No makeup



  • OfficiallySexyVal
    OfficiallySexyVal Posts: 492 Member
    I am very big on going "natural" however when im in a slump and need a pick me up I will from time to time put on a little make up to help cheer me up.
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    I like the feeling of no makeup.....but personally I find I look better with a little eye makeup as my lashes are quite light. Its just a personal preference and I def feel more pretty when I get all done up with hair and makeup! In saying that.....I also can't wait to get home and wash it off! LOL

    I just find I look older and tired without some eye makeup and sometimes something to even out my skin tone. I have lighter skin and have excema so my skin can be quite patchy at times. My bf tells me all the time I don't need makeup but I am not happy with how I look without it. A little liner and a coat of mascara go a long way with this girl! :tongue:

    Its all a personal prefernce! Some people look better with makeup and others without! Do what makes YOU feel good! :smile:
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Of course you're not the only one. Most of my female friends don't wear much, if any. I think it's awesome if you feel good without it on and if you have the healthy, clear skin to not need to wear it. Go you!

    I look like death without makeup. If I don't cover up my blemishes and under-eye circles and throw some color on my cheeks and eyes, I'm very plain Jane. I HATE plain Jane. I wear makeup because I think it's fun to apply it in the morning, I look better with it on, and I feel better about myself when I'm more "put together." The only time I don't wear makeup is on a lazy day when I don't leave the house or just run to the gas station or something. (And when I sleep, of course.)

    I think a lot girls overdo the makeup and give it a bad reputation. I use A LOT of products, but my makeup NEVER looks caked on or heavy-handed. I make sure that it looks natural, only better!

    To each her own. I hate when people say bad things about girls that don't wear makeup just as much as I hate when girls that don't wear makeup make negative comments about girls who do. Who cares? Do what makes you feel good and let everyone else do the same without your judgment!
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    I quit drinking.

    I only do it now when I go to work or go out, or stay in at night, and in the mornings. Also on the potty.
  • LoggingForLife
    LoggingForLife Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks for the update, OP. I think I speak for most, if not all, when I say that we've been waiting and waiting for you to divulge this information.

    Feel better?

    And your life is so full that you actually took the time to click on this topic and reply to it. How generous of you.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Statistically speaking, I'm pretty sure my husband and I have sex more often when I have makeup on. So...I'll keep wearing makeup and continue to care less if other people think I'm vain for doing so.
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    But srs tho where all my goth girls who paint it up like Amanda Palmer? Srs?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Lots of women like to wear makeup (myself included).

    Lots of women prefer no makeup.

    All are beautiful (well, there are a few cases of makeup done just wrong, but .... :laugh:)

    Do what makes you feel beautiful and confident. Don't worry about what other women do. See the beauty in them, whether or not they choose makeup, etc.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Mostly I like wearing it. I feel more 'put together'. If I don't have any on, I get the 'OMG you look so tired' comments because I have naturally dark circles under my eyes, and my eye lashes are quite light. I'm also of a certain age where a little bit of color is needed IMO. :laugh: OTOH, when on vacation and with a nice suntan, I go for days without it and not miss it.

    It's quite funny - in my youth, I used sunscreen on my face religiously. Now I purposely go without it a lot of the time because I've started worrying about not getting enough sun exposure. And my complexion looks better IMO.
  • Phenylethylamine_Phreak
    Phenylethylamine_Phreak Posts: 2,211 Member
    I'm a girly girl. I don't go out without makeup, hair, and nails done. Can't help it, I'd feel naked without.

    are you comfortable around the guy you are dating to let him see you with out it

    I have never fallen for a girl completely until i saw her natural beauty. And believe me ladies, you are all naturally beautiful.
    I like girly girls, i also like a woman to be comfortable enough with me to say 'this is me, love me for who i am"

    and speaking to McCindy's point, i have put on makeup for one reason or another and OMG, that stuff is heavy!
  • winyin
    winyin Posts: 29 Member
    I don't wear foundation, have in the past but doesn't seem to matter if I do or not. I do wear eye makeup. Funny thing is when I was younger I did every but now I will not go out of the house without it. I also believe I look better with eye makeup then not which is why I wear it.
  • ShreddingIt_84
    I once got told i had a great face to be a model
    and i wasn't wearing makeup! NSV!! :drinker:
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I don't care what make up women wear or don't wear. I just don't like dealing with it, having to wash it off. I don't wear eye makeup because I will always rub my eyes and smudge it across my face. Lol
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
  • Veggie_mama
    Veggie_mama Posts: 77 Member
    Where did you get that photo of me in the morning??? Man, I thought the cameras were removed!!!
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Statistically speaking, I'm pretty sure my husband and I have sex more often when I have makeup on. So...I'll keep wearing makeup and continue to care less if other people think I'm vain for doing so.

    Uh oh, did this thread turn ugly?

    All I've ever seen in your photos is hotness (as evidenced in your profile pic). I've never noticed any makeup. My eyes were busy elsewhere I guess. :laugh:
  • shell13b
    shell13b Posts: 55 Member
    I think it is personal preference...what anyone does with their hair, face & nails is their business. IMHO

    WELL one exception...don't paint on your eyebrows that's just disturbing :bigsmile:
  • fittoday14
    fittoday14 Posts: 128
    nothing wrong if you wear makeup or you dont. Its all about self image. Make up makes me feel confidant and put together which in return makes me happy. I dont wear a lot but the little I do makes me feel 100x better.

    ^^ this
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    To the men replying here saying they like "natural" girls without makeup - let's get one thing straight. You don't know a damn thing about makeup and, if it's done correctly, you won't notice it's even there! Those girls you say are "naturally beautiful" - I bet at least half of them have makeup on. As if men are even observant enough to notice such things. You know you're too busy staring at our chests and butts to notice if there's makeup on our faces anyway.