A question for people who've lost 150lbs+



  • dustie5454
    I haven't lost a lot of weight and I'm considered Obese, but let me say one thing, I'm Canadian and not one person here has ever made any rude comments to me about my weight. No one has the right to be mean or rude to anyone no matter what the person's size is. I've never been turned down for a job because of my weight. I'm sure people do make comments about other people, but it's never to their face, that's just wrong. In fact, it's a form of bullying. No one is perfect and no one has the right to judge.

    Keep smiling, and keep your head up and be proud of who you are.
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    I haven't lost a lot of weight and I'm considered Obese, but let me say one thing, I'm Canadian and not one person here has ever made any rude comments to me about my weight. No one has the right to be mean or rude to anyone no matter what the person's size is. I've never been turned down for a job because of my weight. I'm sure people do make comments about other people, but it's never to their face, that's just wrong. In fact, it's a form of bullying. No one is perfect and no one has the right to judge.

    Keep smiling, and keep your head up and be proud of who you are.

    I have been turned down for jobs that I've been qualified for, that were likely because of my weight. And I sure as heck have had people yell out of passing cars at me, and I am Canadian.

    I'm glad that you haven't experienced this stuff though :)
  • dania201
    dania201 Posts: 48 Member
    I can say this, not because of me but because of my ex-wife. She gained around 150 pounds while we were married and she was not skinny to start with. We were happy, I did not care how much she weighed... And then she had gastric by-pass surgery and lost 100+ pounds. She did not feel any better about herself, probably worse, and nothing I did helped. She then had everything she could have pierced pierced and got tattoos all over her body and began to flirt with other men and crave the self worth she thought she would gain by losing the weight. I eventually left because I could no longer take her attention whoring and now she is a hot wreck. I say all of that to say this. If you are ok with who you are and want to lose weight, good. If you think losing weight will make you become a different person, it will, but you will end up not liking that person in the long run. You need to love you more than you hate the weight.

    Thank you for saying this.
  • culo97
    culo97 Posts: 256 Member
    I'm still near the beginning of my journey (3 months in) to loose 150+ pounds. The idea that I could be a normal weight and shop in non-plus size stores still seems like a far away fairy tale. Like others on this thread, I don't have an identity outside of "the big girl" or "the fat girl". I never had a slender or regular size part of life.

    When I look at the current pictures of people who have lost over 100 pounds, it's hard for me to imagine they were ever in my shoes. But the pain that comes through their words is all too familiar.

    Since it will take 2-3 years to lose the weight of another adult human being, I'm counting on the long time to adjust my mindset. I can't see myself turning from a hermit introvert to a social butterfly but who knows?
  • motofairy
    motofairy Posts: 33 Member
    I am feeling everything you're saying! Interesting to read the responses, too.
  • GoreWhore72
    GoreWhore72 Posts: 190 Member
    I get EXACTLY what you are saying. I lost 50 pounds, then worked through all those emotional issues for almost a year, before I could continue with my weight loss.

    I was worried that who I was would change, or that I wouldn't be able to cope with the changes. So far, at about half way there, that hasn't been the case. The people around me are happy and excited for me, and for all the progress I have made. They have been nothing but supportive.

    I've had a few comments from idiots (one person actually asked me, after I'd lost 50 pounds, how I was able to do my job at my size), but I finally feel like I am no longer the fattest person when I go places. I don't worry about fitting into chairs, or airplane seats.

    I would definitely recommend some counselling about the issues that might be holding you back, wether they be low self esteem (me), or previous life traumas (me as well).

    Feel free to add me as a friend, I am on MFP every day :)

    I have been going through the emotional stuff too. I almost am fearful of what and who that person will be at another 49 pounds lost, because I just lost 51 pounds.
    I am grateful, and love it, but woooaawwww..... a whole new person. A person everyone isn't used to at all. It should be interesting. I find my mind hasn't changed much as I still think I'm the 51 pounds heavier person, and sometimes see the greatness of it, but fail to completely change my mind set.
    I do look forward to it, but wonder the difference in men and their views too because I've never had a hard time attracting men at my starting weight so, what will be different.
    There's a lot to change with the mind too, that's for sure, and it's an emotional roller coaster of gratitude.
    I feel deserving of it, but wonder if it really matters. Thank you for sharing. :D
  • christianladybug
    christianladybug Posts: 41 Member
    I haven't lost a whole person yet. But, I get where you are coming from. Been the "fat" chick most of my life. Always was told that I had such a pretty face, but.....

    I think on some level we all deal with the fear inside of us about the unknown. We don't know what the other side is and that can be intimidating. I just don't want you to ever think you are alone in that fear. You are not crazy for fearing the other side.

    I can't tell you that I have come to terms with all my fear. But, I can tell you that friends, family and the people I have meet here on MFP help make each day a little easier. I have learned to ignore the negative that I hear because no one is on my journey but me.

