Can't stop bingeing and hate myself :(



  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    So much good advice already...

    Log first. Taking the time to look it up and enter it means you are fully conscious of what you are doing *before* you do it.

    Rather than depriving yourself, just figure out how many calories of your favorites you CAN have. Sometimes 1/2 a cookie can be satisfying if it is delicious (and you only have 100 calories left).

    You said you are walking weekly - make that daily. Call a friend or family on the phone while you walk with the baby in the carriage if there is no one to go with you in person.

    I might have missed how old the baby is: BFing? 500 calories a day is a huge help.

    Have you considered joining a support group for autism spectrum disorders? Don't underestimate how many stressors you are under right now. Talking to others who understand can do wonders.

    Hang in there!
  • specky4eyes
    specky4eyes Posts: 18 Member
    Morning all :) A heartfelt thanks to all of you for your kind replies. I am so grateful and you all helped me to start afresh yesterday and I stayed on track. I will try to reply to all my new "friends" individually when I get more than 5 minutes. At the mo my little girl is moxaning and throwing her breakfast on the floor! At least that means I shall not be eating eat LOL!!
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Hating yourself and binging are two separate problems. They interact, but you have to love yourself and respect your body in order to stop both. :) Your mindset about food just has to change, and you need to have the right reasons for losing weight. Distraction is the key to ending binges, but if you tie your body weight to your self worth (one of the worst lies society tells), then you will have much more trouble.

    Edit: Also, I looked at your diary and your calories are too low. In my opinion no one should be eating 1200. Unless you're really short or literally absolutely sedentary (as a mother you can't literally not get out of bed.) That would definitely lead to binging. Up your calories by adding more veggies.
  • specky4eyes
    specky4eyes Posts: 18 Member
    Hi again everyone!! Pleased to say I'm doing ok. Feel like I've stayed on track for 3 days now but gone over my calorie allowance a bit for the last two. However seeing as quite a few of you suggested this is too low anyway I'm not bothered too much.

    However, my stomach seems quite a bit larger which is quite upsetting as this is the bit I most want to shrink. I know Rome wasn't built on a day but I can't understand why unless it's bloating and I'm not drinking enough water. I do have troubles with not being able to go to the loo and have done as a child which I'm sure doesn't help :( I have lost weight since Wednesday when I started over as weighed this morning even though I know jumping on/off the scales more than once a week isn't good.

    Just wondered if this had happened to anyone else? I did wonder if it's because I'm perhaps losing it for elsewhere at the mo and as my stomach has he most fat it will be the last place it goes? Also I'm so tired - could it be due to the lower intake of sugar??
  • lizzyclatworthy
    lizzyclatworthy Posts: 296 Member
    I don't have much to offer but I do have this. Please try not to beat yourself up about your son's food issues. they come as part of the condition a lot of the time. yes people will judge you, yes you want him to eat 'good food' I have a child who is on the spectrum and I have worked in the field for 15 years. I have met children who live on nutritional shakes that are prescribed by doctors, children who live on cookies and one child who lived on chicken tikka masala for 2 months. He's eating and that is a win! Is there support you could access? there are some great (and some terrible) supports out there.

    I would say work on hating yourself first, maybe put your calories at maintenance first before going for loss.

    and lastly (because I wasn't sure if I could bring myself to write it) I have found that to make myself like me more I had to stand in front of a mirror and say nice things about myself. I had to start by asking friends to write things down on post-it notes which I put on and around the mirror and read them out. I didn't believe any of them but I made myself say them. eventually I could think of my own affirmations and slowly started to believe them. You feel so very silly doing it but for all the negative things I have had said to me and thought about myself I had to redress the balance.

