What do you like about your body?



  • WendyTricia
    WendyTricia Posts: 81 Member
    I love my eyes, my hair, my nose, and my legs - not how they look because I have a long way to go, but their strength. They are nice and strong, and getting stronger on this wonderful journey!!
  • spinndrift
    Legs for me - especially with all the cycling I've been doing I have fantastic definition but just need to get the rest of me to match now lol.
  • arorra1
    The fact that it's proportionate! If I gain weight, it is evenly distributed throughout and when I lose weight, it leaves all areas proportionately (can't say I like that it leaves the boobs or butt, but oh well.). I like that I have a pretty small waist, especially since it helps me get the maximum points in the abdominal area for my Air Force Physical Fitness test! I also like the fact that I have pretty nice muscle tone in my arms, abs, and legs. So glad I inherited my physique from my dad's side of the family and not my mom's since I would have otherwise been extremely top heavy with chicken legs! LOL!
  • beccers
    I love the lower half of my legs, my strangely unique and gorgeous hair color (it changes from dark brown to burgundy-ish red depending on the light) and also my collarbones!! I've always loved my beastin' calf muscles and I wear heels often just to show them off :):)
  • skyley
    skyley Posts: 60 Member
    My shoulders although my husband would say legs lol
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    I think everybody here should love every single part of their body. You've worked hard for that toned body and those sexy legs that you have know. And it doesn't matter if your still a little chubby because I bet you look better than before.
  • kateopotato
    kateopotato Posts: 215 Member
    my eyes, lips/smile, boobs (although I am ok if they get a little smaller... like maybe down to a D would be nice, but I wouldn't know what to do if they went away to a B or anything... I've always been well endowed), I like the shape of my butt.... the fact that my frame "hides" my weight is a plus and a minus I suppose. On the upside I dont LOOK as heavy as I am... on the down side I have always hated the scale. I do like that I am proportionate and dont have the belly sticking out over the belt line look anymore