All the Morbidly Obese say hi!

Hello! I decided not to tell anyone outside of here that I'm trying to lose weight since everyone has either 'helpful' hints on how THEY would lose almost 200 pounds, but also the attempts to commiserate with, "I know how you feel, I need to lose 20lbs before my cruise..." So anyway, I'm Loopy and just wanted to say hi and if anyone needs support....well right now it's me, but I can be supportive, too :happy:


  • QueenJellyBean
    QueenJellyBean Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Loopy I'm Ali. I have a fair way to go as well and I have a hard time relating my experience to people with only a little to lose. I'm really happy to make friends with others in our boat. Nice to meet you :)
  • JulsiePie
    JulsiePie Posts: 166 Member
    HI! I started 10 days ago and I need to lose 150ish pounds :). Only hubby knows that I'm losing weight because I don't want people to stare at me every time they see me and look to see if they notice a difference!
  • HealthierLT
    HealthierLT Posts: 3 Member
    Greetings ladies. All your posts hit home for me. I hope we can be friends.
  • GaryRZ2020
    GaryRZ2020 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi, good to know you
  • funsmile1234
    funsmile1234 Posts: 83 Member
    I used to be morbidly obese. Now I am just obese. I have lost 155 pounds with about 80 to go to reach my goal. The most important thing to remember when losing a lot of weight is getting to the core of what caused the weight gain in the first place getting that fixed and then setting yourself up for success. I used the biggest loser books as a base and then built on it the best way to fit my lifestyle. Mostly you eat whole and healthy and have junk food once in a while. I don't deprive myself of any food but eat in strict moderation the stuff that is otherwise not good for me. I work out 4x a week 35 minutes at a time doing a stationary bike or walking. Feel free to add me to your friend list. From a person who never thought is was possible to one who sees great possibility, nothing is out of reach.
  • TheBigLife14
    Hello, You can add me if you want. I've only told a few of my close friends about starting this journey. Been 2 weeks in and 11lbs down. Some days are better then others.
  • FortWildernessLoopy
    FortWildernessLoopy Posts: 62 Member
    YAY! There are others, lol. I can relate as I refuse to tell anyone I have started my lifestyle change (I'm trying not to use the word 'diet' because that implies some day I will be off it) because I will be inundated with helpful advice. I know how to do this, I need to just do it. I will mention I started watching what I eat and exercising if anyone notices the change in me, but no 1hr long conversations on the phone with my mother debating the benefits of carrots.
  • die2fat4love
    die2fat4love Posts: 149 Member
    I wish you the very best of luck, its a long road but you can make it!
  • callmestephanie
    callmestephanie Posts: 90 Member
    Hello! I'm Stephanie and have been working on bettering myself as well. Good luck! :)
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Hi OP and other ladies,
    I just wanted to share a part of my journey with you. I used to weigh approx 300 pounds 2 years ago I dropped down to 210 (put 30 back on as I didnt do it right the first time). But anyways thats not why Im writing here.

    It doesnt matter who you tell, if you are successful people will notice. So dont focus on losing weight, focus on gaining health. This way when people talk to you about it, and they will, you can focus on how your overall health is improving, rather than just the touchy subject of weight.

    Not embracing your journey will not help you! So you need to think about HOW you are going to take your journey, so when people comment you can interact with them without feeling uncomfortable. Who knows you may even inspire someone else. A work colleague of mine, started her journey after seeing me and being able to talk to me, seeing someone close to her weight have some success was a great thing for her, and for me!

    So embrace what you are doing, you all should be proud :flowerforyou:
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    HOWDY HEY THERE YOUNGSTER!!! I have spent more than 30 years as a public servant between being a firefighter, a paramedic, a police officer, and presently a 911 dispatcher and now while I work to save other peoples lives, I am engaged in trying to save my own. I started late in January this year with a goal of 150 to lose and I have a LONG ways to go. LETS DO THIS!!!
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    Hi. I started out with 137 pounds to lose. I had a wake-up call when I ended up with a pulmonary embolism due to a "sedentary lifestyle". However, the stupid thing is, I didn't do anything about it until a year later when the doctor took me off the coumadin. THEN I decided I'd better do something, and I STILL didn't for 2 months. Finally it clicked and I started my journey. The doctor referred me to a nutritional doctor and I was on my way. Right now I have 43 pounds to go and I haven't felt this good in I don't even know how many years. I really wish I had known what I know now years ago, but that's history and you can't go back.

