How long does everyone work out per day?



  • skyfall91
    skyfall91 Posts: 74
    depends how my day is. I have 2 boys under 3 yrs old so need to work around them. I did 20mins treadmill high incline walking today (my go to workout is high incline walk for 30mins) and also did 5 mins on my stationary bike and 5 mins of a workout dvd. I had to stop 5 mins into each due to my youngest making trying to destroy the house lol I try to workout 30mins 4 days a week as I used to be addicted to exercising everyday and restricting/binging because of it. So now Im just going to do 4 days a week - 5 at the most and eat better and not go too crazy. Im throwing in more body weight moves and some kettlebell swings after an incline walk to mix things up a bit
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    60-90 minutes depending on how much volume I have programmed in.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I aim for 45-60 minutes per day but I'm not sure if I'm doing it long enough

    Length of time is relevant to the type of exercise and the intensity of your routine. Also...the goal of your exercise plays a role. Someone exercising moderately for an hour will burn no more...maybe even less...than someone exercising at a high intensity for 30 minutes.

    If you exercise in order to eat more then you have that possibility of error to not burning as much as you think that you are.

    IMO...Exercise doesn't play a huge role in actual weight loss. It is only an aid to losing...but not a necessary aid.

    To answer your question though...

    Three times a week for 30 minutes I do walk/jog intervals for cardio heathy and endurance. Four times a week for 45 minutes I walk 3 miles.

    I have two days of strength training for 30 minutes and 30 minutes of exercises focused on strengthening my poor decrepit joints.

    Some days I will add in 20 or 30 minutes of other types of exercise.

    For health reasons 45-60 minutes a day should be enough if you are making the most out of that time. Take a look at your fitness goals and just make sure that what you are doing will get you to that point.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    Typically-- approximately 30 minutes 4-5 times per week.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Usually 40 to 60 minutes depending on day and almost always only 5 days per week. Rare occasions 6. I have NO intentions on increasing that since I am in this for the long run and want to do something I can handle for years to come :)

    If I am tight for time which happens I will do 30 minutes instead of 40 / 60 and feel that is adequate enough. 30 minutes is better than nothing!
  • RomaWT
    RomaWT Posts: 17 Member
    40-60 minutes 5 times per week. Sometimes I will have an additional run on the weekend just because our whole family gets together for a workout and it is so much fun. I have at least 1 rest day per week, but rest days usually mean a medium -paced walk.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Generally 45 - 60 minutes. Exceptions would be when I'm training for an endurance event, but even then my workouts don't typically go beyond 60 minutes save for once per week when I do my long ride...but I do usually have a couple of two-a-day sessions during the week when I'm training too.

    But just working out (which is most of the year), I keep it to about 45 - 60 minutes to include 3x weekly in the weight room and 3x weekly of some moderate cardiovascular work. I usually take at least one rest day per week.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I try to get 45-60 min per day, but sometimes it's less and sometimes it's more. It just depends on what I'm doing for exercise that day.

    Whether 45-60 min is enough for you really depends on what type of exercise you are doing, your fitness level and how much you eat. As long as you are not overtraining, under eating or over eating for your activity level, it's fine.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I average 45 min to 60 min on lifting/strength cardio varies between 20 min and 30 min.
  • sfbaumgarten
    sfbaumgarten Posts: 912 Member
    Usually anywhere between 30-75 minutes 5-6 days a week.
  • Jlmervin03
    Jlmervin03 Posts: 152 Member
    For the most part I do about an hour, and thats just because I don't like to leave my kids in the daycare past an hour. (I get off late and we still have to eat dinner, homework, baths, etc.) If I'm by myself I do about 90 min. I usually work out 3-4 days week.
  • gkauf744
    gkauf744 Posts: 128 Member
    Minimum of 30 minutes, but more whenever I can. Every day. If you left me on my own without any responsibilities (which almost *never* happens) I would workout for like 2-3 hours.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    About 30 minutes Monday-Thursday and 60 minutes on Fridays. I try to get in about 30 minutes of light cardio on Saturday, but I don't always manage to do it.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    Gads. I only do the one DVD (30DS) - which is 20 minutes. No wonder my weight loss has kind of stalled.

    Where oh where am I gonna find the time to do more? I don't know that I can cut more time from my sleep. That can be a vicious cycle. I can actually tolerate a fair amount of sleep deprivation but when I'm chronically sleep deprived the urge to eat increases ten fold, along with the urge to stay up later and later.. Don't know why.

    Sometimes I think being able to prioritize, manage time, being OK with letting other important things go - is way harder than the calorie counting and sore knees.

    This has been an eye opening thread though.
  • Stefgoju
    Stefgoju Posts: 43 Member
    With the exception of my martial arts classes I try to keep my workouts under 30-40 minutes and make them high intensity.

    My philosophy is that humans were made for hard, fast bursts of activity followed by adequate rest. I don't believe in more than an hour on the threadmill etc.
  • rrsuthy
    rrsuthy Posts: 236 Member
    20 - 40 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, but usually 6.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    35-40 minutes about 4 times a week.
  • nfpeacock
    nfpeacock Posts: 38 Member
    Cardio: 1hr30
    Tone and strength: 1hr
  • SrJoben
    SrJoben Posts: 484 Member
    I lift 3 times a week. I'm trying to shave the time down, but I can't really get through my routine in under 90 minutes. With warmup and cooldowns It's about 2 hours total. (I'd sorta like to switch to a program that has shorter sessions, but I'm waiting till I stall, no sense fixing what isn't broken.)

    I sometimes walk for an hour or two, or spent 10-30 minutes on an exercise bike, but it's not really on a schedule.
  • djprice_69
    djprice_69 Posts: 115 Member
    Depends on a couple of things, your own personal goal being the primary factor and as others have mentioned, intensity being the second factor. If you're looking to lose weight the old addage is true, move more & eat less. However, studies are beginning to show that shorter durations of higher intensity workouts often prove more beneficial than lower intensity longer duration workouts. Add to the mix the idea of interval training and you can burn calories even more efficiently but this also adds to the complexity of your workouts.
    Personally, if I try to keep my workouts somewhere between 20-40 minutes. While doing Insanity my heart rate is often in the 160-175 range. While biking on a Schwinn Airdyne knock-off it is around 120-140. Best of luck to you in whatever it is you do!