

  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,749 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I am doing better this morning. The unemployment extension thing doesn't really help me. I am a 99'er but the good news is that I have a phone interview for a contract position at Boeing on Wednesday. At least it would be a paycheck. So maybe things are looking up afterall.

    I am not doing so well on eating or exercise but the scale isn't moving either so I guess it is all okay. I did get some cleaning done yesterday and I walked for about 30 minutes.

    I have a Wii and it is fun. I would love to get an Xbox and kinnect but that won't happen for a while.
    Reb - sorry your Mom is having problems I will send positive energy your way
    chiclet - you are doing so well with your mom. You inspire me with your ability to get it done you are so strong and that is beautiful so it is no surprise that men flock to you.
    Laura - I wouldn't worry about the exercise, you are so busy and you are still maintaining just fine. the new year will bring time for you to figure out how to get back to the exercise.
    MacMadame - I read your race blog. WOW! you are amazing. it was so inspiring to read about your thoughts during that whole day of physically pushing yourself. Thankyou.

    I hope all you wonderful women have a stellar day. Drink your water and move your butts!
    Good luck on the interview! What time is it? I'll be thinking positive thoughts for you. :flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Robin hoping the phone interview goes well.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, I feel like I totally blew it today. I really stressed ate. Don't ask me to explain it, but something has been nagging at me for the past few days. Can't put my finger on it.

    Let me start from a few years ago. We were living in Kennett Square PA, Denise was seeing this guy who I now refer to as ****-for-brains because that's what he has. He was emotionally abusing her when we lived there and you have no idea how much I prayed that the emotional abuse wouldn't turn to physical. Well, God didn't see fit to answer my prayer the way I wanted it answered. I keep telling myself "He has a plan, and His plan is always a good plan". Just wish I knew what it was. How it killed me to see bruises on her body!!!

    When we moved to NC, she needed someone to cosign for an apt, Vince wouldn't because he told her (which is true) that we were going to be applying for a mortgage and we can't have that on our credit. Well, SFB's mother cosigned for the apt. They skipped out, she owed $2,000. Not that I'm crying, she's a big girl. Well, SFB's aunt called us 2 years ago saying that Denise and SFB can't be together, it just isn't working out. Seems they were living with some girl Denise worked with. SFB took a toy guy across the street and was waving it around, so the people called the police. The gal kicked Denise and SFB out because she didn't want any trouble with the police. Toy gun or no toy, if someone was waving a gun around, I'd be calling the police.

    She had a cat, cutest thing. It was SEVERLY (and I do mean severly) abused. Had a dislocated hip, we kept telling her that she needed to take it to a vet because the emergency place put a bandage but there was no guarantee the bandage would hold. Well, our neighbor in KS was a vet so Denise went to her. At this point the cat had air leaking out of its trachea. She said there was no way an indoor cat could have sustained this type of injury so she called the SPCA. Denise could give the cat to us (who were in NC at the time) or they would seize it. Honestly, I don't think they realized how long it would take us to get to PA. Well, we were on Rt. 81 in VA and Denise called, they seized the cat from her. We met them the next day and after meeting us and Jessica, they gave us the cat but we had to sign a paper that the cat wouldn't be near its abuser. We're 99.9% sure it was SFB who abused it. There is no way anyone could convince me that Denise abused it.

    We got her and brought her to NC 2 years ago, not to her liking, but she didn't have any place to live. Seems she'd told us that someone stole her digital camera we gave her, in reality SFB sold it. He was going to hot wire her car and (don't ask me to explain this) the way he was going to was to put a screwdriver into the ignition. Totally rouined the ignition.

    She kept saying how she was going to go back to PA, we talked to SFB's uncle and explained that she really needed to concentrate on getting a job. He swore to us up and down that he wouldn't send her the money. Guess what he did?

    Denise called, said she gave this lady $1,000 for the apt. Why am I not surprise? I knew when she told us that she needed to find another place that SFB's family would come to her rescue at the 11th hour, and sure enough, I'm sure they did. Denise, save up $1,000? We'd been trying so hard to get her to get financially in order, and them just giving her money isn't helping her any.

    Melanie, her latest cat, was "hit by a car" (I suspect SFB abused it), had a broken femur. It would have cost about $2,000 in the Philly area to get it fixed, Denise didn't have that money. Down here it would have been $1,000, we had the cat for a few months. The vet said that really, since it was a kitten, by the time we got it, so much healing had occurred, that what we should do is just keep it quiet and let mother nature take its course. Fortunately, we had the crate Jessica used when she trained the service dog so we put the cat in there. Melanie couldn't jump. Well, she did quite well. In the meantime, I kept telling Vince that SFB was in the picture. He kept saying "no, I'd know, SFB couldn't keep quiet, I'd hear him in the background". No, I knew Denise was being smart enough not to call when he was around. Well, we took Melanie back up there, surprised Denise, and, sure enough, there were pictures of SFB on her refrigerator.

    Seems her license is suspended. I remember when she was living in Philly with SFB, she'd get parking tickets all the time and just ignore them. Guess it's catching up with her. I guess she's driving right now with a suspended license. If she gets pulled over again, she could get a fine (or worse). To me, if you do the crime, you should pay the fine.

    She was all concerned that she didn't have a place to live, I'm not totally sure why she's being thrown out of that place. She SAYS that she told her boss (who is her landlord) that she was looking for another place, but she wasn't giving her notice until she definitely had the place. Suddenly, the boss had that apt. rented. To me, there's more to this.

    She called Vince today to wish him a happy birthday & said that the lady who had one apt that she wanted rented that apt but Denise gave her $1,000 to keep the other apartment for her. When I heard this, I was in the process of making batter for Snickerdoodles. Talk about stress eating!!!! I'm convinced SFB's uncle gave her the $1,000, but what's going to happen when she needs the rest of the money? See, her credit is REAL REAL bad, they would only rent to her if she paid something like 2 or 3 months rent, it would have come to something like $2,000. Even then, it would only be a 6 month lease, extended if she made her rent payments. I had a feeling before she got this money that she didn't have the place because we kept asking her to send us the name and address of the place (we do pay some of her rent as long as she's in college) and she never did, there was always these excuses "gmail is acting up", blah blah blah.

    the more I think about this, the more upset I get. Just handing her money isn't helping her in the long run. For example, we kept telling her (this was years ago) that she shouldn't let her insurance on the car lapse, that her car could be impounded. She drove with no insurance, the car was impounded. To this day, I think she learned her lesson because now she's very careful about making sure her insurance is paid up. She's one of those people who only learn the hard way. Had we rushed in and paid the insurance, she wouldn't have learned.

    Gotta go calm down some. Thanks for letting me get this off my chest. I know the time line isn't right. If anyone has any questions, don't hesitate to ask. Just so many emotions inside of me right now gushing forth, I know that I'm probably not real clear about some things.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I just wanted to pop in and say that I cooked roasted fennel this evening ... http://simplyrecipes.com/recipes/roasted_fennel/
    Man, it was delicious!!!

    Sister veggie queen would be proud! x
  • Comingupon50
    Hello ladies, I just joined mfp today. I will be 50 in July and am having a big birthday bash. I have just set a goal of losing 22 pounds by my birthday. I look forward to the mfp process with your support. Here I go.......
  • NancyJane116
    NancyJane116 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Comingupon50! I am new too, just joined the other day. Happy Future Birthday to you!! I am enjoying the food diary very much and I am finding it is keeping me "honest" (at least for a couple of days now!).

    I think you will make your birthday goals and beyond :smile:

    I am finding my 50's to be fabulous LOL

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Welcome to the new members and hello to all my long time friends.......I have been lurking and reading all your ups and downs, successes and challenges without posting......there's not much going on with me that's any different from any other day......i love the peaceful feeling

    :flowerforyou: As part of the task of sorting out what's in the garage, we have been watching videotapes that have been stored for awhile...today we watched "A Christmas Carol" with George C. Scott, recorded in 1984.......I'd never thought of London as a place with snow but the movie changed my impression....it looked so cold with only coal to heat the houses that certainly didn't have good insulation or double pane windows.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    could you tell us more about dash my dr wants me to follow it he thought i knew about it and i don't thank you debi

    HI, I try to be on the DASH diet at 1200 calories a day. Basically, it is no processes foods, low fat or no fat dairy and the usual daily portions of fruit, veggies, etc. Of course, whole grains are part of it. At 1200 calories meat is only allowed once a day. That is where I fall through a lot in the winter as it seems all my meat free lunches are more things I like to eat in the summer.

