I'm so freaked out...



  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...

    I personally don't think the above is very helpful at all.

    You have clearly realised you need to do something about your weight, which is why you posted the question! The first step for anyone is realising you need to do somehting about your weight, regardless of whether it's loose, gain or maintain and you are doing the right thing by seeking advice and being proactive about it.

    I'm no expert but the previous suggestions of increasing your calories gradually seems sensible. Maybe eating as usual but increasing portion sizes, eating more healthy but high in calorie foods like avocado, nuts, dates etc and drinking milk may help too?

    Anyway, best of luck :)

    Yes, telling someone to seek counseling is not helpful, just offensive. She's already under the care of a physician, if she needs a referral to a specialist I'm sure the physician can handle that or call it if necessary.

    her post was spot on.

    it's not offensive- it's actually helpful- when there are signs indicating an unhealthy relationship with food- it's not offensive- there is a real issue at hand that needs to be handled by PROFESSIONALS -not random internet people- yes we can help- but seeking some actual professional help is not a bad thing.

    Stef's post was spot on.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    you are 5 ft 5 and weight just over 100lbs...you do need to gain some weight.

    You are considered underweight and eating 1200calories and working out 4 x week and you are not having a period

    Normally a womens period stops due to not enough bodyfat and is a sign of an eating disorder...

    If you realize you have a problem but still don't want to gain weight you need more help and not just from a GP...

    In other posts you mentioned an 18000 calorie binge...

    In December you were at 55kg (110lbs) and have since then lost about 1lb a week...and you dream of people calling you fat
    I know it's really stupid and kinda pathetic, because they're people who have lost so much more weight and have bigger problems with health and etc. But I just feel like a crap. The more weight I'm losing, the more I think I need to lose more. My family are telling me that I need to maintain and stop losing weight and that I look great, but I can't help thinking I'm still fat or I will get fat again. I hope this make sence, this post is all over the place...

    You need to seek some counselling...

    I personally don't think the above is very helpful at all.

    You have clearly realised you need to do something about your weight, which is why you posted the question! The first step for anyone is realising you need to do somehting about your weight, regardless of whether it's loose, gain or maintain and you are doing the right thing by seeking advice and being proactive about it.

    I'm no expert but the previous suggestions of increasing your calories gradually seems sensible. Maybe eating as usual but increasing portion sizes, eating more healthy but high in calorie foods like avocado, nuts, dates etc and drinking milk may help too?

    Anyway, best of luck :)

    Really so you think suggesting this young woman gets help from actual doctors...doctors trained in ED isn't helpful...instead of random strangers on the internet who may or may not even understand EDs....

  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Also, she weighs 112 lb and is approx 5'3".

    That is not even remotely under weight and is in the healthy range.

    Stop hating.

    Maybe you should start mathing.

    She's almost 5'5.
    112 is underweight.
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Also, she weighs 112 lb and is approx 5'3".

    That is not even remotely under weight and is in the healthy range.

    Stop hating.

    Maybe you should start mathing.

    She's almost 5'5.
    112 is underweight.

    Hating? All posts seem very helpful to me. It would be wrong to suggest otherwise.

    OP, please follow your doctor's advise, I believe that one of your concerns might be "looking fat" but you won't. As stated by a previous poster, if you feel overwhelmed by this idea of gaining weight when it's actually good for you, the best for you is to seek counseling so that you can feel better about yourself and overcome this issue. I, and I'm sure the rest of the people who have given you this advice, truly wish you the best!
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    Op, I lost weight due to illness and my doctor recommended Carnation Instant breakfast mixed with whole milk. They are quite good, and will help you to ensure that you are getting some of the vitamins your body may be missing. I sometimes add a banana. Give it a try.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    OP, the people who are telling you to see a specialist are doing so because losing your period is serious. They're not judging or being critical, they're doing it because you could be putting yourself in a dangerous situation and they're concerned about you. It's wonderful that you went to the doctor and have recognized that this is a health risk, and it's important that you keep it from getting any worse.

    You definitely need to find a way to up your calories that isn't triggering for you. Going up by 100-200 per week until you get to a safe level is a good idea, as long as you keep going up! You have to commit to adding those calories consistently every week, or you're prolonging an unhealthy deficit. If you think it will be tempting to not add calories consistently every week, then this method won't work and you should think about jumping up.

    It's scary as heck at first (I walked up from 1400 to 2000 in a month when I realized I couldn't lift anything without hurting myself), and even though I knew this was insane, I was mostly convinced that I would balloon up overnight if I got even close to 2000 at first. Obviously, that was ridiculous. My body doesn't defy the laws of physics, and neither does yours. You won't gain it all back suddenly.

