"H20" 12 Pounds of Christmas Challenge - Week 7

Week 7 of 9 (Two weeks to go.. Hope you’re ready for the holidays)

- As we prepare for the end of the challenge in week seven, we prepare for what’s ahead in two thousand eleven..


NEWBIES: Welcomed.. Although we are just TWO weeks away from the end of this challenge.. We have a new one rounding up.. ;) Looking forward to having YOU join us.. Our next Challenge will be soo many pounds by Valentines day.. =) We are a wonderful group of fabulous ladies and gents.

WEEK 7 (12/11) - For Challenge 1, I would like for us to try ONE workout utilizing items that you have around the household. Sometimes we have a hard time coming up with a workout, this will show how good of an imagination we have. I want you to try 3 “homemade” exercises this week.. Feel free to share what you come up with. (A reminder for us to be thankful for the tools that we do have..)

WEEK 7 (12/11)- 75 Squats for the week, or if you are alittle more advanced, do 75 squats a day for 5 days. &/or 100 Crunches for the week, or if you are alittle more advanced a total of 500 for the week.

WEEK 7 (12/11)- A total of 25 minutes of meditation for the week.. Share some ways that help you meditate.. (keeping this one easy this week)

WEEK 7 (12/11)- Allow yourself ONE splurge this week.. The holidays are on the way.. And we should be allowed to have a splurge.. (may help us keep from failing).. What is ONE thing you have been dying to eat or drink that you’ve been resisting?


*Jsecret - Congrats on your 30 pounds lost.. You look amazing. Keep up all the hard work. You ARE an insiration.
*Looby1968 - Congrats on making it to ONDERland on 12/06.. Keep up the good work..
* Christmas is TWO weeks away… =)

*H20 Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Running, is one of the best solutions to a clear mind.” -Unknown

GRAND TOTAL OF WEIGHT LOSS: Since Week 5 ….. *Drum Roll* 407.4 .. Way to go EVERYONE!!!

How’s everyone doing? I hope the holiday festivities are treating you all well.. =) I know we are all having some issues.. But remember not to beat yourself up.. Smile and move forward. =) It will get better.. We are here to lean on one another.. Remember you ARE worth it, and remember you ARE doing this.

I hope you like this weeks challenges.. Happy week 7!


  • nursee67
    nursee67 Posts: 503
    Checking in to week 7....nice work April! Hope all is well with you!
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Cheers all to week 7, WEEK 7?! Where oh where has the time gone?! You all help me in so many ways, I may be absent a lot, but I do lurk....

    I think I may have found my way into a gym for a trial run through a friend, which I love b/c I need as much running time as I can get. My 2nd 5k is Jan 8th and I wanna beat 44min. I have already signed up for my 3rd in March and I plan to sign up for the Race for the Cure (STL) in June and the Bix 7 (Iowa) in July with one of my best MFP buddies :)

    Love the challenges, I plan on getting them in. I'll have to really think about the splurge one, I try to let myself have whatever, just in moderation, so that will be a tough one. And for the homemade exercise.. I'm still thinking about it, will let you all know what I figure out :)

    I'm hoping that I will have a move on the scale this week as the past few have been the same (again), but I also just got home from a Christmas party and feel that I had loads of sodium due to the chilli I had (but it was good!). SO I'm now downing my 4th 32oz bottle of water before I head to bed in hopes that it will be enough, if not, I'm waiting til Monday before weighing in again.

    Hope you all have a wonderful week all!!
  • ChantalC1969
    ChantalC1969 Posts: 226 Member
    I had a great week. I did not exercise much but did a lot of cleaning around the house and when I stepped on the Wii scale this morning I had lost another 2.6 lbs so it is good.

    Those are my stats :

    12 pounds of Christmas Challenge - H20 16.2 lbs lost so far!
    SW 10/30/10 323.4*****Current weight 307.2
    11/05/10 326.4*****11/12/10 319.8*****11/19/10 315.0*****11/26/10 312.8*****12/03/10 309.8*****12/11/10 307.2

    I had a big deception this week. I went to my mom, used her scale and I had nine pounds difference:sad: with mine so I went at the clinic to step on their big scale and it was the same so I'm actually 9 pounds heavier than the numbers that I have on here. My scale was playing tricks on me!!!.:angry: I still have lost the same amount of lbs but it's still a deception:ohwell: that I'm 9 lbs heavier. I'm now using my Wii balance board because it's the same weight as the clinic. I will stick with the numbers that I gave you for this challenge but for the next one I will give my new real numbers. :huh:

    On the bright side, I'm more motivated than ever to lose this weight! Thanks to all of you for being there! I'm amazed how much this community is supporting each other! I never tought that I would be posting anything on any post since I'm so shy and don't like writing in English since my English is really not that great but I know that you don't mind:blushing:

    A special thanks once again to AprilVal for a great week planned! Here's to you!:drinker: (that's a cup of water... not wine or beer... less calorie) LOL

    Have fun with this 7th week challenges!

