

  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I was given a piece of advice a long time ago on making changes. If you really don't think you can change what ever it is that you really need to, change something else. Successfully making one change will help you successfully make another. If you think about it that is kind of how we have all ended up here and being successful. We changed one thing: we joined MFP. That one change brought on another. I have slowly changed how I eat and each time I am successful, I know I can do something else.

    Have a great day everyone and lots of hugs to those who need them.

  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Happy Saturday to you all! smiley-hug008.gif

    (I'm trying out a couple of smileys--hope they work! I'm not sure which code to use--different ones seem to work in different forums which does NOT make sense to me!)

    It is a busy time for me but I want to check in every now and then!

    Welcome to the new people I see here! smiley-love005.gif You'll love this thread and the ladies on it!

    I am keeping up with all your concerns and triumphs and want you all to know that I think of you often.

    Have a wonderful weekend! gchristmas145.gif
  • vickim26
    vickim26 Posts: 685 Member
    Good afternoon ladies,

    I have been away for a while. Been so busy. Not really sure at what but busy. I have been doing okay. Not really any exercise but trying to make good food choices. My clothes still fit but I dont weigh unless I am being really good. Gets me too off track. Tried to read some of posts but mostly skimmed. I have my house decorated, all of my gifts bought and have 5 batches of cookies mixed. Everyone waits for my gingerbread for Christmas and it is okay because I do not like them. No temptation there. We are going to live Nativity at church tonight. Baby Byron is baby Jesus and Heather is Mary since she has to hold him. weather here is warmer today but we are supposed to get bad weather and really cold rest of week. Half of grandkids and beth finish school this friday and other half finish next wed. We live in Terrebonne Parish but we are only 5 miles from Lafourche Parish line so they go to different schools and parishes dont always follow same holiday schedule. Heather was off this past week so it was spent mostly on the go doing errands. Next week should be a little quieter. I am not even going to try to log again until after holiday. I know I should but will be easier after holidays. I hope you all have a great Christmas.
    Vicki M
    Laura I would love the recipe for those peanut butter balls if you can post it.
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Michele – It has to be so frustrating to watch what is going on with your daughter and not be able to do anything about it. I guess all you can do you are already doing - praying and letting her know you are there for her when she wants your help.

    Thanks to those that gave me a “keep your chin up.” I am working on my patience... I need to remember what Mom said a lot - “Getting old is not for sissies”. I don't know who first said it but it sure is true. I am getting a handle on my finger joint pain – moist heat and upped my liquid glucosamine. That has helped a lot. I'm sure when it warms up they will be better still. I had run out of the liquid stuff and was taking dh's pill form. I thought it was working ok but it caught up with me. Lesson learned - keep plenty on hand!

    Mimi – Another MFP friend getting a colonoscopy, I guess I better make an appointment too. No sense getting the outside looking better and having the insides fall apart now is there?

    Joy – Yes that is a ferret. She has her back legs tucked under her in that picture and it makes her look kind of hippy but she was quite sleek. She passed away from insulinoma. I have had several ferrets and they all have gotten either insulinoma or cancer. My first one that I got over 30 years ago was the healthiest but she got cancer eventually. If I ever get another one, I will get one from European stock. From what I read they are healthier. I would like to get a skunk but dh doesn't like them.:ohwell: I have a friend that had one and they are just adorable.

    Viv – So sorry to hear about your uncle's passing. I sympathize about clearing the house. That is a major task especially this time of year.

    The tree is finally decorated and I have make my tiny little tree for the table and decorated it too. Wreath is made and hung. Now I need to get some baking done. I always make peanut butter cookies for a former employee and friend. She is crazy for peanut butter cookies but says she can't make them like mine! (Flattery will get her cookies.) I'm not sure what kind to make for Christmas. I think I will ask our son and grandson what they want this year. Fortunately cookies aren't a major problem for me. I like them but don't crave them. Now when I get to baking the breads, that's when I have problems! :noway:

    With this cold (for here) weather I have been craving comfort food and have been eating soup frequently. Tonight I was getting ready to cook steaks and I got to thinking about my moms homemade noodles and beef. As DH doesn't like homemade noodles at all, he had steak, green beans and mashed potatoes and I made some noodles, browned the steak bones and some of the meat and made a broth for the noodles. It wasn't quite like Moms, as I defatted the broth, but it sure hit the spot AND I stayed under my calories. I was over on the salt a bit but it was worth it.

