

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Saving my place:flowerforyou:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Wednesday morning beautiful ladies. Well yesterday was my mamogram appointment and I completely forgot till this morning. So had to reschedule. I have my pap appointment next Monday and like to have this done and report there, but will not be happening this year. I can not believe I forgot. That seems to be happening alot lately. I keep making notes. I did go to the library and spent 3 hours looking for the deal for my dad's VA papers. I did not find anything so thinking I will have better luck with Cairo or Wood River papers as smaller and 1955 is along time ago. I just feel lately like things are falling apart and I can not keep up.:cry:

    Joyce--enjoy your lunch out. Last evening acouple girls and I went out to Applebees for supper. I did real good having the soup and then we got the chocolate cake and shared. Nice evening a real good girls night out. Sounds like you and your sister had a very good time.
    Sylvia--sounds like you have very smart dogs. Monday evening DH gave our dogs a treat outside and the next thing we know they are fighting. They had not done this before. Anyway DH goes out and breaks them up and it looked like the tea cup had his leg broke. So he checked it all out and it is not broke, but buised good and now he hops around. Jake must of felt bad as now he is being very nice to Toby. Jake has alot of puppy still in him and Toby is almost 9.

    Heather--congrates on the half pound going away. Enjoy driving the New car.:happy:

    Alison--good luck on fridge hunting. Several years ago we replaced our fridge and stove. DH picked out stainless steel and I hate them. I find they are so hard to get prints off of.:sad:

    Sue--Congrates on meeting your step goal!!! Thanks for the 5 D's for dealig with cravings. I printed them off and going to do my best to use them.:happy:

    Heather--keeping you in my prayers.:flowerforyou:

    My friend Lee that had the breast cancer got her report yesterday and they told her she is cancer free. So happy for her.

    Meg--WOW!! glad DB is doing ok, I agree that is a wake up call.:noway:

    Beth--gald you enjoied the class. I think about going to one, but just haven't got there.

    Sandy--sending good thoughts for DD and her job.:flowerforyou:

    Maryann--welcome! You have come to a great place.

    Carol--sounds like you had alot of fun. I am surprised at the things I can do now, that I could not do a year ago. Also DH tells people now that he has trouble keeping up with me when walking.

    yanniejannie--I understand it is scary and these people hold parts of our lives in their hands. I have learned to question almost everything.

    Jill--Sounds like you had a good time and keep warm. It is almost 50 here so far today. DH just called and he was going home at lunch to get the motorcycle out and ride back to work. So wanting Spring to be here to stay. Congrates on the loss!!

    I have to drive to Hastings (about 25 miles) when I get off to get my nail fixed. I always said I would not get the fake nails and I h ave to slack put on and I admit I love it. But one pulled almost off this morning. So thinking I may have to rethink this. Well have a good afternoon and evening.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    Posted my letter off! So I've made a start.:happy:

    Not happy about my knee! :sad: It was fine this morning then suddenly it flared up. It's just as bad as it was on my trip to London. :sad: I really don't know what caused it unless it was something in the HIITS this morning, but I've been doing them ok before. At this rate I will be hobbling round Edinburgh! And my knee has been goodish for a week or so. Just yesterday I thought how much it had improved. :cry: :cry: :cry:

    Hair appointment tomorrow. The patch test didn't show any allergy so we can do the regrowth at last. Before that I will do online check in for my flight and hope to put in a few lines of salads, rocket (arugula) and radish. I like the pick and come again spicy salad leaves. We don't have to buy any salad all summer, right into the autumn. Next week we will sow the chard and cavallo nero.

    Then the dreaded packing. I hate packing anyway, and really hate the one cabin bag rule. By the time I've packed my handbag and my wash bag there's no room for anything else! But on a budget airline that's the rule. And all the liquids in a bag.:sad: It's like doing a jigsaw puzzle in 3D. Better than being blown up I suppose.

    Big hugs to those expecting blizzards. My DSIL had a wonderful time in NYC, but would like to go back when it's not so freezing!