    What may happen when you start to increase your calories is some water weight gain and glycogen replenishment. You may get some weird fluctuations for the first few weeks or month. That's totally normal, it's not real weight and it's not visible to anyone else. Be really careful with the scale in the first month if you think it will freak you out. Taking measurements during this time can be more valuable than relying on scale weight, since you'll have objective numerical proof that you're not changing size.

    The other thing that I found really helpful is to focus on how I was feeling. Within the first week, I had more energy and didn't hurt all the time. If you're honest with yourself, I'd bet you've been feeling poorly for awhile, and increasing your calories will help. You need to listen to your body and accept whatever good effects of upping your calories it gives you. You know it's important and you know it's the right thing to do. If you approach it with a positive attitude, it'll still be hard, but you'll have a more positive experience.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    The OP did not say she works out 4 HOURS, she states she works out 4 TIMES a week.
    I'm just starting to maintain my weight. I'm 19 years old, female, 165cm/50-51kg. I finally admited myself that I'm eating too little (1200 calories, plus 4 times a week workouts)

    Good advise on slowing adding the calories back in. I am close to going into maintenance and this part scares me a bit too. I've worked hard and long to achieve the weight loss, and I don't want to ever gain it back again. Thanks to those who've been there/done that and are sharing.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Thank you, guys. Don't worry, I'm not offended by anyone - I know all of you are trying to give an good advices to me. Today I already ate 1400 calories and I feel great! I will be upping my calories until I reach the weight I need to be and maintain. Thanks again! :)
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    Thank you, guys. Don't worry, I'm not offended by anyone - I know all of you are trying to give an good advices to me. Today I already ate 1400 calories and I feel great! I will be upping my calories until I reach the weight I need to be and maintain. Thanks again! :)

    Great! That's good. Wish you the best :flowerforyou:
  • MissBabyJane
    MissBabyJane Posts: 538 Member
    Thank you, guys. Don't worry, I'm not offended by anyone - I know all of you are trying to give an good advices to me. Today I already ate 1400 calories and I feel great! I will be upping my calories until I reach the weight I need to be and maintain. Thanks again! :)

    Great! That's good. Wish you the best :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! You too! To all of you :)
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    Standard refeeding scheduling for people who are undereating is 100-200 calories increase (as tolerated) every 1-2 days until the goal intake is achieved. Take it slowly, acclimate to each calorie level and enjoy every bite. You've earned it!
  • Yo, 19 year old girl trying to find her place in this crazy mixed up world. Tough love here, listen.

    5'4 and 110-112lbs, this would be perfectly acceptable if you were Asian but unfortunately you are not so what are you going to do about it, ya huge whale?... You know that's a pretty low weight and today I learned that you need sufficient body fat to regulate your :shudders: period so you have low fat as well. Get some help with that body image issues you have and try to avoid a boyfriend who'll threaten to break up with you if you weigh more than 115lbs etc.

    You work out 4 days a week, okay. Why? Is it something you enjoy or are you feeling guilty about those Doritos Locos Tacos you had 6 months ago? I also have a feeling that you're only doing cardio... All that does is shrink the calorie deficit even further. Find a friend you can lift some weights with, then all those extra calories you will be eating can be put to good use.

    The maintenance method where you add a few calories each week is a good one but I'm not sure what it will do for you. Like can you even get fat? What's the highest weight you've ever been? This society, ugh it's so messed up. You can be 600lbs or 60lbs and you're still "beautiful" to -everyone- because it's just the nice thing to say. So I'm not going to tell you what you need to look like but I will say that people find a bit of muscle mass attractive as well as some thickness if you're worried about what you may look like if you added 10lbs.

    Gaining a couple pounds at this point seems like a moot point. That's drinking on an empty stomach and peeing and sweating all the fluid out of you. That's ONE good ****, let's be serious. I'd gain 5lbs at least if I were you but do what you want.

