All the Morbidly Obese say hi!



  • Hi!:smile:

    I have a tonne of weight to lose. Any support would be great:heart:
    Add me please, I need support:happy:
  • gobraves47
    gobraves47 Posts: 213 Member
    Hi! You can do this! I started out morbidly obese with a BMI of over 50, now I'm *just* overweight and still working (slowly, but surely) toward my goal of a healthy weight. Anyone can add me--I'm pretty quiet, but log everyday. :smile:
  • dawnfto
    dawnfto Posts: 79 Member
    Hi all. I have over 100lbs to lose. Please feel free to add me. I hope we can motivate one another. I have only told my boyfriend and every one else can notice in their own time :o)
  • liha0808
    liha0808 Posts: 31 Member
    Hello everyone~
    I'm back as I've been here before and have had some stumbling blocks but am committed to meeting my goal this time! I'm in cancer treatment (for 2nd time) and am trying to eat 'clean' with foods I prepare myself, low carb, mostly vegetables and lean meat. I feel better when I do, it helps my energy level.

    I've been some degree of overweight as long as my 2 son's can remember, the youngest anyway and don't want them to remember me this way and want them to see me accomplish my goal.

    I'm looking forward to an active summer, one friend has a lake house and pontoon, 2 others have pools, so we like to swim together.
    I would like to get down enough to ride a bike again, and horseback ride couples times a yr.

    Please feel free to add me as supportive friend. I'm older than some, shorter than most and have into the 100's to lose~

    Age 52
    5' 2"
    SW: 311
    CW: 284
    GW: 180
    Dream weight: 140

    We can do this and you all are an inspiration!
  • NJGmywholewrld
    NJGmywholewrld Posts: 123 Member
    Hello All!!! I am cruising on the same ship as a lot of you. I have over 100 pounds to which I do in smaller increments, to make it seem so much more achievable. My husband and doctor are the only 2 people that know just how committed and serious at losing the weight that I am. Please, anyone, feel free to add me!!! No need to go it alone!!!
  • djs2303
    djs2303 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey, I started at 289 lbs a few weeks ago, now down to 279 at last weigh in, gym 3 times a week, walking more moving more eating better.

    I don't believe in diets. Anyone who says "they are on a diet" is going to fail, because, to go on something, you need to come off. I have changed my eating habits and the food I eat, I am eating healthier. Its a change, not a diet. Welcoming new friends if anyone would like to share their journey with me x
  • FortWildernessLoopy
    FortWildernessLoopy Posts: 62 Member
    YAY! I honestly didn't realize there were so many of us on here. Please feel free to add me as a friend. I am in awe of most of you because you are much farther along than me, but I will get there! I haven't exercised the last couple of days even though I intended to because of horrible headaches culminating in the queen of all migraines yesterday. The fact I am having caffeine withdrawls and my abhorrence for the taste of water also means it could have been trigger by a combination of no caffeine and dehydration. My newest goal is to drink at least 4 glasses of water today.
    Anyway, I made my diary open to friends to not only keep me honest, but to really make me think about if I want you all to see that I broke down and ate a sheet cake:ohwell: Although, if I fall, I will report it, learn from my mistakes and keep on truckin'. BTW, next month you will see Cadbury mini-eggs pop up. Don't judge, we all have our Easter kryptonite and I'm going to allow myself the empty calories:bigsmile:
  • Hello everyone! I've been on here since Octoberish but have only just started interacting. Would love to build up a nice base of support and more than willing to return the support. Feel free to add me! :-D
  • MsValerieAnne
    MsValerieAnne Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Loopy!! I am Val, nice to meet you! I completely understand how you feel, I hate it when people try to give 'advice'. They don't realize that more than anything is all it does is bring me down even more than I already am. I am 5'0 and weight 200 lbs, so I look like a ball. I've been on this weightloss thing most of my life (started gaining weight about 8-10 years of age).... I've been on the site on and off for a couple of years now, within that time (even in the times I'm using the site) my weight has gone up and down like a yo-yo. At my biggest I was 235 lbs, the lowest weight (that I remember) is 160. I don't remember ever being any skinnier than that, of course I have been when I was a little girl (as seen in photos around the house....). Anyway, Nice to meet ya!!!
  • MrsLannister
    MrsLannister Posts: 347 Member
    Apparently I'm actually "super obese." That's not a comic book hero who looks bad in tights, it's the next classification above morbid obesity (yes, that exists). The good news is, I used to be "super super obese," yes, two supers and not the good kind. In 20 more pounds I will have dropped into the morbid obese category. So, there is that.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    I am a morbidly obese person. About 2.5 years ago, I weighed 393 lbs. While it is true that my current weight is between 175-180 lbs, I still feel very fat. And I am still morbidly obese because it is like alcoholism, once one always one...

    I make sure that I do not eat anymore fried food, fast food, or red meat. I also work out an average of 4 days a week 2.5 hours per work out. I just wish that my doctor would allow me to take prescription diet pills...

