is my diet good enough?



  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I am assuming you are Indian? I am sure people are assuming you are eating processed foods because the food is so high in sodium.

    I promise you that dosas are way more calories than what you think on here, unless you entered the ingredients from your own recipe.

    I found while living in India the food is oil rich and carb heavy. I had a hard time getting enough protein, that could be your problem.

    You are not eating naan with your curry? Good for you, that stuff is hard to resist.

    I also recommend eating breakfast and drinking more water.

    What part of India? I live in Chennai when I go to India.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    Actually i eat dosa occassionally..

    and i use roti instead of naan :3...

    i live in pune...& mumbai
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    How long have you been doing this? Monitor your food intake and keep logging and continue with your program - reducing body fat and building lean muscle mass takes time - you won't get big and bulky unless that is the program you do - stick with a program that continues to challenge you - again everything takes TIME it won't happen in a few months - but great success so far! :flowerforyou:

    Honestly do consider the advice that's been posted some of these people have been at it for a long time - strength training will result in a fit and lean body - yes more muscle but not necessarily big bulky ones like you are referring to. As for your program - you pay for your membership and if you present a program you want to do they should accommodate you not restrict you to their program.
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Actually i eat dosa occassionally..

    and i use roti instead of naan :3...

    i live in pune...& mumbai

    Masala dosa with coconut chutney and south Indian coffee is my favorite breakfast, it is also 766 calories! HAHA, I gained 9kg in 5 months in India! Of course I was there during Dawali so I also indulged in all the sweets.

    Roti is still around 200 calories each.

    Does your wife or your mother prepare your food? You should probably have more protein in your diet. Along with the work out that Dan has suggested.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    Masala dosa is full of potatos only hence high in cal :P

    i guess each dosa is about 200-300cal

    Roti is about 200cal-250cal each 100gm i eat small rotis so it is 30gm each and eat 6 times a day makin 2 each per meal...

    my mom is always out....once in a while she comes and m only 18....i know i must hav high protien but i cannot find that kind of foods here :(
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    and according to u guys how long will it take fr me to reach 10% fat and also half way i.e. 20-25?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Low body fat is from nutrition.
    Impossible to give time to goal because we don't know how well you sleep.
    We don't know your digestive enzymes.
    We don't know how well your gut works.
    We don't know your blood work: i.e. bit D, testosterone, estrogen etc....

    Best piece of advice is to clean up your nutrition.
    Eat high carbs or starches around lifting.

    Lift heavy for dense muscle "not bulky".

    Only lift 2-4x a week and give yourself about 30mins a week of HIIT intervals on off days.
    So 3 10min bouts should do your body good.
    30 second sprints followed by 90 seconds rest.

  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    Low body fat is from nutrition.
    Impossible to give time to goal because we don't know how well you sleep.
    We don't know your digestive enzymes.
    We don't know how well your gut works.
    We don't know your blood work: i.e. bit D, testosterone, estrogen etc....

    Best piece of advice is to clean up your nutrition.
    Eat high carbs or starches around lifting.

    Lift heavy for dense muscle "not bulky".

    Only lift 2-4x a week and give yourself about 30mins a week of HIIT intervals on off days.
    So 3 10min bouts should do your body good.
    30 second sprints followed by 90 seconds rest.


    He is in India, good nutrition is virtually impossible there. The meat can be hard to come by and expensive by Indian standards. Most all the food there is high in carbs and sodium. He is going to have to work his rear off in the gym to get to where he wants to be.

    Sonuyos, have you contacted yoga master yet? As an Indian National, you should be able to take yoga at very good price. Between 200 and 300 rupees per month. Your yoga master can help you with diet (In India) as well as help you with obtaining your goals.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    will this things will do?
    alternative day weight liftin and alternative day cardio along with 10mins HIIT intervals...

    and wt kind of diet should i take?? any ratio? i know its like spoon feedin...but then again u r the one guru here :P...
    is there anythin specific i shud take pre & post work out?

    and i hav started liftin ^_^


    well it is kinda hard for me to do yoga as i dont hav taht kind of patience in me...and plus those days of 200-300rs are its like minimum gym monthly sub is 3k :/
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Personally id start at 2000cals a day.
    On lift days bump carbs up high post workout.
    On cardio, rest days, you'll drop carbs low and raise essential fats.

    Weekly, add 50cals to the post workout meal and continue doing this till you hit 2500cals on lifting days only.

    Measure your waist weekly.
    If it goes down, continue doing the zig zagging of calories.
    If it stays the same or goes up, reduce calls by 20 on lifting days.
    Once you dial in your needs it becomes easier.

    Sleep is the most important factor.
    If you aren't sleeping right, you won't lose the fat.

    And i'm not a guru.
    I started out with 1200 and that was a huge mistake.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    well m stratin off with 1800...

    how many carbs % shud i eat normally and on workout day?

    will add 50cal thrice a week....for each week so this week 1850 on work out for 3 days and 1900 next week and so on and so forth if m nt wrong...
  • linsey0689
    linsey0689 Posts: 753 Member
    I don't know a ton about this so I wouldn't act like I do but I just want to say with how much you have lost I think you have it pretty much figured out what works for you and no outsider can tell you what will work and what will not. Best of luck to you!
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    Thanks...but u know they say na that u cannot earn all the knowledge...there is always a room to learn somethin new...

    in my case i hav lost 18.5kgs...but i hav not lost more than 7% of fat :/

    and i m pretty sure am doin somethin wrong...


    will one of this do?




    Which one?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Go for 35/35/30

    Of just eat higher carbs on lifting days and lower carbs on rest/cardio days.

    Are you a worrier?

    With protein you'll always want to add more per meal if you can.
    Shoot for at least 40g even if it puts you over calories for the day.
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    Here is my todays quote...


    i went for 50/30/20 c/p/f

    and had legs day today....

    and no m not much of a worrier...
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    Plus it is gettin hard to find a food wich is high in carb and low in everythin else...except rice...should i add that to my meal?
  • sonuyos
    sonuyos Posts: 114 Member
    one more thing...if i go for 1800cal diet and my TDEE is only 2160cal then i will only lost 360cal a day and if i do workout then 300cal extra in cardio....i am not sure about losin in Strength training...wouldnt that be low? and really slow?

    should i drop down to 1600?

    can u pls explain this to me too @DAN