    The most common DASH for women is 1600 calories a day which isn't suppose to have any weight loss associated with it, but women do loss weight anyway.

    Hope this helps. I have the sites saved at work and will try to get on from there and send them to you.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Good morning, everyone. Welcome to our newbies! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Another gray, rainy day here. I am so glad I finished decorating the outside over the weekend! I have almost finished the inside, too. I like to turn the lights on when the day is dark like it is today--just brightens everything up.

    There isn't a whole lot going on. I am still working on getting the last few pounds from my trip to visit my family. I didn't gain but a couple but I am having a hard time getting them off again! I am drinking more water, though (why us that such a chore in the winter?) and that is helping.

    I hope all is going well for all of you. It is easy to get stressed this time of year. I am trying to make time each day for some meditation. It does help, I find.

    Well, time to get moving. Lots to do today!

    Good thoughts and prayers going out to you all.
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: We are half way through this week!

    Michelle - so sorry to read of your distress with your daughter, will keep you in my thoughts:flowerforyou: . I used to think that once the kids had left home they would be on their own....I'm finding out that just isn't true for all of them:grumble: and like you am hoping that they will grow up soon!

    Everyone have a good day, the auditor gives us a rundown of what she has found on her audit...so if you hear wailing and nashing of teeth coming from Colorado you will understand:wink:

    I'd best get back to it.

    Drink your water:drinker: , get up and get moving and before you know it you will be joining me on this maintenance journey...that just adds new challenges to your life:wink:

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    For Michele, Robin, Chicklet and all of us in need right now - I think we should all light a candle for each other tonight. (Even an electric one) Besides the power of positive thoughts for each other, candlelight gives off a nice warm glow. Kind of like a group hug across the lands and seas.

    :flowerforyou: :heart: Jeannie
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Well that's what I get for saying my food intake (I refuse to use the word diet :wink: ) and exercise plan were going well.

    Yesterday afternoon it all went to h3ll. I just had a major pity party and treated it with food. :mad: I know food won't fix my aggravation, and frankly anger, over physical problems but I ate my frustration anyway. Bad bad old habit. Good thing is that I now recognize the stupidity of what I did and today is another day. Thing is, as far as physical problems go, I don't have that much to complain about but I am anyway. I was feeling so good about the weight loss, and even more importantly I think the exercising, improving my painful knees and foot. Now my fingers are really acting up. Not just the usual stiff and creaky but they hurt!!

    I'm a hard headed kind of person. I was told over 20 years ago that there was nothing to do about my extremely painful wrists. A doctor prescribed Vioxx and told me to deal with it. I never even filled the scrip and did some research; found glucosamine and never looked back except to up the dosage over the years and finally change to liquid for better absorption. Knees getting bad? Foot hurts from an accident? Lose weight, do leg strengthening exercises and find a good orthopedist. Problem pretty much solved; under control at least.

    That's what's bugging me and what I ate yesterday - my frustration that I can't find a fix for my problem. I have always known that I am very critical of myself and not very patient when it comes to me either. If there is a problem, I want a fix and I want it now. I had a two year old's hissy fit except I had it with food. Sorry for the rant but I needed to get this down.

    Hopefully this is just a bad patch and it will get better. I will get up from here take some pain meds and get on with my day - most of which involves finger dexterity. :ohwell: I am not to the point that I am willing to stop or dial back doing what I want to do. I will finish my wreath and other decorations today and I will rake the yard some more. I think that if I keep doing what I normally do, even though it hurts, I will keep my fingers as limber as possible. I just keep picturing my Dad's poor crippled up hands and I so don't want to end up there.

    To those suffering really debilitating problems, my heart goes out to you. I am a wuss and a whiner compared to anyone with a
    major problem. I will try to find a way to be more accepting of what comes my way. So far, fighting tooth and nail as been my method. I may have to modify my strategy.

    Sorry to be a Debbie Downer today. I won't whine about this again! :flowerforyou:

  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member

    I can empathize with where your head is. I am dealing with things that I have never had to cope with before, and I am afraid I have dived into a sea of ginger snaps and chocolate covered peppermints on more than one occasion. It is my own fault for buying them.

