5ft 3.5 - 5ft 4 ladies - goal weight?



  • TansieEye
    TansieEye Posts: 25
    My exact goals :) I am a little taller at 5'4.5 but extremely athletic, so it isn't about what the scale says as much as it is how my clothing is fitting. I'm at about 143 right now and fitting into an 8P (petite, aka short legs) but I'd really like to see a 6 fit, so the goal is 135ish.
  • lisajsund
    lisajsund Posts: 366 Member
    I don't have a clue where *I* want my goal weight to be. at the moment, my eating disorder wants my weight to be 105lbs - I want to recover but lose weight at the same time. I am nowhere near underweight - 167lbs, 5ft 4.

    what is your goal weight?

    Depends on your body composition, how much body fat vs lean tissue you have.
    I'm 5'5" and currently have a body comp of 28% body fat. I'd like to get between 165-170 and maintain the 135 lbs of lean tissue I have. More lean tissue = more calorie burning = more food to maintain!

    Have you ever had this done? According to BMI, my "healthy" weight range is 111-149. If I made it to 149 with maintaining my lean tissue, I'd be 9.3% body fat. Much too low for a woman of child bearing age.

    we are like the same person :)

    I will add you, same person. :wink:

    how did you work out how much of your body is lean tissue?

    I went to my gym and had a trainer do a skinfold caliper test. The caliper pinches your fat is 3-7 places and the trainer enters these numbers into a program that gives an estimate of BF. Knowing it's an estimate, it does vary by who does the test, but I've had two people from different places get close to the same amount.
  • janellyf
    janellyf Posts: 74 Member
    I'm 5'4 and my goal weight is 140.

  • Winterbaby2014
    Winterbaby2014 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm 5"4 and currently 10st 7lbs. Because I tend to carry all my weight on my belly and thighs, I want to lose a bit more to try and lose some of this weight- its making me depressed...
    my goal weight is about 9st 6lbs. I'm a size 12, jeans and top size (UK sizes!!) I just want jeans to fit a little bit more comfortably without a 'muffin top'!!
  • tulip_in_a_cup
    tulip_in_a_cup Posts: 117 Member
    5'4"... 150-160 would be cool, but I'm shooting for 135-145
  • tonileigh820
    tonileigh820 Posts: 761 Member
    I'm 5'4" currently at 124.5. My original goal was 115-120 but the closer I get I think my goal weight is gonna be more like 110-115
  • bettny
    bettny Posts: 6 Member
    im 5.3 and 205lbs just started this and my goal is 112lbs (im english and go by stone so 8stone on the button ive set my goal at)
    hoping to achieve this in a year so as close as possible if not there by next march
  • SophinMaine
    SophinMaine Posts: 48 Member
    I'm 5ft3-ish and currently hovering at 125-127 lbs. I feel / look best at 120-123 lbs but have a really hard time getting there in winter!
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member

    I'm 5'4"
    Heaviest: 157
    CW: 147
    GW: 130
    That weight was my stable weight for about 20 years - the weight I felt normal at and never had to worry about how clothes fitted or looked. I loved that carefree feeling.

    Have been as low as 115 and it didn't suit me. I looked skeletal. (Must have heavy bones!) But 115 is still well within healthy guidelines, though at the lower end of them. Guess it depends on your frame. If you have a medium or large frame, that low doesn't look so good.

    My aim is to get back in the exact centre of BMI healthy weight for height, which is 125-130.
  • elephant2mouse
    elephant2mouse Posts: 906 Member
    SW: 255
    CW: 220
    GW: 145

    Once I get down to that I'll tweak it from there. (:
  • Bagelsan
    Bagelsan Posts: 49
    Currently about 160lbs, aiming for 140lbs. I was that lower weight all throughout high school and most of college, but I've put on an extra 20lbs since then. Damn you, grad school... :p
  • wriri7_x
    wriri7_x Posts: 94 Member
    5ft 4
    SW - 180 lbs
    CW - 167 lbs
    GW - 125 lbs
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I'm 5'4", and 176 lbs (YAY!!!!!) as of this morning
    In my teens I was about 116, and really was too thin.
    I'm aiming for 130, but may go to 125 if I can manage it
  • Carrie210
    Carrie210 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'4" and goal is 137. Doc wants me at 140 so I am aiming for that plus wiggle room. Currently 188
  • shangrilamama
    shangrilamama Posts: 89 Member
    Interesting reading. Thanks for throwing it out there.

    I'm between 5'3" and 5'4" with a large frame, carry my weight all over and am fast approaching age 50.
    SW - 192
    CW - 188.5 Just started two weeks ago
    GW - 160

    Once I hit 160 I'm really going to concentrate on firming/toning, so I may get lower. Even if I stay around 160 history shows that I look great but being toned will help me not focus on the jiggle factor and the scale.
  • tiggerlgh
    tiggerlgh Posts: 73 Member
    I am 5'4" my current goal is 130 but I may change that a little higher (135-140) or lower (can't imagine below 125) once I get close to see how I look/feel.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 633 Member
    I am 5'4" currently weigh 154, goal is 130, although likely will end up at 140.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I'm 5ft 3inches. I wanna be about 150ish. I've always been 200 + so I think 150 will be ok for me. Its just outside the healthy weight for my body type (105 - 141 is healthy weight for my age and height) I started this at 271, I have a 2yr old and since she was born my body has went nuts. And I'm currently trying to get it to calm down lol. I've never wanted to be skinny. I'm going for the thicker look lol.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    5ft 3ish
    CW 206
    GW 150-160 I'm more concerned with body comp so somewhere in this range I think. Went and had a body comp test done and this is also roughly what was suggested. It was nice to know I was on target.
  • crazyqueencarla
    crazyqueencarla Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 5'3
    SW - 275
    CW - 225.4
    GW - 145-150 for the moment. I want to compete as a kickboxer and currently most of the fighters in my area are in the 150lb weight class. If I went any lower, the lowest I would go is 135. I was 140 in high school and I was tiny, any smaller I would feel odd. I'm mainly concerned with body composition over looks anywho.