My meeting with a Sports Nutritionist



  • Kimsoontobe
    Kimsoontobe Posts: 110 Member
    Bump to read later.
  • aleggett321
    aleggett321 Posts: 186 Member
    The progesterone issue probably doesn't come into play for most women. It might, however, for someone who is under medical care and needs extra calories to deal with shedding meconium, blood loss, iron depletion, etc.

    Shedding meconium? Meconium is the first thick dark green stool that a newborn passes the first day or two after birth, or vary rarely before birth when a fetus is in distress. If a woman is shedding it, something is wrong!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to share this! Very informative and just plain common sense. She's the expert and I believe what she says. Pay no attention to all the crackpots coming out of the MFP woodwork to dispute what she told you and 'prove her wrong!'

    Crackpots? Who might they be?

    Also, I can link lots of experts in the field that would refuse some of these claims. Are they crackpots?

    What exactly is your definition of a crackpot?
  • fpskelly
    fpskelly Posts: 15
    As a scientist I would like to remind people of the "Half-life of facts", which says that over time half of what you know to be true will be untrue.

    Skepticism and questioning facts are vital to progress. Hating on a forum that, at it's core, is supposed to encourage and inspire users to lose weight is wrong.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    - weight loss of more than 1 lb. per week is 97% likely to be regained and lost muscle tissue is replaced by fat when regained
    - people who KEEP weight off do the following: eat breakfast, don't allow themselves to get overly hungry, eat everything in moderation, exercise, weigh themselves regularly and keep a food journal.
    - eating protein AND carbs after working out is essential - carbs fuel, protein rebuilds....we need both
    - saving all your calories until dinner causes you to gain weight; you are supposed to fuel during the day and lose weight while you are sleeping - so eat the majority of your calories throughout the day and SPOIL YOUR APPETITE for dinner and then just have something light

    these are all bunk ..

    1 pound per week loss is considered safe and is a standard for most to meet. I lost 1 pound per week and have not gained it all back, and I am going on year seven.

    You do not need to eat breakfast to keep weight off. I did IF and skipped breakfast for eight months and LOST body fat ( I was in a calorie deficit)

    as long as you maintain your calorie deficit it does not matter when you eat or how frequently you can eat one meal day, six meals a day, or three meals day. I personally eat about four times a day.

    It does not matter when you get your nutrition, as long as you are hitting your macro targets for the day you will be fine. Meal timing is a myth.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    As a scientist I would like to remind people of the "Half-life of facts", which says that over time half of what you know to be true will be untrue.

    Skepticism and questioning facts are vital to progress. Hating on a forum that, at it's core, is supposed to encourage and inspire users to lose weight is wrong.

    No one here is hating. There are several different discussions going on and a few disagreements. That is how we debate and drill down to the truth, or at least the truth that we can currently know. Let's allow that to happen.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Skepticism and questioning facts are vital to progress. Hating on a forum that, at it's core, is supposed to encourage and inspire users to lose weight is wrong.

    .... The first part seems to contradict the second.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    WOW. There sure is a lot of negativity. I appreciate the time you took to post this information. It's a shame that some people want to bash what you said. If the info is not applicable to you...move on. This is supposed to be a supportive group. Thanks for sharing. Maybe not all of it will be applicable to me but some is. Thanks!
    so it is negative to correct wrong information?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Your nutritionist is pulling numbers from stats in some cases rather than established science.

    Breakfast isn't necessary to lose weight. Just the people who have successfully lost weight tend to eat breakfast.
    Eating a small dinner isn't necessary to lose weight. Just the people who have successfully lost weight tend to eat small dinners.

    These are correlations, not actual causes.

    That's simply not true, but if it makes you feel better to believe she's not using science, I'm sure there is nothing I could say to convince you otherwise. :bigsmile:

    There are plenty of ways to lose weight and nowhere in my post did I say you could only lose weight with the tips she gave me. Nowhere. She gave me scientifically sound guidelines that tend to work and be sustainable for most people - based on research. But if you want to lose weight eating just Twinkies, I'm sure it can be done. Will most people fail to sustain that type of weightloss? Yup.

    sorry hun, but her "scientifically sound guidelines" are mainly broscience….and just dead wrong...
  • fpskelly
    fpskelly Posts: 15
    Skepticism and questioning facts are vital to progress. Hating on a forum that, at it's core, is supposed to encourage and inspire users to lose weight is wrong.

    .... The first part seems to contradict the second.

    In my opinion they don't.

    I can question your "facts" and promote what I believe to be true without it descending into an argument.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    When an egg is released but isn’t fertilized, the body secretes progesterone to start the menstrual flow.

