"Beyond Diet"...have you tried it? Looking for opinions



  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Here here to all you said Casablanca. I too will freely share my experiences. And that intro video. Halfway through it I found myself thinking will you just get to the point please. There's a lot of that there unfortunately. And cutting out sugar had the biggest impact on my weight. Obviously I had been consuming a lot more than I realised.
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Car shine
    Here's a link I found by googling low glycemic diet

    In my very simplistic terms. Some carbs have a high glycemic index and others have a low glycemic index

    Eating High glycemic index carbs cause a large spike in your blood sugar to occur rapidly. This causes your body to respond by releasing insulin and the insulin stores the sugar away as fat and this causes your blood sugar levels to fall rapidly. The falling blood sugar results in you having no energy and feeling hungry again.

    Lo GI carbs release sugar to your blood more slowly and doesn't trigger your body to release insulin as much

    So you need to eat meals containing carbs that are low GI for energy, protein to stop you feeling hungry and good fats to aid metabolism

    Of course there is much more to it than this and I may not be completely right either. But that's a beginners gist of it
    Hope you don't mind my attempting to answer
  • Kristasuz88
    If you are starving on your current diet, I highly recommend Beyond Diet. I just started 3 weeks ago, have lost 10 pounds, and am eating more calories than I normally did. There is a HUGE difference in my calorie sources, though! It's basically eating real foods. If you're like me, though, you need someone who has spent time doing the research to provide meal plans. I just plain don't have time! And Beyond Diet has given me that! I highly recommend it!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    If you are starving on your current diet, I highly recommend Beyond Diet. I just started 3 weeks ago, have lost 10 pounds, and am eating more calories than I normally did. There is a HUGE difference in my calorie sources, though! It's basically eating real foods. If you're like me, though, you need someone who has spent time doing the research to provide meal plans. I just plain don't have time! And Beyond Diet has given me that! I highly recommend it!

    Losing too fast IMO.

    Just adopt a new lifestyle instead of something thats fleeting....like this diet.
  • demohna
    I just recently joined. I started with the Detox for 9 days and it wasn't as bad as i thought. There's so much information out there and i found that being a member of Beyond Diet ~ i can research further what they tell me and decide for myself whether to believe and follow the advise. I like that it opened my eyes to GMO and bad food we have around. i've lost weight but i dont feel hungry. If anything, it changed my palette and took away 85% of the foods i craved. after the detox program, i thought i still wanted the chips and cookies and all the other foods i endulged myself with during the holidays to find that i could actually taste the chemicals on those food. My body is totally preferring food ~ real food, not processed food. it worked for me and maybe something to think about ~ this is really more of a mindset and wanting to be healthy and not just to lose the weight for a little bit. Beyond Diet is just that ~ it's life changing and deciding to eat clean and they provide you support and information on how to do that:happy: :happy:
  • demohna
    I agree with all you have here Delerna. I'm basically "amen"-ing this.
  • gilliansletterbox
    I have had great success with a similar diet plan in the book called "The Plan" by Lyn-Genet Recitas. It has changed my life. Once you start eating whole foods, preferably organic, you do lose the cravings for foods you never thought you could give up. It is not even hard. I just look at pizza now and think, "if I eat that, I am going to feel like crap for 2 days". Once you eat clean foods you won't want to eat the crap you used to eat because it not only keeps you from loosing weight, you realize that it was what was causing brain fog and lethargic feelings. Anyone over the age of 35 really needs to think about what they are putting into their bodies because, in my opinion, our bodies just get tired of coping with all the chemicals and preservatives, etc that we consume over the years.
    I say go for it. And to all the negative naysayers out there, keep your ignorant opinions to yourself. Unless you have actually tried something, you really have no business knocking it.
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    Is loosing half a pound per day loosing too fast? I can't say whether it is or it isn't and you are entitled to your opinion but one thing I can definitely say is that this is no fleeting diet. This is the first weight loss program I have ever been on where I can confidently say I will easily stick to for the rest of my life. I originally found this thread searching for hints as to whether this program is a scam or not. I am answering now the op's question "have you tried it"

    We'll yes I have. For 2 months now and I have lost almost 12 kilo's
    So I can confidently say it is no scam it really does work
    I can also say that there are other programs available that certainly look similar but not being a member of those a cannot vouch for them.
    I have also said already that you can do this yourself if you have the time and inclination to sift through all the info out there,both the bad and the good. Your welcome to do that but as for me, I will be sticking with this.

    I won't post any more comments like this one unless someone asks me something directly but I will pop by from time to time and post my progress in the interest of helping others to see that there is an alternative to counting calories that really works.

    To everyone trying to loose weight by whatever method you choose I do wish you the best of success
  • amacrow
    amacrow Posts: 1
    "Just the fact that they claim that food choices are way more important than calories in or exercise calories out for weight loss says to me it's advertising, nothing more. There aren't things you have to rule out, there's no price you have to pay to know that eating less, and moving more is the way to lose weight!"

    NOT TRUE!! All foods are either catabolic or anabolic. Catabolic foods require more calories than that food consists of to digest...forcing your body to find calories elsewhere just to finish digestion. Many fruits, melons, veggies and berries are catabolic. What you eat matters MORE than your total calorie intake. Imagine living on 1500 calories of soda vs. 1500 calories of fruits/veggies and lean proteins. Same calorie count...who's going to lose weight?? Avoid alcohol, breads, pasta, most dairy, and drinks other than water (be careful...you can drink too much water and wash out all nutrients). You can eat AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! 2/3 catabolic and 1/3 anabolic (lean proteins). You'll never be hungry and lose weight every day without exercise. You'll loose weight just by digesting food!!
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    I found this website called "Beyond Diet" and was wondering if anyone has tried it out. It cost around $50 to join and they give you tips on proper diet and lots of recipes to try out. They advocate "clean eating" and explain how fat burning happens in your body and what foods you have to avoid that hinders fat loss. Just wondering if its worth it or not? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

    You can get all of that information by doing your own research
  • Tona917
    Tona917 Posts: 9 Member
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
    in to read later...:smile:
  • 19740704
    19740704 Posts: 1
    I would like to try the two first weeks to see if its changes i could live with before buying it is it really complicated does some one want to share...
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Holy necro, Batman! This thread is 2 years old!!!
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Holy necro, Batman! This thread is 2 years old!!!

    good lord...who dug this up? If anyone has looked at this and is considering spending money for diet and fitness advise on a website - you are already on a FREE site that gives you that and if you use GOOGLE you can find any type of recipe you want. Save your $ and use it for a gym membership or some organic veg :ohwell:
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Holy necro, Batman! This thread is 2 years old!!!

    good lord...who dug this up? If anyone has looked at this and is considering spending money for diet and fitness advise on a website - you are already on a FREE site that gives you that and if you use GOOGLE you can find any type of recipe you want. Save your $ and use it for a gym membership or some organic veg :ohwell:
  • Delerna
    Delerna Posts: 26 Member
    3 months now and lost almost 15 kilos. Believe whatever you want to believe
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    3 months now and lost almost 15 kilos. Believe whatever you want to believe

    How much lean muscle have you lost and how much stronger are you now?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Bump because this is too funny!!!
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    What a bizarre thread, so many first time posters. Nothing wrong with first time posters, but SO many of them!

    I'll just say what I always say when these zombie threads pop up for super amazing fad diets - check out the profile for everyone who said they're doing it and claims "it's working for ME!". You won't find a single person who has lost more than a couple of lbs.