
  • smboitnott87
    smboitnott87 Posts: 4 Member
    I think counting calories is moreso just a wake-up call for me to show me how poorly I was eating before. All that fast food and sodas isn't healthy for anyone, just empty calories. Knowing that I have a certain threshold of calories I can eat per day makes me more conscious of what I'm eating.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I think counting calories is moreso just a wake-up call for me to show me how poorly I was eating before. All that fast food and sodas isn't healthy for anyone, just empty calories. Knowing that I have a certain threshold of calories I can eat per day makes me more conscious of what I'm eating.

    fast food is not empty calories.

    I can get my dinner at DQ and it helps meet my protien goals every time without going over my calories...I can eat pizza and it give me my carbs, fats and some protien...along with other stuff...
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    I think counting calories is moreso just a wake-up call for me to show me how poorly I was eating before. All that fast food and sodas isn't healthy for anyone, just empty calories. Knowing that I have a certain threshold of calories I can eat per day makes me more conscious of what I'm eating.

    fast food is not empty calories.

    I can get my dinner at DQ and it helps meet my protien goals every time without going over my calories...I can eat pizza and it give me my carbs, fats and some protien...along with other stuff...

    me too.

    YAY! A Friday thread!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think counting calories is moreso just a wake-up call for me to show me how poorly I was eating before. All that fast food and sodas isn't healthy for anyone, just empty calories. Knowing that I have a certain threshold of calories I can eat per day makes me more conscious of what I'm eating.

    you can eat mcdonalds and hit your macros..so this is a false statement...
  • AnikaP81
    AnikaP81 Posts: 59 Member

    Loved that show, why did they have to cancel it... Totally off topic, but the GIF reminded me :)
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    tears... srs... thank you.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    tears... srs... thank you.

    ^seriously that gif is amazing
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    tears... srs... thank you.

    this made my day amg....
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    tears... srs... thank you.

    this made my day amg....
  • Curlysasha
    Curlysasha Posts: 191 Member
    Thank you, I only have done this for 3 weeks and it was because I was CRAVING sweet things so I ate fruit within my calories, I had no idea that was bad for my PCOS, feel so stupid now but thank you so much for telling me.

    I was losing my 2 lb a week eating smoked salmon/chicken/prawns/fish with veggies and one orange a day and one yogurt a day but it just wasn't sweet enough for me.

    Perhaps that is why I craved sweetness so much because of my hormone imbalance.
    I was under my calories on the fruit but guess it was the sugar content in it all?

    I am so annoyed with myself now but what do you suggest that can satisfy my sugar craving that wont spike my blood sugar?
    I am also gluten free.
  • Just my 2cents...
    A calorie is a calorie just the same as a lb is a lb.
    But just as I know my body would feel better if 80% of my lbs were LBM (and not fat), I also think it would feel better if 80% of my calories came from nutrition-dense foods (not nutrition-poor foods).
    I might not have explained that well, but it's what I think.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I just don't understand these threads.
    A calorie is the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water 1° C.

    ^^^^^ this

    .....apart from I thought it was 1 joule = the amount of heat needed to heat 1cm3 of water 1 degrees C... and 1 joule =/= 1000 calories.... I think the above is the definition of a kilojoule not a calorie but never mind the principle is the same.... a calorie is a unit of energy and it always is the same amount of energy every time just like 1 centimetre is always the same amount of length every time and 1 gram is the same amount of mass each time etc.
  • sargessexyone
    sargessexyone Posts: 494 Member

    Thought this post was gonna tell me something I didn't already know. Almost stopped reading. Now I'm glad I stuck it out to the end.

    This has got to be the BEST gif ever
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    I have lost weight doing no dairy, no sugar/sweeteners, no grains. As a 30 day challenge, it was great for me. Lost weight, rediscovered foods I don't normally eat, redefined my way of thinking about food. I credit my first whole30 with getting me over some really huge mental issues that had me on the diet roller-coaster for a very long time. I think there is something to be said for limiting refined sugars and processed foods and I know I personally have more even energy throughout the day when I focus on fruits, veg, healthy fats and lots of protein. Yay!

    But I say all that to say this - even the creators of Whole30 say that challenge restrictions are not intended to be a life-long thing.

    You can pry my blue cheese and my chocolate out of my cold, dead hands.

    I did lose weight eating that way. And I felt pretty good. And if I'd had to do it for longer than 30 days, I would have gone insane. My calories were SO low the last week of my second whole because I was sick to death of the same foods and just didn't want to eat them. And I did have a pretty bad week when I finally came off of my second whole. It took awhile to get readjusted to eating all foods and fixing my calories.

    I've steadily lost since getting my calorie intake vs burn established. Eating what I like, within reason. I know I need to shift to some healthier options at some point, which is on the list for when I'm not trying to work 3 jobs while being paid for only 1.

    Long-term and effective weight loss is about scale, calorie intake, calorie burn, health, fitness and sanity, in relatively equal proportions. Or at least, that is what I've learned in 20 years of dieting.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    tears... srs... thank you.

    this made my day amg....

    LOL!!! ME too!

    Love this !
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    .....apart from I thought it was 1 joule = the amount of heat needed to heat 1cm3 of water 1 degrees C...

    nope, the specific heat capacity of water is around 4.2 kJ/kg/K at room temp so energy values in joule units are usually about 4 times bigger than similar calorie based numbers.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    tears... srs... thank you.

    this made my day amg....

    LOL!!! ME too!

    Love this !

  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    This is not something that some people don't like to hear and we are hearing it again and again. For the large percentage of people who do like to hear it, here it is from HARVARD HEALTH.

    LESS ABOUT QUANTITY... more about quality.


    Joanne Moniz
    The Skinny on Obesity

    This site has a search feature, Ms. Moniz. You should use it before posting THE SAME TOPIC that has been posted NINE BAZILLION TIMES. But hey, thanks for enlightening everyone.

    B.J. Leech
    The Snark on Sarcasm