

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Thank you for your kind and helpful words. I think you and I have some things in common. Your advice helped me calm myself. I also took something to relieve anxiety. I have never been a person who was focused on buying. Some people shop for fun, and I am not one of them. Buying something as big as a car is something I do as seldom as possible. It has been seven years since we bought my car. I hope any new one we buy will last longer.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS ON 100 POUNDS, SYLVIA! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

    Dee Dee..........Just rain here (on the coast, near the state line) but VERY windy; could hear it beating heavily against the window several times during the night. DD, however, is coming from the west and not leaving until 2pm in hopes of warmer temps.......they have light snow and sleet and ice; at least they did when she called at 11:30am. I checked out the potential cherry blossoms last week, nary a sign of one. The park near my home has dozens of trees, all lined up and they rival DC when they bloom!

    Juanita...........WOW!!! 44years!! Congratulations and happy anniversary! Is anyone else married longer?????

    jb.......? I think it was you, anyway, I looked up the flower count you mentioned to get a shot of Spring---gorgeous!

    Sylvia.............I hope for the best for your son; I've never known anyone who received a lung transplant (only people in the newspaper)......and all of those stories had happy results. MAJOR congrats on your milestone.........YIPEEEEEEE!!!!!

    Joyce..........looked up the heating bills...........dec 140........jan 175...........feb 176 I keep it at 72-74/day and 66/night. Very small house though, about 1400 sq. ft.

    Katla.........I agree with Heather, once again.........go for it and let him enjoy it...........and it will be a lot less than an RV in all ways. You could slow the process down a bit with extensive research and lots of visits for test drives if you feel the need........and solicit your kids, friends, neighbors car opinions. Our "newest" car is a 2008. I'm still quite happy with my beloved 2005 PT Cruiser that everyone else in the family heartily dislikes.

    Off to do a bit more cleaning and paperwork (mostly bill) sorting,
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Congratulation Sylvia on 100 lost. That is awesome. Sending prayers for your son and his health issues.
    Katia - we just got a new car. DH's was 10 years old and in perfect condition but I was the one who told him it probably wouldn't last until he wasn't able to drive anymore. Besides, the longer he waited the less trade-in-value. He is like a kid with a new toy. Fun to see him enjoying his new purchase.
    Tried to play golf this morning but we decided after 9 holes to quit. It was in the 40's and windy. Still cold! Last Friday I played in shorts.:grumble:
    Allison - glad you enjoyed your massage. The first one I got wasn't anything like I though it would be. I was so sore the next day I could hardly move. The girl I use now is very good and always makes me feel better. She tells me I should come in when nothing hurts just to enjoy it.
    Think we are going out to the ranch this weekend. Just waiting for DH to come home to decide. Hope everyone has a great weekend

    Sue in TX
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    TGIF my friends! :bigsmile:

    I heard from my mother. She is relaxing and enjoying her visit with my DB and DSIL. Her DH now has a much stricter 'sitter' and has been relegated to staying home. That is a big relief for my mom so she can relax and recoup a little. She still sounded tired on the phone though.

    I go to the DR this evening to get the results of my bloodwork and find out what he is changing with my meds. I am scared and hopeful at the same time. :frown: I have been so tired lately, I hope the changes help.

    100 pounds lost! :laugh: That is amazing! I am following my diet plan, exercising more than I ever did and my weight won't budge! Frustrating! :grumble: It may have something to do with why I am feeling so yuk lately.

    Congratulations on all the NSV's :flowerforyou: ( I know it means good things but what does NSV mean exactly?)

    Prayers and hugs to those that need them and their loved ones.:flowerforyou:

    I will end with my favorite saying:
    "Never give up! Never surrender!" (From Galaxy Quest the movie):tongue:

    Rita from CT.
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sylvia-on 100 lbs:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    Hugs to u all:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :flowerforyou: sylvia congradulations such a victory, you must feel so proud of yourself and rightly so, enjoy the new and lesser you:drinker:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Rita: NSV is "non-scale victory", like when your pants get too loose, of you fit in the chair you've been avoiding, or someone doesn't recognize you because you've lost weight. :smile:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies. Hope you are all having a pleasent day. I feel I got alot done yesterday on my day off. Spent the morning running from VA office to VA hospital and VA home. Do have a lot of information for my dad. Then last evening I called and he is back in the hospital. He gainned 17 pounds in 2 days. So his lungs are filling up again. They have him on IV lasix and if that doesn't work they will have to transfer him back to North Platte and drain them. He tells me he does not want to do that. So will check on him this afternoon and see how things are going. We are to go to Omaha tomorrow to see our DGD in her school play. Depends on what is going on with dad this afternoon as may be going out there.

    Heather--sounds like you are enjoying your new car. Your new bag sounds great. I love bags and the one I have now is bright purple. I love it!!

    Have any of you heard about covering your floor with brown paper bags? I friend of ours posted some pictures of their bedroom where they took up the carpet and replacing it with brown paper bags. I don't understand how that would work and how would you keep it from tearing.

    Kim--I wear my step counter all day. Good Luck with your company.

    Tina--So sorry for your loss.

    Syliva--Hope you are feeling better, there is so much crud going around. WOW!! what news about DS. Keeping all of you in my prayers. They can do some much anymore so expect a good outcome. Take care of you at this time also. CONGRATES ON 100 POUNDS!! I hope you do something special to celebrate. You deserve it!!

    Katla--Good for you speaking up. I wish I could do that more often. I have a tendancy to not say anything and let it bulid up and then blow up. Not good and I am working on that. Sounds like my DH and motorcycles. He always seems to want bigger and I just want to feel safe when I ride.

    Alison--sorry to hear about your friend. Added him to my prayer list. Enjoy your massage!! Sounds like you are having a good day. I tell everyone I can about MFP and all the good people here.

    DeeDee--Jake is only alittle over a year old. He just is a pain. Talking about getting him fixed and I understand that will help. My DH puts different fruits in our bullet and most the time I really like it.

    Carol--hope you enjoy your weekend. Does sound like you are excited.

    Rita--When DH's grandpa wanted to drive one of the boys just went out and unhooked something under the hood. It worked and he didn't drive after that.

    Welcome to the newbies. You have found a great group and all the support you want. Post often and get to know us and let us get to know you!

    ma--your trainning group sounds like fun. Even a small victory counts. One step at a time one day at a time. Ane we can not cut out everything or we set ourselves up to fail.

    Sue--glad to hear you got good news on your tests.

    Juanita--Happy anniversary. enjoy you dinner out.

    Well ladies have a good evening. I have my friend Lee coming over after I get off work as she needs help doing more paper work for their medical bills. Then this evening we have our monthly CMA meeting and do think I am ready.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    FitDonna54 - I have seen lots of comments in past months where some of us actually gained weight or stopped losing weight when calories were reduced too far. It's possible you may not be eating enough - I know that sounds counter-intuitive, but it happens. Most of use don't go under 1200 calories/day. Also, we don't all "eat back" all our exercise calories while we are still losing. I know I try not to, and only do when it's some type of occasion. Hope this helps. Stick with it and keep measuring. We lose inches without losing weight sometimes.

    I'm another 44 year anniversary girl! We celebrated our 44th in January. DH loves to add "and all married to the same person"!

    Jill in western Ma
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Vicki...........There was an article in our home and garden section of the newspaper on those paper bag floors and it sounded quite servicable; they got a good review, but I suppose it depends on the individual person doing it and how talented they are. If you google paper bag floors and look at the images you will get an idea and can also see several reviews and tutorials.

    So sorry to hear your dad has had a set back.......best to him and your family.

