Why in the hell am I stuck at this weight?!



  • Bosbes
    Bosbes Posts: 55 Member
    BayVay, people are trying to help you! But you don't seem to appreciate it and you act like you know everything... So why do you even ask a question? I wish you all the best and I think developing some self reflection would surely help you in the future. :flowerforyou:
  • BigTireFlipper
    BigTireFlipper Posts: 116 Member
    The most productive thing I can say right now then is to add some friends that are willing to go over your daily entries and provide feedback for a few weeks. Since you've tried everything be prepared to try something different. There is a mentor list on here I think you may have already seen. I think finding some friends that have a nutritionist background providing feedback rather then just well meaning folk that cheer you on daily could go a long way toward solving your riddle. I have hit plateaus in the past. They can be a pain to work through.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Eldamiano... don't post on this thread and be a jerk. It will NOT be tolerated.

    Just so you know, I've lost nearly 40 lbs thus far. I measure and weigh EVERY lick, taste, bite and even sniff if I think it's worth calories. Again, I've done everything (NO app calculates correctly, so I have a monitor to tell me know how much I burn a day WITH and WITHOUT exercise). I am looking into a few hormonal issues that could be impairing the process.

    And just so you know... THERE ARE SPECIAL CASES with some people. Not saying I'm one of them; because I have yet to have my labs done recently. BUT, I'd suggest you'd look into it before commenting on another post. (See, hyper/hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and estrogen dominance just to name a FEW.)

    ***********JUST TO CLARIFY***********

    If you post on ANY thread of mine, you will get what is received. No need to post on here and be IGNORANT. We're ALL on here trying to lose or maintain...hell, some even are here to gain. The point of this site, I believe, is to encourage and educate. In short, keep it respectful and no belittling, disrespect, nor any other ignorance will be tolerated on MY posts.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Seems you got it all figured out, OP.

    Good luck!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Another I want advice but only if I agree with it thread.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Do you use a food scale?
  • SneakyWaff1es
    SneakyWaff1es Posts: 51 Member
    You seem like a lot of fun.
  • ScientificExplorerGirl
    Simply put, if you are not at a deficit you will not lose weight. It doesn't matter how the deficit is achieved; it is both necessary and sufficient for weight loss.

    While weight lose may be more difficult due to thyroid and other issues, the same principle above still applies. I do not have a thyroid, am on thyroid replacement hormone. Weight lose is difficult, but if I am diligent and honest with myself I do lose. If I plateau for any length of time I have to consider that I am not keeping an accurate assessment of what I am doing. In the end I must either log more accurately, eat less, and/or move more to break the plateau.

    This is what works for me FWIW.

    Best wishes in your journey.

    Edited for and/or
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Another I want advice but only if I agree with it thread.
    Yep, up next the noobs who cry "bully" will be here.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Another I want advice but only if I agree with it thread.

    No kidding, sheez!! OP why even ask a question if you're going to shoot down the valid and constructive responses - and to the others reply "oh I know but I already tried that but I'm a special snowflake and it didn't work for meeeeeee I waited THREE WHOLE ENTIRE WEEKS OMG!!!!!!!"
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Eldamiano... don't post on this thread and be a jerk. It will NOT be tolerated.

    Just so you know, I've lost nearly 40 lbs thus far. I measure and weigh EVERY lick, taste, bite and even sniff if I think it's worth calories. Again, I've done everything (NO app calculates correctly, so I have a monitor to tell me know how much I burn a day WITH and WITHOUT exercise). I am looking into a few hormonal issues that could be impairing the process.

    And just so you know... THERE ARE SPECIAL CASES with some people. Not saying I'm one of them; because I have yet to have my labs done recently. BUT, I'd suggest you'd look into it before commenting on another post. (See, hyper/hypothyroidism, insulin resistance, and estrogen dominance just to name a FEW.)

    ***********JUST TO CLARIFY***********

    If you post on ANY thread of mine, you will get what is received. No need to post on here and be IGNORANT. We're ALL on here trying to lose or maintain...hell, some even are here to gain. The point of this site, I believe, is to encourage and educate. In short, keep it respectful and no belittling, disrespect, nor any other ignorance will be tolerated on MY posts.

    Well now... :noway:
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    You are way overestimating your calorie burns. You're probably burning 200-250 calories in the 30-45 minutes you're exercising. I'm in the gym 75 minutes lifting weights 3-5 times a week, and I bike 20-40 minutes a day. On my hardest workout days, which is 2 hours, the most burn I get is still under 600. I also push myself very hard. A 5K run in 30 minutes burns less than 250 calories for most women.

    You're also eating more than you think. Sorry, if you're stalling, it isn't magical metabolism-slowing foods or sugar causing your problems. It's thermodynamics.

    But if you don't want the advice, feel free to keep doing it your way.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    You say you have done EVERYTHING, but no individual is a special case, including yourself.

    If you are not losing weight, you are not eating at a calorie deficit. Simple.

    Try underestimating your exercise calories.
    I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I agree with eldamiano.

    If you are maintaining at your current calorie level (I'm assuming your plateau has lasted at least a month, if not just have patience), then you are eating at maintenance. You say you are doing TDEE but eating back exercise calories too? TDEE should include your activity level, and then you don't log exercise burns. If you want to eat back your exercise calories, then you should use your starting calories as sedentary then add in exercise.

    And I agree with machines overestimating burns. I now do the TDEE method, but when I logged exercise, I'd only log 2/3 of the calories the machines told me. I lost just fine doing that.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    You are way overestimating your calorie burns. You're probably burning 200-250 calories in the 30-45 minutes you're exercising. I'm in the gym 75 minutes lifting weights 3-5 times a week, and I bike 20-40 minutes a day. On my hardest workout days, which is 2 hours, the most burn I get is still under 600. I also push myself very hard. A 5K run in 30 minutes burns less than 250 calories for most women.

