Women 55yrs. & older with 75lbs. or more to lose!



  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    frozen grapes are yummy snacks, too!!!
  • jackies_42
    jackies_42 Posts: 22 Member
    You have the same struggle as me, eating at night! Last night (Saturday) I thought of going to bed at 8:30 to avoid the munchies. I did go to bed at 10 but was so hungry I couldn't get to sleep. I had lots of calories left over so had a 1/2 cup of cereal with almond milk. I waited 1/2 hour to see if hunger would go away, and it did, led to a nice sleep and still not over my calorie count. I have to decide what is hunger and what is emotional eating - if the calories are there, then go ahead and use some of them if I need them.
  • jackies_42
    jackies_42 Posts: 22 Member
    I agree! I bought some frozen fruit and tasted the grapes thinking they would be soggy, but frozen - it is like a piece of candy! Great snack without killing the calorie count.
  • annglenn
    annglenn Posts: 162 Member
    Good afternoon everyone it is so good to have you guys here. I know we can all be good support for each other. This week has not been a good week for me. I have been sick as can be. In fact today is the first time I have been downstairs. So I believe I am starting to get better. I have 2 more days of antibiotic s left. So next week has got to be better.
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    annglenn, Sorry you've been so sick. Take good care - hopefully you'll be back to normal real soon!
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    My week has had its ups & downs with my weight yo-yoing & family issues. My grandaughter is autistic & lost her hearing due to menengitis & hears only with a cochular earing proccessor. She is coming up 7yrs old this month. She loses the processor from time to time & it is very stressful for the family as it is $9000.00 to replace it. The medical only provides one for her in the first few years of her life than the parents are responsible for the cost. This last one we had to do a lot of fundraising to buy it. It does have a remote for it to find it, but if it is turned off it does not work. Her parents take her for a walk almost every night after dinner & after the walk & a movie it was bedtime & they discovered she was missing her proccessor. They searched the house, & along there blocks of walking & could not find it with the remote. She went with out it for a day & through a lot of prayer they did find it the next day in a autistic swing that hangs from her ceiling in her room. We were so thankful for that. She does not understand why they are not putting it on her when it is missing. She has lost 2 in the past . It also was the week of the loss of our mom now 7 yrs. but so very much miss her. I know I have to get serious & lose more weight for my health sake, so have started as I said to try to limit my night time snacking by setting a stop time in the evenings. Hope we all have a great week ahead. I am so thankful for all of you gals that have joined this support group as it is too hard to do this alone, but together we can do it!!

    Welcome to the group "Midnight shadow"!

    Kjurassic- So sad for the 2 ladies going through such tragic experiences. Of course it would put a jolt to your life too! Yeah, that you succeeded to not eat or drink out of emotions from your stressful week! It's never a bad thing to be over compassionate! To love oneself is to love on others!!

    Jackies: Good night snack you had, & great keeping under your calories too! Keep up the good attitude.

    Ann: Sorry you had a bad health week & glad you are feeling a bit better. They say it takes a good 48 hours for antibiotics to start to work. Hope this coming week will be much better for you!
  • linniem96
    linniem96 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ladies, is it ok for me to join you? I'm 55 and lost 46 lbs last year and hit my goal weight. Unfortunately had a rough year after that but surprisingly only gained back 10 lbs. finally got some energy going last few days and hoping to start up again and lose the 10 before it turns into 20. Sure could use some folks to touch base with from time to time.
    P.s. My Mom's name was Josie and my granddaughter who now lives with me is named Josie after her. Love that name!
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    Hi Linniem: Welcome to our new group, hope we can give you some support as you regain your goal weight! We would love your input as to how you lost your weight & any weight loss ideas to do with healthy eating or exercise, so we can all help each other as we go down this hard path to a healthy lifestyle!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Hi, ladies- this seems like a thread where I might possibly "fit in." I'm 59. I have changed my lifestyle since mid October 2013. Here's the deal, though. I did not get weighed when I started and I don't plan on getting weighed for a while. I'm already down two sizes so I know I've made some great progress. My clothes are literally just about to fall off me so I am planning on going on a small shopping spree when I go on vacation (this Friday). I still have a lot to lose, though - ( I'm thinking it's in the 75 lb range) that's why the spree will be "small." :bigsmile:
    I've been on plans to lose weight before and was ruled by the scale but eventually gave up when the scale stopped moving. This time it is not a weight-loss plan. It's the way I'm going to try to live the rest of my life. (At least those are my intentions!!!)
    I'm not real "savvy" yet with moving around in MFP, hoping I'll be able to find my way back to you!