    Heather in blissful springtime, UK
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hello All,
    I have noticed that when I eat something sweet I continue to crave sweets. I know some people can eat a piece of something and be satisfied. This morning I brought my protein shake but we had doughnuts and I didn't resist temptation. Now, I want sweets so bad I can't hardly focus on work. I swear sugar is adictive. It has to be. I think I will have to go for a walk and then maybe I can make it through the rest of the day. For a New Years resolution I vowed not to take a single piece of candy out of the candy supplies here at work, and so far I haven't, so I can't give in now. Thanks for letting me vent.
    May your days be sweetened with something other than sugar!!!
    Patty, Cincinnati
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Maryann - welcome and congrats on beating the cancer! Shoveling IS exercise! You know, I used to have an aerobics instructor who had breast cancer. She was one of the first people to use tamixofen, it really hadn't even been approved, so that gives you an idea of how long ago it was. She taught aerobics and 18 years later, unfortunately, it came back. But even while she was undergoing chemo, she taught. How many times I'd see her bald (her complaint was that the chemo made her lose her hair and so her head would stick to the mat so she wore a hat) and even tho I may not have wanted to work out, I'd think to myself "if she can teach while undergoing chemo, I certainly can take the class". Love your positivity. If you can beat cancer, you surely can beat weight gain!!!!

    katla - I know right now that Vince WILL pick at my choices. That is, IF I tell him....like I make these tofu manicotti. He's eaten them for years and years, I just "forget" to tell him there's tofu in them. I'll make other veges for me. He's always been a pickey eater, many times I just ignore it. Like I'll make fish or chicken with breading. He'll take the breading off. Oh well....I'm not going to let the fact that he doesn't want any breading stop me. Hope your appt goes well. How long will you be gone for? When will you be leaving?

    Viv - I find logging to be so informative. You're right, logging lets you see where you went wrong so that you hopefully won't do that again.

    Did an hour of a KCM "30 minutes to fitness" DVD. There are two workouts and I did both of them.

    Tomorrow I'm planning to do an ASAP (weights) workout DVD, then I have a dentist appt (oh funsville, at least it's a routine appt and I'm not going in for a problem). Then I volunteer at the Green Room. I'm going to take a magazine with me, that's my cheap insurance that the dentist will take me asap. Whenever you're prepared, it never happens. Bet if I didn't bring anything to read, there'd be a delay. I'm also going to bring this crochet blanket that I'm making for the gal whose house we stayed at while Vince was in the hosp in Switzerland. That'll insure that the Green Room will get lots of calls.

    anamika - I'm with you in appreciating katla's posts. You're awe inspiring...doing the run like you did.

    Last night was the last night to order this KitchenAid mixer. Jessica has mentioned that she'd use one if she had it, and they're so expensive. Anyway, after getting the cash back and there's a rebate, it'll wind up costing me $130.74. Her birthday is later in March but if it doesn't come by then, she's moving into her own apt in mid-June so that's what we'll give her as a housewarming gift.

    Cynthia - one time I got so disgusted with Vince, you should have heard me!! I'm not that type, I'm more of a mild-mannered person. But I went on and on about "why can't I eat what I want, why do I have to have what you like, I never complain about what you want". He stopped for a while but just started up again. If it happens again, you can bet that I'll explode! I, too, can't believe that the MD office staff didn't know that renal meant kidney.

    Heather - congrats on the loss. Better watch that you don't get blown away!

    DeeDee - really appreciate you and how many times you make individual comments. Actually, appreciate everyone who does.

    Alison - we have a GE Profile refrig and a Bosch dishwasher and an LG stove. All are stainless. I got something at the store, CLF streak-free stainless steel cleaner" and don't have any problem at all with fingerprints or streaking. I think Beth is probably right in that a lot of it has to do with the thickness of the stainless. I know someone once told us that you should clean your ss appliances in the direction of the grain.

    Sylvia - hope all goes will for your husband and he comes home safe

    Jill - congrats on your loss

    Cindy - welcome. Like that you just jumped right in, that's the way to do it.

    Vicki - oh no, forgot your mammo! Glad you rescheduled it. Yea Lee!!!!!!

    Heather - hope your knee is good to you. Thanks for reminding me that I have salad left over from rummikub last night that I want to finish up

    Patty - sugar IS addictive. It's really like heroin

    Going to post this to mark my spot.

    Michele in NC
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Taking my time back. To many other folks walking on my time and not feeling appreciated. So I gave notice I will be free after Friday. I have not even had time to log or exercise with my bff my dh. Feeling better already.
  • fitatanyage
    fitatanyage Posts: 3 Member
    Shout out to 50+ Women! We Rock! Way to represent! :smile: :heart: :heart: :heart: #fitatanyage
  • kim1546
    kim1546 Posts: 6 Member
    I am new to this over 50 group! Feel free to connect with me. I would love the support. We had a blizzard today and school was cancelled. Again. I am a teacher and this winter has been HORRIBLE! We have added 7 snow days to our calendar. Ugh. I got my exercise shoveling snow today. It was heavy and exhausting, but a great workout!
    I have pumpkin muffins baking. I am really trying to kick the sugar habit. These have honey in them. :)
    Enjoy the day and stay warm!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just closed my diary. Can't wait until tomorrow so I can eat again. :laugh:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marking my spot, going in the shower and then bed I think.

