What annoying comments did you get from your weight loss?



  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 691 Member
    Why are you doing this again? You know you're gonna just gain it all back

    This one. Right here. I hate people. :grumble:
  • greeneyes972
    The one I get is from "friends' that tell my husband of over 40 years that I getting ready to cut him out of the herd, because that is why women lose weight and cut their hair. But I only married him to make his life miserable and I am not through yet.

    This made me LOL!!! :)
  • smithcarola
    smithcarola Posts: 51 Member
    The last time I was losing weight, I had one co-worker (an older female) tell me almost weekly that I made her sick because I was losing weight. I finally had to sit down with her and explain how her "joke" wasn't funny anymore.

    Now this time around, I have a male supervisor offering me cookies, candy, donuts and such on a regular basis. He says now that I'm 60 pounds down, I can afford the added calories.
  • audriy
    audriy Posts: 1 Member
    are you serious?! I'm sorry, but that sounds like an awful friend. Just absolutely manipulative and self-centered. Makes me so angry!!!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I've been told that I'm "really pretty now that I've lost weight".

    I also had a friend tell me that I HAD to stop drinking diet pop...that I'd NEVER lose weight drinking it. *looks at ticker* I'm doing okay, thanks!
  • vrpenson
    vrpenson Posts: 3 Member
    "If you lose any more, you will blow away" - Um, no, my ideal weight is still about 5 pounds off- and my BMI is in a perfectly healthy range.

    To my husband "Oh, she is going to look for your replacement now!" - If I wanted a "replacement" I would have found one by now, believe you me. It's said in jest, but honestly?!?

    "It must be nice to be so skinny. Lucky girl" - Yes, I am lucky. Lucky that I had the will to bust my *kitten*, change my lifestyle, and work at it every single day for the rest of my life to get and stay healthy, for me.

    "Oh, you never needed to lose weight to begin with, you were perfect the way you were." - Yes, which is why I had chronic migraines, sleep problems, exhaustion, skin issues, joint pain, etc...

    Most of the people making comments are haters who are insecure and jealous, so I brush that off and keep on rolling. i feel better than I have in many years, and a little snark isn't going to put me off.
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    Why are you doing this again? You know you're gonna just gain it all back

    for some reason this one seems extra mean to me... sorry you have to put up with this.
  • ils_1231
    ils_1231 Posts: 249 Member
    I went from 205 to 155 lbs, when I told a family member that I had finally hit the 50lb milestone she just said 'it shows how fat you were in the first place'

  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    "You've lost 30 pounds? Well whatever weight you've lost, I found it." (from my mom)
    Because I guess I just put all my weight in a box and mailed it across the country so you could pick it all up. You're welcome!
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,156 Member
    Reading all the comments, wow. Some are familiar, but some are just terrible. I'll say most people are supportive to me (and I mean coworkers I'm not overly fond of to begin with) but occasionally someone will talk to me like they're talking to a child. "See what you can do? Don't you feel better now?" I'm waiting for one of them to pat me on the head. :huh: And now some of them are my chocolate monitors.

    "Is that chocolate you're eating?"

    "Yes." (keep walking down the hall enjoying my chocolate)
  • dhouse6167
    This one pisses me off because how many times i get this ...but i assure it wont come back on :)
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Why are you doing this again? You know you're gonna just gain it all back

    Yeah I get this one also. but I have noticed it is only from people who have also gained weight. I guess they need an excuse not to try.
  • AdinaEden
    AdinaEden Posts: 20 Member
    Don't get too skinny!
    You look sick!
    You should stop now!!!

    Bearing in mind, these are comments from people if they were my current size they'd be unhappy because they are smaller than me and wanting to lose weight themselves! *rolls eyes

    My advice to my fellow MFP friends, do what works for you, have your focus and know what is a healthy size for you.
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    I'm actually kind of sorry I opened this thread. I thought the comments would be funny or "Pssh, some people." But some of them would make me want to crawl into the closet and not come out if they'd been directed at me.

    I'm sorry y'all have had to hear any of this *kitten*.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    Some would ask what I am doing to lose weight and I would tell them eat right and exercise.. "Oh... you're doing it the HARD way!"
  • jdyg81
    jdyg81 Posts: 48 Member
    I get, "Don't lose anymore weight."

    people kill me with that one
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm actually kind of sorry I opened this thread. I thought the comments would be funny or "Pssh, some people." But some of them would make me want to crawl into the closet and not come out if they'd been directed at me.

    I'm sorry y'all have had to hear any of this *kitten*.

    As horrible as some of these are... I'm glad that we can all share and see that pretty much no insult or comment is just about "me" everyone has a bad apple around them!
  • RobertHButler
    My family tries to sabotage me; I've never seen so many cookies, cake or candy brought into the house before. They sabotaged my efforts to quit smoking until I was put into a medical coma and never smoked again. My (obese} in-laws have disowned me and villainize me. I take it in stride knowing being fit and healthy is the best comeuppance.
  • flannery2012
    flannery2012 Posts: 58 Member
    My 20 yr old niece asked how much I'd lost (it was 15 at the time), she said, "Yeah, well I'd go for 15 more."
    I told her I was buying her "Mean Girls" for Christmas, so sad she got her feelings hurt...
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    well, u are still to skinny and so am I That was said after I lost 20. Not even where I want to be yet.....:laugh: