
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Welcome newbies.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Allison,your friend is in my prayers.Yah,about the massage.:drinker:
    Hubby`s finally feeling better,yah.:drinker:
    Have a good one.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Hi Sue no problem on the spelling. I know exactly where Grandbury is. It's about 4 or 5 hours from here. In fact I have a cookbook I purchased years ago from a store in downtown Grandbury. :smile:

    Raggiemom - Welcome to the group. You will find the women here so supportive. They have befriended me & helped me when I needed it. :flowerforyou:

    Nina - Welcome. Post-menopause UGH!!! :explode:

    Heather - Embrace the colors. Everything I own is bight, multicolored or tye-dyed LOL. My favorite shoes are every color under the rainbow. I am such a 70's flower child. :bigsmile:

    Joyce - Hope your lunch is nice. Jason Deli is pretty good, if I remember correctly. Been a few years since I gone there.
    Hope DH getts better soon. My had same thing lasted 4 days & now he up & into everything again :laugh:

    Everyone else that I haven't mentioned "HI" happy eating & exercising today.

    So far I have done great on my eating, blogging & emailing. Now gonna go to town do some errands & get in those steps.

    Later ladies
    Pennie in TX
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    well here I am, back from the massage~:bigsmile:
    boy did I have some knots~ gee I wonder why.. Kayak Katie it was a swedish massage and it wasn't painful at all, the girl was very nice , she is overweight and was talking about joining WW again, I said pishaw why pay when you can get MyFitnessPal for free. so turned her onto that,
    found the carrot cake oatmeal recipe on facebook I think, im going to write it down and will try and put it on here for everyone...
    it calls for steel cut oatmeal,but just have the regular quaker oatmeal,hopefully that will work..
    I was so good on my errands today that I actually brought my lunch and water with me.. had it before the massage.. and not really hungry..
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    I am finally sitting down a few minutes. Turns out DD's plans to go to Ma. never firmed up and she is coming home tomorrow for break. I learned this last night in a very late night long conversation, so much for being exhausted. Just made her a batch of brownies. Helped Gwen clean out and sort closets this am. Soooooooo things get even more busy around here.

    Off to grocery in a few min.; just said good-bye to my favorite (very rich, LOL) plumber...........DH did in the downstairs lav (again).....blocked it and then swears the water is coming out from underneath, when, in fact, it has overflowed.........I don't even look anymore, just hit speed dial for Randy. Some day DH may get tired of paying $200.00 bucks a pop and learn that a whole roll is not necessary (but if that hasn't happened in 33 yrs???). I refuse to get into the "unblocking toliets" business when I'm not the one blocking them. It's bad enough cleaning up when Randy is finished.

    Katla............WTG on speaking up........look forward to hearing all about the fabulous hotels,etc.

    Heather..........Congratulations on the new vehicle!!! Enjoy!! I have 2 red purses and greatly enjoy both of them; hope you will too.

    Dark all day, cloudy, cold and windy too........supposed to be even more miserable tomorrow with the addition of rain. Off to grocery now, then second trip for the day to Gwen's----dr. called me and changed a med for her.

    Heard from Gloria; her mom is doing very, very poorly. She says she will be back when things get settled down.

    Trying for an early night tonight. More to say to you all, but truly out of time.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    well kids here is the the carrot cake oatmeal recipe...
    4 1/2 cups-water
    1-can 20oz crushed pineapple undrained
    2 cups shredded carrots
    1 cup steel cut oatmeal(I used regular quaker oats)
    1 cup raisins
    2 Tsp-cinnamon
    1 Tsp-pumpkin pie spice
    (brown sugar optional)

    spray slow cooker pot with cooking spray and add first 7 ingredients,cover and cook on low 6-8 hrs until oats are tender and liquid is absorbed..
    sprinkle with brown sugar if desired..
    197 calories per serving- pot makes 8 servings
  • kerrynev
    kerrynev Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Barbie for keeping Women Ages 50+ going. :smile:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, that sounds so good. Does the steel cut oats taste any different than other oats. What is the purpose in eating the steel cut, more nutritious??? I love anything with pineapple! And carrot cake, no words to describe it. To bad there is no cream cheese frosting on this. There was carrot cake at Jason's Deli today and it looked so good.

