

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Morning everyone

    Just a quick post to say I've been missing for a few days. My uncle Derrick sadly passed away on Monday. I feel bad that I didn't get to the hospital in time. I was doing some Christmas Shopping and was rushing to get back as the doctor was due to see him around dinner time. My dad popped over mid morning and found him barely conscious, he called an ambulance and rang my mobile to let me know.

    Now there is the job of emptying his flat, I know a few of you have been in this situation recently, and it isn't easy. There's so much to sort out. Dad's taken it badly but I think it's because he found Derrick and had to deal with the stress of calling an ambulance etc I'm still finding out bits and pieces from him about what the person holding on the other end of the phone was telling him to do. My dad doesn't cope too well in these situations.

    Carol and Bernard (Derrick's other brother and sister) have been helping sort out all the paperwork that older people seem to hang on to. Bills going back to the early 1990s. It's so sad.

    I'll try and catch up with all the posts as soon as I can.

    Love and best wishes to all my friends, thanks for being here.

  • debieanne
    good morning viv sorry to hear about your loss our thoughts and prayers to you and your family debi
  • debieanne
  • debieanne
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: will sorry about that i was writing and my comp went off mfp and pop up something i have in favorites. i swear this comp has a mind of its own can you believe that. will anyone i want to say thank you for the info about dash i have been the past six mths working on making more homemade things i just can't get over how much soudium is in evertything and that is my main problem.
    ok getting ready for work i wish everyone apeaceful afternoon. and lighting a candle is so peaceful as i do and i have my prayer list . debi
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    It must be gremlilns. I logged on to post a link, but I can't paste anything right now.

    Hope everyone is doing OK.

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Wishing this day was over....but not...so just plugging along.

    Viv - So sorry to hear about your Uncle Derrick,:flowerforyou: I understand the cleaning out process. They do manage to keep a lot of papers, my parents had receipts and bank papers back to 1973:noway: and we had to shred everything because back then they used to put account numbers on everything as well as Social Secuity Numbers...what a task it was:huh:

    Robin - Yep I agree with you that the prep for the colonoscopy was worst:sick: than the proceedure it's self...glad only have to do that every 10 years (for now)

    Joylaut - I too just had my annual mamogram last Friday...sure do wish they could come up with a better way to do that.:grumble: it really hurts...and when she says "hold your breath"....what else can you do?:noway:


    Tonight I'm hoping to get my Christmas Cards done and start addressing them and dip my Peanut Butter Balls. The thing about making the Holiday Candy is that once I have made it and had my hands on all that candy for days at a time I'm not even tempted:noway: to eat it because I've been smelling it for days on end:wink: This year will be even better because I'm #38 lbs smaller than last year and have so much more energy.

    Everyone have a good day, my work load just seems to overwhelm me right now and after the first I am going to have to figure out how to hire a bookkeeper and then how we can pay them:ohwell:

    Drink the water:drinker: get up and get moving:flowerforyou: and watch what you are eating because today is just one day in the journey to our new healthy selves:flowerforyou:

  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hey pretty ladies,
    I did a post earlier that didn't show.

    Just popping in to say I am think of you all and reading but don't have time to post a long one.

    Welcome to all the newer faces I am seeing.:flowerforyou:

    Wizzy-viv am so sorry for your loss.

    Michele- I am sorry you are dealing with so much with your daughter. I lived in an abusive situation as a child. I pray your daughter gets out of it.:cry::brokenheart:

    For all those doing colonoscopies...the best part is when it is over.:tongue: It's not bad looking back but the apprehension is...
    I will be glad for you when it's over.:flowerforyou:

    For all those struggling financially ..I am hoping for better times and provision of the things you need.

    For all our food struggles...I pray for temperance for us all. It's tough but we are tough ladies. We have so many inspirations...Barb, Barbiecat, Birdie..to name a few..but if you read and look at the tickers..there's Robin, Mimi, and if I try to name them all I am going to leave someone out. They have all helped me...Omy goodness...Amanda..over 100 pounds now that 's determination. I know she has had a lot of stress and worry but she has stayed focused...I could go on and on..
    I am just glad to be on here and this forum has really helped me!:smile:

    'til next time,
    Have a good day!:flowerforyou:
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: and Laura, and Jeannie, and ..and....:heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    And Lynn what your ticker says you want to lose is the amount that I had started with last January...so it CAN be done:drinker:

    Everyone have a good evening....until tomorrow.

  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Hey Girls!

    Just want to say "Have a very Merry Christmas"!

    Miss talking to all of you and do plan on coming back real soon!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    So proud of you, Robin, for getting your colonoscopy. I'm a 10-yearer, too.

    Viv - So sorry to hear about your uncle.