    I need to go clean up my mess on the porch from all projects. I have pine branches and needles all over the floor.

    Goodnight all! :drinker: I need to get in my last bit of water and make sure I get up in the night....:ohwell:

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi ladies

    :heart: Thanks for your messages of sympathy. We’ve sorted the flat out as much as we can, now we need to hand the keys back to the council. The funeral is on 20th December, so I’m hoping some of the snow has cleared by then. It’s really icy in our area and I have fallen 3 times already, luckily I’ve fallen on my well padded rear and not hurt myself - it’s just a shock to the system.

    Laura I’m not sure what I was thinking of, but when I read your signature I thought it said “ DREAMS BECOME REALITY ONE CHOC AT A TIME and I’m choosing to live healthy” :blushing: I am so impressed by your weight loss (and you look fantastic too) I will have been on MFP a year in March and so far I seem to be stuck at a 9/10 lbs loss I wanted to be down to 10stone by the end of 2010. There’s still a few weeks so who knows, I’ll try and be good and not go mad this Christmas I’ve been on a works night out already with some of the girls from work, and I have another one with my mum and a few relatives next Friday night.

    Sister Veggie Queen Mimi I’ll try to eat lots of veggies instead of all the roast potatoes etc. Everything in moderation apart from the veggies will be my motto this Christmas. Any ideas on healthy snacks that I can buy to keep me away from the tempting chocs?

    I’d better make a move, my poor house has been neglected this last week (can’t believe it’s been a week tomorrow) and I was planning on a good tidy up today, but my DS has asked if I want to go and see my grandson get a belt for kick boxing - I can’t remember what colour it is but they have a little award ceremony I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before it doesn’t seem more than a few months ago that we were there. Of course spending time with grandkids is much better than cleaning the house, so the tidying will have to wait. I can get at least an hour in before they arrive.

    Much love to everyone and my sympathies to all who are having family/financial problems.

    :heart: :heart:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Amanda just wanted to add your grandtwins look adorable in your main pic. I bet you can't wait to spoil them and share their first Christmas!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Just popping in to wish all of you who are getting snow and cold the best with the weather. I don't watch the news much and just caught on about how many of the northern 48 are getting cold and snow.

    Take care, keep warm and be safe,

  • smelliott
    Hi everyone,

    Just got home from France. It's good to be back to our broadband internet access - it means I will be able to catch up on the posts :smile: . I'll be back when I have.

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • debieanne
    :yawn: good evening everyone getting ready to settledown for the evening wow whar crazy weather some of us are having everyone if you have to go out becareful hope everyone had a nice weekend debi
  • psdh
    psdh Posts: 5
    I am new to MFP and am very excited to find this thread! I am hypothyroid and have been trying to lose the forty pounds that came on with that. All my life I struggled with my weight.. but the difference now is, when I do what I used to do to lose, nothing budges! This site is just what I need to not give up! I want first and foremost to be healthy! If I keep doing healthy things, I should at least be moving in the right direction! I live overseas, so the biggest challenge I have is finding the foods on the food lists. ha ha frog curry is not listed!!! Go figure!!! May we all move on toward our goals this month!!!
  • joylaut
    Aah, the hustle and busy-ness of the holidays. Had my husband's work party on Friday night. Did not eat all day except for a protein drink, thinking I would use all my calories for the dinner. Surprisingly, I loaded up on the poached salmon and steamed veggies which hardly cost me anything in calories. The desserts were bite-sized and I couldn't even eat all 4 that were on my plate. Somehow I managed to make up for it at my friend's house on Sat. Homemade veggie chili w/ cheese and cornbread and wine followed by my homemade banana pudding. (You know the kind w/ vanilla wafers). I didn't exercise that day so was way over my allotment. But even prior to that my scale had not budged in two weeks that I began mfp. It's easy to get discouraged. I read your posts everyday and look at the tickers of those who have been with mfp for a while so I can maintain my motivation and not just give up. I know it's only been two weeks but I was hoping for something to shift, even a little. Laurie, I am drinking water and watching my sodium per your suggestion.

