Real Focus T25 Results? Anyone got a unbiased review?



  • manofice3484
    I haven't worked out in years so that is how out of shape I was.... I'm in half way in the second week of alpha but let me tell you, my body has changed... I could barely breath during and at the end of the work outs but now I'm nailing them. While I haven't really lost any weight, I think i've noticed some toning in my stomach. Me and my wife are doing this together, we both work full time jobs and have a baby so it's hard to find time but we can fit 25min in at night. I also bought a recovery power to drink afterwards and it has helped in feeling less sore, I got "Vega Accelerator", kinda pricey but I really like it. Wife and I are still very into this program and excited every night to do it.
  • jcygrl
    jcygrl Posts: 1
    I just finished week 3 of Alpha and its been tough, sore n sweaty but I'm pushing thru. I try to keep a clean diet and think of food as fuel for my body instead of thinking about tasting it. I know stupid right but its working so far. lol. I have only gotten on the scale the first week, saw no result and have not gotten on it since. I think I will weigh after each phase. Bought entire set on eBay for a great deal and almost half off.
    Will post again once I weighin at the end off week 5.
    Good luck to you all!!!. Dont give up...think of your beachbody cuz Summers coming!!!
  • p0kers0ph
    p0kers0ph Posts: 250 Member
    I finished week 1 of Alpha yesterday. This is my second time doing Alpha, I made it about half way through Beta too, but then I got sidetracked. I am going to do Alpha, Beta and Gamma this time around. I have a holiday booked in July, so I have just enough time to fit the whole programme in :)
    I have lost 1.5lbs and 2.75" in my first week :)
  • mymuse
    mymuse Posts: 3
    Hi, i'm just about to start the Beta phase, and noticed they are now incorporating hand weights/resistance bands... can anyone tell me what weight dumbells i should be using? Thanks
  • randomshenans
    randomshenans Posts: 3 Member
    I am starting this today. Ive done a couple before but life got in the way (poor excuse). I'm 28 and put on weight over winter and currently 91.6kg.
    I have 13 weeks to get to 80kg, my goal. I was down at 82kg before, but drifted and let it go. Nothing fits now and sun is out. Time to start monitoring my intake and hitting t25.

    Feel free to follow my progress.
  • randomshenans
    randomshenans Posts: 3 Member
    Quick Question.... how do people log their exercises on here for T25? What do you log it under?

  • MsBrwnSugga
    MsBrwnSugga Posts: 164 Member
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    Quick Question.... how do people log their exercises on here for T25? What do you log it under?


    I just log it under general aerobics for 25 minutes. Not sure if the cals burned equal out right. I personally don't like that it adds cals burned back into my cals for the day though.
  • MsBrwnSugga
    MsBrwnSugga Posts: 164 Member
    My husband and I have been doing T25 (second time through the Alpha phase so on our 10th week) I have lost almost 26 lbs and he has lost almost 30 lbs. We are moving to Beta next week which I am kinda excited for.
    We eat healthy and do a decent amount of walking in combination with the program but it really works and with it only being 25 minutes its so easy to fit into our daily life. Plus even with my joint issues and the modifications I do I still am feeling the burn at the end. I even got a couple of my co-workers to give it a try :smile: plus they see my results so they are all over trying it out.

    Awesome results! So you and your husband did 2 rounds of Alpha? So have you all done Beta? I read somewhere on a website that if you got quite a bit of weight to lose like I do they recommend doing maybe 2-3 rounds of Alpha first before doing Beta .... just wondering.
  • randomshenans
    randomshenans Posts: 3 Member
    Quick Question.... how do people log their exercises on here for T25? What do you log it under?


    I just log it under general aerobics for 25 minutes. Not sure if the cals burned equal out right. I personally don't like that it adds cals burned back into my cals for the day though.