  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @ April - Thanks for the post, hun! The challenges look great! And I love that graphic - it totally gets me in the holiday spirit! *hugs*

    @ Bru - Congratulations on finding a good gym! That's great news! I have to say I'm fighting my jealousy though - I totally wish I could afford a gym membership. heheh :)

    @ Chantal - I'm really glad you didn't let your shyness hold you back from posting! And congratulations on the weight loss! You're doing simply amazing! OH and I never would have guessed English isn't your native language - girl you write better than most Americans online these days! lol
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    @Stacy... I'm beyond broke so I can't afford any membership, heck, I've never stepped foot in a gym before! I ran into one of my highschool exes tonight at a friends Christmas party and we got to talking about my progress and I asked about the gym he uses and he said he could try and get me a 'guest pass' or trial run for a day or two.. so its all free, I'm not gonna be able to pay for one anytime soon, but its something to help me out. I've been slacking a lot on exercise due to the cold weather,... I hope this helps me out for a short while. :)
  • mollybeslimmer
    mollybeslimmer Posts: 215 Member
    wow.week 7!!
    I had a tough time last week.gained nearly 9 pounds back due to a med I had to take for a lung infection.Getting better and dropped enough to get back under 300.YAY.weigh in will be later in the week.
    Everyone please take care and stay warm~it's cold as heck here ...:(
    April-awesome new challenges.I am going try some in home excerise as I am stuck here (cold,snowy and car down :( )
  • carmen1485
    Hi all

    I've really not been around much in the last week and it's showed in my weight loss which is zero, nil pounds, nothing, since last week. On the good side, I've not gained anything but I'm really going to have work my lazy *kitten* this week to get those 4lb out the way in the next two weeks. So great challenges once again April.

    I've just started Level 3 of the 30 day shred today and feel like I'm going to lose those 4lb in sweat alone! however it will be counterbalanced by the two Christmas meals I'm going out for this week and my other half's birthday meal I'm cooking on Monday! I'm going to add those squats into the end of the shred session, although I might not hit 50 on day one!

    @Chantal - your loss is amazing - well done. And I really couldn't tell that english is not your first language, please do keep posting.

    @Stacey - the end of your plateau will come. Keep going with your plan and your body will figure it out.

    @Bru - I use something called vouchercloud on my iphone but there's a website too. I'm not sure if it covers the US too but there are always lots of vouchers for 1, 2 or 3 day passes at the gym, often with use of the steam rooms etc which are just lovely. It might be worth having a look and seeing what you can get for free. Good luck with improving your time - I'm sure you will.

    I don't have my tree or any decorations up yet and they probably won't go up till next Saturday as I'll be away Wed-Fri this week and have no time before then. I don't have much space so it's always a very small tree which then goes and lives in the garden.

    I promised to post a recipe last week for health veg eating and never got round to it. It's not my recipe but here is the link to the marvellous BBC food website http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/5823/indian-spiced-greens. They are greens with lovely spices, take 10 minutes to make and you can eat loads for not many calories especially if you reduce the oil a bit.
  • vrose99
    I just joined within the last 2 weeks - am i able to join this group? i have come in under my calorie intake goals for the past week and have drastically increased my exercise as well. but with all those changes - i have actually gained 4 pounds - don't know what that is all about. =)
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Well, I am still here although I am not going to hit this goal. I just can't seem to lose weight lately. I have had some slacking days but not to the point of this. I still run or do DVD's 5 days a week. I'm getting frustrated. 12 lbs by Christmas was so doable. But not for me apparently. Oh well.

    Chantel, that is fantastic! Keep up the good work.

    Bru, enjoy your gym days.

    Molly - glad you are feeling better. Hopefully it was just water weight!
  • SkierElle
    Whoot week 7! I've kept up with the weight loss part of this challenge (and am donating a bunch of food!! whoot!) but have been slacking about the other challenges, mainly because I have been doing Insanity and running. BUT I will make an effort for the 500 sit ups this week! Not the squats however, there's PLENTY of those in Insanity already!