    From some of the victories here lately it sounds like this is an empowerment group

    Joyce, Indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    My son's doctor wants to get him onto the lung transplant list in St Louis. He said he has lost 17% of his lung function just in the last 6 months, and it was pretty bad before that. In the meantime they are putting him on oxygen full time and adding a couple more meds. I'm really worried now. I've never known anyone who had a lung transplant, much less two. He's only 37.

    The sun is shining and the birds are singing today. Temps in the 50's. No sign of that additional snow they expected. Now they have moved it up to Saturday afternoon.

    Can't think now.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,996 Member
    Sylvia~sending love and prayers to you and your son :heart:
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Evening ladies

    Not long got in from dog training! I do love Thursday evenings! In the first hour I get to work with loads of different pups of different breeds. This evening there were a number of lab and lab crosses, including a doodle - all playing up!!!! Labrador pups are just so cute - even when they're naughty! All they wanted to do tonight was play with each other instead of learning!! I love working with the 'nose' dogs - the labs, spaniels etc who have their noses stuck to the floor when they walk! I suppose I have had mainly springers, with one cocker and now my doodles so I know them best. We have other trainers who are more in tune with other breeds so we make a good team! The current group of owners are putting in so much work at home and the pups have made so much progress - even with the naughtiness and playfulness we can see a huge difference in the last month. The group I work with are hitting the terrible teen rebellion stage! (The dogs not the owners!)

    The second hour was all about our display team starting to put together a new routine for our charity displays over the summer! The dogs are very rusty! They have had a lazy winter without the challenges! My two doodles usually can do the stuff we were practising tonight and were rubbish! Except for one thing - we do a 'stop the dog' which is an interrupted recall, getting the dog to come, stop and sit, then come again then stop and sit then come etc. We had a competition to see how many stops we could do with our dog in a set length of the room and my Chloe (who will be 2 next month) who is my chocolate smooth doodle managed 6 stops and won the comp beating our usual champ by 2 stops!!! The rest of the evening she played up! I can't have everything, bless her.

    I got home and my husband had bought rhubarb pie and custard for pudding/supper! Did I resist? - a big NO! But I did suggest that we only have a quarter each and the other half tomorrow so it was half a victory! I get really hungry after Training Night! Oh well, I will need to be good during the day tomorrow as a naughty pudding beckons again!

    Hugs to those who need them and a high five to those with small victories!

    MA in UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Alison: so glad you had your massage! :bigsmile:
    Sylvia, good thoughts going your way. Must be very hard.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    Hello to all: CT scan today showed the sarcoidosis is better, less inflammation but that there is a small area of pneumonia in the right lung due to the cold I caught from my DH. So now I am on antibiotics and a very slow taper on the prednisone. More tests and see the Doc again in two months. So far no weight gain from the prednisone, stayed the same. Yeah!!!

    Allison - Yeah for massage. Glad you enjoyed it. I have one scheduled next Tuesday.

    Hope whoever is at the beach is having a great relaxing time. I am jealous.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I can't remember why your son needs a lung transplant. Can you remind us of that? I have met one woman who has had a lung transplant due to some kind of enzyme deficiency in her lung. It is an inherited disease and affects not only the lungs but eventually the pancreas I believe. Not real sure on the pancreas but I know it is another major organ. Anyway she needed a double lung transplant and had done fantastic since then, major life change. She has gotten married, done a lot of traveling. I wish him all the luck. I know it must be quite scary. Being a nurse I know it is very possible and done a lot to have only one lung but to need a transplant is like life or death. Vent here with us as much as you need. You already have enough stress going on, You don't need to hold anything in.

