

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Anamika! Way to go! :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: I'm so impressed with your running. I'm wanting to start a C25K program, as soon as I can buy some good shoes. Any advice for me just starting out? I hope I'm not still too big. I'm hoping it will help me shake off more fat and tone up.

    Michele, I've never seen that on the menu here at our Pizza Hut, but I will ask. Sometimes things are available but not on the menu. It sounds good.

    I'm going to start back in with weight lifting this morning. Have not done that since my last heart cath. My weight went up half a pound or so since I hit my big milestone, but it's back down this morning, so I'm happy about that. I know it will bounce up a little with lifting, so I'm prepared for that, and will just work through it.

    I went to Walmart yesterday and tried on some size 18 jeans. They fit nicely, but I did not like how short waisted they are. Like bikini bottoms with legs. I like mom jeans that actually come up to my waist, but they didn't have any like that. Must be an old style. So I did not buy any jeans but I did buy a big package of new underwear in a smaller size than before. And one new t-shirt. I think my problem with new shirts are the arms. I still have 4x arms. Maybe always will. I had big arms when I was younger and very thin. In the Air Force I had to alter my uniform shirts with a little placket under the arm to make the sleeve bigger. I was lifting weights then, but we know that NEVER causes big arms in women, right? (I think I must have more testosterone than other women.) Anyway, they have never been normal sized since. And now they are huge loose fatty baggy flappy bags of poo that I have to carry with me everywhere I go. I like them to be covered up with half sleeves, but can never find half sleeves. I've been known to buy long sleeves and chop them off, but long sleeves are gone in the stores now. Oh, how I want Michele Obama's arms!

    Well, gotta go get hubby his breakfast. I hope you all have a great Monday!

    (Are you sick of the jokes yet?)
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Grandmallie - Yummy! What a creative breakfast!

    Sylvia - I am using weights with the CLX program, by Chalean Johnson. I just love it!

    Anamika - You are inspiring!

    I am home on Spring Break this week. No big plans except to get some spring cleaning done, and play with my wonderful grandson! I am sneaking in to get some work done on Wed. I can get a lot done when no one is there, which gives me peace.

    I have been fighting of a cold, and happy to report it is a little better today. Planning on staying right on target with food, drinking tons of water, and sticking with the exercise in the mornings. So much easier to do without the work schedule. I am looking forward to retirement in a couple of years!

    Have a good Monday all! Start the week off right by exercising and drinking your water!

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Monday, Monday.

    :brokenheart: My dear uncle passed away this weekend, so yesterday was a sad day for my whole family. I had a lump in my throat and a knot in my stomach which turned into a headache by afternoon. Hours spent on the phone, memories, memories. He was 91, hadn't been in very good health for the last few years, then fell and broke his hip a couple weeks ago.

    :smile: Margaret, weren't those high-heeled flippers hysterical? Oh I got such a kick out of them! My cousin in Seattle sent me that photo a couple years ago when were were comparing who was getting the most rain.

    :smile: Katla & Barbie, we bought the pizza from Papa Murphys the other night, the mediterranean chicken delight. It was a treat, for certain. We never go out to eat, I'm always cooking up a storm, so that was a fun night. But yes, like you said, Barbie, knowing there would be pizza meant knowing I'd eat too much of it. I've abstained from pizza for a long, long time, and I certainly don't plan to make it a regular addition to my eating. The "once in a blue moon" theory applies.

    :smile: Michele, about weekend eating, I'll eventually balance it out. Right now I'm super excited about weekdays, following the new plan, watching the scale go down a little every day. I didn't do too bad this weekend, yay that!

    :smile: Sylvia, I do have a recording studio upstairs, a very small one! I recorded my 2nd CD at home in my studio, and currently I'm producing a CD of 7 songs one of my students wrote. She played rhythm guitar and sang, I did backup vocals and a lot of extra guitar tracks and tambourine. It's taken a couple of years, but we're close to completion. It's a lot of work!

