"Why do I feel like crap?"



  • I was just sharing MY experience eating healthy vs. not eating healthy. If this hasn't been your experience well then good for you, I'm happy you haven't had to endure what I have. But for me I have found a solution and I am going to share it for others out there who may be like me!!

    I just think its funny on a FITNESS website people are advising to not eat fruits and veggies, and to try cramming in as much junk food as your calorie goal will tolerate. Different strokes for different folks, I guess. but not me. There is a recommended serving amount for fruits and veggies (as well as other nutrition groups like proteins, fats and carbs) for a reason. I have found that reason through trial and error. My way of coming across may have been harsh but the truth hurts. Once you get your recommended amount of nutrition, if you have room left over for treats then go for it. But don't just keep cramming junk down your gullets like these ladies do - regardless of whether you are "fat" or "thin". Thin does not always equal healthy.

    Have a nice day! :smile:
  • Ok...I just read through this entire thing thus far and I think I kinda get it. Yeah, the OP sounds a little bit too angry and negative...but I think some of it's probably just the fact that she would love to vent about this AT WORK and can't ;-) Am I right, OP?

    I have worked with so many women just like the OP's coworkers. I know how irritating that is. In fact, for me in the past it was often MORE irritating (if that's possible) because there I was, at 250+ lb and a lot of these women were maybe 180-200 lb and they were complaining about how their obesity was ruining their lives, they were on a million different meds for blood pressure, diabetes, etc...and they were only in their 20s or 30s just like I was. So I felt like they were looking at me thinking I must be lying since I had no medical problems and ate hummus and veggies...imagining that I was secretly eating the same Sonic and Krispy Kreme meals they were, or something like that.

    The BEST though (eye roll) is when those women finally do decide to make a change, because it is usually the fad diet of the month and then they are telling someone like me (who has lost 101 lb so far in changing my lifestyle for the long term) that it's SO EASY to lose 8 lb a week if you follow an arbitrary list of 16 foods for 9 days and then eat only eggs and green beans for 7 days and so on...telling me I will never lose ANY weight clogging my body with a piece of homemade bread OMFG!?!!!

    A year later I don't work with these women and I see them in Target and they look exactly the same. I am in skinny jeans four sizes smaller and have a radiant glow. That is revenge enough for me.

    Good for you, congrats on your success. I bet that felt great. And thanks for trying to understand my viewpoint!
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    I was just sharing MY experience
    Best to not suggest it will be the case for all OTHER people too, then :).

    The reason we have a 'recommend' amount is that it works better for society as a whole to pick a few figures out of the air rather than explain to the masses the details of how different people do need different things.
    Has ANYONE said you SHOULD be 'cramming in as much junk food as your calorie goal will tolerate'? As you suggest, once you've got enough micronutrients (and this is another case where I think 'RDA' is rather silly), it doesn't really matter what you eat.

    Unless you spend your time with these 'witches' 24/7, perhaps they get their micronutrients from other sources?
  • :-) love the post
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    OP deactivated lol
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I'm really glad you've found something that works for you. It sounds like you're doing great and feeling better than ever. I don't think I would have the same results. All or nothing approaches simply set me up for failure.

    What works for me is moderation. One night, I might eat a cheeseburger, fries and a couple beers and sit on the couch watching movies. Another night, I might have chicken and vegetable stir-fry and spend 90 minutes working out. I don't feel significantly different (better or worse) after having either of those nights.

    I try to maintain a healthy balance in life, and that includes plenty of healthy eating and exercise, mixed with a moderate amount of junk, booze and laziness.

    It's worked really well for me! I'm about to hit my two-year anniversary of maintaining my 66 pound weight loss. I recently had a wellness checkup and my bloodwork was 'impeccable' (according to my doctor). I think I look good. I feel great most days.

    Also, I totally count pizza sauce as a vegetable serving. I make my own dough and sauce (from scratch) and I know a serving of my homemade pizza has more than a half cup of my homemade sauce. Why wouldn't I count it?

    I really like your attitude. I'm approaching my 1.5 year anniversary (or whatever that would be) and I also do it with a healthy mix of nutritious eating, exercise, chocolate, wine, and lazing around on the sofa. It's a good life and I feel great pretty much every day.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I find that I'm a much happier person since I stopped worrying about what other people do and comparing myself to them (for better or worse).

    It's great that you were able to lose so much weight, but it doesn't give you the right to judge other people's lifestyle choices. We're all works in progress, after all.



    I never understand the logic behind "this worked for me therefore it will work for everyone" posts. Like do you seriously think everyone's minds and bodies are the same as yours? That assumption is either naively ignorant or just ridiculously arrogant. In either case, you clearly have a lot to learn.