    I will not allow myself to weigh 393 or more again.
  • fheppy
    fheppy Posts: 64 Member

    I am 'morbidly obese' too. i am 24yrs, 5 4 tall, 260.6lbs with 40+ BMI.
    I am based in the UK.
    I am also pre diabetic and have high blood pressure. hm, sounds pretty bad but I am determined to improve things.

    I also like looking at others' diaries as this gives me inspiration and ideas :)

    Like-minded ladies and gents feel free to add me.
  • Hey i joined today and want to lose 140 + lbs also morbidly obese, 30yr 6ft4 and 423 lbs, hoping to get down to 280 at first :D i would love to have some people on my friends list to encourage and share tips with :D
  • AnewLaura
    AnewLaura Posts: 9 Member
    Hi All,

    When I started my Journey I was 312# on a 5'1" frame. Since September I have lost 86#, I still have a long way to go, but will have to lose at least 180# to reach my goal.

    The biggest thing I have learned going through this is that people are going to notice as you start to lose weight and it is important to own it, however that feels for you. A smile and a thank you or a more detailed answer your chose. Be proud of the decision you are making to lose weight.

    The other thing I learned is that no matter were you are in needing to lose weight it can feel overwhelming for everyone. If you have always been thin and you suddenly or over time gain 30# to you that feels like the 100-200 we have to lose. It can be just as difficult for them to get off their butts and start to work out and eat right as us.

    We all have a journey take and each of us starts at a different place....Be proud of where you started from, hold your head high and enjoy the compliments along the way and use them to propel you forward on your journey!!!

    Just think you may be the one that inspires someone else to start to take care of themselves!!
  • KateV888
    KateV888 Posts: 20 Member
    I started three weeks ago with a BMI of 50 - which I guess is definitely "super obese" (yowza). Now my BMI is 49, which according to Wikipedia is either still super obese, or maybe now just morbidly obese. Apparently depending on who you ask. Never Knew there were all these distinctions.

    I prefer to think of myself as just "goddamn fat." Funny thing is I'm actually very comfortable with my weight and don't feel ashamed of it, which I'm glad of. I just know that I'm not going to be able to stay healthy this way - and lately that matters to me. Plus getting up off the floor has become a scary prospect. One day soon I'm going to be stuck there.

    And to make things even more interesting I quit smoking last week. There just didn't seem to be much point in eating healthy and exercising if I was still smoking cancer sticks.

    Oh, I'm 5'2" and 267 lbs.

    Would love to have some friends with lots to lose too. Feel free to add me.
  • Cath_Taylor
    Cath_Taylor Posts: 104 Member
    I'm not sure what classification of obese I was/am but I've gone from 227 to 213 (14lbs or a UK stone) which I'm pretty please with. I still have 6+ UK stones to lose (I think it translates to roughly 90lbs+). Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi All,

    Loopy, I can relate so well to what you are saying, I also have not told anyone outside of the site that I am doing this, even someone telling me today 'how healthy my lunch looked' made me feel a little uneasy - but I am discovering the power of this site very quickly, I have only just started my journey and am about 240lbs myself and want to loose at least 80lbs - anyone who wants a little bit of extra motivation please add me, as I love motivating as well as getting the motivation from others!

    We can do this!!
  • Magda_Castle
    Magda_Castle Posts: 53 Member
    My name is Magda, I'm 35, have been living in England for 9 years, originally from Poland. I'm my partner's full time carer - we're getting married in 3 weeks time! I've been obese ever since I remember, tried losing weight and failed more times I dare to count... I joined MFP in January 2013 and gave up after a week... After Christmas 2013 I hit an all time low (or high!) when my scale read 342 lbs!!! So I decided that I'd had enough of being fat, the biggest wherever I go and that this time I would do it! I changed my whole way of living and started logging with MFP on New Year's Day 2014. I haven't cheated once, had no sweets, biscuits, cakes or fizzy drinks. I plan my food ahead and pre log it to be accountable. I pre log exercise for the same reason. I don't eat after 8 pm. I make sure that my NET calories are at least 700 - most would say it should be much higher but I find that MFP burnt calories values are waaay exaggerated. I do cardio on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays & strength + 20 minutes of Wii Zumba on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. I rest on Sundays. It's the longest I've stuck to any weight loss regime ever and I'm seeing results! I'm losing weight without starvation, surgery or pills. I plan on reaching 150 lbs loss by the end of 2014 and the remaining 50 lbs by May 2015 - my 37th birthday! Ultimately I want to achieve 22% of body fat! Feel free to add me - the more consistent and motivating friends, the merrier :)
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    yep im in this group too. Hi everyone! (waves) I have more than 100lbs i need to lose. Probably closer to 140 really but I haven't set an exact goal at this point. Seems too far away. Right now i am focusing on small goals..... i would be happy to have more friends on here, especially those with a long term goal like mine. nice to meet you all! :flowerforyou: April
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I just wanted to say congratulations to all of you for starting your weight loss! You can do this!!!