    :smile: Yanniejannie, you tracked down my blog, aww, bless your heart. I've tried to keep up with my blog posts a couple of times a month throughout my time here on MFP, now into my 4th year. I intend to write a book someday, which reminds me I need to print out all of my blog posts and put them in a folder somewhere. I've kept handwritten journals all of my life.

    :smile: I read something yesterday which I thought I'd share here. It's really the crux of the matter (for me) in regards to my weightloss at this stage of the game. She wrote:

    >>>"Somebody asked about if I am on any diets? Yes - it's called EAT WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE HUNGRY WHEN YOU EAT. The only rules - EAT HEALTHY when you do eat."<<<

    :smile: Warm welcomes to everyone new!

    :glasses: jb in clear-sky Portland
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good Morning,


    Read through the posts. This week I will try to keep up with posts. I unfortunately will not have much time to reply.

    Thoughts and hugs to all.

    To do something healthy today, so I will have a healthier tomorrow.
    Make sure I do not sit for more than 30 minutes at a stretch. Time to move.
    2014 word: contentment
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Heather, I think today's joke of the day was for you, since you are dealing with lawyers:

    A lawyer died and arrived at the pearly gates. To his dismay, there were thousands of people ahead of him in line to see St. Peter. To his surprise, St. Peter left his desk at the gate and came down the long line to where the lawyer was, and greeted him warmly. Then St. Peter and one of his assistants took the lawyer by the hands and guided him up to the front of the line, and into a comfortable chair by his desk. The lawyer said, "I don't mind all this attention, but what makes me so special?" St. Peter replied, "Well, I've added up all the hours for which you billed your clients, and by my calculation you must be about 193 years old!"
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.Gonna be in the 50`s then snow wed.Crazy Chicago weather.:drinker: :drinker:
    Jb-sorry about your uncle.:cry:
    Hugs to all:heart::heart:
  • lmerner
    lmerner Posts: 28 Member
    Reviewing my March goals….so far, so good Accountability…..Check.
    We’ve had some pretty nice weather up here in Ontario, Canada. The last few days have been the warmest (35F) we’ve seen since I can’t even remember when. Perhaps spring really is on the way???

    Sylvia, Sometimes I think the weight creeps back on when we’re asleep too and congrats on getting into those size 18 jeans!

    Renny, Thanks for the warm welcome

    Michelle in NC, my sons are getting very tired of me trying to explain that I’m still only 39…..

    Katla, thank you for the welcome and I am enjoying the company on our healthy journeys. Have you rewarded yourself with any Bucket List ideas?

    DeeDee, Congratulations on your spontaneous Snow Angel!

    Have a great day everyone, be accountable to yourself!

    So my goals for March;
    Focus on being happier every day and nicer to be with
    Logging every meal, snack, bite or swallow on MFP
    Move more = treadmill for 20 minutes at least 3 times per week
    Get a minimum of 8 glasses of water in Every Day
    Be spontaneous and do something outside my comfort zone once per week
    And finally......
    Hold myself accountable by referring to these goals daily and measuring my progress.... If I missed one...get at it and get it done!

    Lee in Ontario
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Great going Anamika! You are amazing! You did it in style!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :happy:

    Jb - sorry to hear about your uncle. :brokenheart: I keep thinking I should print out all my posts on this thread to remind me of all the struggles I've had to get this far. So if I ever feel like backsliding I can look at the huge pile of paper and think of all my hard work!

    Bought my white lacy top. It looks good while I am standing up, but I think there will be a few rolls noticeable when I'm sitting down. I was too vain to get a bigger size!:blushing: I would never have worn white in the past as I would look like a galleon in full sale.

    Just heard back from the solicitor. It looks like I am going to have to do most of the work myself, which is obviously cheaper, but I hate all that sort of form filling and checking. That's why I never had an office job. HATE it! I am currently filled with fear and worry about money. :sad: And self reproach for buying the flat in the first place. I am going to have to resign myself to losing money on it.:sad: :cry: but it has got to the point where any phone call or letter about it sends me into a spin and keeps me awake at night. I want it GONE! I feel very stupid.:cry:

    Yoga tomorrow and then I will have to come back and grasp the nettle. Get the information and send out that letter. I can't rely on DH to help me as he never wanted me to buy the flat in the first place as it doesn't agree with his politics. Well, I am far from a bloated capitalist. More like an impoverished idiot.

