

  • lmerner
    lmerner Posts: 28 Member
    Hi all

    I'm not exactly new to MFP but I'm back. Love the motivation and support with this group of grand ladies.

    How the heck did we get to be 50+???

    So my goals for March;
    Focus on being happier every day and nicer to be with
    Logging every meal, snack, bite or swallow on MFP
    Move more = treadmill for 20 minutes at least 3 times per week
    Get a minimum of 8 glasses of water in Every Day
    Be spontaneous and do something outside my comfort zone once per week
    And finally......
    Hold myself accountable by referring to these goals daily and measuring my progress.... If I missed one...get at it and get it done!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    To the ones talking about the paper bag floors: there are people who make floors out of pennies. Just google "penny floor" and you'll find all kinds of pictures.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,868 Member
    Hello to all: Well spent time figuring out when to take the antibiotics the doctor gave me for pneumonia. They are supposed to be taken alone and at least 2-3 hours before or after eating or taking anything with magnesium, calcium, iron or zinc in it. Apparently those minerals absorb the antibiotic and it will not work as well. They have to be taken twice a day so I am going to be a very scheduled eater for the next two weeks.

    Silvia - 100 pounds. WooHoo!!!!!! Hope your son gets on the transplant list soon and things work out well. It is amazing what medical science can do these days.

    Katla - Congrats on the new car. I tend to drive mine to death. A little over a year ago I traded in my 1993 pickup for a 2006. I will probably drive it until I no longer need it to haul my horse trailer.

    Allison - So glad things seem to be looking up for you.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It looks like we are going back to winter today after hitting 62 degrees yesterday. Snow is supposed to start about 3pm. We are going to the lake early hoping to miss the worst of it.

    Last night we went to a jazz concert which was really good. I like to think it was my celebration for hitting 100 pounds lost, but we had planned it all week. I do think I'm going to do a little clothes shopping as a treat, though.

    Speaking of clothes, yesterday I went to a garage sale and found a little blue satin pajama set that I thought I could make a cute Barbie dress from. So I bought them (25 cents) and brought them home. This morning I was looking at them and saw the size, so I decided to try them on. They fit! And what size were they? Not a 4x, not a 3x, not a 2x, not even an X. No, they were a Large! Just Large! So now I am really inspired to shop. I've got a whole closet full of old 4x T-shirts that I still wear to work out, and I'm thinking it's time to let those go. I think I will go to a regular size store and see if anything fits. I saw some stuff online that I liked but am not sure of sizing.

    My son came up to the studio yesterday to visit me and we had a long talk. It was rare to have just him and me, without the kids. He talked about the lung transplant and he has decided not to try for it yet. He thinks that with the infusion treatments and oxygen he can maintain his current level for a long time, and he is scared because life expectancy, even at his young age, after a lung transplant is only about 5 years which would mean his kids would grow up without a dad. His little guy would only be 10 in five years. It's better to have a dad on oxygen than no dad at all. I have to say, I felt relieved. I read a little on line about it and it scared me to death! So he's going to tell the doctor not to add him to the transplant list, at least not yet, and he will re-evaluate after he has done the treatments for a while. I slept better last night.

    Katie, that is a great heron picture!

    Sue, I'm sorry to hear you have pneumonia! Hope you feel better real soon.

    Lee, welcome! I ask myself all the time how I could possibly be this old. I think it happened while I was asleep.

    Poor Katla! Car stuff really is stressful. We are the kind who drive our cars into the ground to get every last cent of value out of them before we get another one. My van and his car both have about 200,000 miles on them and they're still going strong. My hubby hates to go into debt too. It doesn't bother me, but he's the one who does the financial stuff. I'm just here for decoration. :laugh: I'm glad you spoke up and didn't get stuck with a motor home. Those things seem dangerous to me, and hard to drive, much less park. We stopped at a rest area once and a GIANT motor home pulled in next to us in the spaces marked for cars, and out crawled a TINY elderly lady, VERY elderly, who could barely walk with a walker, and she was driving that thing! She nearly wiped out a couple of cars trying to back it up, too. She could barely see over the steering wheel. No, I like a good motel. They are so much easier to park.