    Might walk about a bit first to get some extra steps in :wink: but I am soooo tired I'm not sleeping too well lately, can't seem to get comfy - one minute boiling hot then cold :grumble: then my back aches so I end up tossing and turning, and on the odd time I get comfy I have to get up to pee :explode: :laugh: :laugh:

    Night Night :yawn: :yawn: See you in the morning.
  • maw001
    maw001 Posts: 5 Member
    Quick reply to Sylvia:
    I manage a sleep lab at a hospital in Y-town Ohio. Just wanted to say that taking ambien for the study is not that unusual. Especially for the second study with the CPAP, we need to have enough sleep time to get the accurate pressure for his machine so ambien will do that for us. He should be ok to drive home, it should be worn off by am and if the titration goes well he may feel this is the best night sleep hes had in a long time. Just don't let him take it before he goes to the study!
    Let me know how it goes :blushing:

    Maryann Ohio

    Thanks for all the support, I am off to babysit the grandkids for a few hours then bed
  • lmerner
    lmerner Posts: 28 Member
    Just closed my food diary too.....mouth shut for the rest of the evening!

    Spontaneous as one of my March goals, Check!
    DH and I arrived in the driveway at the same time last night....I nailed him with a snowball. The snowball fight was underway. I lost the fight but I won at the same time!
    Hmmm.....if I plan to be more spontaneous, does it still count as being spontaneous?

    It's great seeing all the posts, personal notations and support.

    Thanks all for welcoming me to this great group!

    Lee in Ontario -stormed in again, where the heck is spring?
  • Constame
    Constame Posts: 10 Member
    Please explain what the 5D's are I have a hard time with eating to fill my emptiness I experience sometimes.
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Daffodil time is arriving in the UK. I love the happy faces of the daffodils - the bright yellow dancing always makes me smile! I remember learning the Daffodils poem by Wordsworth when I was at school but it didn't stop me loving the plants. They really herald Spring and encourage optimism! Love it! My dad planted 20,000 daffs under his fruit trees and I can't wait to see them all flower in the next few days/weeks. His are a slightly later flowering than the ones out today.

    It's lovely to see another Maryann on here - I'll carry on calling myself MA so that we can work out who we are talking about!! Welcome to the other Maryann!

    MA in UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    Hello All,
    I have noticed that when I eat something sweet I continue to crave sweets. I know some people can eat a piece of something and be satisfied. This morning I brought my protein shake but we had doughnuts and I didn't resist temptation. Now, I want sweets so bad I can't hardly focus on work. I swear sugar is adictive. It has to be. I think I will have to go for a walk and then maybe I can make it through the rest of the day. For a New Years resolution I vowed not to take a single piece of candy out of the candy supplies here at work, and so far I haven't, so I can't give in now. Thanks for letting me vent.
    May your days be sweetened with something other than sugar!!!
    Patty, Cincinnati

    :flowerforyou: Patty, I just finished reading "Salt, Sugar, Fat" and found out a lot about the addictive properties of sugar........the more you have, the more you want.

    When I read "The Happiness Project", I found out that people can be loosely classifies as "abstainers" or "moderators"......I a am an abstainer.......if I stay completely away from sweets and other problem foods, I am fine, but as soon as I have on bite, I want more and often don't know when to stop. Others are moderators and can allow themselves a small serving of a treat and it makes them happy.

    So many of the things I know about myself in relation to healthy eating and exercise I learned on MFP either from the wonderful women on this thread or from reading the books they have recommended.

    Success is inspirational
    disaster is educational.

    :flowerforyou: Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    1. Delay - Delay the urge, it usually goes away within the first five minutes.
    2. Deep breathing - Inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth. This calms you and actually does good stuff in your brain and body.
    3. Drink water - Decreases hunger, flushes toxins, and increases dopamine level. This is the "feel good" hormone in the brain.
    4. Do something - Take your mind off of your craving.
    5. Divine Intervention - When you are DOWN to nothing, God is UP to something!