    Bye for now. Got to work out how to do my voicemail. Yes Deedee! ! ! ! !

    Heather UK
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Good morning -

    Heather - don't be too hard on yourself; we each make decisions that seem good at the time and don't work out so well... just face one form at a time and before you know it , it will be done.

    JB - sorry to hear about your Uncle, it sounds like family is being supportive. sending good thoughts

    Anamika - Awesome job - Wow! keep up the good work

    Syliva - I like the jokes! smiles are always good.

    Well this round of company leaves in an hour and in 1.5 weeks the next round shows up - so I need to knuckle down and get some stuff down around here! The weather was rainy last night but is clear right now; so am hoping to get some laundry done around some embroidery work - do love the perks of a home business :tongue: AND YUCK it is past time to get all my tax stuff gathered and to the tax man... this Week - I promise :laugh:

    I noticed that my neck is getting longer - I have never had much of a neck, but as I brushed my teeth this morning I think it is longer - or maybe my chin is smaller and it just shows more - that is kinda cool.

    Kim in N. CA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,970 Member
    Alright ladies, my turn to ask for your prayers and well wishes. I will start with the results of my Dr apt. last Friday. He has doubled my cholesterol medication and added a new blood pressure pill. Says my A1Cis at 6.1 and I am doing well so don't need THAT med thank goodness!

    I am under a great deal of stress right now. I found out some very scary information about my son and am waiting to hear back from him today before I go into any details. He is 29 years old but all I could see last night as we Skyped was my lost teenage son. So sad and scary. Please pray everything works out for him.

    Next, my Mom comes back from PA to her DH. I am curious to see how that plays out now that he spent 2 week with a strict companion (sitter) and she is suppose to go to court to prove he cannot make good decisions about his health or anything else. I think they call that conservatorship? If not, she plans on going through divorcing him. We will see how this plays out.

    I have not read any posts since last Friday, just too much going on. Here is my weekly report on my goals. Not bad, but not great either:

    My SMART goals for March:
    I will lose 5 pounds by March 31 through consistently going to Curves at least 4 times a week and increasing my daily steps to average 8,000 steps a week. My ultimate goal is to weigh 145 or less pounds and be healthy by this time next year.

    Amendment to goal: if I cannot make it to the gym 4 times in a week, I will exercise to my walking video for at least 30 minutes.
    Pretty much same as last month.
    SMART goal - Specific, Measurable, Actionable/achievable, Realistic, and Timed.

    Rita from CT
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Pat: Congratulations on your 59th anniversary! You must have married very young and made it work. That takes dedication and commitment from both partners. :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: We got a diesel VW Touareg. DH is a real fan of diesel engines. My car was really showing wear, so it made a whole lot more sense to replace it than to buy an RV. I don’t like change much, and am not a spender but this was a comparatively good deal on a car that is not commonplace so I went along with it. We will be making payments for a long time. Whining aside, it drives really well.:flowerforyou:

    Kayzoola: I swatted a mosquito in my garage yesterday.:grumble: I was surprised to see it.:flowerforyou:

    Viv: Nice to see you again!:flowerforyou:

    Kim in CA: It is amazing how many dietary experts there are who are ready to give free advice at the drop of a hat. I really didn’t have problems with getting a lot of that advice, and I’m not sure why. It may be because I really only told my family at first, and many of my friends didn’t find out until I saw them months after I started. They wanted to know how I did it. I said I counted calories. If they wanted more information I told them about MFP. My rewards have mostly been smaller clothes, because I’ve needed them. We’ve done some bucket list things, but not as weight loss rewards. We’ve done bucket list items as adventures.:bigsmile:

