Ugh....just can't keep logging



  • Sovi_
    Sovi_ Posts: 575 Member
    How much did you lose before you logged?
  • AbsolutelyAnnie
    AbsolutelyAnnie Posts: 2,695 Member
    Yes I log. Yes I think it is critical for me.

    If you see consistent results you are happy with, then don't bother. But I find that there is a TON of truth that goes on and truth is wildly important in this journey.
  • neveragain84
    neveragain84 Posts: 534 Member
    Yes I log. Yes I think it is critical for me.

    If you see consistent results you are happy with, then don't bother. But I find that there is a TON of truth that goes on and truth is wildly important in this journey.

    This. I was amazed with the amount of calories many foods had. Logging really keeps me on track. You'll just have to make a decision on what works best for you and decide if a possible backside with your weight could occur if you did give up logging.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    It's a good thing this thread isn't about showers.... because ewww.

    Seriously. Logging food for me, because I've been doing it for so long is pretty similar to me taking a shower on a daily basis. It becomes habit.

    Well... there are days where I don't log every once in a while... and there are also days where I sometimes don't shower. But I'd get stinky if I let it go for too long. Just as I currently am still learning appropriate portion sizes, so I really need to keep logging--- as a prolonged period without logging will probably lead to me overeating.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I see logging as a game, and I actually enjoy adjusting amounts of things to meet my calorie goal. I also find it empowering because I am taking complete control of my food intake and still enjoying the little treats that I want in small amounts. Perception is key.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    It is possible to copy your diary, for the next day, if you eat more or less the same. I found it to be very useful, as I eat the same breakfast every day.
  • hlcook
    hlcook Posts: 92 Member
    I was pretty sure I was motivated to lose weight until the whole "log everything you eat" came into play...anyone else just finding it an absolute beating to log every day? Is it psychological? I go great for a few days, a week, then....YAWN! Just can't bring myself to do it! I don't mind logging my exercise, but logging food is just.....:yawn:

    No, I see my food as fuel, as far as I'm concerned they are calories of awesomeness and are just as important as calories of exercise spent!
  • CaptJackDaniels
    CaptJackDaniels Posts: 44 Member
    One of my favorite lines that I use to get through this journey comes from the computer game Diablo III.

    Leah is trying to learn a spell her mother is teaching her. She fails and says, "UGH, This is hard!" Adria, the mother, replies "Everything worth doing is."

    That line has stuck with me through everything. Logging food, exercise..etc. If it's worth doing then it's not going to be pleasant. (most of the time)

    Yes, I'm a geek and I own it! :)

    You can do it. Keep going! *hugs*

    ^ This is the coolest thing that I have ever seen. :D
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    I am a haphazard logger, this does not mean I am not motivated or committed. I use the calorie counter as a guide and its working for me. I am eating less, losing weight and making the effort of being more active. I have a friend who when she wants to lose weight she just averages out her calories mentally for the day and that works for her.

    Since I am starting when I do log certain items it does give me an idea of how many calories an item has, so in the future I make better choices, like using less cheese, making my potions smaller, finding out wraps are more calorie then my bread and avoiding that 250 plus calorie cookie

    Breakfast and snacks are pretty easy, but the trouble happens when I make dinner or go out to eat.
    I have tried the recipe builder but when I use it to make a meal and the item is incorrect in the database, you go to fix it and you are no longer at your recipe builder and have to start from scratch. Then the next time I make that meal, I am not always using the same ingredients or amounts. so a brand new meal to create in recipe builder. Plus on top of that I kept having issues with the page not loading properly. I find the phone app a pain in the *kitten* and avoid using it. Also I do not have cell reception during the day which means I cannot use the app, and since I am at work, I cannot access the website. The phone scanner does not work for me very well since my meat, veggies and grains do not have barcodes.

    I try to keep a notepad in the kitchen by my scale and try to take note of my ingredients but sometimes I forget and throw it in the pot before weighing or I have a few days on paper and forget to put in here. I keep track of what I eat, I just don't log it all.

    So to the OP, it is boring and tedious and sometimes I don't do it all and sometimes I do.

    Edited to add: I am being accountable for what I eat, even if I do not log it. When I drink that lager, or have that burger, or go to a friends and have chicken and veggies. I am making the conscious choice to eat every morsel that goes into my mouth.
  • ginsmar
    ginsmar Posts: 12 Member
    helps you plan your day,many times \i do it ahead of the time and make adjustments if there are any. Also,I have created shortcuts, ie: my standard breakfast, which I can pick up in MY Meals or just copy forwward from another day
    the 5-6 minutes a day that it takes has been a life changer for me.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member

    :laugh: I'm just messing with you. But seriously, just do it. Don't fall into this mentality.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I haven't found it a problem at all, but you are not alone...almost every person I know "irl" who has asked me about my loss claims to be really interested in trying MFP and almost all of them later tell me, "That's insane, I don't know how you do that for weeks at a time, it's hard...etc"

    I'm honestly confused by that because it seems so easy and became a habit for me in about a week.

    (I've logged every bite of food, every day for 51 weeks so far)
  • aprilw2222
    aprilw2222 Posts: 23 Member
    I too struggled with this when I started using it back in 2012 in fact I completely quit doing it cause I hated thinking about it and would stress about it. So here I am again trying to do it again only this time I am doing it with two of my friends and we are working out together and keeping one another in check. So don't give up and just keep doing it.
  • futurejedi
    futurejedi Posts: 111
    I also log when I eat some yummy bacon
  • Hey its just part of the process, think of it as journaling. Sometimes it can be a hassle but just do it Nike! After while it will become a habit. It keeps you grounded.
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    Pre-log your week as much as you can. It makes it a mindless task one day a week as opposed to everyday. Not only that, it makes it easier to grocery shop. It also allows me to look forward to what I am eating throughout the week.
  • Depends on you as a person. Personally I do much better if I log my food and my workouts but if you are someone that can still hold yourself accountable without logging then by all means do what works best for you!

    There are times when I pre-log my meals and I find that I stick to my plan better during those times because I won't eat what I have not logged. There are other times when I am able to log as I cook or log as I prepare.

    It does become habit and the longer you do it the more comfortable you may become with not logging but still knowing (truthfully) what you did eat.

    Just remember it is all about what works for you because when logging your food becomes a chore or bores you then you will be more likely to give up on the journey all together.
  • ishari89
    ishari89 Posts: 86 Member
    I like to log because I find that I utterly underestimate the amount of calories that I eat. When I started logging I noticed that I was eating around 2500 or more calories per day and I had been doing that for ages which is why I was incredibly overweight. I've noticed good results (.7kg drop per week) so the small amount of time that it takes to log everything is well worth the weight loss.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    I log because i'm in front of the pc anyhow and it helps plan meals out anyhow instead of guessing every morning. Besides 10 minutes of logging is worth it to see my feet for the first time in 30 years.
  • Maleficent0241
    Maleficent0241 Posts: 386 Member
    I only find it to be a pain when the site is being buggy and it takes forever to log. I have skipped a day here or there because I simply couldn't get anything to load properly. Otherwise, I find it pretty easy. I am also one who eats a lot of the same stuff over and over again, so I can just check off things in the recent/frequent lists after changing the amounts. I haven't used the phone app in ages due to the oldness and crappiness of my phone but look forward to using it again if I ever get a new one. Anyway, it just becomes habit and it's not even something I really think about anymore - it's just an automatic end of the day activity for me, like brushing teeth.