    sounds like a great plan
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    ok...hit a new low today....or should i say HIGH weight :cry: :cry: :cry: time for this nonsense to stop. I can't keep on this way so I have decided that TODAY I WILL BE SUCCESSFUL
    off to see my family doctor....seriously....i would not go anywhere if i did not have all these medical appointments
    keep on working hard
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    Happy St. Patricks Day to all you ladies! Here is a great idea for today. I am disappointed that the picture did not paste to here. They had cut the green peppers so it looked like shamrock cloverleaves & stems on top of the frittata.

    Bell Pepper and Potato Frittata
    Servings: 4 • Size: 1/4th • Old Points: 3 • Weight Watcher Points+: 4 pt
    Calories: 144 • Fat: 6 g • Carb: 12 g • Fiber: 1 g • Protein: 11 g • Sugar: 1 g
    Sodium: 127 mg (without salt) • Cholest: 186 mg


    4 thin slices green bell pepper, sliced into 1/4-inch thin slices crosswise
    4 large eggs
    4 large egg whites
    kosher salt and pepper, to taste
    1 teaspoon olive oil
    1/4 cup minced shallots
    1 (7 oz) medium peeled Yukon Gold Potatoes, diced into 1/2-inch pieces
    1/4 tsp garlic powder
    1/4 tsp paprika

    Preheat the oven to 400°F.

    Crack the eggs and egg whites into a large bowl. Add salt and fresh cracked pepper and beat until blended. Heat a 10-inch nonstick oven safe skillet over medium heat. Add the oil and shallots to the pan and cook until golden, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the potatoes, season with salt, garlic powder, paprika and black pepper. Cover and cook the potatoes over medium-low heat, stirring occasionally, until crisp and tender, about 12 to 15 minutes. Pour the egg mixture into the skillet. Carefully arrange the bell peppers on top to create a shamrock pattern if desired. Reduce the heat to low and cook until the edges are set, 6 to 8 minutes. Transfer the skillet to the oven and bake until the frittata is completely set and cooked through, 8 to 10 minutes. Remove from the oven and transfer onto a large plate. Cut into 4 wedges and serve.
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    Karen: Sending great BIG HUGS to you for a brand new start today. I to am hoping for a new start today! Going to make a good effort to exercise & stay on track on a healthier low cal foods & less night time snacking!! WE CAN DO THIS TOGETHER!!
  • kjurassic
    kjurassic Posts: 571 Member
    Hi, Ladies-

    Well, I had to go to the doctor today - I have my second UTI (urinary tract infection) since I've started my "healthy" lifestyle!!! :frown: What's up with that? Has this happened to any of you? We are thinking it may be my extreme aversion to drinking water causing this....

    Well so much for my not looking at the scale plan. The last UTI was mid December - when I they weighed me back then I told them don't tell me the number... This time I said "don't tell me the number - just tell me if it's lower than in December." They kind of looked at me like I was nuts and they said, "uh, yeah it's lower - a lot lower - what have you been doing?" I had lost 16 pounds in three months! During the holidays!!! Then I heard the girl say two oh....I said two oh what???!!!!!! I can't even remember the last time I weighed that! Oh....the number was 206! I was estimating I was around 235.....

    Dilemma.....My goal is 160....(then reevaluate when I get there.) which means I have less than 75 lbs to lose. Ya'll aren't going to kick me out, are you?

    Seems like most of us are battling other health issues (some big, some small, some chronic) as well as our weight and I'm kind of getting comfortable here....

    Josie that recipe sounds great - yeah - wish the picture would've posted - sounds cute! Have you ever made it? And... I love peppers. I snack on them frequently they are so low in calories. But right now I am so full of water that I have to take with the meds that I just had a bit of leftover grilled tuna - not feeling food tonight......

    KarenLeona - I'm a Karen, too. Hang in there...those doc appointments will start getting further and further apart!

