*kitten* People Say To People Who're Trying To Lose Weight!



  • ashleycde
    ashleycde Posts: 622 Member
    You're not doing the _________ diet are you? Cause you know that doesn't work. Trust me!

    (Says this while drinking a Pepsi and snacking on a butterfinger while a frozen Cheeseburger is defrosting in the microwave)

    This one made me laugh the most. Also, frozen cheeseburgers exist? That sounds awful. Frozen burger patties sure, but the whole thing frozen, bun, cheese and all? Is that real? I hope not.
  • bloggymomx
    My friend always says to me, "Oh, you can eat _____ one time. It won't kill your diet." when she wants to go out to eat. She seriously gets mad at me when I tell her I won't eat whatever it is (usually mozzarella sticks) when we go out. She needs to realize that I'm not a quitter and I'm going to see this through to my goal and even beyond.
  • 1971MLJ
    1971MLJ Posts: 137 Member
    I hate the false positive comments:

    "You look amazing - but you don't want to lose any more" (Erm thanks but mind your own business)
    "You don't want to get too skinny" (see previous comment)
    "Aren't you frightened of getting too muscley" (Erm nope - bring it on)

    Everyone has an opinion on my weight loss like I'm doing it for their benefit. It couldn't possibly be because I've decided to make changes for ME.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    "You can't really expect to lose weight if you're still eating _____, can you?" where _____ is the latest food demon to crop up on social media or Dr. Oz.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    It becomes so aggravating, it seems no one appreciates your progress. I noticed an abundance of negative comments about me when I eat my healthy meals.
    "Oh, I would diet too, but I want the freedom to eat hamburgers whenever I want." I wish I could say, "I know, I can tell."
    or "You must be so sad eating that apple" .. no, I don't. I love eating healthy.
    "I hate dieting" So do I, I just changed my eating habits.
    "I love my curves." Sorry people.. those aren't curves..

    Just so many arrogant remarks! There's more, but I can't think of any.
  • MissLCWolff
    MissLCWolff Posts: 69 Member
    My dad, bless his heart, TRIES to be supportive, but he's a 6'2" marathon runner who's never had a weight problem a day in his life and he's constantly saying the wrong things.
    -"I know how you feel, after I had that knee surgery last year I couldn't exercise for about a month and half. I got so fat, I probably put on 8 pounds!"
    -"You should go running with me and the dog!" (Yeah Dad, I'm sure my obese, 5'5" self will take to running with you like a duck to water.)
    -"Having a 5-ounce burger instead of a 4-ounce burger won't make a difference!"/"You can afford to go over your calorie limit just this once!"/"Oh, 1/4 cup, 1/3 cup, who cares?"/"Weight Watchers doesn't make you count vegetables, you know."/etc.

    From my friends:
    -"Oh, but why are you trying to lose weight? You look fine!" CONSTANTLY. I think the fact that I own a couple of cute outfits has fooled them into thinking I'm not massively obese. The other day after hearing this one too many times, I just decided to try and creep them out enough that they'd stop asking. "Oh, well, you know, I didn't want to, but The Supreme Master who created us all and oversees our every movement among the mortal Earth populace has instructed us to mold our human forms into optimal physical condition in preparation for the Great Assimilation, so, like, what'cha gonna do?" (I listen to a loooot of Welcome to Night Vale, if you can't tell.)
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    I also hate all of the body shaming bigger people do when they refuse to acknowledge their own problems, and make excuses instead. I already felt like ****, that's why I'm doing this. Why are they so hell bent on making it worse?
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I just get the typical ..... " you have lost to much weight"
    and THEN if I gain like 10lbs.... " are you still going to the gym.. think it would be good for you"

    :indifferent: :indifferent: make up your mind

    Wow. That...was...funny.

    Guess if that is what you find funny..... I find it hurtful that my mom does that to me.

    What I found funny about it was that it was so relatable. Sometimes you think you're the only one dealing with people's comments then you read a post like yours. I noticed one thing helped: once you stop caring about the comments, they magically reduce in frequency, but people are people.
  • MissLCWolff
    MissLCWolff Posts: 69 Member
    When people say "I wouldn't eat that. It's fattening". I feel like screaming "No, it's not because it fits in my macros!!!"
    This! I can't convince my mother to let me buy Nutella instead of whatever healthier, lower-sugar versions are on the shelves below it because "Nutella's basically frosting!" I just want to point out to her that even the natural, "healthy" alternatives are still made of chocolate, nuts, and salt.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    When people say "I wouldn't eat that. It's fattening". I feel like screaming "No, it's not because it fits in my macros!!!"
    This! I can't convince my mother to let me buy Nutella instead of whatever healthier, lower-sugar versions are on the shelves below it because "Nutella's basically frosting!" I just want to point out to her that even the natural, "healthy" alternatives are still made of chocolate, nuts, and salt.

    Dang chocolate/hazelnut butter messed up a few pounds I lost a few months back. No control at all, especially as a banana dip. Whole jar, 48 hrs. It was my first jar, and I haven't bought any since.
  • 2messy4life
    After saying that I'm a vegetarian: is that why you gained weight? I only have a few kilograms to lose, while the girl saying this is way heavier than me...
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    "I guess you can't eat this" while holding a piece of cake. Um yes I can, give it to me.

    Everyone thinks you have to starve and eat only vegetables to lose weight. But these are usually overweight people themselves...so they have no idea of what a balanced diet means.
  • cns94
    cns94 Posts: 165 Member
    "Oh you can eat that, just make today your cheat day." or "I don't have the willpower to do that. I'm surprised you haven't given up yet."
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    When people say "I wouldn't eat that. It's fattening". I feel like screaming "No, it's not because it fits in my macros!!!"
    This! I can't convince my mother to let me buy Nutella instead of whatever healthier, lower-sugar versions are on the shelves below it because "Nutella's basically frosting!" I just want to point out to her that even the natural, "healthy" alternatives are still made of chocolate, nuts, and salt.

    Not cool.. now i have to go eat peanut butter.. *grumble grumble* I don't buy nutella.. i'd eat the entire jar in one sitting if I did.
  • josephbar
    josephbar Posts: 187 Member
    You should stop now, you've gone too far.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I'm considering just telling people that I have worms
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    You should stop now, you've gone too far.

    Yep, I am getting those comments now :) I have to point out that I am still 170 lbs... everyone makes it sound like I am wasting away to nothing...
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    You losing more than 2 lbs a week. It must be muscle.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    "Keep it up!"
  • josephbar
    josephbar Posts: 187 Member
    Wow...you lost a lot of water weight