  • carmenlampman3
    carmenlampman3 Posts: 10 Member
    Good morning! How do I join this group. new here - not sure how to navigate. Thanks for help! Your group is right up my alley!
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Just have a few minutes before heading home from work and ready to start the weekend! Weather is supposed to warm up with the sun shining. Will enjoy as much time outside as possible.

    Sylvia - Congratulations on the 100 pounds lost!! Can you even imagine carrying around 100 pounds of weights all day? This is a great accomplishment and it sounds like you're close to another milestone - onederland!! Prayers for your son that his operation is a great success and he is able to enjoy his life to the fullest.

    Joyce - I'm about to tell you something that should make you very grateful. :laugh: Our electric bill for Feb. was $1,042.22. :noway: Looked up a couple from the past - Jan. $777.79 and March $751.19. Lowest for the past year was $251.07 and that was in Oct. so I'm sure we weren't using a/c or heat. Now, we do have an all electric house and we are also heating a small kennel for some of our foster dogs. They have indoor/outdoor runs with A/C and baseboard heating. We keep the house at 68 all of the time during the winter.

    Carmen - Welcome :flowerforyou: What a cute little boy in your profile picture. You have joined by posting to look for us under My Topics from now on.

    Jill and Juanita - Congratulations on 44 years of marriage! :drinker:

    Alison - special prayers for your friend. Please keep up updated on his condition.

    Brenda - glad you're feeling better. Your NY trip sounds fun.

    Well, getting ready to run out of here...for those sick - health, for those with victories - congratulations, those discouraged - think on the positive however small you may feel it is.

    Welcome to the new ladies!
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Sylvia – 100 lbs So excited for you. Enjoy your new self.

    Brenda – Glad you are feeling better. NY sounds like it will be such fun & the food tour would be fun too. Let us know how it goes.

    Sandy – Hope you aren’t to sore today. TGF! Hope your weekend is a great one!

    Barbie - 26,000 steps yesterday. Wow!

    Momesamodel – looked at your pic of Levi. What a beautiful dog. Neighbors have one that beautiful. I call her Sarah, but I don’t really know her name lol I have a Rose machine, been a couple years since I have been able to use it, but I want to use the embroidery part of it. Would love to see some of your work.
    margaretturk - I watched a video on Youtube the other day about a 96 year old man that wrote a song for his wife of 70 + years. She had died the month before. It was a touching story. His song was on the top 10 list of ITunes for a couple of days. Check out the song &/or video “Sweet Lorain by Fred”

    Katla – I love this: “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison Thanks for sharing.

    Joyce – Our electric bill is close to $400 & this is winter time. Plus I had to pay $364 dollars to get my propane tank filled yesterday. Now I feel awful lol
    Don’t you hate it when you spill things, especially when you just getting ready to settle down for the evening.

    DeeDee – Our power was off this morning for a few hours. It got pretty chilly! I would rather it go off during the morning hours than the really early am as that usually means we go without electricity for several hours! Come on Spring!

    Jill & Juanita – Happy 44th! Not a lot of folks get to celebrate that many years. Hope you have a special evening.

    Beth – Hope you have a nice weekend & come Monday you will have a better week.

    Patty – Good for you. It is hard to remember that we are in control of our lives sometimes. I needed to hear that this week especially as I have been in a slump all week. Thank you!

    FitDonna - Hang in there. We all have times when the scale won’t budge & we have been doing everything right. Eventually it will but frustrating for now.

    Carol – Sounds so nice at the beach. Prefect posting as I could see it in my head. I was in the house with you watching the rain & wind. Think I may go to Galveston this week. You stirred the beach bum up in me lol

    Carmenlampman3 _ Welcome to the site. Just play around on it & you will learn. If you read posting from certain folks that you connect with ask to be friends by clicking on the name & then you will see a place on their profile. That has helped me a lot. Every morning I check in with them. They support me in so many ways.