    You're also eating more than you think. Sorry, if you're stalling, it isn't magical metabolism-slowing foods or sugar causing your problems. It's thermodynamics.

    But if you don't want the advice, feel free to keep doing it your way.

    The OP appears to have gone, momentarily at least. It has been rumoured she doesnt like listening to advice that doesnt suit her advice....
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    You say you have done EVERYTHING, but no individual is a special case, including yourself.

    If you are not losing weight, you are not eating at a calorie deficit. Simple.

    Try underestimating your exercise calories.
    I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I agree with eldamiano.

    If you are maintaining at your current calorie level (I'm assuming your plateau has lasted at least a month, if not just have patience), then you are eating at maintenance. You say you are doing TDEE but eating back exercise calories too? TDEE should include your activity level, and then you don't log exercise burns. If you want to eat back your exercise calories, then you should use your starting calories as sedentary then add in exercise.

    And I agree with machines overestimating burns. I now do the TDEE method, but when I logged exercise, I'd only log 2/3 of the calories the machines told me. I lost just fine doing that.

    You cant believe you are agreeing with me? Hmm... intriguing.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well, when you hear things like "burn more than you eat to lose weight" or "calories in, calories out"...I'd think so. LOL. Hence, were you can sense my confusion! :noway:

    Sooooooooooo, is it the wrong way or is it not? Do I need to just eat like 2000 calories a day when exercising or no?

    There are many things which influence the "calories out" part of the equation. If you are certain that your intake is exactly what you've said, then you must assume that your output is lower than the estimated TDEE. The causes can be many. I would start by getting my doc to check my mineral levels as deficiencies are VERY common and that wreaks all kinds of metabolic havoc.

    IODINE--Unfortunately, we are having an epidemic of thyroid disease in Western countries and part of the problem is iodine deficiency. When tested in wide population studies, it has been observed that serum iodine levels are lower than they were even a couple of decades ago and iodine deficiency impairs the thyroid gland from doing its job--i.e.keeping the metabolism humming. Fluoride in the water is part of the problem, as fluoride competes with iodine in the thyroid gland's receptor sites. In addition, our intake of iodine is lower because our soils are depleted in iodine and we tend not to eat seafood and sea vegetables. Of course iodine deficiency has always been a real problem for those living inland on the iodine poor soils of the American food belt. Goiter is endemic to those areas--it got so bad that the government mandated that salt be iodized. But we are not eating as much salt these days. If you think that might be your problem, I would try an iodine supplement or, if you prefer a more natural way, include kelp and lots of other sea food and sea vegetables in your diet. The incidence of thyroid disease has skyrocketed since the wide use of fluoride in municipal water systems after WWII. If you have an iodine deficiency, you need to stop drinking fluoridated water (and you would need to stop eating the processed food that invariably gets its processing water from fluoridated municipal sources).

    MGNESIUM Another problem is magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is essential to MANY metabolic functions. Athletes in particular, are quite prone to magnesium deficiencies. Magnesium supplements can be problematic because, in many people, they precipitate diarrhea and the person ends up no better. One easy and safe way to get your magnesium is through your skin with Epsom salts baths but using "magnesium oil" is longer lasting (magnesium oil is not oil but it can feel "oily" when applied to the skin). Magnesium oil is magnesium chloride from sea water. It can be purchased online or from a health food store. Don't be put off by the price as you are supposed to dilute it before applying it to your skin--a little goes a long way. I dilute it in a spray bottle and then I spray it on my skin after a shower and then rub it in before applying a little vegetable oil as a moisturizer. IIRC, the birth control pill causes magnesium deficiency.

    Those are the two mineral deficiencies most likely to influence weight loss (or rather, the lack of it).

    There are other hormonal problems that influence weight loss and gain. Many, many women complain of impaired ability to lose weight after a period of being on the birth control pill (despite what the pharmaceutical houses claim). This is because the birth control pill stops ovulation (which is what it is designed to do). Progesterone production peaks at ovulation. Progesterone counters the "body fat hoarding" tendencies of estrogen. Estrogen does this in two ways. It blocks the uptake of iodine AND, it reduces the effectiveness of thyroid hormone at a cellular level. The birth control pill tends to put a woman's body into a condition called "estrogen dominance". Without the countering effect of progesterone (which enhances the action of thyroid hormone at a cellular level) body fat gain (and retention) is inevitable. And even if the birth control pill is stopped, ovulation may not resume so the woman's estrogen continues to run unopposed. There are bio-identical (and it is very important that it be real progesterone and not synthetic progestin) over-the-counter progesterone creams that can be purchased at a health food store if you think this may be a problem. There is an online critique of the best one's available here:http://johnleemd.com/store/faqs_progest_crm.html It is the website of Dr. John Lee (now deceased) who was a pioneer in the field of natural progesterone therapy for women and extensively studied the problem of estrogen dominance.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    You should prolly be around 1850 - 1890 calories daily.

    I would recommend and encourage getting a food scale, and measure/weigh your food.

    But 33 lbs in two months is a lot!!!!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Another I want advice but only if I agree with it thread.

  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    If you aren't losing weight and you're being 100% accurate every day beyond the shadow of a doubt, I'd see a doctor. Nothing else anyone could possibly tell you besides the fact that if you aren't losing weight, you aren't in a calorie deficit.
  • joby22
    joby22 Posts: 3 Member
    Shakeology for dinner helped me break my plateau