    Did 1 hr of a Jari Love DVD today. Tomorrow....I'll take the deep water class. After that I'll go to the post office to mail my Christmas cards, then go to one food store. Ken & Lynette were here for dinner tonight. The guys were going to be playing (instruments) so I said since Ken would already be here, why don't they just stay for dinner? As things turned out, they didn't play but Ken & Lynette came over. The guys are going to play tomorrow, so I think I may make some spaghetti sauce & ask them if they want to stay for dinner. If not, I can freeze the sauce.

    Lynn - I'm so sorry you lived in an abusive situation. For me, it's just so hard to know that its going on, and because legally she's an adult, to know that there isn't a d*** thing I can do except to be here and let her know that she's always welcome here. The other thing I can (and do do) is pray, pray, pray. I have the sorest knees from praying so much.

    Have a great evening everyone.

  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    A quick GOOD morning to all and WELCOME to our newest members!

    We have one couple visiting with us now (old college friends) and 2 more coming in today, so I am enjoying a couple of quiet moments by the fire until I am off and running. The guys are quail shooting today and I will take a walk this morning with my one friend, run into town for lunch with her where the others will join us when they arrive. Should be a fun weekend, but I am tired already after just one dinner. (I wish I had put in an extra dishwasher in my kitchen for these holidays and get-togethers!)

    I am making a beef tenderloin tonight and roasting (did you hear that Mimi?) sweet potatoes, new potatoes and asparagus to accompany the meat. I'll pick up a crusty baquette of bread and I made a fruit triffle last night using skim milk and light cool whip. It won't be healthy, but not horribly over the top either. I made some spinach balls to have as appetizers last week and put in the freezer. Haven't made those in years, but they sounded good.

    I made shrimp creole last night with a salad for just the 4 of us.

    Oh...food, food!! It just seems to dominate this time of the year. I am trying hard to plan ahead for each meal to be as healthy as I can so that I don't make some last minute bad decisions. Since I am preparing most of our meals for the holidays and our guests, I can't blame anyone but myself if I don't have healthy choices, can I?

    Viv: I am so sorry about your uncle

    To all of you who are struggling with family issues, health issues, financial issues....whatever is on your mind...I hope that you find some peace if not complete resolution to your situation. We are all here for you.

    I will pop in when I can to catch up the next couple of weeks. If I'm not posting then I am lurking and thinking of each of you.

    Take care, Kackie:heart::heart:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Friday to all,

    Kackie - I hear you ... food, food and more food. It's a test to see how much we have changed or not....I'm hoping to pass this test...but I won't know until Jan 4th as that will be my one full year on MFP:smile:

    Speaking of food....Last night I got my Peanut Butter Balls all dipped (they don't even tempt me) and made the fudge for the truffles( I did take one taste, about 1/2 teaspoon....it's so rich that was enough) and once those are dipped they won't tempt me either. I finished about 3/4 of my Christmas Cards....hoping to get that done today so they will be in tomorrow mail.

    I can't believe that I am this much smaller than last year...I never would have thought it possible when I started last January....and I must admit...I LOVE IT:love:

    I look forward to the rest of you joining me in maintenance....so let's drink our water:drinker: , log the food:drinker: and get up and get moving:drinker:


    So far this month I have been consistant in doing my 50 push ups per day...will have to work on the rest:blushing:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I've have reached a significant hurdle on my journey. I've learned to throw food away when I can't finish it. After hearing about how wasteful it is to throw food away - you know the kids in Africa would love to have our left overs, I was raised to always finish what was on my plate. Not any more! I can eat half of something and throw the other half away if it is not something I can save.

    I know I passed the hurdle when I did not force myself to finish a breakfast burrito smothered in green chili this morning. For those of you who are not familiar with the chili addictions many of us here in the southwest face, good green chili is something to drive out of the way for, brave bad weather for and a craving worse than chocolate. The green chili was fantastic and hot as in spicy (it is a great source of vitamin C), but I just couldn't finish it.

    Also on a lighter note: my boss walked in with a tray of Starbucks Lattes this morning - he remembered I'm on a diet and bought me a non-fat one. lol Usually when he buys Lattes for us, I politely take it then run and split it with some one to not consume all the calories myself. It is very unusual for my male co-workers and boss to think, but today was the day for it. Besides the latte when I said I was going to the other building to make a donation to a holiday charity, they immediately all stood up and each gave me the $2 per person donation we were shooting for. Men thinking twice in one day! Miracles can happen.

    This is a long silly post about basically nothing..........must be the caffeine.

    Have a great Friday everyone,

  • mimi7grands
    Just a quick in-and-out...still need to catch up on posts. Kackie, hurray for you with the veggies. I'm heading out to go grocery shopping this afternoon. Veggies are on the list!

    Laura, it sounds as though you feel as fantastic as you look. You've done a great job.

