5ft 3.5 - 5ft 4 ladies - goal weight?



  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I am 5ft 3. Somewhere between 140-150 for me. I just can't imagine being much smaller than that, but that is probably because I can never remember a time where I was. I guess I'll see when I get there!
  • anotherwarriorgirl
    anotherwarriorgirl Posts: 38 Member
    Height: 5'3.5"

    SW: 145/6 lbs
    CW: 136/7 lbs
    GW: 120-124 lbs

    I carry my weight well. Even at 145/146, no one would have considered me fat. However, I am currently pursuing a lifestyle diet change and as a result have lost weight and felt much better. I feel less bloated and "heavy" than I was previously.

    I feel really good about my current weight. No one except my grandma has even noticed that I've lost almost 10 lbs. I have a small waist, but a large butt and thighs. I do not need to lose more for aesthetic reasons, but I know that I have a higher body fat % than I need and it is a goal of mine to start weight lifting/bulking eventually.

    The smallest I have ever been is 118 lbs. That was when I was 18 years old (six years ago). I worked out a lot, so I was in great shape, but I know that with age and more responsibility, that would be a struggle to get to. Plus, I don't know that I would be more or less healthier than my goal weight of 124.
  • minischnauz4
    minischnauz4 Posts: 29 Member
    Im like 5'4 and a half....Anyways. I started at 217, currently at 193. I am very hippy, and very well endowed--mine seems high but my goal is like 165-170. I was 175 before, and I looked awesome :). At 193, I am currently in a 30 waist--or size 10. dress size is probably a 12. So I think another 25 lbs will take me right to where I want to be.

    Wow...the different ways women carry their weight and the variance in sizes always amaze me, I'm 5'4" also and approx. 164lbs and I'm BUSTING out of my size 12 pants! And there is NO WAY I could get into a size 10 ANYTHING!

    I agree on the size differences. I'm currently 164 and wear between a 12 and a 14. My friend just told me she got down to 177 recently and bought a size 8. The last time I was a size 8 I was 125 lbs. I guess tiny sizes just aren't meant to be for me, but as long as I'm healthy and like the way I look that will be ok with me.
  • Babarrosa1
    Babarrosa1 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm 5'4 and I'm aiming for 130-135 :) I'll know when I get there! Currently around 150.
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    Im like 5'4 and a half....Anyways. I started at 217, currently at 193. I am very hippy, and very well endowed--mine seems high but my goal is like 165-170. I was 175 before, and I looked awesome :). At 193, I am currently in a 30 waist--or size 10. dress size is probably a 12. So I think another 25 lbs will take me right to where I want to be.

    Wow...the different ways women carry their weight and the variance in sizes always amaze me, I'm 5'4" also and approx. 164lbs and I'm BUSTING out of my size 12 pants! And there is NO WAY I could get into a size 10 ANYTHING!

    I agree on the size differences. I'm currently 164 and wear between a 12 and a 14. My friend just told me she got down to 177 recently and bought a size 8. The last time I was a size 8 I was 125 lbs. I guess tiny sizes just aren't meant to be for me, but as long as I'm healthy and like the way I look that will be ok with me.

  • Im like 5'4 and a half....Anyways. I started at 217, currently at 193. I am very hippy, and very well endowed--mine seems high but my goal is like 165-170. I was 175 before, and I looked awesome :). At 193, I am currently in a 30 waist--or size 10. dress size is probably a 12. So I think another 25 lbs will take me right to where I want to be.

    Wow...the different ways women carry their weight and the variance in sizes always amaze me, I'm 5'4" also and approx. 164lbs and I'm BUSTING out of my size 12 pants! And there is NO WAY I could get into a size 10 ANYTHING!

    Im wondering if youre thinking UK sizes and shes thinking US sizes
  • fishing4jc
    fishing4jc Posts: 11 Member
    Hey there, I feel ya. I am 5' 4" and currently weigh 134.5 (starting weight of 138). I keep having in my mind that I should be in the very low 100's, because I was there or below 100 for most of my adult life. I have researched, and researched and polled tons of ladies on this. I just need to realize that at 5' 4" any where between 105 - 140 is completely normal. You have to focus more on inches. Mine are mostly in my midsection, which is where I'd like to lose about 5 - 7 inches. Anyway, I have decided to eat MUCH better than I have in the past several years, walk (or other exercise) 3 times a week, and drink TONS of water (about 64 to 70ozs a day), and just let my body fall when it is most comfortable weight wise. I'm not wanting to be a skinny, frail old lady one day. . .I am okay with 125 to 130ish pounds as long as I can get rid of the pot belly. BTW I am 52 years old, have had 4 kids (now two grandkids) those few extra pounds are expected. . .but I don't have to keep 'em. You'll be fine if you focus on healthy and fit. . .and not numbers on the scale.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    I'm just under 5'4" and I was happy at the upper 120's but that didn't last long, I've gained some back. I'd like to get back to that but really don't care what the number is as long as I can lose fat, so if muscle wants to replace that and weigh more I'll take it. :)
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    Im like 5'4 and a half....Anyways. I started at 217, currently at 193. I am very hippy, and very well endowed--mine seems high but my goal is like 165-170. I was 175 before, and I looked awesome :). At 193, I am currently in a 30 waist--or size 10. dress size is probably a 12. So I think another 25 lbs will take me right to where I want to be.

