Mirena IUD and Weight Gain



  • gravimetric
    I am 45, no kids and got the Mirena on 12/19/2013. I have noticed I put on a solid 5-7 pounds. However, I am not going to immediately blame the IUD as there were the holidays, lack of working out and eating pretty crapy. I have my 6 week follow up next week and have decided to really focus on eating healthy, appetite control and exercise for the next 6 weeks, if I continue to gain weight, I am going to have it taken out. I do feel bloated and breast are tender every now and again but I still want to wait it out and keep it if I can. I have REALLY heavy periods that put me out for about a day and a half, I would really like to not have that anymore! I'll keep you posted.
  • theramckinnon
    I noticed this as well. I had it inserted 9/13 and with conjunction of this and being on anti-depressant/ Psychotic medication until November 2013. After I had done the inital withdrawl from the medication I realized I gained 9 pounds in such a short time. it could take an extra while longer for me to get the weight off since that kind of medication stays in your system for several months afterwards, but i noticed just this month that I can no longer work out as intense as i used to.

    ill push through the workout in hopes that i will see a difference and eating quite healthy. However, I dont notice a difference in my shape and have yo-yoed 3 pounds of loss/gain this month. I also notice the unusal amount of bloat and excess fat in my midriff along with severe thinning of hair and tender breasts.

    I am going to give it another month as I am doing an intense month of training/workouts for a competition at my workplace. If i really dont see a budge after that I will be most definitely be weighing the pros and cons of this IUD.

    Has anyone successfully lost weight on this and how long did it take to see results?
  • hmrey76
    hmrey76 Posts: 945 Member
    got one 5 yrs ago....put on 10lb in that first month, but got it off once I cut calories. Dr said it wasn't due to the IUD...i don't believe her. BUT It is fantastic and in my opinion, was worth it. I am getting it replaced next month with a new one.
  • theramckinnon
    got one 5 yrs ago....put on 10lb in that first month, but got it off once I cut calories. Dr said it wasn't due to the IUD...i don't believe her. BUT It is fantastic and in my opinion, was worth it. I am getting it replaced next month with a new one.

    I know, I really think it is worth it, and I have read in some posts that the weight will come off in time once your body adjusts to the difference between a Pill with both hormones compared to this one which centrally emits progesterone. I am really hoping this is true! Not having results and working this hard is killing me! I feel like alot of it is fluid retention in my belly and face.
  • theramckinnon
    This isn't so much a weight gain question--I'm at my goal weight, can afford to gain a bit while I wait for things to even out. But can people tell me more about depression, loss of sex drive, and acne as side effects?

    I semi-expelled my paragard (it was buried in the myometrium so they pulled it), and I'm trying to decide whether to put in another or go with a Mirena. My doctor doesn't like that my periods were so long and painful on paragard and wants me to switch, but I'm unsure.

    I have been diagnosed with a mood disorder and I actually noticed once I switched to the Mirena I wasnt so testy, that was just me though. the only thing I would heed warning is that although your periods are not heavy on this ( they are so light I only really need a pantyliner to protect myself) You spot often the first while. I am still spotting but not as bad as i used to so i hope it will be eliminated at some point. If this weight starts to come off, or I see an improvement in my fluid retention, I will be PRO- Mirena,

    Because lets be honest... who doesnt want to worry about taking a pill everyday and having peace of mind. :)
  • jtdlmc
    jtdlmc Posts: 1 Member
    I've had mine in for just over a year and have gained 30 lb. I haven't changed my exercise or eating habits and haven't had a major change in my life. There seems to be more studies being done and realizations are becoming evident that Mirena can cause weight gain in some people. I like all these people that said "if it's more than 2 lbs it is not due to Mirena". Hmmm, lots of scientists on here or just those who take pharmaceutical company's words at face value? I know mine is due to Mirena, I have been the same weight basically since the birth of my second child 12 years ago and pretty much within days of having it inserted I started to see the weight increase - it crept up on a monthly basis until it hit 20 lbs and now it seems to have leveled off. I'm getting it out soon and hope the weight comes off. I got it due to extremely heavy periods lasting 3-4 days from which I was anemic. I know have spotting (panty liners only are needed) for 2+ weeks every month! I'd rather take iron pills and only be bothered with bleeding for 4 days than 14! I also have a strong medicinal discharge quite often and this is 14 months later. It seems Mirena acts differently with each body.
  • ejdp254
    ejdp254 Posts: 342 Member
    I have no idea if having a Mirena cause any weight gain, yes I've definitely put on lots but probably due to more than one reason! Anyway it was due for renewal so I phoned my GP yesterday and now its gone -Dr asked if I'd like to keep it as a memento - NO THANKS And I wont be having another put in as I don't need it right now. It is a brilliant BC method, I've had two in between pregnancies so i'll be interested to see what happens now . Not having any periods for 10 years it's going to be strange having them return, let see if my weight carries on going in the right direction and my moods settle down :smile:
  • cedarblack
    cedarblack Posts: 63 Member
    I have one, in fact I have my second one in now, so have been using a Mirena for the last eight years and it has had no influence on my weight whatsoever.