    Beth in WNY: I’ve had good luck using allrecipes.com for recipes and nutritional information, too. Even the food channel is giving nutritional information on some of their stuff. I don’t use them often enough to know how many of their recipes have nutritional information.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: Good luck with your lease negotiations. I envy your session in the garden. I live in a townhouse and have some beds next to the house that I can plant in, but just a fringe. I used to have an organic garden when the kids were growing up. I loved it. :love: There is supposedly a community garden here where you can get space, but I haven’t done it and haven’t seen where it is. Saying I’m too lazy is unfairly harsh because I’ve had my hands full with DH’s health issues. He’s doing so much better these days that I send prayers of thanks, but he still has tight limits. I’m really quite content with my fringe and buying produce at a farm store in the summertime. I do envy and admire gardens, though. JB has a lovely back yard and an amazing garden at the Portland Community Gardens that she shared pictures of a while back. :flowerforyou:

    Anamika: What an athlete you’ve become! :drinker: :flowerforyou: I am impressed with your strategies to take care of yourself during the run and your successful completion of a half marathon. Congratulations! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I buy women’s relaxed fit jeans from Lee. They’re comfortable and come all the way to my waist. I buy them at a local one-stop shopping place, Fred Meyers. (They’re now part of Kroger’s empire.) I know Lee jeans are also available on-line and from JC Penney’s. You will not catch me buying hip huggers or anything with decorated back pockets. :noway: :noway: Why would I want to call that much attention to my behind? Fashion? :tongue: :noway: Love the story of the lawyer at the Pearly Gates.:bigsmile:

    JB: I’m so sorry for the loss of your dear uncle. I’m told that in the very elderly it is sometimes the hip breaking that causes the fall. I’m happy he didn’t suffer long. :flowerforyou: It is good seeing your posts again. I’ve missed your presence here.:flowerforyou:

    The repairman is here and checked on our gas fireplace issue. Everything is working just fine. I wonder why it went out repeatedly after starting last week. He can’t explain it, and neither can I. He tightened and checked all the connections, and also checked for CO2 emissions. There were none. He said we have old technology and recommends getting a new control module if it happens again.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Move more: cardio at least 3 days a week and strength training as soon as I am able.
    3. Find a way to have fun at least once every day.
    4. Water: According to an article I saw on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness for the body. I’ll work toward following these guidelines:
    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • Mahhcm
    Mahhcm Posts: 3
    Hi Patricia, I just joined the site today and saw your post. I will turn 50 in May, and I too gained a lot of weight after my mother died. I had a full hysterectomy (including ovaries removed) two weeks after my mom died. My life changed a lot after my mom's death and the surgery. I have gained 30 lbs and I was already 20 lbs overweight. I need to lose 50 lbs in order to get my fitness and health back.

    For those of us who were extremely close to our mothers, life is never the same after they die. I guess we need to remember that our moms wouldn't want us to grieve too long, or let depression take over our lives.

    I'm starting today on my goal of working out for at least 20 minutes each day for the next 365 days. I know that most people would say that I should start with a smaller goal, but this is what I know will motivate me. Some days I may only walk slowly on my treadmill for 20 minutes, other days I may do 2 exercise classes plus 40 minutes of cardio- time will tell how much I will move my body on a daily basis. I once ran a marathon and trained rigorously for 7 months. I know I can do at least a 20 minute walk each day…EVERY DAY!

    Anyone want to join me on this journey? We can even walk in place while watching TV if necessary…20 minutes isn't a long time.
  • KABH74
    KABH74 Posts: 27 Member
    Marking my place.
  • Ginryl
    Ginryl Posts: 35
    Well trying to adjust to this time change. Not been easy as I hate to get up early. The weather is better here but so muddy from all the rain. I am hoping to get out & ride my bike a little today.
    Had a nice weekend didn't go to Galveston's as it would have been to cold & was raining so meet DD at Sam's & did a bit of shopping then ate supper at a nice seafood place. Had a nice time.
    Got my computer running a little better but am needing to think about getting a new one. This one is old & my hard-drive is full. I hate getting a new one & learning it.