    Yea, I tend to not use those if I can help it. Depends what I'm eating and how much activity I have done you know?
  • pittjenn
    pittjenn Posts: 247 Member
    I'm just starting my second round of T25. I did it last fall and lost 13 lbs total (and 15", if I recall correctly). I gained back at least 10 of those lbs over the christmas holidays :(

    So anyway, round 2, week 2 for me! Hoping for results like I got last year!
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    My husband and I have been doing T25 (second time through the Alpha phase so on our 10th week) I have lost almost 26 lbs and he has lost almost 30 lbs. We are moving to Beta next week which I am kinda excited for.
    We eat healthy and do a decent amount of walking in combination with the program but it really works and with it only being 25 minutes its so easy to fit into our daily life. Plus even with my joint issues and the modifications I do I still am feeling the burn at the end. I even got a couple of my co-workers to give it a try :smile: plus they see my results so they are all over trying it out.

    Awesome results! So you and your husband did 2 rounds of Alpha? So have you all done Beta? I read somewhere on a website that if you got quite a bit of weight to lose like I do they recommend doing maybe 2-3 rounds of Alpha first before doing Beta .... just wondering.

    Thanks!!! :D

    We did two rounds of Alpha and start Beta today. We found that we were so out of shape and have enough to lose that we didnt feel quite ready to move on. I did read that you can do Alpha a couple times through to get your weight down more before moving onto the next level.
    I would totally recommend judging how you feel after one round of Alpha and see where you feel like going. I know we definitely knew that we werent ready and finally are both feeling like it would be a good move to go through it one more time. I am hoping Beta isnt too hard on us tonight :indifferent:
  • tar5011
    tar5011 Posts: 1
    I am on Week 3 of T25 right now. Since I started on Jan 27th, I’m down from 276 to 253 when I weighed in on Saturday and down from 280 from 1/1/14. I don’t have my latest measurements with me now but I know that I am down over 6 inches in my waist and 2 inches in both my hips and chest! I am in a BB support group for this program but I am not a coach. I've also been doing the Shakeology and following a reduced calorie, low fat diet as well. I followed the nutritional guide that came with the program to get started and modified from there. If you can do a BB support group, I found that it was helpful to keep me motivated early on but it alone wont make or break the results!

    I still have a few weeks to go and I still struggle to keep up with Shaun T and the rest of the crew time to time but Tanya is there modifying on 80% of the workout overall. I just look to see if she is on the screen when I am out of gas or just can’t keep up (spider pushups and oblique knee pushups!). Alpha was a great program for someone like me who needed a kick in the butt but I won’t lie I love Beta so much more. The Alpha workouts were intense but the Beta will really get the sweat pouring off of you! I would recommend you at least give Beta a shot for a night or two to see if you can do it before restarting Alpha. I was apprehensive but the extra tempo and the new moves and workouts quickly took all my focus and before I knew it I was done! It really is cliché and tag line-ish but for me when I get home and don’t want to go, I just tell myself its 25 minutes! I have gotten Gamma from a friend so when I get done I am going to give that a try. If it’s too intense ill do Beta again or switch to a different routine as I still want to get back to the 210-220 range.

    Also, I wanted to say I have a couple bum knees from having JRA since birth. Whenever I do extremely difficult exercise I can get some discomfort. I did struggle with this the first probably two weeks of Alpha. It’s a bunch of squats, lunges, plyo etc. I found that taking a glucosamine chondroitin supplement (think Osteo Bi-Flex...btw I’m 27 years old so no shame or excuses! Get the general brand from your local market or superstore, much cheaper) and icing after helped me out. Honestly after I got some weight off my frame (7# in the first week alone) I haven’t had the discomfort. Just know what you and your body can handle and RICE if you need to.

    Overall I really enjoy the program and have only found 1 workout I dont enjoy (Core Cardio - Beta). I just dont get the same vibe from it that I do with the other exercises so I may throw in the Alpha Cardio on those days or the Core Speed workout. I also bought dumb bells for the beta as I nearly bit it using the resistance band haha. Good luck everyone!
  • Soundwave79
    Soundwave79 Posts: 469 Member
    I am hoping Beta isnt too hard on us tonight :indifferent:

    How was it?
  • wcstone
    wcstone Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all.
    I finshed Alpha/Beta last week (Started Gamma yesterday - wow, tough)