    Well, I've got to get busy. Thanks to everybody for being so happy about my little milestone. It meant a lot to me that people who really understand what it takes can appreciate it. Have a great day!

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Happy day to all the Amazing women here!
    I am getting set for tomorrow morning, 21 km, will let you know how it all went.Congrats to all celebrating and hugs to those who need it.
    Deedee and Margaret :drinker:
    Sylvia n Katla best wishes
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Bump for later. Been away too long! I'm spending the weekend by myself (hubby and DD went to see his cousin with the head injury) and I'm going to try to refocus and get back on track. Hugs to all my friends whom I have missed. Meg
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    DeeDee...I am well, thanks for asking. Waking up around 3 a.m. is pretty typical for me. If I cannot fall back asleep, I will check my Facebook and MFP, as well as the news. Then I will fall asleep again eventually. Last night I ended up with a bad dream which woke me up again. Good thing it is Saturday and did not have to get up for work.

    Lee...welcome. 50+ I agree with your question. And how did I get to be over 60 like...suddenly!? I like your goals and wish you well.

    Mariabmb3 and healthymeemaw...welcome to you too. Come back and tell us some more about yourself.

    Sylvia...100 lbs! Congratulations! You are inspiring.

    Katla..my DH has been "shopping" for a car although our target purchase date is not until 2016. He just loves doing the shopping and comes back with information. I try to muster up the exitement, but my part does not happen until purchase time. Our next car will be our final one, which will mean going from 2 to 1 vehicle. At least that is the plan. In our area cars can last a long time, thanks to the climate.

    I lost about a lb and a half since I last weighed in 2 weeks ago. That works for me. I broke through the 150 mark! Happy happy.

    Vancouver island, BC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:

    A man awoke one evening to discover prowlers in his storage shed. He immediately called 911, gave his address, to report the prowlers and possible burglary. The operator at the other end said "Are they in your house?" He said they were not, only in his storage shed in back of the house. The operator said there were no cars available at that time. He thanked the operator, hung up the phone and counted to 30 and called again. "I just called you about prowlers in my storage shed. Well you do not have to worry, as I just shot them all dead!" Within seconds there were 3 police cars, an ambulance and fire engine at the scene. After capturing the prowlers red-handed, the policeman asked the caller, "I thought you said you had shot them all!" The man answered, "I thought you said there were no police available!"


    A man takes his hamster to the vet, and after a short look at the creature the vet pronounces it dead. Not happy with the vet's diagnosis the man asks for a second opinion. The vet gives a whistle and in strolls a Labrador dog. The dog nudges the hamster around with its nose and sniffs it a couple of times before shaking his head. "There" says the vet,” Your hamster is dead". Still not happy the man asks for a third opinion. The vet opens the back door and in bounds a cat. The cat jumps onto the table and looks the hamster up and down for a few minutes before looking up and shaking it's head. "It's definitely dead sir", says the vet. Convinced, the man enquires how much he owes. "That will be £1000, please". "A £1000 just to tell me my hamster is dead" fumes the man. "Well", says the vet, "There's my diagnosis, the lab report and the cat scan".
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Wanted to share my blog post from this morning, stating my goals for March, and for the rest of my life :smile:

    Ants in the Pants

    Spring's coming. Ants are finding their way indoors, happens every March. When a stray one crawls across my hand at night in bed, though, ugh. No likey. The least they could do is stay in the kitchen. Ungrateful bums.

    What I do like are the tiny little jonquils and cheery, tall daffodils that are blossoming in the yard and around town. Deep, dark purple primroses so gorgeous amidst the aftermath of winter's drab. Perennial plants are popping their heads out of the soil everywhere I look.