    Kim – Love that you have a neck, so funny :wink:

    Heather – Congrats on white lace top. I wear white tops but no way on white pants. They show way to much :laugh:

    Lee – Congrats for sticking with your March goals. Haven’t meet 1 of mine yet. 35 degrees, I should never complain then it’s 60’ here & I think it’s cold! :happy:

    Jane – Happy Monday to you to. :tongue:

    Sylvia – Love the daily jokes. Look forward to them every day. :laugh:

    Barb – Welcome. I agree that it is a great site.

    Gail – I so understand about baby thing. Both my daughters recently had babies, 6 mths & 2 mths. I love them dearly but I just don’t have the energy to keep them more than a nite at a time. When did this change as I kept my 5 yrs old GR 3 out of 4 weeks for the first 3 years of his life.:noway:

    Katla – Beach, oh how I want to go. Can’t wait for warm weather! :wink:

    Joyce – Good luck with the new church

    Kayzoola – Do you live in the country? We have a owl that I hear every night but rarely see him.

    Wizzywig - Have fun shopping. OT huh, that’s what I always wanted to do but always stayed working as the Activity Director (AD).

    Quiltbaby56 – Welcome! :flowerforyou:

    Anamika – Congrats on the marathon. :flowerforyou:

    I want to reply to everyone but it takes so long to get all of the info down & reply back & I am working so for now:
    To everyone else "Hi" & Happy Monday. :bigsmile:
  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    :sad: :sad: :heart: jb , sorry for the loss of your uncle, memories are precious and get us through the dark days
    Loved your flipper shoes

    :flowerforyou: Pat 59 yrs. Congradulations to you and Dh

    :noway: Heather I share your adversion to paper work and forms, way to intimidating! Hats off to anyone dealing with it on a daily
    Basis. Good luck to you heather.

    Anamika:drinker: congradulations on your half marathon, you are inspiring for sure

    :heart: Rita prayers for you and your family

    Welcome to all the new ladies

    Juanita in sudbury

    5 inches of new snow last nite looks like christmas outside no sign of spring
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Anamika!! Congratulations on the half-marathon!!!! :flowerforyou: You go, girl!

    Heather - sorry the flat purchase has caused you so much stress - all the more reason to get rid of it. Maybe it would help to think of it like you would a day of falling of the healthy eating wagon - get up, brush yourself off and today is another day. You have way too many great things in your life to keep a millstone weighing you down.

    Rita - hugs and lots of positive thoughts for you and your son. Glad your A1C was so good!!! :heart: Shows you have been doing well eating healthy!! Hoping to get together with you and Alison sometime once it STOPS SNOWING!

    Well, we are waiting for our weekly snowstorm (Again :sad: ). Then it's supposed to get wicked cold again too :noway: Hopefully spring will come before the Fourth of July!! I envy those of you who are already planting. We normally plant things that can take a frost in April. Tomatoes and similar plantings don't go in until the end of May-early June. The old rule was after the full moon closest to the end of May. Sadly, our growing season for most veggies ends by early October, so it's not a long season. We have wonderful farmers' markets and farm stands everywhere, so getting good, organic produce and meats is pretty easy, most of the time.

    So far, so good on my March goals! Even went to the Y yesterday without DH - he had a workshop he wanted to attend on sports medicine stuff.

    Jill in western MA
  • losingw8now
    losingw8now Posts: 105 Member
    Hi Everyone!
    As I said the other day - new to this thread - and it's a lot to try to keep up with everyone and remember everyone's names (there are the usernames, then the real names and I am bad at names in the first place! - Whew!)

    I am dragging today - do not like the time change and it usually takes me a week or so to adjust and just never feel as good getting up during the time difference as when it goes back to the normal time. On top of that - am going to my niece's this week to help her out with her toddler and infant while here hubby is on travel for work. Probably again next week too. So my usual relaxing or at least low stimulus evenings and slow roll out of bed in the mornings will be traded for craziness with kids and pleading to eat another bite at the dinner table (the 4 yo) and baths, and overnight feedings and then busy=ness in the mornings tryign to not only get myself ready, but also a toddler who wants to do what he wants or cry and have a fit. I'm tired just anticipating it. All while my niece and I also go to work ourselves all day. This is her daily life, but not mine! So it may be harder for me. But at least she is very weight concious, is very thin (due to watching food intake and exercise) so I won't be overeating there! I did eat badly today for lunch due to just being exhausted and having no willpower. Oh well - tomorrow will be better, hopefully.

