Green Coffee Bean Extract... results?



  • I have been taking the pills for about 2 weeks. I haven't noticed any weight loss, and I made sure I took them 30 minutes twice daily before meals. However, I did notice that over the past few days I have had loose bowels. Therefore, I stopped taking them as of yesterday. These are the second pills I have ordered based upon Dr. Oz's show. The first was Garcinia Cambogia. They didn't work for me either. I'm done listening to Oz.
  • I started the green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketones on Tuesday March 18th and it's only been 4 days and I have lost 7lbs. I started doing a 1200 a day calorie intake, walking every night and throughout the day I have been tightening my core muscles. I purchased mine off Amazon and the brand is Nature Wise. Needless to say I will be purchasing it again.
  • skinnyeascolady
    skinnyeascolady Posts: 287 Member
    I took these and I didn't lose an once. Waste of money for me. I think it depends on the person. Some have success others don't. Hit and mis type of thing. I took them for 6 weeks as directed and they did nothing
  • DiscoNinja75
    DiscoNinja75 Posts: 5 Member
    I've been taking a combination of green coffee bean extract and raspberry ketones since may and I've lost 7 lbs so far. I'm not dieting and I haven't been to the gym for a while. I noticed that the green coffee bean supresses my appetite significantly and I have to remind myself to eat sometimes. I also noticed that I eat way smaller portions than I used to. I started my exercise routine again today so I will see if this increases the results.

    So you have been eating less? Is this not the reason you have lost weight? And coffee in general is a appetite suppressant.

    First of all, they said that they are not dieting, and that after taking the extract they found that they were less hungry. So that probably means that the GREEN coffee bean is helping. Different from your roasted cup of joe. If that what you say is true about coffee, then I would have never gained weight in the first place. I am a coffee-holic. That said, green coffee bean is supposed to be a superfood. It's like adding greens into your diet, or something. As with any plant, cooking kills a lot of nutrients. The extract is from a raw plant. Cup of joe is from a cooked plant. After dropping over 40 lbs by eating clean (with a mighty appetite) and exercising my butt off (ok, pun intended), I have plateaued in the last year. No, I was not losing inches, either. Yes, I switched up my workout. Yes, I upped the intensity. Yes, I drink the recommended amount of water for my weight and activity level. Yes, I follow all the yada yada yada that we are told to do during a plateau because I have been a fitness geek for the last 20 years and I KNOW all the ins and outs of it. I am trying the green coffee bean pills which I found at Costco. 90 day supply for $12 and they meet the requirements for a quality product for the most part. I have kept my routine the same as alway, and since beginning to take these 3 days ago, I have noticed an overall better feeling (I have fibromyalgia symptoms and trust me, I notice when there is a difference), no jitters but steady energy, no brain fog, already approximately 4 lbs lost (pretty sure it's water weight but this means no more bloat), increased regularity, and 1-2 INCHES off of my worst trouble spots!!! That is huge for me. So, I will finish the bottle and see where I am in 3 months. Coffee never did this for me. I really think that it depends on the quality of the product and the way that an individual's body processes it/responds to it. Just like with ANYTHING. Even diet and exercise doesn't work for everyone, due to slow thyroid, etc. Another pun: one size does not fit all, but that doesn't mean that everything is a scam.
  • fibbersteve
    fibbersteve Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I ordered two Green Coffee Bean Extract bottles manufactured by Earthwell on April 5th, 2013. The bottle comes with 60 pills and they arrived on April 11th. I began taking them on April 11th and I've just recently started working on the 3rd bottle (free complimentary bottle from the manufacturer). So as of today, June 16th, I've been on them for 65 days taking two pills a day.

    Between November 2013 to January 2014 I wasn't having a solid exercise plan and I weighed 335, I believe. Starting March I was on a jogging routine for 3-4 times a week, jogging every other day for a distance of 1.5 miles (self training). I don't follow a diet (and I believe I should :) ) but I do eat in moderation and I do stay from certain foods (soda free, no fast foods)

    Here are my weight records:
    4/18/2014 323 lbs
    5/03/2014 316.8 lbs
    6/09/2014 311.6 lbs

    As of the beginning of June I've been jogging/walking every day for at least 20 minutes. My 1.5 mile distance jogs take 20-21 minutes, else I take it easy and spend at much as 1 hr jogging/walking for the fun of it.