    Jeannie, loved your post. You're doing so well. I'm just maintaining this month...it's a tough season. I'd like to get down the next decade by Christmas - a little less than 5 pounds will get me there.

    I'll catch up more later.

  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member

    I have set a goal that I wanted to lose 5 pounds this month. Now I recognize this is a bit foolish as my weight loss has been erratic and is holding on to me like crazy despite successfully watching my in for 55 days (as per the wonderful messages from MFP). I was surprised when I weighed on December 1 and experienced a drop of about 2 pounds. On December 1, I promised myself I would not even step on scale until today. But this AM, despite 10 days of watching input and exercise, I am down only 0.2 pounds. A bit of wishful thinking I realize: as if not stepping on the scale for 10 days would mean greater gratification???? So I will continue and hope that next Friday I will see some movement on the scale. Two Fridays until Christmas Eve, perhaps a Christmas Eve weight loss surprise??

    Focusing on the weight loss numbers may be a distraction for me as I am having health problems that could be influencing the erratic nature of the "numbers". I have good days and bad days with my health, but most recently the bad days out number the good ones. Today, the pain in my right flank reminds me that something is going on that I have no control over and despite having the best doctors in the province caring for me, nothing seems to "cure" the pain or keep the liver enzymes from bouncing around. So I must be a good patient and find some patience for this very slow process (weight loss, diagnosis and health improvement). All I have control over is what I put in my mouth and getting some exercise as I can. So I will continue to follow all the medical treatment (pills, pills, pills, tests, tests, tests) and allow myself the distraction of focusing on what I do have some control over and perhaps that also means celebrating a 0.2 pound weight loss???

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Well, Ken came over today. He and Vince were playing (musical instruments) all day. I made some spaghetti sauce so I asked if he and Lynette would like to stay for dinner. Just had the spaghetti, some garlic bread. Actually, didn't do too bad on the calories today.

    Did an hour of the deep water workout. Don't feel like I was sweating as much, like I worked as hard. But then again, sometimes it's good to not work as hard. Tomorrow I'll go to yoga. Ken is supposed to come over here, the guys will play a bit more. Lynette said she was going to come by around 12:30 to pick up Ken's keyboard for something that they have going on. Did pretty well with my water -- 80oz today. I'm still surprised at how much I've gained over this holiday. Tomorrow we're supposed to go to a Newcomer holiday social. They're going to be supplying ham and turkey (I'll have the turkey). They're asking people to bring sides or desserts. I have a suspicion that a lot of people are going to be bringing desserts. I made my vegetable stir fry rice today so all's I need to do is heat it up tomorrow.

    Mailed my Christmas cards today. I don't know where the day went to, went to the Y, mailed the cards, stopped at this one outlet, did a bit of food shopping, exchanged a christmas display item, came home, started the sauce, decorated (somewhat) the house, and before I knew it, it was dinner time. I'm not decorating a whole whole lot this year because right after the holiday it'll be a mad dash to get the tree undecorated, get the outside decorations down, we'll probably leave the tree up until we get back from Europe. I don't think I want to leave the tree decorated, the cats will have a field day.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :flowerforyou: I don't know where the time goes......I'm not doing any Christmas related activities......i don't have a job outside my home or children or grandchildren to care for so why don't I have time to post ?????

    :flowerforyou: I successfully taught a dance at my line dance class yesterday----I know two things--first that I'm an OK teacher and and second that I wouldn't want to be the teacher of the whole class.

    :flowerforyou: I do find a lot of time for exercise, taking the dogs to the dog park (I guess I do have children----the furry four legged kind) and doing a bit of working in the yard while the weather is mild.

    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: even if I don't post, be assured that you are on my mind and in my heart all the time.

  • SunnyLu
    I am new to MFP and was glad to see this thread for women 50+. I am hoping to learn from all of you :)

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    How on earth is it Saturday again?? Time used to trot by - now it gallops.

    Viv - sorry to hear about your uncle. Big hugs.

    Mimi - good to see our Sister Veggie Queen back. Trust me, those twins plus a toddler are going to wear their parents out, but it will be worth every moment of it.

    Michele - my heart goes out to you and your concerns over your daughter. My first husband was abusive and I still carry the scars - both physical and mental. He actually stabbed me on three occasions. I kept it all to myself and never even told my parents until he started hitting my babies. That was the final straw. I sincerely hope that your daughter gets away from her SOB partner,

    I am aching like crazy from my aqua fit class on Thursday. Only four of us showed up this week so the instructor made us work doubly hard. I loved it, but I'm paying the price now.

    It is wonderful to see so many new faces on this thread, alongside all the longstanders. Every day I read the posts and log in via my iPhone, but don't always get the chance to post properly. Just know that I am thinking of you all and I'm with you every step of the way.

    Have a good and healthfilled weekend ladies.

    Amanda x