Obviously, the Orgain website always has it, but it's way too expensive to buy straight from them.


    Let me know what you think ;)
  • BughaBear
    I eat a bowl of cheerios mutli grain with 2% milk and I switch up the cereals some days, but I keep it in that type of cereal, I eat fiber one, the other types of cheerrios and sometime special k.
  • sunset19
    sunset19 Posts: 22 Member
    I used to have the same problem. I had to "train" myself to eat in the morning by starting really slowly. I find toast to be very easy to eat. You can use whole wheat/ double fiber bread and some low fat spread or jam of your choice. Start by eating 1 or 2 bites, then increase the amount in a few days and so on.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I usually have scrambled eggs w/ some cheese & a mini bagel or make an egg sandwich with an english muffin.
    Sometimes I do bacon - just depends if I'm cooking for my husband too.

    Another breakfast meal I eat is oatmeal either with a mini bagel or yogart.

    **Oh and for my eggs I use Pam Olive Oil
  • brwnsugababe
    I love bagels but have been staying away from them because of the high calorie and sodium. However I found some bagel flats by pepperidge farm. They taste great. 100 calories and 120g of sodium also has 5g of fiber and protein. I tried egg beaters egg substitute but didnt like the taste. I tried a generic brand and its funny how it taste better. Cereal, oatmeal, shakes and breakfast bars are other alternatives. The breakfast shake or bar and a piece of fruit is great for when your time is limited in the mornings.
  • FeistyKitty808
    FeistyKitty808 Posts: 53 Member
    I have just found a new yogurt combination that is very tasty, it is Fage yogurt with Honey. I thought it sounded strange, but gave it a shot . It is a little different, but I find that I eat it slowly (to savor the honey) and I don't mix the honey in, I just dip the spoon and scope the yogurt; otherwise it makes the yogurt too thin. It is very filling. It comes as a combo pack. Couldn't do it too often, but it is a nice change to the routine.

    For your egg, have you tried mug omelettes? You can experiment with different ingredience so that you don't get bored. They are very quick and easy. Here is a mug omelette blog: http://www.ifood.tv/blog/how-to-eat-omelette-in-a-mug-eggs-omelette-and-mugs

    Just Google 'mug omelette' and you will find tons of recipes. Can be done with just egg whites too.
  • msemejuru
    A piece of fruit and dry cereal (cherrios, Fiber Plus etc.) in a snack baggie. Eat the dry cereal first then snack on the fruit later.
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I divide my breakfast. I have half before my workout and half after, because I can't eat much in the morning. I usually have a banana first, but this week I've been having a banana-blueberry smoothie (1 banana, a handful of blueberries, a little vanilla yogurt and an ice cube) and it's really good. After my workout, I always have an apple with peanut butter. I get sick of things too. I can't even look at another spinach salad for lunch, but, for some reason, I can never get sick of apples and bananas.
  • rwilson83
    This might sound unrelated, but if i get less than 6 hours of sleep, I feel like i have the flu when i wake up, stomach gets very upset and the last thing I want to do is eat. Are you getting enough rest?
  • Mark1968
    1 cup Special K, 1 cup 2% Milk = 242 calories.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    As someone else suggested, it's much easier to get your nutrition with liquids if you have trouble keeping solid food down. A shake with milk, protein powder, a banana and some natural peanut butter tastes really good and goes down easy. It also gives you something to drink to make it easier to toss the coffee, and your morning dependance on caffiene.

    As for eggs, why do you want to have just the whites? Why would you throw out the part of the egg that has all the nutrients? The yolk is the part of the egg that gives you what you WANT from an egg in the first place. I eat at least 2 eggs every morning, without fail, and have been for the last 5 months. For the last few days I've been making a 2 egg omelet with 2% cheese, then using it to make 2 sandwiches with wheat bread. Granted, I'm allowed quite a few more calories then most, but to get to my lunch at 11:15 I need at least 300 calories first thing in the morning, and usually eat over 400.

    For me, it's all about the cheese. Fat is a great thing in the morning. It fills you up, keeps you full, and is more palatable when you really don't feel like eating. I've been trying to get more carbs lately, hence the 4 slices of bread, but before that it was a 4 egg omelet with 1/2 cup of cheese. Plenty of proteins and good fats to keep me full until lunch.
  • vss1981
    I used to hate breakfast as a kid, I had the same queasy feeling in my stomach if I ate too much. I think it had to do with me being anxious, but I usually ate just enough not to feel too hungry until lunch.

    Nowadays --

    Quaker maple brown sugar oatmeal (Weight Control branded which means its full of sucralose instead of actual sugar--I actually pour the oats into a bowl and throw most of the fine granulated powder in the trash, I still get enough of the maple flavor)

    Since it's winter I've started drinking tea - Lemon herbal

    A medium banana.

    I usually eat the oatmeal and drink the tea after 1.5 hours of waking up, and have the banana about 30 minutes after that.

    Hope it helps!
  • ironmule2042
    I have a pretty simple breakfast and it has served me well... I have a Fiber One granola bar and a cup of mint caffeine free tea.
    I just don't have the motivation to cook in the morning.
  • egbkid
    egbkid Posts: 164 Member
    This week i am working 7 AM until 3 PM, usually i get up 2 hours before my shift so i can eat breakfast, etc. before, but no way i am getting up any earlier than 6. So i have been bringing my breakfast with me.
    In the evening i am putting 1/2 cup of quick or minute oatmeal into a container. Last night i added raisins and cinnamon to it to. Usually i have been putting some homemade applesauce into another small container (about 1/4 cup). I have been leaving home 5 minutes earlier than i usually do (normally give myself 25 minutes for the walk) and when i get to work, i go to the kitchen, pour about a cup of water into my container, and microwave for a minute and a half . Back at my desk, i stir in the applesauce and eat!
    This way, i am getting breakfast about 45 to 60 minutes after i ake up, but i do not have to get up any earlier :-)
  • claribeln02
    1 LOW Fat multi grain eggo waffle, raspberries, blueberries and orange marmalade. Glass of 3oz OJ with water. 158 calories