My own whey protein shake diet recipe to lose that 40 pounds

You blend these ingredients into a smoothy:

1 cup of 1% milk
1 scoop of chocolate whey protein
1/2 cup of Quaker quick oats
1 medium banana

This drink tastes good because the chocolate from the whey protein compliments the taste of the banana. I also believe that all these ingredients together gives all the nutrients needed to survive like vitamin A from the milk for instance. If you have this shake three times a day, you should intake about 1500 calories or so, which makes it a good number for the amount of calories you should have in a day also. This shake diet would be great if you wish to shed off like 40 pounds or so. This three shake diet also goes in line with the fact that you are suppose to drink about 3 glasses of milk a day. Any compliments? Thanks in advance.


  • cathipa
    cathipa Posts: 2,991 Member
    So would I not lose if I ate just 1500 cal of solid food daily? How fast will you lose 40 lbs with your diet? I'm intrigued and in for other comments.
  • MrCrazyMike
    MrCrazyMike Posts: 38 Member
    The reason why it is a good idea to eat 1500 calories is so that your metabolism will not slow down as much.It is better to lose that weight slowly with a fast metabolism than to have a slow metabolism(due to a big decrease in calories being taken) by the time you reach your goal, which would then make you gain back your weight you lost very easily if you eat normally again.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Sorry, it sounds absolutely miserable. Not only is that calorie count far too low for my body's needs, but it would also not meet my nutritional needs, especially in terms of fiber. Plus, it would get rather boring and probably wreak havoc on my digestive system.

    I'd rather eat real food, hit all my nutritional needs, hit my macros, have enough fuel for my lifestyle, and not live in restrictive diet hell, all while losing weight. Since I've already lost 22 lbs, I'm going to stick with the agony-free version.
  • MrCrazyMike
    MrCrazyMike Posts: 38 Member
    According to this site, if you have the shake like 3 times a day, it is around 25 grams of fiber which is a LOT compared to how much people eat normally.
  • MrCrazyMike
    MrCrazyMike Posts: 38 Member
    The reason why I recommend this diet is because it is easy to follow, and it is great for people who wish to have a diet with portion control. Also, I believe that this shake touches all the nutrients you need and all you need is the ingredients and a blender to make it.
  • SophieA9083
    What about all the other nutrients you need? Iron, Potassium, Vit B, A, C, K, E, Zinc, Chrominum etc...maybe those 40lbs of fat will hold all those nutrients?
  • angdpowers
    angdpowers Posts: 311 Member
    But why this ... and ONLY this to shed 40lbs??
    Because its easy?
    Because it only has like 4 ingredients?

    Just seems silly to drink your food all day every day when you can do the same with a variety of stuff??

    I'm confused. I mean, one day you will want REAL food and when you do, then what? You blow up like a balloon :(
  • VintagePhoenix
    I'd much rather drink the same drink three times a day than have variety in my diet. Said no-one ever!
  • biggsterjackster
    biggsterjackster Posts: 419 Member
    Yes, I can do this.... for about 3 days.... then I probably could not even smell it anymore.
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    Ok, purely on the basis of micro nutrient RDAs alone that's Vitamin A 33%, Vitamin C 56%, Iron 12% for 3 shakes a day. You're looking at malnutrition at those levels, possibly anaemia with that low an iron intake. Better off eating a balanced, healthy proportion controlled diet instead.
  • MrCrazyMike
    MrCrazyMike Posts: 38 Member
    It seems like people are really outspoken about my plan. But before you knock it, Oprah herself use to support a shake diet of her own, and she use to drink about 500-700 calories a day and she was always starving. There are many ways to lose weight, it is just that some diets are more healthier than others, and I truly think that I have a healthy alternative unless someone can prove me wrong.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    How about making your weight loss diet just like your planned maintenance diet but in smaller portions?

    Worth having a browse through the maintaining weight forum and you will see big differences in how easy or difficult people find the transition to maintenance. Do you think people following a hare-brained exclusion diet find maintenance easier than people who lost their weight eating foods they enjoy in an appropriate quantity?