    I keep seeing "DH" - what does that mean?

    Sylvia - love the jokes - we all need a chuckle each day - keep them coming!

    Anamika - good for you on the marathon the other day!!

    At work so gotta go!
    Later ladies!

    Rose - Baltimore, MD
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good Monday morning. I am very upset with myself. I did not have a good week food wise and at weigh in this morning I gained 3.3 pounds.:mad: I have to get my mind back on track and stop feeling sorry for myself and eating. Not even sure why I felt the need to eat all weekend, sure can tell this morning I did not make very wise choices. But it is a new day and I will do this.
    Yesterday was such a beautiful day. DH got the motorcycle out when he got home from work and we had a nice ride. Even took Jake for a ride and he loved it. Just have to figure out a way for him to ride that he can keep his nose in the air and not jump or fall off. Yesterday I held him and we just went around the block acouple times. He loved it. Sounds like it is to get up to 70 today and then tomorrow down in the 40's with snow. Gotta love it.
    I talked with dad last evening and he is doing alot better and sounds like they will be transfering him back to rehab today. Best part is he had his 3 days of acute care and now medicare will pay better. Sounds like this could get to be a regular thing.
    We did get to Omaha Saturday to see DGD's play. They did a great job and it was a funny play. Makenzi looked so grown up. She is going to be tall like her mom and grandpa. We took our 6 year old GD wit us and she loved the play. First one she had ever been to. It was almost one in the morning when we got home so made for a short night.

    Kayka- All I can say is WOW over your electric bill!!:sad:

    Joyce--we need to get together and give each other support and keep our hands out of trouble. You have alot going on and I know for me I feel over stressed and eating is my outlet. I am working on changing that. I understand how you feel about buying a new car. My DS and wife this last summer bought a brand new pickup and SUV. I worried myself sick about the payments. But I realize it is their money and their choice. I drive my 2004 buick and love it. I know when I had the accident last Nov we looked to find an older car as I wanted one that was not real small and had some steel in it. And it's paid for and that means alot.

    DeeDee--put me down for a pair of those shoes. LOL I love the snow angels, sounds like you had fun and that is what counts.

    Sylvia-Great NSV. I know when I go now and try on things I have to double look at the size. Glad you are getting some peace on DSs health issues. I know what you mean about arm bagage, I keep hoping they will go away, no luck yet!! I enjoy the jokes, gives me a smile! I agree about the jeans being to low. I did find some at Shopko that fit better and had bling on the but. Love them and wear them on my days off.

    Meg--have missed you too!

    Renny--congrates on breaking throught the 150 mark!

    Welcome to the newbies. We are a steady growing group. I need all the support I can get and give all I can. Love each and everyone of you!

    Sandy--congrates on the weight loss. You will be there soon and hope you do something special just for you. I have 6 pounds to go to hit 150 and want to do something special. The way things have been going this is going to take awhile. Seems I am losing the same couple pounds one week gain it back the next. Not giving up!!

    Jane--How scary, I do not like calls in the night as most the time not good news.

    Sue--hope you feel better soon!

    yanniejannie--Sorry to hear Gwen is not doing well again. Hugs to both of you.

    Carol--glad your trip did what it was to do. Sounds like you had a very special time.

    Joyce--congrates on joinning the church. Hope you have very many happy years there. I know our CMA group visits different churchs and I enjoy that most the time.

    Anamika--congrates on a GREAT run!!

    jp-sorry to hear of your loss, hugs

    Heather--don't be so hard on yourself. You do the best you can with what you know at the time. I learned that along time ago.

    Rita--Hugs and prayers!!

    Well ladies hope you all have a good evening and happy logging. So far today I am doing better.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Goodnight everyone; sleep wel. :flowerforyou:
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    woke up sick this morning :grumble: I'm not a good patient. I came home from work at noon and slept all afternoon. I've had gingerale & crackers and so far they are staying down.

    :heart: Sandy in ON