    Husband hasn't had any diarrhea since I got his Lomotil for him but he still has abdominal pain. I just know that if he sees the doctor tomorrow that any xrays now until next week. I reminded him tonight that when he sees our family doctor now that he will have to be paying full price since he isn't covered by his insurance. I told him that we may need to rethink our vacation that we wanted to be 5 nights. One reason is that we have this huge silver maple tree in our back yard. When we had our house built the builders suggested it be planted close to the house. Little did we know, although the builder should have, that it would be huge and look like it could completely take out our house if it became ice covered like it has been this winter. So it needs to come down. Oh, the cost. I just can't imagine.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    To all of you dealing with health issues for yourselves, your hubbys, kids or friends - I am sending good thoughts each of your ways; and feel so lucky that my gang is all healthy...

    Sorry to hear about the doggie issues; it is so heart wrenching to have one sick or to say good-bye to a furry family member. They wiggle themselves so far into our hearts!:love:

    Had some time with a girl friend and found out that she needs a second job to make ends meet - my house needs cleaning = match!! yeah! and because my business is in my home, I can write it off! Loving that!

    The oatmeal sounds pretty darn good; but the cream cheese frosting on it sounds high on calories but a great addition!

    Well a bit more to do before I call it a day at work; so better get back to it.

    Smiles Kim in N.Cal
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Joyce, that woman must have had the same thing as my son. He has A1-AT deficiency which affects the lungs, liver and sometimes heart. He's been treated for emphysema for quite a while and finally somebody thought to do the genetic test. There are three different varieties to it, and he has the worst one. Apparently I am a carrier and so is his dad. He has a terrible time breathing. Hopefully the oxygen will help. We were estranged for about 6 years, and now we are getting close again, so if there is a silver lining, that's it. Thanks for telling me about that woman. Somehow it helps. I'm sure we will be doing a lot of research during the months it will take to get it done.

    Hubby was going to a meeting on campus tonight so my son brought the kids over for a visit. Before Bill left, we got a candid picture of him down on the floor playing trucks with the grandson. It was really cute. He's normally so reserved.

    MA, the dog training classes sound like fun. I need to get Bruno signed up for a class, but he is totally wild with other dogs around.

    Thanks everybody for your kind words about my son. I'm sure it will all work out somehow.

    Goodnight all!

  • bjkidfun
    bjkidfun Posts: 377 Member
    Hello everyone
    Well, I'm feeling better today, was able to eat but was exhausted.
    I wasn't able to drink as much water though, I'm trying for at least
    6 glasses. I haven't worked out since Tuesday, I really miss it, I'll
    go to the Y tomorrow and work out, Saturdays are usually my non
    exercise day. I don't know if I should take the day off or have a
    make-up day. I have to work out a lot this next week because I'm
    going to NY for the weekend and we are doing a ethnic food tour.
    We do a food tour every yr. My favourite one so far is Chelsea market,
    Yummy, and we have tickets for Motown and want to get tickets for
    Beautiful. We do tons of walking.

    Brenda from MD
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I did my first Cardiofit box class tonight. Oh yea, I'm going to feel that tomorrow :laugh: I really like it, I'm sure I'm going to try it again next week The only problem is that it makes for a late supper. I'm glad that Friday's tend to be my rest day.

    Going to bed early!

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,133 Member
    :flowerforyou: SueK. I don’t have a full time job in an office so I have a lot more time to be walking…I walk my dogs for two hours in the morning and an hour in the afternoon as well as taking three dance classes a week. When I meet my friends, it is for a walk rather than coffee or a meal or a visit at home.

    :flowerforyou: Kim, you will be amazed at how many opportunities you find to walk when you’re wearing your pedometer……it’s fun to see the numbers increase.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, congrats to you for speaking up about the RV…..I have several regrets in my life because I was too timid to speak up and say “NO”

    :flowerforyou: Deb A. I taught grade one for many years and found it mentally exhausting….I can’t imagine the challenge of teaching higher level mathematics.

    :flowerforyou: Allison, my life is dancing and dog walking and riding the exercise bike
    not exciting
    but very satisfying
    you can say the same for your race walking and dog walking

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, Jake bought a fancy juicer about ten years ago and occasionally he buys a lot of fruits and vegetables and makes juice, but I’ve never used it…..I prefer most fruits and vegetables whole.