    Red sky early this morning, brilliant hue, lighting up the whole world; proof positive we'll be getting rain, and yes, I'm sitting here wearing rose colored glasses.

    Oh, my rosy little world - now mixed with ants in the pants - I'm itching to continue losing these pounds that have finally decided to dissipate over the last few weeks, not by magic as I would have liked, but by following a new set of personal guidelines.

    More than a year of frustration, wondering why on earth I couldn't seem to lose anything...I grew so very tired of bothering with it all. In my heart of hearts I knew what had to be done, but I refused to accept it. I had to eat less. It just wasn't fair, I didn't want to believe it. But what happens when you don't follow your heart? You suffer.

    Sick of suffering! It finally dawned on me that many others have reached goals much higher than mine, so there must be a way to get it done. What was my problem? Just hanging on in quiet desperation... BS. Nothing happens if you don't take action. I decided to cheer the hell up and get on with the program. It went deeper than food. This is my list.

    *Change your thinking, shift gears

    *Treat yourself kindly, with compassion

    *Make time for self-care

    *Plan plan plan

    *Never eat until hungry

    *Practice mindful eating, savor every bite

    *Just as you don't overfeed plants, don't overfeed yourself

    *Cut out weeknight wine

    *Allow a fun night, goofing off, no logging

    *Set a new, lower, personal calorie goal (1250)

    *Allow very few exercise calories (50-100)

    *Set daily exercise goals including at least 30 mins intense cardio

    *Add yoga and strength-work to regular exercise

    *Report daily to a journal or a friend, listing goals for the day

    *Keep a positive attitude, be gracious and grateful


    Did I forget anything? Oh, that's right, 2 things:



    :smile: jb in cloudy Portland
  • Kimmerz020202
    Kimmerz020202 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Ladies, this is a fantastic group with a lot of encouraging women! I am so glad I found y'all.

    I am in my late 50's and have lost 36 lbs., 40 to go (5' 2"). Am depressed it took me a year to lose 25 lbs. and 3 months to put 15 back on over the Holidays. So now I am tracking in MFP daily and trying to get into exercising. Planning on taking a long walk today and starting Yoga once a week.

    Appreciate everyone's encouragement and am so impressed with your progress!

    Kimberly in Ft. Worth, TX
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Katla - "underbuyer" is the terminology used in The Happiness Project. Apparently the author is one. I am for most things, but not for cookery supplies!

    Joyce - I loved your image of you out in your van seeking the chocolate. That would be me when DH is at football, except that he takes our only car with him! In my case I would be in search of runny, smelly French cheese. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :love: :love: :love: Good job we've only got one car!

    I went to the hairdresser's and found that she would not do the colour without a patch test. Good for her, but I think the manager could have told me when he phoned. So I had a blob of dye behind my ear , after she'd done a restyle. For the first time since my cancer meds, which gave me horrific hot flushes, I have a fringe, (bangs). It's only a half one,but I've been not liking my large shiny forehead in photos for quite some time. I will have the roots done on Thursday evening, the night before I go to Glasgow. The shorter appointment meant I had time to zap the weeds in the glorious sunshine while DH watched rugby and football on the TV. The sky is still cloudless as the sun begins to set.

    Duck legs tonight. I'm cooking masses of broccoli to have with it and will have some cold in my grain mix tomorrow.:love: There are a few sorrel leaves in the garden so might piick that and a bit of overwintered spinach.:love: Spring is here!
    Love Heather UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    Off to see my grand daughters today.Haven`t seen Leah since Christmas.
    Have a good one.
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    It is a most beautiful day here! I walked a couple of miles down the road to a T-shirt store and bought a new mug for my office that came with its own spoon and spoon storage in the handle. I also bought two t-shirts--size medium!!!! It is still so weird to buy normal sizes. On the walk there, I got to really look around. I'm always driving when I'm here so I saw lots of things I didn't know existed, one of which was a little deli/bakery. I stopped there on my way back and had excellent fish tacos and a slice of caramel apple pie. YUM!! I had hit my 10,000 steps before I got back to the house. I've been inside for a bit, resting and catching up here before I go out to walk on the beach. Before I do that, though, I have to change into a short sleeved shirt! The computer says it's 57 but it feels like 67.