    This is incorrect.
    Progesterone is secreted starting with ovulation to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg. If there is a pregnancy, progesterone secretion continues.
    If the egg isn't fertilized, progesterone secretion drops off and the uterine lining sloughed off.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Meh. Some of her information is good, and some is flat out wrong.

    VJ, why so negative??????
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Thank you for taking the time to share this! Very informative and just plain common sense. She's the expert and I believe what she says. Pay no attention to all the crackpots coming out of the MFP woodwork to dispute what she told you and 'prove her wrong!'

    Crackpots? Most of the "crackpots" you are referring to here are very intelligent people who have had outstanding success in both weight loss and physical fitness. And most spend a great deal of time helping people on here and have much more than a sub-basic understanding of physiology and nutrition.

    Can you claim any of that? I doubt it.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Skepticism and questioning facts are vital to progress. Hating on a forum that, at it's core, is supposed to encourage and inspire users to lose weight is wrong.

    .... The first part seems to contradict the second.

    In my opinion they don't.

    I can question your "facts" and promote what I believe to be true without it descending into an argument.

    It was OP who came back with the snarky "darlin" in regards to those questioning the facts.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Skepticism and questioning facts are vital to progress. Hating on a forum that, at it's core, is supposed to encourage and inspire users to lose weight is wrong.

    .... The first part seems to contradict the second.

    In my opinion they don't.

    I can question your "facts" and promote what I believe to be true without it descending into an argument.

    Questioning someone's facts and promoting your own opinion instead is pretty much the definition of an argument.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    LOL I would like to see scientific evidence that woman need extra calories when they release a microscopic egg during ovulation. The rest of this is common sense. Hope you didn't pay too much money for this "consultation".

    Well, she is a scientist and nutritionist who trained at Mass General, so I do think she is basing this on research, darlin'.....just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't true.

    Bless your heart, OP. :yawn:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Honestly it reads to me like she's mostly using correlations. Which are fine if a person isn't counting calories, but counting negates a lot of it. For example, having a small dinner seems mostly intended to cause a person to eat less calories overall without bothering to count. But if a person keeps calories equal there's no difference between a small breakfast/large dinner and the inverse.

    The question is whether she is targeting calorie counters and I'm going to guess that she isn't. It's the same issue with the American Heart Association's message on refined sugar. We all (the self identified group here) agree that refined sugar isn't "bad" but what is being said is to cut it down because it's an easy way to cut calories.

    please don't turn into a sugar thread…please don't turn into a sugar thread…please don't turn into a sugar thread….
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    When an egg is released but isn’t fertilized, the body secretes progesterone to start the menstrual flow.

    This is incorrect.
    Progesterone is secreted starting with ovulation to prepare the uterus for implantation of the fertilized egg. If there is a pregnancy, progesterone secretion continues.
    If the egg isn't fertilized, progesterone secretion drops off and the uterine lining sloughed off.



    I continue to be amazed at the wealth of misinformation that gets posted on MFP regarding women's cycles. And most of it gets posted by women.
  • athensguy
    athensguy Posts: 550
    What is broscience? I'm assuming it's the same as psuedoscience?

    I posted my notes to be helpful and folks can take what's helpful and leave the rest.

    The stats she gave me are based on research and are widely available. People need to remember that while the vast majority of people who lose weight quickly regain it plus more, there are plenty of people (that 3%) who don't.

    I am hoping this post is helpful for those of us who are losing slowly - that research supports that slow loss is easier to sustain. It's not meant to bash anyone's success.

    If someone can pick out the useful from the not useful, they didn't need your post. If they can't pick it out, the info isn't that useful either.

    That said; 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are meh.

    Not sure about 3. Seems iffy.

    That leaves 1, 6, and 7 being maybe OK.
  • dreams4sale
    Every body works differently, I didn't eat breakfast during my first 20 lbs lost. I started eating breakfast because I didn't want to lose as fast as I was, and I'm still losing weight. I also used to eat dinner as my biggest meal of the day, being about 700-800 calories out of a 1300-1400 calorie day. And I lost weight fine...maybe these things she's SUGGESTING are for people who half *kitten* it in the gym and need extra help watching what they eat.

    I'm not a noob either; I went from 165 to 145 in a couple of years, maintained that. Cut 20 lbs off. Then gained another 15 lbs of fat and muscle due to heavy lifting/bulking. Then last year I decided to drop down to what I'm aiming for now before I build some more muscle.

    You can do all the research you want, but at the end of the day it's about each person experimenting with different methods to find what works for them, as opposed to taking someone's word as law because, "..but research! Statistics and numbers!" Things that can be correlational and not causational!