    Well gotta get off computer every since the power outage it is acting up & working slow
    Have nice weekend

    Pennie in TX
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Goodnight ladies.
    Who has a mojo injection for me? I'm kind of stagnating.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Sylvia ... 100 pounds!! THAT is awesome! Congratulations!:happy:
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Congratulations Sylvia!!! 100 lbs is amazing! :happy: :love: :flowerforyou:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Sylvia~ whooo hooo 100 lbs you go girl..
    about the heron, you know me and Heron's I would have stayed there all night watching him(her)
    overdid it on dark chocolate today:embarassed:
    tomorrow is another day.. I just wont buy it again
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Sylvia - yahooo 100 lbs, congratulation!!! What are you going to do to celebrate your amazing achievement? I can't wait to get there.

    Allison - your friend is in my thoughts & prayers. Glad you went for your massage and enjoyed it.

    Margaret - yes the cardiofit box class was grueling as it sounds but it was fun and the time flew by

    Fitdonna - maybe you aren't eating enough. Keep on going, don't give up. It will happen!

    Carmenlampman3 - welcome, come back often and post as much as you want.

    Carol - your weekend trip to the beach sounds like a little bit of heaven. I hope you enjoy yourself.

    I'm tired and sore today. I didn't sleep very well at all last night. I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be after that boxing class. I must be making progress :happy:

    Tomorrow is weigh in, we'll see if the extra workout helps.

    Enjoy your Friday evening.

    :heart: Sandy in ON where it's starting to warm up.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    The first thing has got to be CONGRATULATIONS TO SYLVIA!!!!! What a fantastic achievement!

    I'm horribly behind on the thread, which unfortunately seems to be my usual condition these days. I truly love reading all of your posts, but just don't seem to be able to keep up lately. Please know that I'm cheering you all on!

    Since I last posted about three weeks ago, I've been to Mexico for a week. This was my first trip there in a year, since my parents had been in such bad shape. Naturally, my mother went into the hospital while I was down there. Her new pacemaker failed, and she had passed out. My kids dealt with it, so that I didn't have to rush back. Two days after I got back, my daughter flew in to visit for a week. Sure enough, Mom had another incident and I took her back to the hospital. They only kept her for a day this time, but don't have any answers for us. I've booked another trip to Playa del Carmen in two weeks, and am really keeping my fingers crossed on the parent-front. I'm taking my son this time, so nobody will be here beyond the daily CNA who goes by their house. They refuse to let me hire anyone to stay with them, and I can't put my life on hold forever. I put it on them, letting them know that I was going and asking how they wanted to deal with my absence. Their answer was just that I should be sure that they had plenty of groceries before I left!

    I do love sitting on the beach, watching the water and the people walking by. It feels like everything is a million miles away, and it's incredibly relaxing. I also walk a lot there (average 14,000 to 18,000 steps per day), so I can have some leeway on the food/drink and still stay even.

    I went shopping at Macy's today. Hubby had decided that we should get rid of all of our old towels and sheets and start anew, so we hit the linen department pretty big time. I then had to try on clothes (my weakness), but I looked so very chunky in the dressing room mirror. I think that I fool myself about how fat I am, so it's quite a shock to get these wake-up calls. At least it has me motivated to hit the treadmill again tonight!

    Katia -- Hubby and I both have a very unfortunate liking for expensive cars, although we've stopped buying them brand new and now get ones a couple of years old, since they depreciate so greatly when you drive them off the lot. I'd recommend trying that option. What kind does your husband want? Hubby got his wholesale license so that he could go to the car auctions a few years ago, and has started playing "musical cars" since then. He always buys what he likes, then says that he thinks I should drive it instead. He came home with a 5-series BMW sedan a few weeks ago, and wants to know if I want it. It's quite nice, but what I really want is a Mercedes S550 sedan to keep. I had one for many years and totally loved it. I'm not sure if he'll still get it for me if I agree to the BMW for now.

    I hope this finds you all well and getting thinner!

    Jane in Colorado