    One thing the doctor told me when I saw him the first time was, be mindful of friends or family that will try to sabotage you or that you may even lose during your weight loss. At this point I haven't "lost" anybody, but I have noticed different attitudes from some. But that's ok. That's their problem, not mine. One comment a friend made that really hit home for me was when she said that we all know what it's like and we can all LOSE the weight, but it always comes back on when you go OFF the diet. And it made me realize that NO ... you don't ever go OFF a diet. I'm not on a diet at all. I am experiencing a lifestyle change. A change in my eating style. And that isn't going to change. And that statement and my new mindset have stuck with me ever since. So I have to actually THANK my friend for making that statement to me. I think that one thing she said, will help me to stay on track thru the rest of my journey, and after .... good luck. And add me as a friend if you'd like. I'm on here several times a day, and I will gladly offer my support to you on your journey.
  • carrotsaregood
    carrotsaregood Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, I just want to wish everyone success. I began my healthy life in August with some of the OP's thoughts. I don't view this as a diet, because of the common understanding that diets are temporary. I only told a very few people about my goals, because I wanted to make sure I would be supported in getting healthy without weight-loss being the only focus. Most of my co-workers noticed anyway; first the change in my meals and then the physical changes in me. It is important that I be comfortable in this process of change; rather someone has questions, suggestions or praise this is my new life now. I only have to share my struggle or success with those of my choice. Every day I prove to myself that I can take care of me and I also know that is most important because self doubt is the biggest obstacle in my way. Again I believe it is possible for all of us to have healthy lifes so good living.
  • tralaf
    tralaf Posts: 10
    Hi, I need to lose in the 130 lb area, and am ready to add friends too. I have been on again for 11 days. MFP is a very useful site with a lot of great people in the same boat as us. Good luck!
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    Hi Loopy,

    I think you're so smart to keep your lifestyle change to yourself--at least for a while. People love to give advice and rampant body image issues make a lot of people 20 lbs overweight sure that they're HUGE! I used to be one of them! I'm 5'0" and when I was 30, I was about 125 lbs and really believed I was obese. Maybe all those years of believing it contributed to it happening.

    Anyway, when I got here, I was 220 lbs with a BMI of 42, so I was undeniably morbidly obese. I'm still in that category, because even though I'm 190 lbs with a BMI of 37, I have high blood pressure & gastroesophageal reflux. I think I need to lose another 15 lbs to become just obese. That's my goal for the end of Spring. There's a great Spring Daily Check In thread, if you want to set a seasonal goal. For me, breaking my larger goal into smaller ones helps keep me going. I'm also doing a 5 week Easter Power challenge.

    Welcome! I'm glad you're here. Feel free to add me. I'm here every day. :smile: :laugh: :happy: :love:
  • DebbieBiff
    57lb down in 4 months... Im working hard and WILL do it...God willing :flowerforyou:
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    I have about 150 lbs to lose myself. We can do it :)
  • dancingmuffin
    dancingmuffin Posts: 70 Member
    hiiiiiiiiii! I started here in december at 300lbs now im down to 263ish. Feel free to add me i try to stay pretty active on here. Good luck with your weighrt loss. While i am pretty open about my journey with people they also respect me and dont push stupid ideas on me. But i still get the people who when they here what i am doing go "oh i need to lose 20lbs for my trip in 2 weeks blah blah and then you tell them the time fram is to short but here is some advice that works for me....and then they block you out lol
  • tomaspetro
    tomaspetro Posts: 1,507 Member
    hey there renegade64 and fighting ladies of MFP. I'm pretty well versed in matters of self sabotage, passive aggressiveness and the general denial of reality. I wish I could tell you what tipped the scale away from this joyous and lengthy suicide but I think all it was, was one tiny little yes that I've been trying to feed and nurture for a couple of months. There are so many good and decent people here who spend their time comforting and supporting others. I'm here too-- wait-that didn't come out quite right. I wish you all a healthy and prosperous journey.
  • FortWildernessLoopy
    FortWildernessLoopy Posts: 62 Member
    WOW! This may sound cliche, but i seriously mean this, YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! I lost two pounds last night and I couldn't help laughing because I knew I usually retain closer to 5 :happy: . I'm going to try to only weigh in once a week. I was ...I wouldn't say in denial so much as refusing to check to see how bad it had gotten. The first I realized how bad it was, was when I stepped on my Wii fit board and it told me I was too fat to use it. I went in and checked on the scale. When you realize that you have actually lapped the numbers on the scale... Well, after a really good cry and look in the mirror, I figured no one else is going to fix it but me. So here goes!