    Food for thought.....
  • MrCrazyMike
    MrCrazyMike Posts: 38 Member
    Ok, purely on the basis of micro nutrient RDAs alone that's Vitamin A 33%, Vitamin C 56%, Iron 12% for 3 shakes a day. You're looking at malnutrition at those levels, possibly anaemia with that low an iron intake. Better off eating a balanced, healthy proportion controlled diet instead.

    You know something, there should be more people like you. My only argument is that it is just to lose that 40 pounds, it is not for life.
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    I'd much rather drink the same drink three times a day than have variety in my diet. Said no-one ever!
    So true!
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    ... My only argument is that it is just to lose that 40 pounds, it is not for life.

    And my rebuttal would be that without consistent, sustainable lifestyle changes, even if you succeed in losing 40 lbs, you'd put it straight back on again, and potentially have damaged your health in the interim. Diets don't work, lifestyle changes do. Take it from someone who's lost the 40 & then some.
  • MrCrazyMike
    MrCrazyMike Posts: 38 Member
    How about making your weight loss diet just like your planned maintenance diet but in smaller portions?

    Worth having a browse through the maintaining weight forum and you will see big differences in how easy or difficult people find the transition to maintenance. Do you think people following a hare-brained exclusion diet find maintenance easier than people who lost their weight eating foods they enjoy in an appropriate quantity?

    Food for thought.....

    You make a good point. But the thing is that right now I don't really have a maintenance diet plan and I thought that when I reach my goal, I just have to make sure I go below a certain amount of calories and I should be fine. You make it seem so easy.
  • MrCrazyMike
    MrCrazyMike Posts: 38 Member
    I'd much rather drink the same drink three times a day than have variety in my diet. Said no-one ever!
    So true!

    You are missing the point, it is all about convenience. Plus, who doesn't like chocolate?
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    How about making your weight loss diet just like your planned maintenance diet but in smaller portions?

    Worth having a browse through the maintaining weight forum and you will see big differences in how easy or difficult people find the transition to maintenance. Do you think people following a hare-brained exclusion diet find maintenance easier than people who lost their weight eating foods they enjoy in an appropriate quantity?

    Food for thought.....

    You make a good point. But the thing is that right now I don't really have a maintenance diet plan and I thought that when I reach my goal, I just have to make sure I go below a certain amount of calories and I should be fine. You make it seem so easy.
    I farted about for twenty years with varying degrees of temporary success with "diets". This time feels permanent and entirely sustainable - I didn't give up any foods or even alcohol, just a moderate deficit over a period of time. Sure I changed my portion sizes and treats were more rare and had to fit in my calorie allowance when losing weight but that's it.
    I followed the 5:2 eating pattern which made adherence easier (for me) but that was a tool to stick to a calorie deficit over the course of a week.

    Your plan is similar to any meal replacement plan and the big downfall is is that it just puts off the day when you have to work out what to do for the rest of your life.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    You blend these ingredients into a smoothy:

    1 cup of 1% milk
    1 scoop of chocolate whey protein
    1/2 cup of Quaker quick oats
    1 medium banana

    This drink tastes good because the chocolate from the whey protein compliments the taste of the banana. I also believe that all these ingredients together gives all the nutrients needed to survive like vitamin A from the milk for instance. If you have this shake three times a day, you should intake about 1500 calories or so, which makes it a good number for the amount of calories you should have in a day also. This shake diet would be great if you wish to shed off like 40 pounds or so. This three shake diet also goes in line with the fact that you are suppose to drink about 3 glasses of milk a day. Any compliments? Thanks in advance.
    You're not a personal Trainer by chance? It's just you seem to have the same amount of nutrition knowledge as most PTs
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    The reason why it is a good idea to eat 1500 calories is so that your metabolism will not slow down as much.It is better to lose that weight slowly with a fast metabolism than to have a slow metabolism(due to a big decrease in calories being taken) by the time you reach your goal, which would then make you gain back your weight you lost very easily if you eat normally again.

    with your diet this will happen regardless becasue you are losing muscle along with fat...

    you want compliments on this? forget it...I will eat my 1700 caloires in real food and get my macros hit.