    Cleaned out the fridge today, got rid of all old leftovers and things that turned into science projects, getting ready for holiday food prep. Guess I'll go out for a walk. It's dark but I can go down to the main street in town that is well lit, with a lot of people strolling. It's not as far or strenuous as my usual route but better than nothing.

    Ladies, don't get too caught up in what we are "supposed" to do or what others expect of us around these holidays. Set your priorities and take time for yourself. It's okay to NOT do every single thing you (or others) think you should.

  • mimi7grands
    Ahh, it's so good to sit down, rest my tootsies (tired from shopping all day), and catch up with all of you. I read so much good advice from so many of you. When you tell about the hard things or the wonderful things going on in your lives, I feel it in my heart. Funny how an online network can turn into a cozy circle of friends!

    Amanda, you are beaming in your new pic! Being a grandma is the best!

    Viv, I'm thinking of you as you sort your uncle's things out. You are doing well. I hope you realize that and give yourself a pat on the back.

    Jeannie, thanks for the good advice. I hadn't thought about it before but you are right. Making one change can be the catalyst for making more, good, changes.

    Everyone else, I'm thinking of you too. In the interest of getting to bed at a half way reasonable hour, I'll post more later.

    I've had a great eating day today. Good thing, too. Except for the colonoscopy-prep days (those were very low calorie!), I've been struggling a bit. There's nothing so tempting as temptation!!

    I had lunch with a friend today. She suggested Chinese food. I countered with Thai and told her I wanted to watch my calories. The Po Tak soup would work very well. I'm so proud of myself! Lesson #9999, stay out of the way of temptation! We ended up sharing the soup and getting a chicken/eggplant/veggie stir fry (with a little fennel and not much oil). it was served over brown rice. Yum! I did splurge on a glass of Thai iced tea which I've just remembered I need to log!

    As much as I want to be able to be around any type of food and stay with my plan, I'm realizing that doesn't work for me. I do MUCH better when I've got a little more structure.

    BTW, feeling good about what I ate today helped when it came to choosing tonight's dinner (which was delish, albeit peculiar!): shrimp cocktail followed by roasted mini bell peppers, portabella mushrooms, baby eggplant, and yam!

    When I was putting my groceries away before dinner tonight, I thought I might have 1 or 2 of the dates I'd bought earlier at the Middle Eastern market I like to go to...until I read the label and realized they would use up half the calories I had left for the day. Hmm. Generous serving of roasted mini bell peppers, portabella mushrooms, baby eggplant, and yam vs. 1-2 dates. Which shall I choose? :wink: It's amazing, the power we have when we make conscious choices!

    Okay, enough raving about what I ate. It does feel good though.

    We ARE doing this, ladies! Pretty cool, huh?!

  • Jalfie
    Jalfie Posts: 35 Member
    Oh I am so glad to find this link..and thank you for the tip about how to find this post again.I'm a new girl and I was bewildered as to how to keep track of all these wonderful conversations and helpful tips/responses.
    my goal this month
    Get out of the front door every morning and put one foot in front of the other for 15mins and be grateful every step that I can do it...
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :flowerforyou: Mimi, you are so right about making good choices. I often choose a big plate of healthy food over a small sweet treat just like you did. Yesterday was my Isagenix cleanse day. There are a couple of special treats that go with the cleanse day that I don't have any other day so it makes up for the very low calorie count and no traditional food. this morning I woke up extra early and had my breakfast before 7 AM.

    :cry: Viv, sorry to hear about your uncle.......the challenge of going through his things is tough.....I did it with my mom's stuff and remember the challenge...she had her tax returns and expense lists back to 1935 when she went to work for the first time and all the letters she got from my father in the 1940's

    :flowerforyou: Laura, how great that you can make your Christmas candy and keep it out of your mouth....keep posting so we can all get tips on maintenance...isn't it amazing to look back a year and see how much you've changed :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Lynn, thanks for the kind words about my weight loss

    :flowerforyou: Cindy, it's good to hear from you again

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, a houseful of guests is a huge food challenge.....take it one minute at a time and you'll do great

    :flowerforyou: Jeannie, thanks for sharing your new insight about throwing food away......that would be hard for me