    :flowerforyou: Toni, congrats on increasing your step count by so much….that will make a huge difference in your weight loss….when you are on your trip, be careful about what you eat and seek every opportunity to be active.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, congrats on working more on your memoir

    :heart: Sylvia, sending hugs to you.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sandy, you are amazing the way you take on new exercises.

    :bigsmile: This has been a lovely day with walking in the rain and in the sunshine, a challenging line dance class, some dancing at home, yoga, and some time riding the exercise bike while watching TV.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 26,000 steps today ---yoga----lots of time on the exercise bike
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Today was a super-low carb day, wheeeee! :happy: :happy: :happy: I’ve adopted an enthusiastic attitude for Mondays and Thursday because although I chose to cut way back on carbs, I celebrate that I can eat cheese and mayonnaise, two foods I totally avoid on the other days. Made some patties with canned salmon and soft tofu. This used to be a staple back in the days when DH and I didn’t have the budget for better meats and fresh veges. It was great to rediscover this simple tasty fare.

    Allie: So glad you got your massage. Thanks for the oatmeal recipe – I’m very tempted to try this.

    Mrsrcq: Welcome back to MFP. Keep reading this thread and share your wisdom with us.

    Tina: Sorry about your darling Duncan. :cry: :brokenheart:

    Sue in SD: Thanks for that tip about the pool…yeech. Bravo for maintaining while taking Prednisone. I hope you can get off the meds soon.

    Katla: Glad the RV issue is resolved. You still have the boat, right? Will you taking it out much?

    Deb: I stand in awe of you tackling geometry, trig, and precalc! I never got math. :tongue:

    DeeDee: I would love to see Noel dancing with you! I'll bet it's a hoot! :laugh: :laugh:

    Carol: Take a deep gulp of cool sea air for me. Wishing you a blissful break from your hectic life.

    Catwink: Welcome. Your goals sound very reasonable. Keep coming back to visit us and share your results.

    Sylvia: Holding good thoughts and prayers for your son.

    Margaret: Thanks for the reminder about the time change. Good idea to start adjusting to losing that hour of sleep. If I don’t go to the gym at 5:30 AM, it’s not likely I’ll get in my cardio.

    Toni: Welcome. I hope you will find this community as helpful and uplifting as I have. Your trip to Normandy sounds fantastic.

    Joyce: Sorry about hubby’s tummy troubles. What a shame you have to take down the silver maple.

    Heather: A red purse! Oh, you wild thing! :wink: Good for you for treating yourself to a small pop of color in your wardrobe. You'll be right in style when you go to NYC.

    Nina and Raggiemom: Welcome to this community of spirited women who have been where you are now and have gotten on a path towards health and fitness. Keep coming back and you’ll find support and friendship for your journey.

    Jane: Glad DH is better. Stay well!

    Pennie: Ah, to be a flower child again! Was there a more colorful decade than the 70’s?

    MA in UK: Training night sounds like a blast. All that puppy energy!

    Kim: Gotta love those home office deductions! How nice of you to help out a friend in need.

    To all you awesome women here:

    Rori in Colorado Foothills
    My word for 2014 = Release
    Goals for March:
    Read Sugar, Fat and Salt
    Do high intensity interval training at least 1x per week for 25 mins
    Twice a week, consume fewer than 35 carbs
    Pick up the phone and call a friend or relative 1x per week just to check in
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    amazing find - I saw a thread about this on the recipe message board - but thought to good to be true... So I tried it and yummmy

    Noodles - they are called Tofu Shirataki by a company called House Foods $1.99 they were in my Safeway in the produce area by the other tofu products; they come in a bag in water - they look like cooked top ramen in water ...a whole package (technically 2 servings) is 40 yes 40 calories. you rinse them; drain them; and then warm them up and put what ever you want on noodles on them. They really taste like a ramen noodle without the "flavor packet". There is only one down side and that is that they smell like fish until you get them rinsed. there is no fish in them but kinda smelly. As soon as I rinsed them and the bag the smell was gone.

    These will be a favorite! I love pasta.....