How often do you log your weight?

I weigh myself almost daily but I only log my weight on the first day of each month. I'm not sure why. I guess I find the larger number more motivating?

What does everyone else do? And do you or would you log a gain?


  • roozielynne
    roozielynne Posts: 52 Member
    I weigh in and log my weight once a week. I would (and have) logged my gains.
    For me it's because it is like lying to myself that I have gained weight. If I don't log a gain I am in denial that a gain actually happened. Suddenly I find myself not fitting in my clothes because the behavior seems to multiply only. It is constantly a mind game for me.
    I also tend to have a small gain the week of my period. I have logged in enough to realize the pattern and know if I maintain my healthy eating habits I will follow up usually with a bigger loss the next week.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I weigh daily and track it in an app on my phone but I only record - loss or gain - once a week or so. Used to be every Friday but then I was out of town for a trip so I got back and recorded on a Wednesday and it's been Wednesdays ever since.
  • kill3rtofu
    kill3rtofu Posts: 169 Member
    once a week
  • BikerGirlElaine
    BikerGirlElaine Posts: 1,631 Member
    I'm an accountant and I like numbers, so you might have to take this with a grain of salt...

    I weigh daily, and I record that in a spreadsheet that I have set up. From that data I calculate a 7-day moving average of my daily weights and that is what I pay most attention to -- is it steady or trending down. For me, the 7 day average rarely moves up unless I haven't been following my program.

    I record my Sunday weight in MFP just so that I have something in here for reports (and so that I can get pats on the back from my friends). And yeah, if it's up for the week I still record it -- of COURSE I do. It's just information, and if I have crappy information, then I can't make decisions about what's working and what isn't. Garbage in, garbage out and all that.

  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    Log my weight once a week, every Friday morning.
  • FatNFightingIt
    FatNFightingIt Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh myself once a week on Sunday and track that. The only other time I log my weight is if I have to weigh in on a Diet Bet. Gains can be from anything so I mark those too so I can make sure I know how to prevent it in the future.
  • pinksmama
    pinksmama Posts: 40
    I weigh 3 times a week, normally Wed, Fri and Monday. I normally log losses on Wed/Fri and then Monday is to see where I stand from the weekend, I cheat in moderation on the weekend so I like to know how to I am going into the next week.
  • treycee883
    treycee883 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi well I weighed myself 4 weeks ago then again and was disappointed in the scales so I decided not to do it for another 3 months time. I am seeing inch loss on my thighs and waist so I tend not to get disheartened with the scales haha. xx
  • ldarlener
    ldarlener Posts: 79 Member
    I weigh every day, but record in MFP weekly. YES even the gains. UGHH DAMN THOSE GAINS.
  • LazerMole
    LazerMole Posts: 99 Member
    Every single day, loss or gain. Gives me an idea if I'm plateauing (weight staying the same for a period of time), or if I did something that brought me up and then I'm coming back down. I don't think weekly would give me enough data points to determine whether it was a plateau, or if there was a spike and then the weight came off again.

    More data is more better.

    I also weigh myself in the evening before bed, but I don't record that. It's just another piece of data I can look at and say "Oooo, this is my lowest evening weigh-in, yet!"
  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    I log my weight once a week after my cardiac rehab workout. Then I know the amount is correct. I did the best of logging my food when I first joined, then fell off. I am just starting back. I keep the losses and the gains as a reminder that I'm not perfect. Keep plugging away. I think once a month is too long in between as it doesn't show when you lost it. Good luck with the journey.
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    i scale myself daily to see if my methodologies are working okay but i log my weight changes weekly for MFP.
  • Robtheeagle
    Robtheeagle Posts: 3 Member
    Daily, it is all great information for you. You can go back and look at the patterns of what types of food you ate that caused the gains, especially if you gain for a few days in a row. Could be sodium, high fat etc. Anyways, it's all data that can aid you in the future. If you use gains as a positive instead of a negative, then you will not be hard on yourself!
  • Valzam8
    Valzam8 Posts: 1 Member
    I check my weight on a daily basis.First thing when i wake up in the morning.before eating or drinking anything!
    I'm planning to log it means 4 times per month.

    To me it's a way to control my hunger....if my weight increased i control my appetite more...and if it remains the same or it decreases it motivates me to keep up on my weight loss journey and reach my goals.

    Despite the fact that i consider logging weight a very important factor in the weight loss journey...but i also believe that body changes are more important than changes on the body scale.

    I'm currently taking pictures of my body on the beginning of every month...and i'm planning to track body changes monthly to visualize the result of my struggle :happy:

    Good Luck :flowerforyou:
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    once a week, Sunday mornings.
    I log my weight and measurements
  • measem1
    measem1 Posts: 16 Member
    I log once a week. Usually on Mondays, feel as if daily weighing is discouraging since weight can fluctuate during the week.:happy:
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I have a moving average weight app on my phone so I enter weight everyday in that to watch the trending pattern, but I only log it into MFP every week or so, but never on a specific day. I usually just record the lows for the week except last week when I seemed to be up for several days, so I logged it, but I was able to bring it back down today!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I think that sounds pretty cool, actually...a larger number once a month. I might actually try that.

    I'm an everyday weigh-in person too. I find it very motivating and it just sets a tone for my entire day...not like "OH I'm down 1 lb, so happy...up 1 lb, so miserable" but it reminds me first thing in the morning about the commitment I've made to be healthier!

    As of now, I am at my lowest adult weight of 191 lb. MFP still says something like 193.8 I think. I've been 191.8 and 191.2 for days now but I am waiting until tomorrow to enter the loss because tonight I'm going out with girlfriends and will have an indulgent dinner (WITHIN my calories) and I'm just afraid of logging 191 and then seeing an increase due to sodium and feeling bummed.

    USUALLY I log any change I have sustained over 3+ days.
  • I weigh my self every other day because I'm just very curious.but I log my weight in every Sunday
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I log every morning (unless I'm out of town, which happens about 1 weekend a month). If I fluctuate small amounts up and down and I log those too.