    :flowerforyou: Karlene, I found that focusing on the numbers on the scale didn't do as much for me as focusing on the behaviors I could control like what I ate and how much I exercised.....good luck to you

    :flowerforyou: Amanda, you look fabulous in your new picture...congrats on losing another pound

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, I've been missing you so I'm so glad you posted......i love the big family picture

    :flowerforyou: psdh, welcome to the group.....take it one day at a time and try to learn some new things as you go along...post often and let us get to know you better

    :flowerforyou: joy, thanks for your great suggestions about to get through all the demands of the holidays

    :flowerforyou: Jalfie, welcome.....you are so right about putting one foot in front of the other.....take it one day at a time and stay focused....we look forward to getting to know you

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: my turkey is defrosting in the refrigerator and I'm making lists to be sure that I time everything correctly tomorrow with three appointments in the middle of the day to complicate the process.
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • debieanne
    :drinker: good midmorning, i am having a slow morning today been working on leg warmers today finish one leg and tonight will start thee other i'm learning to use my crafts a little more when the feeling to eat something comes on. i'm not hugry just used to eating. watching the weather channel off and on anyone having some bad weather be careful when out.we are having lots of rain.one of myfavorite comfort food is mac and cheese would anyone have some ways to cook it with healther cheeses thank you ok i promise myself 5 mins i'm trying to stop and sitting so much everyone hope your day is filled with many blessing debi (momof10)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,000 Member
    :bigsmile: the new picture on my profile is my beautiful step daughter, her wonderful husband , and their two darling sons ages 2 and 4 months......they live about 700 miles south of us :bigsmile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I am new to MFP and am very excited to find this thread! I am hypothyroid and have been trying to lose the forty pounds that came on with that. All my life I struggled with my weight.. but the difference now is, when I do what I used to do to lose, nothing budges! This site is just what I need to not give up! I want first and foremost to be healthy! If I keep doing healthy things, I should at least be moving in the right direction! I live overseas, so the biggest challenge I have is finding the foods on the food lists. ha ha frog curry is not listed!!! Go figure!!! May we all move on toward our goals this month!!!

    Hi and welcome,

    MFP has a recipe calculator you can use to put in food that is not listed. There is another site called SparksPeople which also has a recipe Calculator that I like a little better. It will take you longer to post, but once you get them in things will get easier.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just jumping in for a quick hello.:happy: I've been under the weather a little... with Vertigo. It feels like my head is empty and I keep losing my balance:noway: . So I haven't exercised for a couple days.:ohwell: A little concerned about the weight as I ate out 3 times this weekend.:tongue: Tried to be careful...... but without those exercise calories I've been way over a couple of days.:frown: So, I will weigh myself tomorrow so I can see what's going on.:flowerforyou: You really get used to those extra calories when you exercise everyday!!
    However, I must say that even my "not so good" days are so much better than before MFP. It's just amazing! I had a small plate (lunch size) of pasta with sauce last night and couldn't even finish it! WOW! Before I could put down 1-2 DINNER plates with no problem!:noway:
    So hope everyone's having a good week....so far! Haven't had time to read the posts. It makes me dizzy to type!!!!:laugh:
    Sending hugs to all!!!
    Barbie I love your new pic! What a lovely family!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    A quickie from me as I've got to do a stack of laundry before I hit the sack and it's already nearly 10 pm here.

    I'm now just 3 pounds away from my goal - what I wouldn't give to reach it before Christmas day, but I mustn't stress if I don't! (Easier said than done!!)

    I hope everyone is doing well and drinking their water and eating their veggies!

    My new profile pic is my DH holding Molly and myself holding Teddy. The babies are delicious, but it's not a particularly flattering photo of DH and I as we'd been out hiking and just popped in for a grandtwin visit on the way home. DH pretends to be a little aloof - but he is totally besotted by the bairns and needs hugs from them almost as much as I do!

    Anyhow - the laundry won't do itself (why not????) so I'd better move my behind and get it done.

    Love to you all.

    Amanda x
  • chrissygilman23
    Hi My name is chris Gilman and I'm getting back on track. Need all the support I can get. doing this by yourself isnt easy. I tell myself .This time I'am going to do it. Wish me luck