    The only problem I had was excessive bleeding in the first six weeks or so of having it put in, which was horrid but I absolutely wouldn't be without it now! I don't have periods at all now (I used to have really heavy, really painful ones where I would have to go home from work they were so bad, I was also known to collapse on the street with such bad pain). My hormones also used to be all over the place, I would feel so horribly depressed for two weeks of the month every month, it was awful, I was in a very bad place. All of that has gone now and my quality of life has improved immeasurably.
  • Mrsdawnrazor
    Mrsdawnrazor Posts: 7 Member
    I had one of the first ones fitted in 1997 and I am now on my 4th. Lost all my baby weight with it in, got it removed to have baby no 2 then am on my third since then. I am about 25lb heavier than after baby one but I am 16 years older and a lot less active. If it has made me put on weight, it has been worth it for not having a period for 16 years (except 3 between the first ones removal and getting pregnant again) LOVE IT
  • SamanthaKayShaver
    SamanthaKayShaver Posts: 43 Member
    I've had one for a little over a year now. I didn't notice any weight gain at all.

    My personal experience:

    No noticeable weight gain
    Not having to remember to take a pill everyday
    I could breastfeed with it
    Hormones have balanced out quite a bit
    One time fee for five years of birthcontrol

    Sometimes, my husband hits it during sex (he is bigger so he's manages to always hit something)
    The first couple months, there was quite a bit a discharge. It has all but disappeared except right before my period, though.
    It doesn't help with my acne like the pill did

    Overall, i wouldn't use anything else. I think its amazing!
  • DuckieSteph
    DuckieSteph Posts: 43 Member
    So, I gained 30 pounds after I had the mirena REMOVED. All 5 years, I stayed at a consistent weight, then BOOM. From 140 to 170 in a few months. Anyone else have THAT happen??
  • kyne85
    kyne85 Posts: 1
    I gained 20 lbs on the first year I've been in many diets and can't loose more than 7lbs and very slowly. Removing the IUD this month.
  • AmandaAnnThornton
    I've had Mirena for 4 years and have gained around 40lbs. I have tried to lose weight but for the life of me, I can't. My acne has also gotten so much worse! I am not sure if it is due to the Mirena or not though. Does anyone know how long before the Mirena expires that you should get it renewed?
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,723 Member
    Four years and happy with mine. No weight gain at all and my periods are lighter.
  • jules8232
    I just came across this form and I have noticed a lot of similar issues with the Mirena birth control. I have loved mine for the most part however, I was 113 lbs before it was inserted and now I am 136 lbs. I absolutely hate it, everyone notices the differences in me and I feel so insecure with everything I wear. I crave the foods that I always craved before a period cycle (i.e carbs and sweets). I go to the gym or workout at home at least 5 times a week for an hour and the scale hasn't budged. I am getting so frustrated with it, I want to go talk to my doctor and see if he can point me in the right direction but I am hesitant because this is the ONLY birth control pill that has worked for me, the other forms have made me bleed non stop and cause all kinds of issues the IUD was the last resort to see if something would work for me. I don't wanna keep gaining weight, I want to get this issue fixed however I want it fixed and not have this be taken out of me, unless there is another solution to the birth control pill that i would be able to take. I have not experienced any mood swings or cramping, bleeding. My periods have come to a complete stop which I love cause they were awful!!!. Does anyone have a workout routine or any other advice that would help me??? should I go get a doctors opinion? and see what he thinks? maybe he would point me in the right direction I would really like to get a nutritionist to help me with a diet plan and get my weight back on track. if anyone has some expert advice please feel free to comment to this thread. I would really like to know what else to do, I am so frustrated with everything!.
  • princess2none
    I have been expierienceing weight gain and nothing has changed except getting a mirena. I am even off my gabapentin which i thought was the culprit but... soemthing is going on where i'm not losing a damn thing and i was wondering is it possible for it to cause weight gain for SOME and not others...what makes it more probably..where can i research it?
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Mirena itself does not cause weight gain...it can cause an increase in appetite tho...you have to be aware of that...

    Until you track your intake and log and weigh everything you can't be sure nothing has changed except that...

    I've used Mirena and depo exclusively for 15 years and have no issues losing weight.
  • MParab
    MParab Posts: 4
    I disagree. I was actively trying to lose weight when I got my Mirena, was tracking my food (and eating better) and exercising a lot more, and I still gained weight. 15-20 pounds in about 6 weeks. It did increase my appetite as well, but that doesn't mean I ate more, I was very careful about what I ate as like I said I was trying to lose weight. I wrote everything down. Everything. What I was doing I should have been losing 1-2lbs a week. So I should have been down between 6 and 12 pounds in that time period and instead was up 15 or 20. Just because one person doesn't gain weight or have any weight issues with Mirena does not mean another won't. All medications, especially hormones, affect different people differently. Weight gain is a listed, known, and documented side-effect. I just had my Mirena removed on Friday, and I won't be changing anything this week with workouts or diet and I would bet money that I will see results in the right direction.
  • lamurabito
    Mine has been in for the past 3 years and I have an appointment to have it removed. I am in my mid 40's and it was advised that i remove the M IUD.

    The first 6 months were extremely difficult because of the hormone imbalance. The IUD increased my estrogen production. I only know this because my hormones were tested after placement. I have noticed differences in my body that I can only blame on the IUD. I've gained weight-less than 10 pounds but it makes me feel horrendous. I am looking forward to it's removal and my hunch is I will have a 5 pound loss the first month.

    The hormone imbalance was extremely difficult. My husband is talking to a urologist next week.

    If I had to give anyone advise on the IUD, I would say do not do it.
  • mcboudreau76
    I didn't gain any weight with my first one and 20 pounds since my second one that was put in about a year ago. UGH. I think I will look into the copper one.