    Wow...the different ways women carry their weight and the variance in sizes always amaze me, I'm 5'4" also and approx. 164lbs and I'm BUSTING out of my size 12 pants! And there is NO WAY I could get into a size 10 ANYTHING!

    right? It is odd! Thats why i think the bmi is kinda bull**** for me, because I can't even imagine myself at 140. I feel as though I'd look sickly.My BMI says OBESE, and my hip to waist ratio is in normal? I don't get it. haha
  • Im like 5'4 and a half....Anyways. I started at 217, currently at 193. I am very hippy, and very well endowed--mine seems high but my goal is like 165-170. I was 175 before, and I looked awesome :). At 193, I am currently in a 30 waist--or size 10. dress size is probably a 12. So I think another 25 lbs will take me right to where I want to be.

    Wow...the different ways women carry their weight and the variance in sizes always amaze me, I'm 5'4" also and approx. 164lbs and I'm BUSTING out of my size 12 pants! And there is NO WAY I could get into a size 10 ANYTHING!

    I agree on the size differences. I'm currently 164 and wear between a 12 and a 14. My friend just told me she got down to 177 recently and bought a size 8. The last time I was a size 8 I was 125 lbs. I guess tiny sizes just aren't meant to be for me, but as long as I'm healthy and like the way I look that will be ok with me.


    if we're talking UK sizes I wouldn't get down to an 8 until im 115lbs at 5ft3
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    I'm 5'3" and 36 years old.

    SW: 195 lbs
    CW: 142 lbs
    GW: 130 lbs

    I've never been below 145 pounds as an adult, so I picked 130 as a goal weight just to have something to work towards. I'm thinking I might try and get to 120-125 as an UGW. But even more important for me is body recomp once I get down to around 130. I'm hoping to hit my goal weight by the beginning of the summer and be in maintenance for a few months as I transition to doing more strength work and less cardio.

    Right now at 142 lbs, I'm squeezing into size 6 jeans and am solidly an 8 in regular pants. Tops are mostly a medium--I'm a 36G, so it all depends on how the top is cut.

    Good luck!
  • mrsfyredude
    mrsfyredude Posts: 177 Member
    Im like 5'4 and a half....Anyways. I started at 217, currently at 193. I am very hippy, and very well endowed--mine seems high but my goal is like 165-170. I was 175 before, and I looked awesome :). At 193, I am currently in a 30 waist--or size 10. dress size is probably a 12. So I think another 25 lbs will take me right to where I want to be.

    Wow...the different ways women carry their weight and the variance in sizes always amaze me, I'm 5'4" also and approx. 164lbs and I'm BUSTING out of my size 12 pants! And there is NO WAY I could get into a size 10 ANYTHING!

    Im wondering if youre thinking UK sizes and shes thinking US sizes

    Well I'm thinking US sizes, if she's thinking UK sizes that would explain a lot, though this is not the first time I've noted (to myself mostly) that a lot of different women, my height and of various weights wear various sizes of clothing.
  • transatlanticsm
    transatlanticsm Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5'4" with a medium frame. My goal weight is 130
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    I don't have a clue where *I* want my goal weight to be. at the moment, my eating disorder wants my weight to be 105lbs - I want to recover but lose weight at the same time. I am nowhere near underweight - 167lbs, 5ft 4.

    what is your goal weight?

    Depends on your body composition, how much body fat vs lean tissue you have.
    I'm 5'5" and currently have a body comp of 28% body fat. I'd like to get between 165-170 and maintain the 135 lbs of lean tissue I have. More lean tissue = more calorie burning = more food to maintain!

    Have you ever had this done? According to BMI, my "healthy" weight range is 111-149. If I made it to 149 with maintaining my lean tissue, I'd be 9.3% body fat. Much too low for a woman of child bearing age.

    we are like the same person :)
  • a little taller at 5ft 5 I hold my weight around the middle always had great legs though. Doing Insanity and Clean Eating and hopefully it will yield results. I'm trying to do it without supplements but that's proving to be difficult right now. Before joining fitness pal I did a detox with juicing and lost 5lbs so technically my starting weight was 189lbs.
  • MissLeelooDallas
    MissLeelooDallas Posts: 145 Member
    I'm 5'3" with a small/medium frame.

    SW: 137
    CW: 102.6
    GW: 105

    *Edited to include starting weight
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    Im like 5'4 and a half....Anyways. I started at 217, currently at 193. I am very hippy, and very well endowed--mine seems high but my goal is like 165-170. I was 175 before, and I looked awesome :). At 193, I am currently in a 30 waist--or size 10. dress size is probably a 12. So I think another 25 lbs will take me right to where I want to be.

    Wow...the different ways women carry their weight and the variance in sizes always amaze me, I'm 5'4" also and approx. 164lbs and I'm BUSTING out of my size 12 pants! And there is NO WAY I could get into a size 10 ANYTHING!

    Im wondering if youre thinking UK sizes and shes thinking US sizes

    Well I'm thinking US sizes, if she's thinking UK sizes that would explain a lot, though this is not the first time I've noted (to myself mostly) that a lot of different women, my height and of various weights wear various sizes of clothing.

    Im Canadian...haha. So its american. I think im a uk 12/14. At least the panties my mother in law sends me for christmas (Hubby is a brit--and if you don't get underwear in the stocking, you're not family) are a 12/14.
  • Boobookittyfq
    Boobookittyfq Posts: 454 Member
    Honestly dont go by goal weight , go by body fat , and measurement ...
  • 5'3:smile:

  • awesmls
    awesmls Posts: 1
    SW 235
    CW 231
    GW 145-150

    I am 5'3.5" and have weighed 145 before and found myself too thin. I would suggest setting a goal weight that is at or above the suggested 120. I have a large frame so 120 would be way too thin for me.. but if you have a petite frame might be ok Good luck!