    good luck xxx :flowerforyou:
  • mommy_03
    mommy_03 Posts: 54 Member
    I swapped mindless eating with chewing gum or sucking on a piece of hard candy, its not so much that im hungry but that my mouth just wants to do something and tv time at night is the worst, but now i just put a piece of gum in while watching my fave shows, this is how i quit smoking too. Also, set small attainable goals like "i just want to lose 2lbs this week" and focus on that. Remember, you have to lose 1lb at a time and eventually you'll reach 10,20, 30lbs gone. Drink nothing but water to help you pass your food through your body. I've only lost 5lbs but for every 2lbs I lose, I allow myself a small treat like a serving of icecream or a glass of sweet tea and thats enough to keep me motivated to lose 2 more lbs. That way you can still have the foods and drinks you like but in moderation. I've already told my husband and kids that once I get the next 2lbs off, we're ordering pizza hahaha
  • Superfun601
    Superfun601 Posts: 25 Member
    My heart breaks for you because I know what you are talking about.... Even when it comes to "professional" help. I really suggest you find an eating disorder clinic. Here they have the Emily Program... Start by googling that and see what you find for your area. I say this because they deal with root causes so they can help with depression and the eating. Let me know if you have other questions.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Do you have any access to a mental health professional? Psychologist? Therapist? You may have some underling issue that could be helped with a proper diagnosis and treatment. Which may or may not include drugs.
    Some thing that has helped me greatly has been exercising in a group. Try joining a class of some form. Yoga, dancing, zumba, etc. This will help you keep active and meet people on a similar health/fitness journey. The support from others with similar goals will make a huge difference! This site is a version of this type of support. I am part of a running club. I have seen people walk in very shy, reserved and unsure of their potential. In 8 weeks they are running 5k straight. Many go on to climb the distance ladder and end up running half and full marathons. The work and effort is individual! But the group support and friendships make it all possible.
    I hope you find a way to deal with the ups and downs of getting and staying healthy.
  • AmyTyo
    AmyTyo Posts: 11
    I know for me I'm finding if I don't beat myself up for having that cookie or going to dinner with myfriends I'm finding I binge much less. Its easier to binge it when we're feeling disappointed in ourselves because we already broke our diet. Think of it as a lifestyle change not a diet and you can't always avoid the foods you love you just need to incorporate them in a healthy way. That way you don't feel like you're depriving yourself. And try to find a few healthier options that satisfy your cravings and will make you feel like you're getting in actual food. I've been using fajitas with smaller whole wheat wraps b/c I love mexican. Lots of veggies and light sour cream or greek yogurt and you can have it and not feel guilty. Or for me scrambled eggs and I fry up tons of veggies to put inside and I have grown to love it. It's actually like a satisfying meal, even without all the carbs in bread. And when you cook vegetables the flavor they give food makes it so you don't need all the sauces and creams to make things taste good! But never feel like you're starving or depriving yourself and the desire to binge will fade (not completely our minds are already wired that way from years of poor eating) Hope I'm of some help and maybe you can use some of my tips!
  • AmyTyo
    AmyTyo Posts: 11
    I also find that my problem area is the last to lose it! I lose it quicker in my natural waist and my back before I lose any in my stomach. the 14lbs I've lost so far 3 inches came from my waist and only 1 from my hips/ stomach as I call it! And It's better to look at the week because I could be up a pound on weds and by saturday I'm down that pound I was up and another one. But if you go a week or two without loss you def need to look at what you're taking in. Eating is 80% so if your activity is restricted it shouldn't hurt you too much. And maybe set yourself a goal to get that baby into town and walk 3 times a week in the morning, like okay I can be up and ready for 1030 so ten thirty mon weds and friday you're walking. Small achievable goals! wtg keeping with it. 3 days is an accomplishment and don't forget to pat yourself on the back for a job well done!
  • goldtintedspecs
    Losing weight is hard. It's hard to get and stay motivated - sometimes even though we want to lose weight we might not be sufficiently motivated. I've been trying to get back on track for over 6 months now, and I only managed to these last two weeks. It's not a momentary decision, and it takes huge emotional and mental investment. It's not as simple as weight loss stories and ads make it seem.

    IMO, if you don't feel up to it, don't push it. And most importantly DO NOT beat yourself up for it if you can help it. That's counterproductive. You'll get motivated when you do, and then it'll be a breeze. Keep logging, it will happen eventually.
  • specky4eyes
    specky4eyes Posts: 18 Member
    Was doing so well (for me) but over ate yesterday by a lot. Didn't binge as such just ate more fatty foods than I should. However I did log it all as suggested by some people on here. Instead of beating myself up I decided to get out with my daughter in her buggy to burn some calories which I hope not to use up in food today and I shall try to log as I eat today rather than leave it all til later to try to ensure I stay on track :)
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Good for you! Now you got it. Exercise a little more, and going with your daughter was good for her too. I'll bet that you felt better after the outing. Best of luck to you.
  • luvcookies2014
    luvcookies2014 Posts: 48 Member
    I struggle with this too. I will say I think having a doctor who truly cares and can help makes a huge difference.

    I found a different doctor when I felt like my old one didn't take my concerns seriously, and what a difference!

    My one really took the time to listen to my concerns and offer helpful solutions.

    I still do have times when I binge (I had almost a half gallon of ice cream this week) BUT (and that is a big BUT) I have learned I can't let 1 thing derail me, I keep plugging on. I know someday I will get there!