    TLDR; You're not fat, you need to gain some weight to get your rivers flowing again, eat & lift if you want to gain weight and look sexy, try to get fat I dare you, something about pooping and peeing, gain 5lbs.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    5'4 and 110-112lbs, this would be perfectly acceptable if you were Asian but unfortunately you are not so what are you going to do about it, ya huge whale?...
    Get some help with that body image issues you have and try to avoid a boyfriend who'll threaten to break up with you if you weigh more than 115lbs etc.
    Is it something you enjoy or are you feeling guilty about those Doritos Locos Tacos you had 6 months ago?
    Like can you even get fat? What's the highest weight you've ever been?
    Please be careful when saying things like this to someone who may be struggling with disordered eating. They can be very triggering if you don't know what the person's specific issues are. I know you were probably just trying to be sarcastic or exaggerate on purpose, but you could be jumping up and down on her triggers without meaning to.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Thank you, guys. Don't worry, I'm not offended by anyone - I know all of you are trying to give an good advices to me. Today I already ate 1400 calories and I feel great! I will be upping my calories until I reach the weight I need to be and maintain. Thanks again! :)


    big success.

    I'd also like to suggest you really focus on some weight training- you are a prime place in life (with doctor's blessings) to do some lifting and eating to put on muscle- you will gain weight but I bet you will really love the way you look!!!!
    It will help your self confidence and make you strong and functional (pro tip- lift is easier when you are stronger ;))

    Seems like a great time to get in there and go for it!!!
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Thank you, guys. Don't worry, I'm not offended by anyone - I know all of you are trying to give an good advices to me. Today I already ate 1400 calories and I feel great! I will be upping my calories until I reach the weight I need to be and maintain. Thanks again! :)

    Really glad to hear it! Keep up the good work!
  • Indiri13
    Indiri13 Posts: 104 Member
    This has happened to me, and I like the advice that I have just read on this forum! I agree with everything. I was even put on BC to help bring my period back. I also had to start eating more, but I was severely underweight, so I am now maintaining a weight that is good for me.

    I would also incorporate strength training into your workouts. You won't get bulky, but you'll look good, you'll be working out and it will help to strengthen your bones, so you won't get osteoporosis as I did from not having my period and not having enough calcium.

    Yes, some days it's super hard to eat more, but remember, food is fuel and it's good for you.

    P.S I would stay away from the scale at first. Give it a month, them weigh yourself. I once weighed myself everyday for over a year, it's just not necessary and can be so upsetting.

    Thank you so much! One question, though - did your period came back?

    My period came back with the help of eating more and my birth control pills I was put on specifically for brining my period back. I was without my period for about 10 months

    Several years ago I ate so little I lost mine for 4-5 months when my BMI was still around 22. As soon as I bumped calories up to BMR-ish (for me 14-1500 as I was still losing weight then) they came back. It was all a little irregular for a while (14-31 day cycles and unpredictable) so I did end up on BC for a while to straighten it out. Don't be surprised if they are a little off when you start getting them again.
  • tuppestove
    tuppestove Posts: 10 Member
    how do you know how many calories are to much, I eat about 1100 calories, when I get though the day, mfp keeps saying to add more calories, even today, I think I over ate at 1800,mfp says to add more entrees.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I'm just starting to maintain my weight. I'm 19 years old, female, 165cm/50-51kg. I finally admited myself that I'm eating too little (1200 calories, plus 4 times a week workouts) Yesterday I saw a doctor (because my period stopped since two months) He said everything was fine, but that I need to stop losing weight (and that I even need to gain some), then the things will go back to normal. I don't want to gain anymore weight, I calculated my TDEE and it said for maintaince I need to eat 1700 calories, but that seems like a lot (to me right now). How do I do that, without gaining weight - but just maintaining my current? I need help, some advices. Please, don't judge me. I don't really need this, I'm so embarrased by posting this topic because I realize I have a problem, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get better :(
    You are much too light for your height. I am 149.5 cm /4' 11.5 " and 50-51 kg is the perfect median weight for me. I am not surprised that you stopped menstruating. If you eat 1700 calories a day you will probably gain some/a little weight, as you should because you are under weight. Once you have reached a healthy and still slender weight the 1700 calories will maintain that weight. A couple of hundred calories either way on a day-to-day basis won't make any difference, but 1200 is too little and very irresponsible as far as your health is concerned.
    Good Luck !
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    how do you know how many calories are to much, I eat about 1100 calories, when I get though the day, mfp keeps saying to add more calories, even today, I think I over ate at 1800,mfp says to add more entrees.

    How people know ? You would have to be like me; past my mid-60's and under 5 feet to be ok with 1100 calories a day ( even I shoot for 1200). The extremely short people....and I don't consider 5'3" or 5'4" to be extremely short.....can get by with such low calories. However anyone taller, younger and more active has no reason to eat 1200 calories a day, unless there is a medical reason and they are less than 3% statistically speaking. Even healthy older people of normal height need more calories than that.