    Thanks to Sue from SD.......here are the 5 D's for dealing with cravings.....they were on Part One of this thread and some of you may have missed them.......they are worth repeating.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    I took an emotional hit today, and am sitting here eating a 400 calorie package of candy and drinking water while I read the thread. And yes, I know that I'm doing it and it isn't mindless. I've never understood why emotional eating happens, but I think it has to be a punishment that we give ourselves, even when things aren't our fault. The mind gets in a blur, and we just don't care for the moment, day, whatever. Ironically, I didn't eat much today and I walked, so it won't put me over on calories, just reinforce cravings and unhealthy choices. Sorry! I hope to be back on track tomorrow.

    Jane in Colorado
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi everyone. Still cool and windy here but supposed to perk up tomorrow. I got tons done today at work so I can take Thursday and Friday off hooray. My boss popped by to tell me to be sure I take three more days off during the next 8 weeks so I am not cheated out of my whole break.

    Heard from my brother today and he sounds very good. He is such a rare “save” for the type of heart attack he had that the hospital CEO asked him to come to the monthly dinner for the fire department to tell his story because they made a huge difference in saving his life.

    Sandy I am glad you are feeling better!

    Joyce: good thing Melody the cat has learned the outside is not all that it’s cracked up to be. Sounds like both of us can’t turn the nurse brain off!

    Rori: so sorry to hear about your friend. Ithink there must be sugar in everything. I had one of those tomato soup to go things which I love, but was amazed that they have 28 carbs in them til I read the ingredient list….corn syrup!

    Beth: glad you liked your zumba class. I do water zumba. Stay warm and safe in your blizzard.

    Maryanne: glad to hear about your good health report after your cancer scare. You’ll love being part of this group.

    Katla: Thanks for the definition. Now I need a photo to see what it looks like LOL

    Anamika: what kind of weather is India having now?

    Alison: I am a “matchy matchy” person; I would chose the one that goes with the other appliances

    Cynthia: it’s great you can work from home. I can too for some things but find I don’t get much done between the couch calling my name all the time and three animals that want undivided attention. I still miss my Smokey. I dreamed about him last night.

    Heather: 52 is so young to die of a heart attack! So sorry about your knee!

    DeeDee: always nice to see your smiling face even when you can’t stay long

    Beth: stay warm!

    Carol: glad you had fun at your concert!

    Sylvia: your story about the plumber made me laugh. I have had so many contractors get their dates wrong

    Yanniejannie: all I can say is OMG

    Deb: I see you too are in the path of the blizzard and snowfall. Hope your power stays on and you stay warm!

    Jill: congrats on the 2 pounds!

    Marsha: congrats to you too!

    Cindy: welcome to the batch!

    Vicki: what? You don’t have nail techs in Grand Island? That’s a long drive for a nail! After that drive that nail would have to do the dishes for me. I love the shellac or gel polish but you can’t wear the fake ones in hospitals, so I have never even thought about getting them.

    Patsy: did you quit your job?

    MA: yay for daffodils!!!

    Barbie: thanks for the new thread

    Well gals I’m off. Sweet dreams. Meg from Omaha
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Chiming in here to mark my spot...

    BARBIE I like the 5 D's now to practice them. :smile:

    MEG good to hear your brother is doing so much better - praising the Lord!

    JANE I like a good pity party once and awhile then I can get my head on straight so enjoy yours candy and all!

    Short stop; ready to just go and relax this day. Taking granddaughter to the movies to see FROZEN then haircut tomorrow. I hope your evening is relaxing and peaceful. God bless.

    Plano Teral :flowerforyou:
  • stephanieboots
    Hello ladies,

    I am new to the blog. I have been tracking my food diary here off and on for years. I have renewed interest now. I read wheat belly by Dr Wm. Davis. I went wheat free three weeks ago. I have lost 15 pounds and am eating healthy and feel 100% like a new person. Joints aren't flaming, and I have energy and can even say I feel like some of my bloating is leaving the scene!

    I had been stuck for a very long time and this is the first time I have been able to reset my metabolism and gi tract...truly a blessing to have found this book and then the recipe book...Please consider reading it and deciding how you feel yourself. For me it is the best, and having hope for the next 50-60 pounds I need to lose for my health is within sight.

    I love myfitnesspal for having the resources available to help me as well and finally, at 60, I think I may once again be able to get the weight off and return to health....Hope I have not interrupted too much. I'm so excited about this right now and had to share...