    Good luck
  • specky4eyes
    specky4eyes Posts: 18 Member
    I think yesterday's eating has caught up with me as I physically and mentally can't eat anything else today despite struggling to make the 900 cals mark. This has never happened before!!!! I am not sure if the fresh air helped and the fact that I've been busying myself more today. I did go over considerably yesterday. Whilst I have tried to eat more to bump up my calories I think I'm going to just have to leave it well short today and hope this is just my body balancing itself out. What do others think? It's certainly what I would be advising others to do on a regular basis.
  • sc9576
    sc9576 Posts: 47 Member
    I suffer from depression and am on antidepressants for it and sometimes I just want to eat everything in the house and hide in my bed as I cant be bothered to do anything! I have found monitoring my moods for a week very helpful as I have found that mornings are the worst time for me motivation and mood wise so I do not force myself to exercise however by 7pm my mood is better and I feel able to do something so I exercise in the evenings and because I have worked hard I tend not to overeat as it would ruin all my good work. If I don't exercise I feel really guilty over my love of food especially bread
    Depression is a nasty illness and it makes you feel like you are in a dark tunnel with no way out but you will get through this it wont be easy or pretty but you will get there
  • specky4eyes
    specky4eyes Posts: 18 Member
    Hi all and thanks sc9576 for your reply. Sounds like you suffer too :(

    Well I have to say thanks to everyone on here I am doing ok. I was busy yesterday and also washed my car (something I haven't done in a long time) . I was under my calorie allowance and wanted chocolate and thought I had ordered mango with my latest shop and was disappointed that I hadn't. However instead of eating the chocolate I had an apple and a banana and went up to bed early. I am defo feeling better. Need to get rid of my chins though (well and stomach, thighs......... the list goes on..... LOL!!)
  • specky4eyes
    specky4eyes Posts: 18 Member
    Feeling so cross with myself and self-loathing kicking big time. I have now binged BIG time two days in a row - why?? I was doing so well and lost another 2lb this week and saw a friend today who remarked that I had "lost loads of weight" (13lb). I think the time of the month is looming - not sure exactly as stupid me forgot to write down the date last month :( Also, while I have lost the weight and am trying to up my activity level by walking, my tummy is saggy and has unsightly hollows in places :(. My friends say it's still early days as my little girl is only 14 months but I think they are just being kind. Feel like my past failures are coming back to haunt me and drag me back down into the spiral of doom. I am so ashamed and am struggling to stay away from the cupboards now. Might take to my bed in a minute in the hope that I will be overcome by sleep rather than the need to stuff to stuff my face. I feel yucky (bit of a tummy ache and my hip hurts like hell although both my physio and three different osteopaths can't find anything wrong with it :(. Still that feeling to eat is gnawing away at me. I am so hopeless but don't want to be doomed to failure and a life of being fat.

    I know if I was replying to this thread I would congratulate myself on my journey so far, tell myself to draw a line and start again tomorrow - I could have 5 really good days until my next weigh in, etc, etc, but even telling myself that isn't working tonight :( Got to give myself a swift kick up the proverbial - please feel free to do the same!!
  • specky4eyes
    specky4eyes Posts: 18 Member
    Hoping Willpower comes back today - put 2lb loss back on in 2 days - not good. Hoping the move in the scales will be all the kick I need!!
  • AmyTyo
    AmyTyo Posts: 11
    We all have down days, just don't be so hard on yourself. Make sure you are eating enough. And Vegetable and fruit have little calories so you can eat alot of them. I think everyone should eat 5-6 meals 300-400 calories or more if you are burning a alot. So don't starve yourself. I know alot of times that makes me start to bringe. If you eat more veggies and fruits you wont be as hungry for the junk. And If you go two weeks and the scales move down then you're going in the right direction. I've lost 20 pounds in 9 weeks and I've had many days where I'm up here and there and I just keep saying don't get discouraged. Especially being a woman with hormones and a person with cravings. And if we're going to live a healthy life we have to have some candy here or there. Or fast food or pizza on a hectic night or dinners out. But we just make better choices when we can 80% and we' know we'll be healthier then we were otherwise. Also as far as skin, I've been reading and it says it takes up to 2 years for your skin to shrink back as much as it will hydration is very important! And if drinking water is hard in the beginning build up gradually. My coach says you should drink half your weight in water. eg if you weigh 180lbs half of that is 90. Then you should drink 90 oz of water. I try to drink that much, some days I fall short though.

    Just try to find some good healthy recipes with lots of veggies you like or you can add to it and make them a couple times a week. I find when I have some yummy good dinners I"m less apt to binge. Anyway I hope I can give you a little motivation.. But remember you can do this!!