    Don't lose heart. We will all make it togather. That is the beauty of having a place like this to come to.
  • VictoriaDarleneGale
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    What an interesting thread.

    I've noticed that when you lose fat rolls, it releases deep-seeded emotions and can be an emotional struggle. A lot of emotions are stored in fat, so when you melt the fat, they release.

    Also, for awhile I hated how nice people were to me. When I weighed 245 I was invisible. No one said, "Hi! Good morning!", or held the door, or flirted while I was busy at the grocer, men didn't stare, but OMG the way people treat you does a 180 when you lose weight!

    I went from 140 to 212 back down to 117 back up to 245 and now I'm at 185.

    I remember expecting people to hold door or be friendly and being shocked and hurt when they (especially men) just slammed doors in my face and didn't speak or make eye contact when I was huge.

    Now that I'm back to a good looking size the men are being so nice again and I just get a bitter anger about it.

    Whether it's concious or sub-concious, people are being nice to be because of the way I look. It's infuriating.
  • DebbieGo52
    DebbieGo52 Posts: 11 Member
    It looks like all of the people responding on here have lost weight, it doesn't matter how much, it is a loss. Our personalities are all different...fat or slim. Other people are always going to have something to say positive or negative. I have been obese for a very long time and have tried multiple times to lose the weight, for my 21st birthday, for my wedding, having children and none of those reasons were enough to get me to a healthier weight. Now I am doing for me and ONLY me, I am not going to let my emotions win again. I think about how I will feel when I have lost what my body lets me lose, I think about the loose skin, and the wrinkles. I also think about how much energy am I going to have (I feel like I have a lot even at this weight) when I am done, how good I will feel wearing regular size clothes, fitting into a airplane seat, fitting into a sports car etc.

    What we have to do is build up our positive self talk and learn not to listen to those who don't have our best interests at heart...they aren't going to change!

    Take your weight loss what ever it may be, and enjoy it. You will find new friends along the way, who will appreciate you for who you really are.
  • DebbieGo52
    DebbieGo52 Posts: 11 Member

    I agree to your response, it makes a lot of sense.
    SCSTWG Posts: 182 Member
    A bunch of great contributions here. I would jsut add that if the self-esteem is that low, that perhaps you get some counseling as you go through the journey. Best of luck.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I felt myself walking into stores and automatically going to the plus sized section and when I discovered the sizes were too big, I'd go to the regular sized clothing and I felt uncomfortable even shopping in there because I felt like everyone was looking at me like I'm still this big girl shopping in a regular girl sized clothing (if that makes sense?).

    I totally feel this!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member

    My solution to the upcoming social awkwardness is to move
    to an altogether different part of the country, with my fiancé.:bigsmile:

    And this!

    People who knew me when I weighed 245 still see me as unhealthy.

    (It's a documented psychological phenomena.)

    But people who move to your town (or in her case, in the new town) that had never seen me big will view me as really healthy.
  • pamperedlinny
    pamperedlinny Posts: 1,574 Member
    I totally get this and feel like I could have written it myself. I lost about 90 lbs at my lowest and my goal is still about 80 lbs away. It is all a journey though. You will lose the comfort of being able to blame things on your body. But you will also, hopefully, gain confidence as you meet your goals and prove to yourself you can do things. Feel free to add if you want.
  • jazchlo
    jazchlo Posts: 56 Member
    I would like to be added to the group. I have lost 77 lbs and still need to lose 130 or so. I am struggling with not seeing any difference in my size even though my pants are about to fall off. I'm also having a really tough time with no weight loss even though my calories are about the same. I am always under my allotted calories but am seeing little if any loss. I know I have been retaining some fluid but for 2 weeks? I am really frustrated!!
  • potatoyam
    potatoyam Posts: 70 Member
    I've lost about 60lbs since 2006. People will treat you differently, it's weird. It took a while for my brain to catch up with my body but it's close to being there now. I understand the fears that you are talking about, I also think that you will over come them!!! I wish you all the best on your journey!
  • maab12
    maab12 Posts: 65 Member
    I know what you are going through. I am in the same boat and im terrified of losing the one thing that I was able to excuse my self as to why I im not going out. I just blame it on the fat and weight instead of turning inwards to face my demons and work through them.
    feel free to add me.
    Im writing a personal blog that I started today that every few days I force my self to look at a demon and fight it.

    good luck and having your support would be amazing
  • eys81
    eys81 Posts: 61 Member
    bumping so I can read later
  • FlyThisKite
    FlyThisKite Posts: 183 Member
    Im bumping this so I can comment better later,but yes.There is a part of me that is terrified to be little.
    I value my strength and theres something about being bigger that I somehow equated to strength.
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