    I like the name H20 Seriously Sexy Seven pounds of Valentines Day for the next one!! 7 lbs is quite doable I think and will be a great kickoff for the new year!
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    I just joined within the last 2 weeks - am i able to join this group? i have come in under my calorie intake goals for the past week and have drastically increased my exercise as well. but with all those changes - i have actually gained 4 pounds - don't know what that is all about. =)

    yes you are more than welcomed to join.. It doesnt bother us when you join in.. then you can continue with us for our next challenge.. the Valentines Challenge..
  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    I'm at 177.2 currently but that's with TOM so give me a few days :)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Well it's actually been a great week for me. I'm officially a gym member! Thanks to my aunt being a university employee I can get a decent rate for the UCD gym. So I'm ecstatic! I've gone almost everyday this week and I love it. Only a .2 loss this week though but it's still a loss so I'll take it.

    Stat's so far:

    10/30 - 219.8 (-0) Start Weight
    11/04 - 220.6 (+.8)
    11/11 - 220.6 (+.8)
    11/18 - N/A-Vacation
    11/25 - 216.4 (-3.4)
    12/02 - 213.2 (-6.6)
    12/09 - 213 (-6.8)
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    Wow! Week 7! I don't feel like I've come nearly as far as I've wanted to, but I've made progress! And I'm only 2.2 lbs away from 180... and 4.2lbs away from a total of 50lbs weight loss. The 50 pound weight loss comes from when I weighed 230 seven years ago... this time around I just started my ticker at 200. :-)

    This week: 182.2lbs. Loss: 1.4lbs. Total loss: 4.4lbs.

    For the challenges this week I've already met the meditation one as of this morning. Meditation is a consistent part of who I am, and it really helps to just re-focus and relieve stress.

    I'm trying to work up to doing the full 30 day shred, so I'm going to use full water bottles instead of weights with that. :-) Just a little quirky...

    My splurge = Starbucks Coconut Mocha Frappucino... and I already had this on Thursday evening to celebrate the ending of the semester. Yay!
  • violet_820
    violet_820 Posts: 77 Member
    PS: I LOVE, love, LOVE the idea of sexy 7 lbs to Valentine's Day!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    Yay Week 7! April, great job with the challenges this week. I doubt I'll be having a good weigh-in this week. First my birthday on Thursday, then a Christmas party last night, and then tonight we're going out again to see a friend's band/celebrating my b-day with friends. Yipes!

    I'll be in here to comment on everyone's progress tomorrow or Monday. :)
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ya'll should be so proud of me!! Nick 'had' to have pizza.. so I ordered a chicken delite from Papa Murphys, had two pieces instead of the original four I thought I would, and then decided to have a gala apple, hint of salt crackers 1 cup of cauliflower and a hint of ranch in place of those other two pieces of pizza.. Woot Woot GO ME!

    I hope you are all having a wonderful Saturday evening. I'm watching all 3 Santa Clause movies w/ Tim Allen :) Love them!! And hubby.. playing Left 4 Dead. LOL.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    Oh my goodness, week 7 already! ACK!

    I feel like I'm not going to lose the full 12 lbs. But, I think I am OK with it. I had a gain of 3lbs Monday of last week out of nowhere, and as of this morning I have successfully gotten rid of those 3lbs plus another one, so I am feeling successful all around.

    SW: 245
    CW: 238.6 (12/11)
    GW for the challenge: 233

    I think 5lbs COULD happen, but I'm not going to feel like a failure if it doesn't.

    As for the challenge...yeah I think today was my splurge day lol! I had pizza at a friend's house today while we helped them move - it was our thank you from them. Then tonight while we took the girls to look at Christmas lights, I had a grande peppermint mocha from Starbucks, and didn't do my normal nonfat, no whip. It was delish, too! :)
  • AprilVal
    AprilVal Posts: 940 Member
    As some of you may or may not know, that I almost lost my sister in June.. I am struggling with trying to find the perfect gift for her for christmas. I want it to be something special. Almost losing her about killed me.. I started my weight loss during the time that she was sick.. Im hoping to figure something out soon..
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    @Stacy... I'm beyond broke so I can't afford any membership, heck, I've never stepped foot in a gym before! I ran into one of my highschool exes tonight at a friends Christmas party and we got to talking about my progress and I asked about the gym he uses and he said he could try and get me a 'guest pass' or trial run for a day or two.. so its all free, I'm not gonna be able to pay for one anytime soon, but its something to help me out. I've been slacking a lot on exercise due to the cold weather,... I hope this helps me out for a short while. :)

    Awesome! Congratulations on the score, sweetie! Who says you can't get something great for free? :D Very cool!