    I believe the pills are making me feel less hungry in the morning than they do in the evening (I take one pill at 10am-12pm, and one at 5pm-7pm). So I can say that the pills are making a difference for me in that it's controlling my eating habit, which is very noticeable to me because I would remember sometimes feeling bloated from having too much in a meal or snack. I don't get that bloated feeling anymore because I'm not eating as much (portion control when I can).

    I'm doing what I feel is very light exercise, and that's jogging/walking every day for at least 20 minutes, and calisthenics/strength training at home for about 20 minutes every other day. Combined with the pills that are making me feel less hungry at times and not being on a specific diet plan, I've been on a steady pace in weight loss. I hope to reach my goal of 250 lbs by the end of this year, and I will continue to be taking the Green Coffee Bean Extract pills.
  • Hello everyone,

    A coworker gave me a bottle of green coffee bean supplement she got from Walgreens. Her friend's Husband Lost 85 pounds with the help of these with diet and exercise. I started taking them a week ago and my start weight was 264 and I am now 260. Not sure if is water weight or not. I have not changed my eating her Exercise Routine but have noticed it has curbed my hunger some. I will see how it goes and update as I go along.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Hello everyone,

    A coworker gave me a bottle of green coffee bean supplement she got from Walgreens. Her friend's Husband Lost 85 pounds with the help of these with diet and exercise. I started taking them a week ago and my start weight was 264 and I am now 260. Not sure if is water weight or not. I have not changed my eating her Exercise Routine but have noticed it has curbed my hunger some. I will see how it goes and update as I go along.

    1st post.
    Yeah, ok.
  • timeandmotion
    timeandmotion Posts: 2 Member
    I have been using green coffee bean extract for about a month, and almost finished one bottle. 800 mg/pill with 50% chlorogenic acid (the active ingredient). I take 3 per day, 2 in the morning and one at lunchtime.

    While I take vitamins and herbal supplements for overall health, I have always been leery of "weight loss pills". I think the smart thing to do is go in with realistic expectations... it's not going to be a miracle cure. Just like drinking protein shakes alone won't get you muscles, coffee beans alone aren't going to make you skinny.

    Still, that doesn't mean that they don't have any benefits. Apparently, studies suggest the chlorogenic acid aids weight loss in much the same way as eating a lower carb diet does, so you end up with lower blood sugar and avoid insulin spikes.

    I exercise doing full body strength training 3x/week (workouts are about 45 minutes) and walking a few miles on weekends. Been doing that routine consistently for 4 weeks now. My diet isn't terrible, and I don't indulge in a lot of junk food, but I'm not really counting calories as closely as someone who has specific weight loss goals. I'd wager I'm somewhere in the neighborhood of 1500-1700 calories/day.

    Actual tangible things I have noticed in my own trial run (your mileage may vary):
    • When I take a *slightly* higher than average dose, it's a great substitute for coffee or energy shots. It keeps me way more energetic and focused in the mornings than either of those ever did. I do my workouts during my lunch hour, so I appreciate having the motivation of an energy boost.
    • It's a decent appetite suppressant. It's not going to make you impervious to hunger, but if you have trouble dealing with strong cravings or snacking too much between meals, this helps. Despite the sanctimonious posts from people who like to preach more than they like to stay on topic, food cravings are very much an addiction that affects your brain chemistry. Also, when you are on a 1200 calorie diet you will get hungry -- its not a matter of willpower, its reality. You're not a loser if you benefit from a supplement. Of course you can't depend on it forever; simply use it wisely as one step in the transition to a healthier lifestyle.
    • I don't check the scale very often, as I prefer to track progress through body composition. I have noticed some moderate fat loss in my thighs and midsection. Of course I'm not giving all the credit to coffee beans, but I'd like to think that it helped mitigate some of the effects when I might have made a crappy choice in food here or there, and I definitely think the energy boost helped me stay consistent with my workouts.
    • Side effects were pretty minimal. I made the mistake of taking 3 pills at once and got a bad case of the coffee jitters, but other than that I have no bad reactions to report.