    Take care of yourself.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Faye- look at your ticker....34 gone....you can do it....this is just a blip in the road....

    Sending you positive thoughts:flowerforyou:

  • mimi7grands
    Hello everyone. Just a quick hello to mark my place.

    I see lots of new faces (wow!) and have read some of the posts to catch up but still have a long way to go.

    I spent last week taking care of my granddaughters while my daughter was in Los Angeles helping her hubby's sister (who's 40 and has a 2-1/2 year old!) with her new TWINS! I'm tired just thinking about it.

    Today's the day for my colonoscopy. All done with the prep now, just waiting for the procedure this afternoon. I've dreaded the idea so much I've put myself on autopilot and haven't done much interacting with anyone, including my MFP friends. No veggies for me for the last week either. I sorely miss them.

    I miss you all and will do more catching up later (after the you-know-what).

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mimi, Sister Veggie Queen
    I too am tired just thinking of that a 2 1/2 yr old and twins:noway: Yep glad it's her and not me.

    After your colonoscopy you will be back to normal and eating your veggies...I remember that after I had mine I slept all day:smile:

    Glad to know you are back here and will be posting again.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :bigsmile: Mimi, I've never had a colonoscopy and I finally scheduled one for January 18 so I will be looking for support from you next month.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I will be teaching a new dance at line dance tomorrow and I'm excited and nervous.....I keep getting out of my chair to practice it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all of you with pain and frustration and family troubles....stay in the moment and out of the frig and the cupboard.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Laura - it really sometimes kills me with Denise. I don't know what SFB has over her, and his family isn't helping one tiny bit. In a way, it's a good thing we're in NC. My heart would break so much just seeing the bruises on her body and her denying them. At least I don't have to look at them day in and day out. I'm feeling that SFB's uncle gave her the $1,000 for the deposit for the apt. Now what's going to happen when she needs the other $1,000? I wouldn't be surprised if he cosigns for this apt.

    I just talked to Vince. I think when Denise comes down here for Christmas (last time I saw her was Christmas last year), we're going to take Melanie to get a rabies shot. I'm SURE Denise isn't keeping up with that, and if Melanie ever got rabies..... Denise took in another kitten that was left outside her apt. She knows that she can't afford it. Maybe when she's down here, we can take the kitten to the Humane Society here. They're a no-kill place.

    well, we went to see TSO in Greensboro. As you can tell, I really like this group. I just can't get over how much energy they have! First we stopped at this deli. See, there was a Polish/Russian deli that I always went to. I just found out that that deli closed but another one opened. Unfortunately, they didn't have the cheese that I like to get there nor did they have the crusciki that Vince likes. At least they did have the Christmas cards. I did get another brand of the cheese, I hope it's as good.

    Well, it's late, gotta get to bed. Everyone, have a great evening.

  • joylaut
    Faye, I had the same thought that Laura did...you've lost 34 lbs so you must be doing something right on the days you are not caving. Remember to pace yourself with your activities and take breaks in between. I'm just 13 days new on mfp and I'm impressed with what you've accomplished.

    You may have covered this previously but I have to ask, what is the critter in your picture? Seems to wide for a ferret...

    As for me, today I have sore muscles from using my wii the other day but I'm ok with that. Got my walk in this morning with my girlie. I feel guilty when she doesn't get her exercise. Really beautiful sunny day, I was out in shirtsleeves, no jacket. Tomorrow is not looking good for the walk as I'm going for my annual boob squish (mammogram) first thing in the morning then to work. It's dark so early that it is not safe to walk. Not because of crime but because we have no street lights and a lot of uneven surfaces in my neighborhood. Don't want to fall on my face or sprain an ankle -- have new heels to dance in at the Friday holiday party! Hoping I lost at least a couple of pounds so the dress fits better...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    :bigsmile: Mimi, I've never had a colonoscopy and I finally scheduled one for January 18 so I will be looking for support from you next month.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: I will be teaching a new dance at line dance tomorrow and I'm excited and nervous.....I keep getting out of my chair to practice it.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: hugs to all of you with pain and frustration and family troubles....stay in the moment and out of the frig and the cupboard.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I just did it (colonoscopy) and I survived. the prep was the worst but doable and the procedure was easy. loved the drugs that got me thru it. do not worry it is all good. and I hope both of you (Mimi) join the 10 year club like me.