    I started at around 254lbs. (I think I had boots and heavier clothes on at the weigh in) After the 10 weeks, I am now at 227lbs. You have to remember its not just the working out but you have to be strict in your diet (But include a cheat day, or 2) In my opinion, diet is 70% of my results, T25, 30%. Just eat clean and smart.(No fried foods, no white bread, ice cream, salty, do not drink your calories; unless its a meal replacement shake) Don't vilify a single ingredient (i.e. no Carbs, gluten free, etc...) it will drive you nuts and its just not healthy. Just eat clean and in smaller portions, use My FitnessPal (or track your calories somewhere) and keep a calorie deficit and 2 lbs a week is easy to lose. (The first week you will lose more weight as you are shocking your system and you will lose a lot of retained water weight) You also have to be strict and not skip ANY workouts. (I broke the 2 workouts on Friday to Friday/Saturday) This is not a plug but I used Shakeology to replace one meal a day (usually lunch) it really works and it is cheaper than buying lunch every day not matter what anybody tells you. Also, I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old so no excuses - dont blame your kids for your poor eating!

    Like many of the other posts, T25 is challenging. You wouldn't be doing this and getting these results if it wasn't a challenge. You will not keep up with them in the videos. Don't let that discourage you. Just keep moving (jog in place, do jumping jacks, etc..) and you will get closer to their pace. It took me almost 4 weeks to kind of be on pace but then it started over with Beta and now Gamma. Either way, I am burning 450-550 calories per workout (I use the Polar chest strap/watch) which is what you want to see. All of us are not gifted with unlimited amounts of coordination and fitness so just do your best to follow along. Think of it as trying to learn how to golf, dance, or play tennis. The people teaching you are experts and you are not at that level (and never will be). Just do your best and it gets easier. You will lose weight - I promise.

    As for logging excerises in MyFitnessPal, I created new exercises for each of the DVD's - pretty simple to do and I have an accurate count of the calories burned.
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    I'm a fan. My husband & I did the 10 Minute Trainer program a couple of years ago after our daughter was born. We saw the infomercial for T25 and started using it once I was cleared for exercise by my OB-GYN after having our twins this summer. I really like the program!

    We just restarted Alpha since we dropped the ball once we started Beta. T25 fits our lifestyle (3 kids - 4 yrs & 2 9 month olds) in the fact that we don't have to go a gym and we do it together so there is an accountability factor in play as well. We get home, change and do the damn thing! Then go up to make & eat a relatively healthy dinner.

    We are going to do Alpha, Beta, Gamma and then the remix of the 3. We were about halfway thru Beta but were skipping around too much and not 'bringing it' as hard as we wanted to. Restarted Alpha yesterday and are scheduled into June with Gamma. Totally worth it!!!
  • Smoked33
    Smoked33 Posts: 186 Member
    I've done P90X (lost 21 lbs) and am in block 3 of P90X 3 (almost no change in body compostion but improved conditioning) and have been mixing in Alpha and Beta cardio occasionally with my X3 workouts and I enjoy them. I think I will be starting T25 when I'm done X3 because i have some more fat lost goals to tackle before summer as well as conditioning training needed for cycling. I'm really hoping the program will help me burn some more fat that I did so easily with the original X. I've watched almost all the videos while cycling in my basement to get a sense for the moves and am pumped to start the program!
  • beachylove
    beachylove Posts: 137 Member
    I am hoping Beta isnt too hard on us tonight :indifferent:

    How was it?

    It was husband is gunna stick with beta but I am debating on cutting more weight before attempting to do a full 5 weeks of it.
  • wiegle
    wiegle Posts: 1
    Just finished 10 weeks of alpha and beta and started gamma today. Speed 3.0 was tough, but not impossible. I am a 54 year-old woman, who was exercising previous to T25, but not at this level. I have not lost any weight, but did not really need to. The program has increased my strength and improved my cardio fitness level substantially. I have really enjoyed T25 and definitely feel and see the benefits.
  • MissHellsing
    MissHellsing Posts: 133 Member
    I'm going to start on it Monday. It looks really good and I want an alternative since my gym shut down and the closet alternative is like an hour away.