    I asked my daughter to check on my house for me. She said it doesn't seem as if the power was off at all and there is no damage. However, the neighborhood is a disaster. Still lots of people without power in the area.

    Going to take my walk now...

    Carol in beautiful Emerald Isle, NC
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    What a beautiful day! Heating off, back door open and washing dried on the line outside! Spring is popping it's head over the wall of winter! Fab!

    Got my yoga ball and a resistance band. No kettlebells in shop so my Easter Egg will have to wait until we go to the sports superstore with my sport crazy son when he is home from uni. Dogs are very wary of the ball so I have my work cut out trying to get them to play push ball! In the meantime I will use it for exercising!

    Hope everyone had a good Saturday!

    MA in springlike UK
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    :flowerforyou: Welcome Kimberly in Ft. Worth; sure looking forward to our Texas Spring only not the thunderstorms. I'm sure you will enjoy this thread but it's a daily effort to keep up which doesn't happen with me.

    :flowerforyou: Heather hope that colour works out for you; I am delighted that Spring is on the horizon.

    :bigsmile: Granddaughter - now there's a smile; hope your visit was awesome with yours Jane.

    :flowerforyou: Carol a walk on the beach sounds fabulous! you are doing great in getting in your steps!

    As for the Internal Women's Day I salute all women! and like most women it's a busy Saturday for me; a little work, a little play and I plan to sit on the couch relaxing for the evening.

    Will catch up more later ~

    Plano Teral :flowerforyou:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Lost 1.6 lbs today which brings me 9.6 lbs until I lose 100 lbs. I've been thinking about what I want to do to celebrate. I don't do the whole spa thing.

    Busy day.. Happy International Women's day! Thank you all for being such wonderful women :heart: :heart:

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    :flowerforyou: This has been a busy week so I enjoyed a bit of relaxation today while Jake went out to breakfast and then took a three hour nap. I got to watch four of the episodes of “Arctic Air” that have been waiting for me to have time. We already set our clocks ahead so it feels like it’s almost bedtime.:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 18,000 steps today ---yoga----lots of time on the exercise bike
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Thank you, Barbie! I had no idea it was time to "spring forward."
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    katla - my FIL ALWAYS bought preowned cars. For all the years I knew him (30+), I never ever knew him to buy him or MIL a new car. Actually, one that he got had been in an accident, was declared a total, but this mechanic fixed it up and FIL bought it. He had it for quite a few years.

    Margaret - it sure does feel good when someone notices our hard work, doesn't it?

    imerner - welcome back! Love your goals, especially the one about focusing on being happier.

    Sylvia - WOOHOO. Get rid of those 4X's. I really don't like to buy clothes online because if it doesn't fit, its such a hassle to return. Even if they have free return. The exception is if I tried something on in the store and the only time I can get a different color is online. Or like the bathingsuit -- I know it fits me, I'd just like to get another one. Sounds like your son did a lot of thinking. Glad he has made a decision

    Lee - I keep telling my daughter that I'm not old enough to have a 30 year old. That just never goes over

    kimberly - welcome! you'll get that weight off and we'll be right here with ya.

    jane - safe travels

    carol - congrats on the smaller sizes, you deserve it

    Sandy - congrats! You are getting there. It won't be too long now.

    Did 45 minutes of these challenges (weights and cadio), then 15 minutes of a stretchin DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a 10 minute butt lift DVD that got.

    Michele in NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm thinking of starting the couch to 5k thing. Any of you ever done that? I might still be too fat, but when I'm walking Bruno I sometimes feel the need to run!