    So....this was long and a bit off the Monday topic, but just had to share the good news that I got today (along with the bad)

    And may we all soon reach that pot o gold (our goal weight) at the end of the rainbow!
  • jackies_42
    jackies_42 Posts: 22 Member
    I hope you feel better soon. Take it easy and don't worry about your diet while you're sick.
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    Karen jurassic: Wow super loss for 3 months!! As far as the UTI problem, I use to get a lot of them until & too probiotics every day. I take 1 capsule per day of the Jameson brand. Or you could use probiotic yogurt each day. Of course we want you to stay with us, we need all the support we can get! Hope you get relief from the UTI soon.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi, I think I am going to join this group too! My name is Kathy and I'm 63. I'm motivated to lose weight because as of last fall I'm on medication for the first time in my life and really, I'd rather not be. Blood pressure meds. So, I'm going to lose weight and help it drop naturally. I fooled around with "cutting back" on what I was eating and basically using Weight Watcher type portions and methods for a few months but other than losing a bit when I first started watching what I was eating, I didn't have much success. When I heard about MFP I decided to download the app and I am very happy with the tool. Also been reading a lot in the forums and realized I needed to weigh rather than eyeball or measure. That has helped a lot and now I'm losing about a pound a week. I have some mini-goals I'm hoping to meet in the not too distant future: losing 10 percent of my body weight and getting below 200 lbs for the first time in forever. So, onward!
  • annglenn
    annglenn Posts: 162 Member
    My weekend was not to bad. I only ended up losing my food one time and that was today. I don't know is causing it but the doctor said not to worry at this point. I would like to make a suggestion for a challenge. I to have a problem getting in my 8 glasses of water a day. And I do tend to get utis. Does anyone else have the same problem as us two or maybe suggestions on how to get that water in. Of course I don't like the taste of water. Thanks ladies for all your well wishes for me.
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    Sodakat: Welcome to our group. Good for you for losing a pound a week, that is great! Sometimes it takes a health issue to make us realize how much we need to get to a healthier weight. Hope we can help each other as we meet our mini goals, & eventually to our healthy weight & get off these medications!

    Ann: Hope you get well real soon!!

    Ann has put out a Challenge to all of us to drink 8 glasses of water per day. So lets make this our
    "March Challenge:"
    From March 18 to 31st. keep track of your water intake & try to drink 8 glasses or more per day!

    Lets give some alternative ideas to get in our water other than plain water.
    My suggestions are: sugar free jello, crystal light drinks or freeze in ice cubes or popcycle molds. & herbal teas.
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    I am starting this thread for women who are 55 yrs old or older & need to lose 75lbs or more & find it more difficult than when we were younger to lose. It seems to get harder as we age! I have been with MFP for a couple of years now. I did lose 50lbs, but back slid a bit to 38lb. loss. I have another 80lbs or so to lose to my goal weight. It is sometimes a uphill battle, as I am limited on what exercise I can do with arthritis in my knees, feet & back. I am looking for ideas, encouragement & motivation for exercise & healthy eating from others seeking the same! My name is Josie, I am 62 yrs. old, married 31 yrs in June. We have 2 children & 5 grandkids. We live in a small town of Princeton, BC. Canada.

    Ideas for discussion:
    Monday: How did your weekend go? Any new ideas for meal planning for the upcoming week?
    Tuesday: Any up coming events in your future that you need to plan for & how do you plan too keep on track?
    Wednesday: New ideas for exercising?
    Thursday: Share any successes or failures. ( We all have them)
    Friday: How do you plan to keep active & eat healthfully over the weekend? I know it seems to be the hardest time of the week for most of us!
    Saturday: Share any food issues or low-fat recipes. Please include calorie count, & any other nutrient counts that are available.
    Sunday: How's your week been? Share anything you need to get off your chest. Not neccessarily for weight loss only!

    Anyone who would like to put out a weekly or monthly challenge (eg. water intake, exercise time per day, etc.) please put it out to the group.
    "March Challenge:"
    From March 18 to 31st. keep track of your water intake & try to drink 8 glasses or more per day!

    If you would like to join this thread just do so by sharing a little bit about yourself.
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    Hi to all! I've been on MFP a while now and did great until November 2012. I had lost a lot at that time with the goal of horseback riding in the ocean on the cruise we had booked. Mission was accomplished. I fell off the wagon when I got back and have gained it all back. I keep checking in but haven't found my groove again for over a year. Maybe if I can just get myself talking a bit with all of you I can find my groove because I really don't like feeling the way I do now. Glad to be aboard!